Paint Shop Pro :: Customize Layer Palette With Icons
Sep 15, 2011
I'm trying to customize the Layer Palette with icons that I mostly use but it does not work. It have been possible in all previous versions. Is it just me or is it a bug or something new that we have to live with?
I just installed the X4 trial. I still have X3U installed but not open. I keep the layer palette open all the time.
I open an existing image and the current layers are displayed correctly. I open another image and it looks fine too. I then copy the 2nd image or a layer from the 2nd image and paste it as a new layer onto the first image. No matter which image is active, the layer palette continues to show the layers from the 2nd image until I close it. At that point there are no layers displayed in the layer palette at all; not even the background. If I do a paste as new image or even just create a new image, there is nothing in the layer palette then either. It doesn't change if I close and reopen the layer palette. The only way I have found to get the layers to display is to click on something outside of PSP X4 such as an open browser screen and then go back to PSP X4.
I'm using PSP X4, have an image open in edit but I'm not able to add any layer(s). None of the layer type options will remain highlighted for me to choose when I go to new mask layer or new adjustment layer.
I have been working in PSP since PSP 7 so I am pretty familiar with the program. In PSP X4 when I go to adjust the opacity of a raster layer using the opacity slider on the layer palette toolbar. I click on it and I can't use the arrow keys to adjust the value. My arrow keys have no effect on the opacity slider at all. how I can get it working? It has never worked for me in PSP X4.
When creating a new layer using the icons in the adjustments palette and holding ALT in CS5 a dialog box would appear before creating the new layer. At this point you could rename the layer change the blending mode etc.
In CS6 I do not get the dialog box to appear the new layer is just created. I've tried to reset my preference twice and this has not work.
how to customise your context menu to make it like some past versions of PSP, The person asking was using PSP X5 so I reset X5 to the default by holding down the shift key as I double clicked the X5 desktop icon. The X5 default layers context menu shows this:
In X3 I had the layers context menu like this:
In addition a sub context layer is present when we look at the New Mask Layer -
To start customising first Save your current workspace - File > Workspace > Save
then do View > Customise
In the Customise dialog box select Menu and under 'Select context menu' choose Layer Palette
The current Layer Context menu shows up in a new window. The Customise and Layer Palette context window can be dragged into new positions.
Any of the commands can be dragged over onto that Layer Palette context window and positioned where you want. Any of the commands already there can be dragged around to change their order or even removed by dragging out of the the Layer Palette context window. This can be a slow process to drag commands separately amd make a sub menu, so for these complex menu items there is a faster way.
Click the Layers menu item on the Menu bar , and holding the control key down drag the New Mask Layer down and into a position in the Layer Palette context menu and release. Here you can see the New Mask Layer and its sub menu have been placed in one action.
And after Closing the Customise Dialog box I can now see that the New Mask Layer context menu is working well
In previous versions through customize options there was the option to tick for large icons. It has been left out of X4 or is it there and I can't find it. That option was very good for big screens. Do they intend to bring it back in the update along with the colored icons.
I recently purchased this computer. It works great. Want to take it on our RV trips. problem is I installed my Paintshop X3. Went in w/o a hitch. Now if I clickon a desktop icon ,which replaces a stock folder,The X3 will open up. Also if I open any of my picture folders it will do the same thing. I do not have this problem on my 32 bit desktop. One other point. I uninstalled (Complete), reinstalled>> Then uninstalled , and installed the X2 Same results . I have looked at all of the preferance settings, sure there must be one to solve this problem
is there a way to have icons in the menus as with previous versions? the space seems to be there and the icons exist. but the option appears to have gone. it was always in in the customise menu dialogue. but appears to have gone.
i found this really useful because it enabled me to scan the menus quickly.
I was messing around in PSP X4 and somehow managed to mess up my toolbars. Specifically, the STANDARD toolbar now has no images. I've uploaded a screen capture to show you what that looks like.
Screen capture showing the missing icons on the standard toolbar. noicons.PNG (9.52 KiB) Viewed 729 times
I just installed PSP X5 Ultimate (full install). After it completed it installed an update. All appeared to go fine. I opened the program and went to EDIT. I am familiar with PSP as I have used a number versions up to X2. The first thing I tried to do was crop a photo. The crop tool buttons are not correct. The "Apply", "Crop as new image" and so on under the crop area window are not correct. I see a square of colors. I see the same thing on the main tool bar for the "Copy Special" function and the "Share" button. There could be more that I have not discovered yet. I rebooted and tried again, but get the same thing. Also, the button icons look different each time I load.
Shortly after I loaded PSP X5 on my computer, the picture icons on the buttons in the docking workspace changed and I don't know why. These are the icons at the top and bottom of the Docking area where I work with Layers and also have several other items docked.
I am using PSP X5 version
Across the top are the icons for " Edit Selection, Show/Hide Layer effects, Link/Unlink, Lock/Unlock, and Layer Styles".
In my version of X6 32-bit, there is a problem with the icons in Print Layout, they're not the normal icons, but one's used when tying as script to an icon.
I have re-set X6, using the Shift key method, but the problem is still there. I can use the menus and print, but those icons don't belong there.
I am sure i saw that somewhere but how do i get the icons to show back instead of the bare text list of the drop down menus? In the old versions, it was easier to find my way around if i had to change version and the list might not have been in the same order, or if i was making a tutorial and someone had a PSP in a different language; i could just display the icon instead of the name for the other person to be able to identify which tool i was talking about. But in later versions, they are gone. How do i get them back?
