AutoCad :: Layer Status Icons

Feb 2, 2012

When in the layer properties manager....then in the layer filter properties....when i click into the 2nd tab "status" it shows me 4 icons when using the drop down icon..what are each of these representing

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GIMP :: Modify Icons For The Status Bar Of Cell Phone

Jun 14, 2012

I am trying to modify a set of icons for the status bar of my cell phone. I have tried (recommended by many themers) but the color never looks right. I can colorize the icons individually but that will take a long time to do all 71 icons. I tried using a macro to run Gimp and repeat the task on a loop but the "Export Image as PNG" dialog box keeps opening under the stack of Gimp windows and messes the macro up.

Is there any way to change the color of multiple .png files as a batch operation?

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AutoCad :: Layer Status In Use Query

Jul 10, 2012

LT 2013. Under Layer Ctrl, the status tab (light blue sheet of paper icon), highlights as light blue (in use), regardless of whether or not its in use. The only way I can force a refresh is deleting / attempting to delete a layer (eg. del '0' which obviously dosen't work); but forces an update, where those in use remain light blue, and those not in use revert to white/grey.

how I can fix this quirk of not updating/refreshing when the Layer Ctrl is opened.

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AutoCad :: Non Functioning Layer Control Status Bar?

Feb 15, 2012

When I highlight any object in model space the layer control, color control or line type control does not change from the current layer status to the layer of the high lighted object if it is different. I am also not able through this layer control bar able to high light an object and use the fly out arrow to go into the layers and change this object to another desired layer for this object. I have never seen this function just not work before and can find no setting or preference that might not be turned on to make it function. why it is not functioning?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Layer Status In Property Manager

Nov 4, 2011

What is the layer "Status" in the layer property manager?  It doesn't correlate with the On/Off or Freeze/Thaw .  The icon appears to be a sheet of paper but some are blue and others are gray. I cant tell what makes them change colors from blue to gray.  

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Photoshop :: Adding Info About Status As Text Layer?

Sep 21, 2012

n my Image i have several layers, and two adjustment-layers for manipulating hue/saturation of  parts of certain layers. Think something like having a picture of a person, and having the adjustment-layers to change the persons pants and shirt independently. So you can easily make color-variations of what the person wears, and save them, e.g. as jpg.
What I want is to add a little textarea which ends up on each jpg (not meta-data, I mean readable in a corner on the actual image), that gives me the color-values from the adjustment layers that were used to create that very image. So at a later time when I have one of my jpgs and it hits me that this exact color-combination is perfekt I can recreate it easily. Of course I could do it by hand, but is there a way to automate it, using text-variables linked to the hue/saturation-layers?

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Illustrator :: Layer Status Keeps Expanding When Symbol Is Selected?

Jul 26, 2012

I am using CS5 and was forced into a workflow where everyone is using icons from the symbol library (web symbols to be exact). They are not being used as "symbols" per se, just icons. The standard procedure is to drag a symbol to the artboard and then "break link" with the button.
This sounds fine in theory but now everytime I click on this icon, my layer status is expanded (totally annoying).
This is completely recreatable from machine to machine.
why unlinked sybols would cause the layer dropdown to expand? (or how to avoid it)

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AutoCad :: Missing Icons For Layers In Layer Manager

Sep 1, 2009

I am missing the icons for the "ON/OFF", "FREEZE", and "LOCK" in the Layer Properties Manager in AutoCAD 2010. Recently upgraded computer to 64-bit and had to re-install 2010. Since then, it takes forever to reload the Properties Manager. Adding new layers, trying to turn layers on/off, freeze layers, etc. causes the Manager to reload. The file I am working with is only 75 kb, tiny in comparison to files I usually work with. My co-worker has a 64-bit and 2010 as well, and her Properties Manager is working just fine. Do I have to reload 2010?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Layer Manager Menu Button Icons?

Nov 9, 2012

my layer manager menu button icons have been replaced by hatch patterns this morning …. see attached .... Interesting.

I must have loaded the impressionist.cui interface this morning by mistake.

No doubt a restart will cure the issue.

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AutoCAD LT :: Layer Properties Manager Menu Button Icons Missing

Jun 10, 2013

LT 2014 Menu Buttons missing from top of Layer Properties Manager Window (see attachment).Works fine in LT 2013. What changed between the two versions that causes this?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Layer Manager Keep Loosing Icons That Represent Function?

