AutoCad :: How To Define A Point

Aug 13, 2011

I want to define a point (U in the following drawing) and use it as a reflection point to find the reflection of vertices of a triangle regarding this point.

I know there is "point" command and I can define a point with this command. Upon defining the point, I can't see it in the monitor and I can't snap it to draw the line.

How can I make it visible and apply snap to point?

My main issue is as follows: In the triangle ABC and point U are given, points A', B' and C' are reflection of points A,B and C according to point U. What is the easiest way to obtain points A', B; and C' and draw the polygon?

I do as follow although might not be a smart way:
In order to find the reflection point, I want to draw a circle with center located in this point (U), and radius is known (AU, Bu and CU), then draw the ray from A, B and C passing through point U and then trim the ray. If you have better solution for finding the reflex,

Reflection is same as mirror but my object is an imaginary point (A, B and C) and I don't know if I can apply the mirror command in this case.

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Define Some ObjectARX Method

Jul 30, 2013

I need functions:


of course, usingP/Invoke.

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AutoCad 2D :: Define Dimension Style

Nov 23, 2012

Is it possible to define a dimension style that will look something like in the picture attached?

Value is 163cm and 5 mm.

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AutoCad 2D :: Define Drawing As Hatch?

Apr 16, 2012

when i draw any pattern in autocad , how i can define it as a hatch ??

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Define Minitoolbar Text Editor

Aug 15, 2013

You can define a MiniToolBarTextEditor...

Private WithEvents m_text As MiniToolbarTextEditor

but later, when you create the MiniToolBar, on the controls there is no AddTextEditor...????

Dim miniControls As MiniToolbarControls = m_MiniToolbar.Controls
m_text = minicontrol.add HERE SHOULD BE THE TEXT EDITOR... I can add anything else! where is the text editor.

I tried the value editor, but it cannot take text!

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Define The Station Control From The End Of Alignment

May 23, 2012

if it's possible to define the stationing of the alignment from the end of the alignment till the start.

I have a special situation where the end station is fixed in one point (ex. km 3+125,00) and till there I can change the alignment.

I want to be all the time the end in one station value.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Define Negative Data For Profile?

May 7, 2013

I'd want to define an initial element that begins with a negative value, also I'd want to use a value out of the limits.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Define Filename On Subpart With Rule

Feb 6, 2013

I have an assembly which serves as a configurator. This Assy, needs to be copied many times. The assy contains 2 parts, which also must be copied. but when copied, the parts must have a new filename, and then the Rule cannot find them anymore. Therefore my plan is to define the filename with the configurator rule..


Assy = Module.iam

Part1 = Module-1.ipt

Part2 = Module-2.ipt

I have this so far, but is doesn't work.. what do i put before the .ipt??

Filename = ThisDoc.FileName(False) 'without extension[Filname-1 inserted here].ipt.Diameter = "30"

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AutoCAD .NET :: Define And Assign Variables In Single Line

Aug 3, 2012

Why do most of the VB.Net examples, define and assign a variable in a single line as it is being used in the program.

In VBA I found it easier to read the code with the variables defined at the top of the function or subroutine.

What do most of you do when defining variables ?

I find the lines below more difficult to read ..............

For Each acSSObj As SelectedObject In acSSet

Dim acEnt As Entity = acTrans.GetObject(acSSObj.ObjectId,OpenMode.ForWrite)

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Define A Table From Type Of Label

Aug 3, 2012

How to make a table from a type of label (ex: a secondary road who is intersect my design road).

I make a lot a labels to define different locations with some texts to understand the type of labels that are containing different stations.

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AutoCad 3D :: Connecting 3D Solids And Define Pivot Points

Nov 17, 2011

I there a way to connect the 3D solids of this drawing and define the pivot points so that when you move one part all parts react accordingly?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Use Parameter To Define Part Name In Rules?

Apr 26, 2013

I want to use a parameter in my assembly as the name of a part i'm referring to in a rule but so far I have had no luck making it work. My knowledge of iLogic is pretty limited.

I am making a configurator for a staircase and I am working on the stringers now. There will be 3 or 4 different stringers (each one is a separate part) and the configurator lets you choose things like the angle, length and height of the staircase by entering values for those in a form in the assembly. Once you are done entering the values, there will be an update button that will send all the parameters to the different parts that are in the assembly and have them change accordingly. Now, say I want the length to change. I enter a length and press update and here's my problem. To which stringer-part is it going to send the length to? I can make it send to all parts but that means that I have to write one line of code for each part and if I ever add a new kind of stringer, I need to check all the rules and new lines where needed. I would like to make this dynamic by having only one line in which the part name is the same as a parameter I have in my assembly

I can either write it like this:
Parameter("Stringer1:1", "Length") = LengthParameter("Stringer2:1", "Length") = LengthParameter("Stringer3:1", "Length") = LengthParameter("Stringer4:1", "Length") = Length
But I would like to write it like:
Parameter(""Assemblyparameter":1", "Length") = Length
 Where Assemblyparameter is a text parameter and simply the name of the part that is inserted.