How to view psp images in Windows Explorer (I have Windows 7 - 64 bit)? When I am in PSP X3 I open my files by going to "file" then "open". I get the standard psp icon instead of the actual pic view. PSD and PNG files show up, PSP images do not.
I do not like using the pic display at the bottom of my screen. I want the largest workspace possible.
In PSP X5 I have colored icons on each drop down menu(same as X4)..Have looked for a way(as in x4, x5)to show image and text in the menu but there is no way to do it.
My floating toolbars have the icons across in a horizontal straight line, but every time I open PSPX4 they are stacked 2 rows or more. I have to readjust them every time. It remembers where I had them placed but doesn't remember they are horizontal and opens them with the icons vertical.This is with SP1 installed. I don't know if it did that before SP1. Don't have this problem with X3.
For some reason when I use the cropping tool the floating tool bar has blank icons on it. Sometimes there may be lines in them like they tried to load but most of the time they are just completely white.
They still work and everything but you have to run your mouse over them and wait for the box to pop-up thats says what it is to see which one you need.
Whenever PSP X4 is restarted, the Materials Palette reverts to factory defaults. All the saved colours I have used are lost, and the background/foreground are both black.
Is there an option that can override this so it remembers the last settings? My workspace has been customized and properly saved in every aspect except the Materials Palette. It always reverts back to default settings.
Have lost my materials palette from the working window.I go view-palettes and Material is checked.Ditto when I go Palettes-Material.F6 does not do anything.
I am having trouble adding tools to my layer palette in X4. Previously I use X2 and can perform this action. However it seems to be lacking in X4 and I certainly miss that.
In X2 I could easily add duplicate layer in the layer tab and all I had to do was a single click the tool and I could perform this action, it was convenient keeping in the same area where I could also delete the layer.
I know in X4 I can add the duplicate layers in the top toolbar, however it is not as convenient and seems to be counterintuitive to have it away from the delete layer tool. I also miss the other layer palette customizations.
Is there any other way to add the duplicate layers on the layers palette? Is there a way to perhaps copy the workspace from x2 to x4(probably a silly question).
At first install', the palette bar contains 2 items. If I want add one (History), it is impossible to be embed in this bar. If a palette is Anchor, it is automatically "un anchored" when I move it.
When I was experimenting before, I was able to see the different layers listed on the RH side of the workspace. Now they are not appearing at all. I have searched but still cannot view the list of the layers I have created.
This in turn means I cannot work on them. And yes, I have got the View>Palettes>Layers box ticked. How to view these layers listed?
I use PSP X2 ultimate. I cannot find the palette mode organizer. I am having to use the document organizer which I do not like as well. I have tried the "View" tab and I have the organizer on and I have also switched to "Palette Organizer" but the only one that works is the "Document Organizer" I tried the Palette tab in the upper right corner and have it detonated to organizer and that doesn't work either. is my palette organizer gone?
Attached is the popup that displays whenever I hover over a color with the dropper.This "SHOULD NEVER SEE!" is what appears.I have used X3 since it was released, and today is the first time this has happened, and it won't go away.
I've closed psp, re-booted the computer, then opened psp. No change.I reset the workspace to default, which sometimes fixes issues, but again, no luck.
Someone just emailed me that she is "suddenly" able to customize the Layers palette - she even included a screenshot! How to do this???? I can't, no matter what I try. I have PSP X4 - the last drop given to us during beta testing, with the sp1 patch applied.
I recently installed PaintShop Pro X6 and started playing with it. Somehow I ended up with a bunch of pictures in my Organizer Palette. (I don't know how.) How do I empty it? I opened some pictures after these initial ones were in there and they DIDN'T show up in the Organizer Palette.
The Tool Options Palette which normally resides in one of the bars along the top of the screen in the Edit Mode becomes detached. Basically undocked and positions itself somewhere else.I can drag and move it around but I cannot reattach it. It appears like a separate tool bar or palette in that it has its own status or title line across the top with the X to close at the right edge.
It responds normally as to all of the tools on it which correspond to the specific tool selected. The palette floats on top of the screen so finding a place to put it where it will not intrude on the image or other pallets or tool bars is a challenge. When the palette becomes detached like this, the line where it had resided above the work area no longer exists.
I don't recall conducting any particular task or operation which caused this to happen. I just noticed that it was no longer in its place and was now floating in a spot on the right side of the screen.
I just wanted to say that it appeared sometime in X5. I didn't install X5 until SP3 was available. I don't know if it first showed up in one of the SPs since I only ever installed SP3. In X4, I work with the Histogram Palette docked below the image at all times so I can monitor what is happening as I work within the various adjustments. If I check/uncheck the "Preview on Image" box, I can toggle the differences on the histogram as I work. This is invaluable functionality. I depend on it for my work. [I wish the Histogram window would give me readouts of Histogram values when I place my mouse over the Histogram window, but that is an enhancement request for another day.] Now with X5, I can ONLY dock the Histogram window over on the right side. This is about the most braindead place for it, as the width is extremely limited, which limits the scale at which change information is displayed to the point of being useless. Seemingly more braindead, while docked, the only dimension in which the Histogram can be expanded without sacrificing image preview size is vertically. Corel has taken what was a very useful tool and rendered it mostly useless. Knowing this is also a problem in X6, I will not be purchasing that version unless it has been fixed, which I gather has not happened yet. I tried to Save an X4 Workspace and Load it into X5, but X5 cannot even open an X4 Workspace. I guess Workspaces are another USELESS "feature" since Corel seems not to preserve basic function across Revs.