Feb 14, 2012

Layer manager keep loosing the icons that represent a function. When you open layer manager, there are some icons on top of the layer manager page, one functions as make layer current, the other one to create a new layer & so on. these icons after a few time that we use layer command they all disappear, the only way to fix it is to close autocad & open it again. Of course if we use classic layer manager then things are ok but classic layer manage rhas uts own problems & limitations also.

My own guess is that the commad "layer" which invoke layer manager has memory leak, & when it is used a few time basically makes your system works on less memory resources & the only way to fix it is to abort the operation & start every thing all over again.

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Photoshop :: Layer Icons

May 4, 2004

trying to set the icons on the layer menu to be square instead of rectangle.

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Photoshop :: Creating New Layer Using Icons In Adjustment Palette

Mar 25, 2013

When creating a new layer using the icons in the adjustments palette and holding ALT in CS5 a dialog box would appear before creating the new layer.  At this point you could rename the layer change the blending mode etc.

In CS6 I do not get the dialog box to appear the new layer is just created.  I've tried to reset my preference twice and this has not work.

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Photoshop :: CC Copied Shape Layer Icons Appear Empty

Jul 28, 2013

Not sure if this is a bug, or has been previously reported, but using large thumbnails in the layers panel with copied shape layers.  You can see that Shape 2 shows content, but the thumbs on the copies appear empty.  Not life and death, but those thumbs are useful - when they work.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Customize Layer Palette With Icons

Sep 15, 2011

I'm trying to customize the Layer Palette with icons that I mostly use but it does not work. It have been possible in all previous versions. Is it just me or is it a bug or something new that we have to live with?

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GIMP :: Settings To Increase Size Of Icons For Each Layer

Oct 10, 2012

If there is a setting to increase the size of the icons for each layer.

So that when I am looking at all the layers in Layers Tab they are much bigger I can see them . what they contain.

I just can't really see much at the moment the layer icons are so small. Not really a problem but I'd like bigger layer icons.

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Illustrator :: Layer Name / Layers Panel Tool Icons Disappear

Mar 3, 2013

The 'Template' checkbox gets activated in Layer Options dialog box, and the box gets closed, then, the Layer name and several icons at the bottom of the Layer Panel disappear.The Layer is still there without a name, and rolling over the icons on the Layers Panel I can see the Tool Icons.Illustrator Prefs were trashed/restored using the Opt-Shift-Command restart shortcut.

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Photoshop Elements :: Icons In Layer Panel Not Accessible When Open Photo To Edit?

Jan 8, 2014

Why are the icons in layer panel not accessible when I open a photo to edit in PSE 11? I want to make another layer and I can not.

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Photoshop :: PSD Files Do Not Have CS6 Icons But Generic Icons From Windows

Apr 23, 2013

I've installed my new windows CS6, all my .psd files have the 'generic icons' windows give to files they don't recognize.  Everything else has normal icons (i.e. Illustrator files) but the Photoshop files are blank.  This is true whether I'm on any type of viewer format, i.e. details, thumbnails.

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Get Status Of Attached Image

May 24, 2010

I am trying to clean up our drawing database and have run across several drawings that are showing external file references with a status of 'unreferenced'. During a scan early last week of all current revisions of our drawings (about 120000) we uncovered about 7500 drawings that don't quite cut the mustard as it pertains to the use of attachments. I have written a small .NET app that scans through my drawings, but I am having difficulty with one aspect of my probing.

I need to be able to open up an AutoCAD drawing, navigate to said drawings image dictionary, get a RasterImageDef from that dictionary, and then check to see what the 'status' of that drawing is. By 'status' I mean the status as reported in the External References dialog that appears when using the command 'xref'. In particular, I want to write out/show a message when I encounter a drawing with an attachment that has a status of 'Unreferenced', which I take to mean that the drawing was attached at one point, has been unloaded, but not properly detached.

My problem is that I can't seem to get to any property that shows that status. I have used ARXDBG to snoop the database and I can verify that I see the images still in the image dictionary, but not in the drawing itself. I also can't seem to get at thte status of the attachment. To compund the matter, everytime I try to inspect the RasterImageDef object I get, AutoCAD locks up and bombs out.

