AutoCad :: Offset Two Angled Walls To 3800mm
Aug 25, 2013
I am trying to offset two angled walls to 3800mm. When I check the distance by measuring perpendicular between the lines, I get a different distance such as 2217mm.
Should I not be offsetting walls even though they are at 90 degrees to each other?
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Dec 10, 2007
For very slight angles, Revit 2008 seems to INSIST that all walls be precisely orthographic in plan. I need to make some walls that are ever so alightly angled away from the cartesian (90 degree) grid. This is maybe 1/2" to 1" over 12' or so. It's a very small angle and Revit will not allow me to grab the corner and move just that end to the underlying plan that I imported. Lines, reference lines, reference planes all seem to follow this maddening restriction. I am working off of a survey that shows the existing building as non-orthographic so I must follow it. .
Also I have tried creating the walls by picking the angle on the underlying plan, but as soon as I do a wall cleanup, it snaps the wall back to the cartesian 90 dree grid system and the slight angle is gone..Is there something simple like the F8 command in ADT/AutoCAD to turn off the damned ortho constraint???
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Mar 1, 2013
I have an assignment to draw a bathroom. I have walls that are spaced 3 5/8 inches apart and the drawing shows insulation batting between them. When I use the batting insulation linetype and run a line between the walls the batting symbol extends beyond the 3 5/8 inch walls. how do I get it to fit between?
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Apr 20, 2013
how can i draw this plan without knowing the angles for each wall? when i draw , the last wall is incorrect can autocad adjust the angles of walls for me after typing the length of the walls ?
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May 6, 2013
I created a new wall type that includes Stud, Sheathing, and Rigid Insulation. I need to show the existing CMU walls cutting through the new Stud walls. Can this be done?
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Jun 7, 2013
I need an offset lisp routine to offset a selected line a set distance on each side of the selected line and change the layer of the offset lines to the current layer, and then keep prompting me to select the next line for offsetting until I'm finished.
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May 14, 2012
I am trying to create a station-offset label style that will drop the trailing zeros in the offset section - e.g. 15' instead of 15.00', but if the offset is not at a whole number, e.g. 15.01, etc. it will display the entire offset.
I created two expressions: IF(OFFSET-TRUNC(OFFSET)=0,.1/12,.00000001/12)
and this one: IF(OFFSET-TRUNC(OFFSET)!=0,.1/12,.00000001/12)
I then created two offset components, one called truncated, and one called full, and assigned the heights to match the expressions.
I have attached the file, the style is ACHD-Sta Off-Rt [copy]
C3D 2011, Win x64
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May 28, 2013
I want to turn my in-place mass walls (sloped or helical) to structural walls but i don't know how to do it. I'm able to do the walls but when i switch it to the analytical view the wall doesn't appear because it's not structural. It's there a way to do in-place mass structural walls.
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Nov 28, 2013
I need a pit configuration, and I use the offset command to offset a base polyline to first 10 m and then 3 and so on.. is there a way to do this in an automatically way, that you can choose the lenght of the offset for each "offset" (i.e. 1st 10 m, 2nd 3, 3rd 10 m, 4th 3 m, and so on. I am actually using civil 3D.
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Apr 9, 2013
I am using MAYA 2012 on Windows 7. When I import audio (.WAV) it works fine, but if I offset it to a later frame the waveform moves to the right frame but when scrubbing the audio stays at 0. Making if very difficult to lip-sync. I have tried re-caching, playing the scene all the way through and all other options I have seen online.
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Jan 19, 2012
Anytime I draw a wall at a 45 or 22.5 it is choppy and not smooth. tried everything but can't figure it out.
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Feb 10, 2012
What is the easiest way to add a radius to two lines that for an obtuse angle? Example: I want to add a 1" Radius to two lines that are at 156 degrees.
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May 29, 2012
Bolted connections between two angled surfaces?!?
Is this possible ?!! Ive been working in various CAD packages and have found this to be an issue every time. Say for instance you want to bolt through a wall onto a tapered flange, how can you select a non parallel face as the start or finish surface?
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Oct 18, 2011
I need to accurately position a point on an angled plane, but the question is how?
I've generated the required planes, the axis to revolve the angled plane around, and of course, the angled plane itself. (See attacment)
I now need to position the point coincident to the generated axis/plane and the angled plane. I have nothing to refer to so I can't project any geometry from any face. (The vee-shaped recess is generated after the slot is extruded and its position is the resut of the breakout against the OD).
How can I do this???
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Jan 20, 2012
I am trying to make an angled tray in sheet metal by am having some trouble getting it to work out. I was unable to find an example of this type anywhere. I tried doing it as a sheet metal part first then gave up, created a standard part and shelled it. My problem is ripping the corners.
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Aug 30, 2011
I have a floor plan that is shaped like an 'L' and I'd like to have the grids in the corner of the 'L' be at a 45 degree angle in relation to the rest of the grids. Is that possible in 2012? I have tried to do it using the Custom Grid Convert tool and have had no luck.
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Apr 15, 2013
Adding parking bays to a a road corridor.? in the image attched, there is a "return" that i have circled. I can get most of the bay to model, but cannot figure out how thto do this return. pardon my being vague with the verbal info, i will let the picture do that talking and fill in any additional info as needed.
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Jan 10, 2013
The building plan has been drawn according to North, etc. When I try and draw a rectangle, for example, the rectangle is angled according to North and not vertical and horizontal in the MS.
How do I turn this off. I tried changing VPORT to 0,0 and it rotated the whole drawing with North at the top.
