AutoCAD .NET :: How To Retrieve Status Of Image File
Aug 30, 2012How to retrieve the Status of attached Image file.
View 5 RepliesHow to retrieve the Status of attached Image file.
View 5 RepliesI am trying to clean up our drawing database and have run across several drawings that are showing external file references with a status of 'unreferenced'. During a scan early last week of all current revisions of our drawings (about 120000) we uncovered about 7500 drawings that don't quite cut the mustard as it pertains to the use of attachments. I have written a small .NET app that scans through my drawings, but I am having difficulty with one aspect of my probing.
I need to be able to open up an AutoCAD drawing, navigate to said drawings image dictionary, get a RasterImageDef from that dictionary, and then check to see what the 'status' of that drawing is. By 'status' I mean the status as reported in the External References dialog that appears when using the command 'xref'. In particular, I want to write out/show a message when I encounter a drawing with an attachment that has a status of 'Unreferenced', which I take to mean that the drawing was attached at one point, has been unloaded, but not properly detached.
My problem is that I can't seem to get to any property that shows that status. I have used ARXDBG to snoop the database and I can verify that I see the images still in the image dictionary, but not in the drawing itself. I also can't seem to get at thte status of the attachment. To compund the matter, everytime I try to inspect the RasterImageDef object I get, AutoCAD locks up and bombs out.
I am guessing I could get at what I need via C++/ObjectARX but I don't want to go that route if I dont have to. I have attached a snippet of the code I am currently using to scan through my drawings, not perfect or even pretty, but it works.
is possible to retrieve the information of the reference in the iam file without open the file in session ? Opening with notepad the iam file, at the end of file, the references is contains in the planar text.
Is possible to retrieve documentation for this request ?
Every time I open a file in Inventor a dialog box comes up that says "Updating file status from vault". In most cases it is not a big deal, but when an 1000+ part assembly is opened this box flashes for each part in the assemly causing a delay in opening the file. Needless to say this is very annoying. So my questions are what is this doing exactly and can I turn it off?
Inventor 2011
Vault 2012 Pro
Windows 7 x64
Inventor Professional 2014 SP1
I have a ipt file in my assembly and try to makes some constraints. Everything ios working well, but there are some suppressed workplanes, and I don't want to use them for a automatically created constraint. Is there a way to find out the workplane suppress status?
Why are they suppressed? They are defined on a part feature (extrusion surface). And when I supress that feature, also the Workplane is suppressed.
But I only can get the visible status. Maybe there's a way to get it about the part feature, but therefore, I have to search for the part feature, and that's also a problem. I cannot get the part feature, who is used for the workplane definition (I think, it's a problem of my knowledge )
Please see attached a small view on the browser where you can see the suppressed Planes.
we've loaded Inventor 2012 on an new PC and it did not load the "FILE STATUS" box under the Model Tab in the Browser - I know there is a way to "turn" it on but have lost those instructions.
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy dvb project file was getting bigger and bigger so I decided to split it into individual files. However, I want to have one file that contains all my library images and I had hoped to reference this library from all the other projects.
So, I have a MASTER.dvb project which contains a library of images, one of which is called LOGO.
In TITLEBLOCK.dvb I want to refer to that LOGO image and place it in my userform.
When everything was together I used LogoTB.Picture = Library.LOGO.Picture.
How do I modify this? I tried LogoTB.Picture = MASTER!Library.LOGO.Picture and variations thereof but can't get it to work.
i am going to calculate the cost estimation for civil engineering i have to retrieve the data from autocad or 3d max can i retrieve the data from 3d images.
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View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for a way of retrieving command names defined in an arx/dbx file, and doing it from an external process (i.e. without loading the file into AutoCAD).Ditto for checking the Acad version the arx was compiled for.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am trying to use a shared project with my other colleagues. Problem we are having that we are not getting into how to change the File Check in/out Status (option is disabled/greyed) . Do we required administrative rights to do that?
Note: We don't have vault.
how to retrive circular pattern holes dimesnions from the model. i can get other dimensions but struggling with holes.
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Is there a way to retrieve the pcg file path from a given PointCloud?
I would like to be able to retreive data from a sepcified cell, in a specified worksheet, from an excel file.
I don't have any clue how to connect to an excel file and read the data. Most seems to think you already had an understanding but I'm starting from the beginning.
Using (setq Filetab (vla-get-files (vla-get-preferences (vlax-get-acad-object))))(vlax-dump-object Filetab) returns most pathname as specified under Options. However, the Action Recorder path is missing. How do I retrieve this path?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI´m having this problem:
I created and array to receive linked filed (let´s say var pItem = app.activeDocument.placedItems;)
After it, I used a loop to know the File each link is associated. So:
for (var g=0; g<pItem.length;g++){
var src = pItem.file >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The problem is here. If we have a missing link in the document, the script will stop with the message.
