AutoCAD Inventor :: IPT File - Get Suppress Status Of Workplane
Jul 29, 2013
I have a ipt file in my assembly and try to makes some constraints. Everything ios working well, but there are some suppressed workplanes, and I don't want to use them for a automatically created constraint. Is there a way to find out the workplane suppress status?
Why are they suppressed? They are defined on a part feature (extrusion surface). And when I supress that feature, also the Workplane is suppressed.
But I only can get the visible status. Maybe there's a way to get it about the part feature, but therefore, I have to search for the part feature, and that's also a problem. I cannot get the part feature, who is used for the workplane definition (I think, it's a problem of my knowledge )
Please see attached a small view on the browser where you can see the suppressed Planes.
Every time I open a file in Inventor a dialog box comes up that says "Updating file status from vault". In most cases it is not a big deal, but when an 1000+ part assembly is opened this box flashes for each part in the assemly causing a delay in opening the file. Needless to say this is very annoying. So my questions are what is this doing exactly and can I turn it off?
Inventor 2011 Vault 2012 Pro Windows 7 x64 Inventor Professional 2014 SP1
we've loaded Inventor 2012 on an new PC and it did not load the "FILE STATUS" box under the Model Tab in the Browser - I know there is a way to "turn" it on but have lost those instructions.
I have set iLogic to change a rectangular pattern to a certain amount of occurrences depending on which is selected , i.e. 117 cavities, 140 cavities and 96 cavities. Only one is active (or unsuppressed ) at a time.
What I need to do is suppress the 4 corners of each pattern, considering there's only one pattern and is dynamic.
I am trying to use a shared project with my other colleagues. Problem we are having that we are not getting into how to change the File Check in/out Status (option is disabled/greyed) . Do we required administrative rights to do that?
I want to put my iFeature on my workplane,but i can't.However, if I change my PlaneInput = oFace , it can work perfectly.My program is below:
Private WithEvents oInteraction As InteractionEvents Private WithEvents oselect As SelectEvents Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Set oInteraction = ThisApplication.CommandManager.CreateInteractionEvents Set oselect = oInteraction.SelectEvents
I want to use a lofted solid as a component in an assembly. I am using a top-down approach with 2D blocks to get the kinematics right before creating the components.
My problem is that the sketches needed to create the loft are on workplanes, and those workplanes are fixe with respect to an absolute coordinte system.
Is there a way to assosiate workplanes with a block instead, so that they will move with the part?
Is it possible that the problem is trying to do this in a part file, and that if I place the finished solid in an assembly it will then be able to move? ( I am fairly new to Inventor.)
I created a sketch on a 'fixed workplane' and extruded it. I would like to know if it is possible to move the workplane? I understand I can change the workplane if it is a 'plane by offset from plane'.
If moving a fixed workplane is possible, does the extruded features move along together?
I have some models which are based on skeleton modeling and where the actual parts are modeled at the position where they are in the assembly. When the skeleton part is changed the parts will update and their orientation related to the origin planes can change. This is where the problem lies, on the drawings of these parts the views are all skewed after an update.
Is it somehow possible to tell Inventor that all views on a a drawing should stay alligned to a workplane? Because it are all parts and no assemblies I cannot use posreps (and I don't want to use dummy assemblies). I also tried setting a specific edge to be horizontal with the rotate command in the drawing. This works for the base view, but all projected views will still be skewed after an update.
I have assembly file in which I have created a work plane "Work Plane19" . Now I wanted to create a new work plane which will be paralle to workplane "WorkPlane19" & offset by 10.5 mm in same assembly document through VBA subroutine. I have tried with following code but getting error,
Public Sub NewWorkPlaneCreate() Dim oAssly As AssemblyDocument Set oAssly = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
How can I create a workplane with the API that is tangent to a surface and passes thru a workpoint. It is easy to create a work plane of type kPointAndTangentWorkPlaneDefObject by point and click in Inventor 11, but I can't figure out how to do it in the API.
I am trying to create a workplane by a point and a line. I can do this maually, but have not been able to reproduce this in code.
BTW: I realize I can create a fixed workplane by using the point, the edge, and an edge perpendicular to the edge, but I cannot have this as a fixed workplane.
I have three workplanes. All three were created the same way (offsetting an existing workplane). I want to change the offset dimension. I can on one of the planes, but on the other two, I have to "Redefine Feature". There is no Edit dimension available in the menu.
How do you create a new Workplane from a Defualt Plane and rotate it along a default Axis?I am new to API and trying to create workplanes and rotate them along a Axis.
Im trying to use "AddByPlaneAndOffset" is this the right method?
In Inventor, it is possible to mark a workplane with "Export Object", by rightclicking on the node. This make the workplane accessible when using the part as derived.
What is the programmatic access to the property? Can not find it on the Workplane object?
Is there anyway to completely hide a workplane that is contained within a clientfeature?
The attached part shows this when you hover over the client feature in the browser. I have the visibility of the plane turned off but it still shows up when the clientfeature is pre-selected.
What is the best way to create a workplane at a given angle on the surface of the tube. Imagine the workplane long and thin running along the surface of the tube. The angle will be a parameter (from a sketch or user).
I'd like the workplane to always be on the surface of the tube, even when the diameter of the tube (from a dimension in a sketch) changes.I'm thinking that a (angled) line in the same sketch as the two circles (which define the tube diameter and thickness) would be a good starting point.
In an assembly document, I try to add a MateConstraint between male and female side of an 45 degrees elbow. The male side is built on the XZ Plane and Y Axis And I try to create a workplane on the female face.
But a got an error with the last line of code. Here's my code ( code) :
' Get application object Dim app As Inventor.Application = GetObject(, "Inventor.Application") Dim doc As Inventor.AssemblyDocument = app.ActiveDocument
I have to create a hole (extrude) in a wall part in my assembly document where a stack will be installed.
To determine where, I verify if a line segment pass through the wall (XY Plane).
But I get an error with the command: IntersectWithLine
Here's my
Public Function IntersectionPoint(ByVal app As Inventor.Application, ByVal wp As Inventor.WorkPlane) As Inventor.Point Dim oTransGeom As Inventor.TransientGeometry = app.TransientGeometry Dim startPoint As Inventor.Point = oTransGeom.CreatePoint(Me.StartVertex.X, [Code] ......
I want to be able to have All Work Planes set as 'Invisible' but create a or Icon that allows me to change the Visibility of any individual workplane(s) physically selected in the browser.
A rule written by another member should do the trick if the following line could be altered so as not to read 'For Each' oWorkPlane but instead for 'Each Selected' oWorkplane.
'For Each oWorkPlane In docFile.ComponentDefinition.WorkPlanes'
'get user input oInput = InputRadioBox("Select workplane visibility:", _ "Turn ON workplanes for all components", "Turn OFF workplanes for all components", "False", "iLogic") 'Define the open document (top level assembly) Dim openDoc As Document openDoc = ThisDoc.Document
A iLogic rule to suppress a sketch? When I suppress a feature, the sketch is not suppressed which cause an error. Although this kind of error does not hurt anything, but I do not want to see any error in my model.