I am guessing I could get at what I need via C++/ObjectARX but I don't want to go that route if I dont have to. I have attached a snippet of the code I am currently using to scan through my drawings, not perfect or even pretty, but it works.

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AutoCAD LT :: How To Find Status Of 2010 CD

Oct 10, 2012

I am working as an IT Support staff in a small organization. Being a new employee here I could not find out the details of AutoCAD 2010 CD, whether its a single user or network user, its upgraded or not. How Can I find these details using the serial number and product key of the CD.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Where Is The Status Bar Pull Down

Nov 16, 2010

I just installed 2011 and was in the process of setting up my workspace when I realized i could not find the Status Bar pull down on the View Tab/Windows Panel. Help still says it is there. When I went into the CUI I could not find the command or even the icon. I know that you can right click and edit the status bar buttons but you can only do them one at a time and then you have to right click again to get rid or add the next button and then right click again....the drop down, available in the last several releases enabled you to just check them on or off all at one time.

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Retrieve Status Of Image File

Aug 30, 2012

How to retrieve the Status of attached Image file.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Status Bar Icon Flashing

May 16, 2013

I finally managed to capture this phenomenon.... It happens every day, several times a day, but I was never able to capture it until now. Seems to occur when you open and close various palettes, but it's not reproducible on demand.  

Civil 3D 2013, latest updates, Quadro 2000 (driver ver

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Updating File Status From Vault

Aug 17, 2011

Every time I open a file in Inventor a dialog box comes up that says "Updating file status from vault".  In most cases it is not a big deal, but when an 1000+ part assembly is opened this box flashes for each part in the assemly causing a delay in opening the file.  Needless to say this is very annoying.  So my questions are what is this doing exactly and can I turn it off?

Inventor 2011
Vault 2012 Pro
Windows 7 x64
Inventor Professional 2014 SP1

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Sketch Changes Constrain Status After Rebuild

Oct 22, 2012

I have a sketch that Inventor changes its status between under constrained, over constrained, and fully constrained depending on dimensions (makes sense), and wether I rebuild the model (WTF?).

Steps to reproduce:

1) Open the attached .ipt file.

2) Examine Sketch11 (under Face3) It should be fully constrained.

3) Exit the sketch. Open the parameters dialog and change the value of "angle" from 45 to 60. (If you get an error message change it to 50 first, then 60. It's a work in progress.)

4) Re-examine Sketch11. It is now under constrained.

5) Exit the skecth and go to the manage tab. Click "Rebuild All".

6) Re-examine Sketch11. It is now fully constrained.

7) Scratch your head and post back with your theory.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Place Tool (with Its Icon) At The Status Bar?

Apr 26, 2013

I'd like to have a special command (maybe a custom ) placed near the coordinates viewer. 

(That is, at the status bottom bar)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IPT File - Get Suppress Status Of Workplane

Jul 29, 2013

I have a ipt file in my assembly and try to makes some constraints. Everything ios working well, but there are some suppressed workplanes, and I don't want to use them for a automatically created constraint. Is there a way to find out the workplane suppress status?

Why are they suppressed? They are defined on a part feature (extrusion surface). And when I supress that feature, also the Workplane is suppressed.

But I only can get the visible status. Maybe there's a way to get it about the part feature, but therefore, I have to search for the part feature, and that's also a problem. I cannot get the part feature, who is used for the workplane definition (I think, it's a problem of my knowledge )

Please see attached a small view on the browser where you can see the suppressed Planes.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Corridor Section Editor - Status

Oct 4, 2013

Below is the current status of our working view in the 2014 Corridor Section Editor. I can't see us getting any value for our investment into Civil 3D 2014,  before Civil 3D 2015 comes out now.

The polar opposite is actually true, we had too much downtime encountering, analyzing and reporting product defects, and it affected profitability and capability.

C3D 2014 SP1
W7x64; i7 8gb; Radeon HD 5700

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Judge A Component Section Status In API?

Aug 13, 2013

I want add the Z Aixs for every sectioned component in a sectiondrawing view?

but I can't judge the component section status?

Is there have the API for this work? 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Judge Component Section Status In API

Aug 15, 2013

I want add the Z Aixs for every sectioned component in a sectiondrawing view?

But I can't judge the component section status?

Is there have the API for this work?


Note In an assembly view, components can be excluded from sectioning. In the browser, right-click the component to exclude, and then select None.

How to achieve the above functions Use API?

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