When I choose, for example, stringer 3 in my form, Assemblyparameter will be Stringer3. This would save lots of time in the future whenever new parts are added.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Define A Curtain Wall Programmatically?

Jun 8, 2011

Is it possible to define a Curtain Wall programmatically?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Define Own Blocks And Get These Loaded When Creating New File

Nov 15, 2013

When a new Civil3D file is created, there are some blocks available for insertion when I type "Insert". So these are the preloaded blocks defined by Civil3D. I was wondering if I can define my own blocks and have them automatically loaded when creating a new file?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Define Path For Motion In Assembly 2012

Apr 18, 2012

way to define a path for a part to move in an assembly?

Find attaced models for valve, pig and assembly.

the final goal is to deturnime the maximum size pig that will travel thru with out interfering.

I believe the path for the leading end will be different than the trailing end.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Define A Style Specifying Feature Lines To Create?

Jul 30, 2013

Imagine I have a standard naming convention for my assemblies elements Sometimes I want to show some feature lines and sometimes other.

Can I define a "style" for this ?

Civil 3D (2013)

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Define Object Data Dialog Box Not Appearing

May 2, 2012

im using civil 3d 2012 when I click the DEFINE OBJECT DATA icon the dialog box is not appear I don't know if I did wrong on my software.

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AutoCad 2D :: Define Multiple Distances Continuously AFTER Defining Tracking Direction

May 23, 2012

I have a problem with polar tracking.Previously it was possible to hover over a point, then define the tracking direction and then specifying the distance. In 2013, the polar and object snap tracking path go away / ends when typing the desired tracking distance. Then the tracking direction has to be defined afterwords, which is new to me.That means that its not possible to define multiple distances continuously AFTER defining the tracking direction.

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AutoCad 2D :: Importing Excel Data To Define Dynamic Blocks Properties

Dec 4, 2012

I work for a company that makes sheet metal cabinets. Each cabinet we construct has 17 parts that all different different blank sizes and notching. I have a template for each part right now that I have to shrink or stretch to the appropriate size every time we get a custom size order.

What I've created so far is an excel spreadsheet that determines the sizes of all the parts based on the overall height width and depth of the custom cabinet that was ordered. Any way to define a parts properties with a dynamic block and get the width depth or height imported in from the excel spreadsheet to automatically adjust the size.


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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: How To Define A Function With Negligible Arguments

Jun 25, 2013

I prepared a code to calculate number of days between two date.

I want to know how can I define negligible arguments for my lisp routins. It means if I omitted the arguments, lisp code can handle it without any errors ("; error: too few arguments")

In this case, my program defined as:  (TotalDays 1st_date 2nd_date)

(TotalDays 1978 03 21 2013 06 25)

and I want to have flexibility: if I use this routine as (TotalDays 1978 03 21), the program should substitute today's date with second date.

I know if I put "nil" instead of date for 2nd_date, It will not be an error, because:

(if (and y2 m2 d2) (setq n2 (GetJDN y2 m2 d2))(setq n2 (fix (getvar "DATE"))))

but that's not my favourite!, how can I omitted 2nd_date completely? as (TotalDays 1978 03 21)

Here is my lisp

;|How to use:(TotalDays 1978 03 21 2013 06 25)|;;;;;By Abbas Aqdam(defun TotalDays ( y1 m1 d1 y2 m2 d2 / n1 n2)(setq n1 (GetJDN y1 m1 d1))(if (and y2 m2 d2) (setq n2 (GetJDN y2 m2 d2))(setq n2 (fix (getvar "DATE"))))(abs(- n1 n2)));;;;Leap years are included;;;;By Abbas Aqdam(defun GetJDN ( year month day / a y m J)(setq a (/(- 14 Month) 12))(setq y (-(+ year 4800) a))(setq m (-(+ Month (* 12 a)) 3))(setq J (-(+ day (/(+(* 153 m) 2)5) (* 365 y) (/ y 4) (/ y 400)) (/ y 100) 32045)))

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AutoCad :: How To Define Attributes Of Title Block Using Enhanced Attribute Editor

Sep 10, 2013

I was given a customers title block but there are no defined attributes. I'm using AutoCad Electrical 2010. I have to double click on the title block and the edit block definition box pops up. I select the block to edit and click ok. I would like to use the enhanced attribute editor on these title blocks. Is there a way to define the attributes on this kind of title block using the enhanced attribute editor?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Create Sketch Geometry Used To Define Planes / Axis And Points

Nov 6, 2012

I am using projected and sketched geometry (2D sketches) in assembly space to create lines/ points that I intend to use to define planes and axes. The problem I have is that nearly all the geometry I create (lines and points in 2D sketches) is not "selectable" when I try to create planes or axes.  I  cannot even put a work points "on top of" my sketch points.  Why are my sketches not usable in the assembly space?   Since the components in my model are just two extruded rings I don't have any linear edges I can select to make this work/ define planes.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create And Define Multiple Custom Properties For Individual Sheets?