... continue procedure
Of Course, I could try using an "try" statement...but..Just to know: Is there any way to evaluate the status of a placedItem (to know if it´s missing or not)?? In the user manual I did not find any property that checks for this. We have properties to check for bounds, matrix, notes, tags, if it´s locked, visible...but not for checking the consistency of a placedItem, right?
Status bar.JPG
Is there a way to have the status bar show up whenever a file is printing or saving. So far the only way it shows up is if you click on the little icon at the bottom right of the window.
I am using Elements 10 and 11. I would liike to be able to retrieve image data....for example focal length; f-stop; shutter speed and ISO. Wether this is possible and how to do it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedDraw freezes upon file 'Open'. Status bar locks indefinitely.
Solution Attempts:
1. PRESSED F8!!!!
2. deleted all macros
3. rebooted
4. cleaned out temp files
5. checked for bad fonts
The preview of the picture still appears when I select it in Photoshop, and even appears for a few seconds in Adobe Bridge before going back to black. But nothing I tried, from restore plug ins to online retrieve systems (that tried to bring back individual layers, only accounting to a single black layer and a bunch of blank ones) worked. I'd really like to get the picture back, or at least a png of it, but I'm at loss for what to try next. I use Cs5.1 64 bits.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to retrieve the layers structure in a plain text file or in a CSV or in a TSV file from an XCF project ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am working as an IT Support staff in a small organization. Being a new employee here I could not find out the details of AutoCAD 2010 CD, whether its a single user or network user, its upgraded or not. How Can I find these details using the serial number and product key of the CD.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just installed 2011 and was in the process of setting up my workspace when I realized i could not find the Status Bar pull down on the View Tab/Windows Panel. Help still says it is there. When I went into the CUI I could not find the command or even the icon. I know that you can right click and edit the status bar buttons but you can only do them one at a time and then you have to right click again to get rid or add the next button and then right click again....the drop down, available in the last several releases enabled you to just check them on or off all at one time.
View 9 Replies View RelatedLT 2013. Under Layer Ctrl, the status tab (light blue sheet of paper icon), highlights as light blue (in use), regardless of whether or not its in use. The only way I can force a refresh is deleting / attempting to delete a layer (eg. del '0' which obviously dosen't work); but forces an update, where those in use remain light blue, and those not in use revert to white/grey.
how I can fix this quirk of not updating/refreshing when the Layer Ctrl is opened.
When in the layer properties manager....then in the layer filter properties....when i click into the 2nd tab "status" it shows me 4 icons when using the drop down icon..what are each of these representing
View 1 Replies View RelatedI finally managed to capture this phenomenon.... It happens every day, several times a day, but I was never able to capture it until now. Seems to occur when you open and close various palettes, but it's not reproducible on demand.
Civil 3D 2013, latest updates, Quadro 2000 (driver ver
When I highlight any object in model space the layer control, color control or line type control does not change from the current layer status to the layer of the high lighted object if it is different. I am also not able through this layer control bar able to high light an object and use the fly out arrow to go into the layers and change this object to another desired layer for this object. I have never seen this function just not work before and can find no setting or preference that might not be turned on to make it function. why it is not functioning?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a sketch that Inventor changes its status between under constrained, over constrained, and fully constrained depending on dimensions (makes sense), and wether I rebuild the model (WTF?).
Steps to reproduce:
1) Open the attached .ipt file.
2) Examine Sketch11 (under Face3) It should be fully constrained.
3) Exit the sketch. Open the parameters dialog and change the value of "angle" from 45 to 60. (If you get an error message change it to 50 first, then 60. It's a work in progress.)
4) Re-examine Sketch11. It is now under constrained.
5) Exit the skecth and go to the manage tab. Click "Rebuild All".
6) Re-examine Sketch11. It is now fully constrained.
7) Scratch your head and post back with your theory.
I'd like to have a special command (maybe a custom ) placed near the coordinates viewer.
(That is, at the status bottom bar)
Below is the current status of our working view in the 2014 Corridor Section Editor. I can't see us getting any value for our investment into Civil 3D 2014, before Civil 3D 2015 comes out now.
The polar opposite is actually true, we had too much downtime encountering, analyzing and reporting product defects, and it affected profitability and capability.
C3D 2014 SP1
W7x64; i7 8gb; Radeon HD 5700
I want add the Z Aixs for every sectioned component in a sectiondrawing view?
but I can't judge the component section status?
Is there have the API for this work?