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Oct 3, 2013
I have just started using Autocad 2010 (i know i know, its not the latest )... but anyways.
I am facing this unique problem where i have a 3d solid object in the drawing, and when the first point in a pline command falls within the boundary of the 3d solid, autocad automatically assigns some of the properties of the 3dsolid to the new polyline i draw.
so for example, in the attached file, even if i am selecting pline command and starting a command within the rectangle (start point shown as a circle), it automatically changes the z coordinates so that the resulting pline is angled to the xy plane.
I a not sure how this happens, and how I can turn it off.
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May 26, 2013
Im new in Inventor and I have a problem with creating a hole through two parts beacause they are a bit angled. Im creating the holes part by part and Im using the work point method. But unfortunately this is the result:
Im wondering if there is any other methods so I can get the holes coinciding?
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Sep 18, 2013
I am working on a dynamic bi-fold door block. I have added actions that adjust the two leaves of the door to correspond to different opening widths and allow the jamb width to be adjusted. I am now trying to add flip actions in both directions. There is a regular swing door block in the drawing and I want the bi-fold door to have basically the same functionality as the swing door does.
I can't seem to get the angled stretch actions required for adjusting the opening width to work after flipping. I have tried including the stretch actions in the selection set for the flip but it does not seem to work.
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Jan 23, 2013
I've recently had to export DWG files to PDF and the lines print in black whether they are angled/curved or straight. The problem I'm experiencing is that a number of objects that have been rotated at an angle or lines that are curved appear dark grey on the screen in PDF format. I'm using the DWG to PDF. pc3 with monochrome setting selected. I've checked the Plot Style Table Editor and all colours have been selected to print 'black'; greyscale is 'off' and screening is at 100%. Is this a 'bug' or is there a fix for this problem?
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May 14, 2013
I am trying to draw a circle on an angled face on a valve I made, and am not too sure of the best way to do it.
Here is a front view showing the angle. I need to use the face at the top that is on a 22* angle or so
Here is a top view showing the 10 holes I need to make at the proper angle. The blue lines are showing where each of my holes will need to be with a fitting on it as well
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Jan 23, 2013
I've recently had to export DWG files to PDF and the lines print in black whether they are angled/curved or straight. The problem I'm experiencing is that a number of objects that have been rotated at an angle or lines that are curved appear dark grey on the screen in PDF format. I'm using the DWG to PDF. pc3 with monochrome setting selected. I've checked the Plot Style Table Editor and all colours have been selected to print 'black'; greyscale is 'off' and screening is at 100%.
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Apr 8, 2013
I need to create a adaptor to go from one 96 hole array pattern to a smaller 96 hole array pattern. The pattern gets smaller in both X and Y. This would go from vertical hole to angled hole back to vertical hole. One or both of the vertical sections could be removable to allow this to be a drilled part. The center section would be a solid block.
Since each hole will be at a different angle (in two different planes) it seems like I would need to create a separate plane for each hole and extrude from that plane. In addition to being error prone, this would take a large amount of time. Is there an easier way?
It would be straightforward to create a block with points for the large 96 hole array on top and the small 96 hole array on the bottom. Is there some kind of point to point method of creating a hole at an angle? A construction line could be drawn point to point but is there a way to make a hole from that?
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Aug 25, 2012
I'm just starting with ACAD 3d. I'm trying to draw a handle for a ball valve. The handle has a horizontal piece and an angled piece. In the attachment, you'll see that there's a gap where the two pieces meet. How can I close the gap so it looks like a seamless piece?
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Nov 1, 2013
I am using Inventor 2011. I have recently just dimensioned my entire drawing using only the retrieve command, but now that the angles of my section views have changed the command is not working. In this example you can see section B will allow me to pull up dimensions (not sure why they are not aligned) but section A will not allow to me to pull anything.
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Sep 17, 2012
I have just been doing some work for a company and they were using AutoCAD 2009.
One of my tasks involved stretching and moving items from imported drawings over Architectural layouts. Lines drawn on the x and y axis were fine. However, if I zoomed in on angled lines they moved out of view making them difficult to select or position to a snap point. If I selected those lines then they remained in place when I zoomed in.
When I approached the company manager he replied by saying that he would zoom in then zoom out to the point where the lines were correct and in place. I thought that he was either joking or was testing me! It meant I could not do any detailed work - which contradicts the use of Auto CAD.
The question has to consider the fact that the lines were angled and that they remained static when selected. When zooming in and selecting them they were off and running out of the screen view. also note that my colleague at the next desk opened up the file on V2008 and he could zoom in okay. I was also using a wide screen if this matters.
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Apr 25, 2011
Im currently trying to draw a layout for a simple angle iron part using the front, side, and angled view. Its a flat part made of sheetmetal and it will get 1 90* bend in it.
My first question is how do i bend a part in autocad LT 2011? Ive been using autocad for years but ive never had a request for an angled view.
My second question is how would i create a layout using all 3 views and include the info block in the bottom right displaying all the info?
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Aug 15, 2012
I have an action I created that calls for Angled Strokes. It had worked perfectly for months and now I get the message "Angled Stroke Not Currently Available" when I execute the action.
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Jul 15, 2004
i am designing a site and i want it to be straight lines instead of curves anyway it seems when draw the lines to the angle that i want they go grey and look rubbish (bitmappy).
Anyway i was wondering if somebody can please tell me how to make the lines smooth at any angle and also how to get them to stay at the orginal colour.
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