Apr 24, 2013

the only property I can actually define for each individual sheet (for use in iLogic, text fields, etc.) is the sheet name. This is extremely limiting. Each sheet in my drawings has several properties of its own--sheet number (most importantly), what part is ON the sheet, the designer, the revision, etc. I would love to be able to use each of these in labels on the sheet, for example, a text box with "<Sheet #> - <Part> (<Designer>)". The only possible way I could do something like this is to use the sheet number as the Sheet Name, and then use that value in the sheet's text labels, headings, and title block. However, I want to be able to use descriptive names for the Sheet Name, plus that's just one property.

Is there any way I can create and define multiple custom properties for individual sheets? I was exploring the idea of using iLogic, using the ActiveSheet command, possibly, and "tricking" inventor into creating properties for a given sheet.

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AutoCad :: Design Walking Track 1 Mile From Starting Point And Finishing At The Same Point

Aug 16, 2011

I need to design a walking track 1 mile (5280 feet) from a starting point and finishing at the same point. I need to go around buildings, ponds, etc. What is the best way to tackle this? I thought about 16 splines at 330', but as soon as the spline is moved the distance changes.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Setting Up Point On Different Layer To Mark Center Point Of Circle?

Nov 15, 2012

I need to find a way how to insert a point or a * on the center point of a hole and put it on a different layer. The reason for this is - I am a CAD tech for a welding shop and we cut parts out of steel and we use the dxf file format for our plasma table to cut parts. For example : if i have a 1 inch thick plate and want to put a 3/4'' hole in the plate the hole will be distorted because the hole is smaller than the material thickness. For these situation we can use the plasma table to burn a point or a dot on the center point of the hole. But to do this the point or dot must be on a different layer in the dxf.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Lisp / Program That Would Do Light Point By Point Of Fixtures In Plan

Aug 7, 2013

I am looking for something a lisp or program that would do a light point by point of fixtures in a plan.


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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Point / Point Groups & Description Keys Are Gone After Crash

Feb 28, 2013

Civil 3d 2012..I used 3d orbit, it crashed. My points, point groups and newly updated description keys are gone.I have looked at all my backup files etc, and they do not want to display.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Draw Polyline From Point To Point Using Imported Points?

Aug 16, 2013

Im still new to Civil 3D and i would like to know how to connect inported points using 3D polylines. I imported my points from Excel in a PNEZD format. How do i get the 3d poly line to snap to my points so I can Connect them? someone mentioned using a feature line to connect the points but im not sure how or what that would do.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Difference Between Point And Base Point In Parameters

Sep 26, 2013

What's the difference between the "Point" Parameter and the "Base Point" Parameter in the Block Authoring Parameter Pallet?

HP DV7 Laptop
Intel Core i7-3820QM 3rd Generation Quad Core 2.7 GHZ CPU
16 GB DDR3 RAM ( 2 DIMM ) / 180 GB SSD
Nvidia GeForce 650M Graphics w/2 GB Memory
Windows 7 Professional 64 bit / AutoCAD Civil 3D 2014

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AutoCad :: Select Line Start / End Point That Is Known Distance From OSnap Point?

Jun 9, 2011

I'm trying to draw a plan of my house in Autocad 2009 but I seem to be endlessly using trim and extend because I can't easily select the points that I want with osnap. Eg. imagine I have a box, and I want to start drawing another box inside it that has each side as 10 units smaller than the corresponding side on the outer box.

Step 1 - I draw a small line from the top left corner of the big box using the endpoint snap, typing in "5" for the length.

Step 2 - I then do the same at right angles to the first line to get me to the starting point of the inner box. This always leaves me with 2 small lines to remember to delete.

Step 3 - Then in order to draw the top line of the inner box I end up drawing to a random length because I can't say "draw until 5 units away from the right hand side of the big box", then I end up trimming it later once I've repeated steps 1,2 and 3 for the next side of the inner box.

I know in my example above I could have scaled the box down or something but that's not what I'm getting at. I really want a way of selecting line start and end points that are a known position away from an existing point.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Import Point Data For Each Point Includes Hyperlink

Jan 17, 2013

I have a database of points I am trying to import, and the point data for each point includes a hyperlink.  I've created a set of custom User-Defined Property Classifications for all the data types in the point database, and I've created a point file format to use to import the points. 

It's a database of existing curb ramps, the data includes things like widths, slopes, some text, and a hyperlink to the Google Streetview at each ramp.  I've created a custom point label that will show the data I need to see at each ramp.

All goes great except that the import fails because of the hyperlinks.  I've tested it by removing the hyperlinks from a small test portion of the data set, and the test points are then successfully imported.  I suppose I can delete the hyperlinks from the entire database, but if there is a way to include the hyperlinks in the point import I would prefer that.

Win 7E 64-bit, Intel i7, 12 GB
C3D 2012

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