AutoCad :: Export DXF Files Of Text To Engrave The Panels
Mar 7, 2005
I'm using AutoCAD 2000 LT to generate DXF files to drive a CNC router for making panels for electronic equipment, which works fine.
I also want to export DXF files of text to engrave the panels. The router software from Step-Four says it needs the text exploded into objects (lines, curves etc) before importing the DXF file. How do I explode the text in AutoCAD for the DXF files?
1. I try to engrave text in metal but that Emboss only brings text up (out) of background. Didn't find normal tutorial which would look like i want. Mostly they don't look engrave.
2. Got a "missunderstanding" with text on path. Coundn't get in right direction. I got circle around which i want text. But by default it goes outside circle. If make full round around circle text at bottom is upside-down. I need something like that but without transformation:
I am trying to create engraved text into a graphic image, and I want the text to be white. I am following a few different tutorials I found searching the internet, and while they succeed at creating the engraved effect, the text always changes to black. When I try to change it from black to white, it turns yellow. How to make the text white, or a tutorial that specifically covers this?
Here is a link to the effect of the image I am going after (the facebook logo at the bottom). What I'm referring to: [URL]......
I am trying to engrave some text on an object (a simple wall).When using Boolean/Difference between the polygon wall and the extruded text, every thing disappears.If I try to project the curves on a Nurbs surface, the Trim option does not see it as an object with curves.
Have a model of a camera that was made out of polys, whats the best way to boolean / engrave text onto the model? i tried tons of things, deleting history before boolean diff, combining the objects then extracting. Result is that it either doesnt work or deletes both my text and my object. I always try to boolean things in my model because i lack experience with creating and applying displacement maps.
How to achieve this using boolean diff or can they suggest what to use as reference to learn how to create displacement maps.
Is there any way to enlarge the text in the panels, such as the "layers panel"? My eyesight just isn't what it used to be, and I would like to make it bigger. Is this even possible???
In inventor 2013, how do I engrave and wrap some text onto a surface that is neither on a cylinder, a cone, or a sphere? I created the part by first drawing a cross section made up with the spline tool, then revolved it around an axis. I need to imprint two words on the part's curved surface. I sketched the words, then I tried using the emboss/engrave wrap feature, but I got an error message saying that emboss/engrave wrap can only be done on standard surfaces such as cylinders, cones, or spheres. How to engrave words on surfaces other than these standard surfaces? I also tried to extrude cut the words onto the surface, but the words don't wrap to the surface, and are not evenly imprinted onto it.
Also how do i make the letter's bigger when I sketch them? even though I put in large numbers such as 50 in the size box, the text does not appear big. Also, how do I increase the spacing between the letters?
This after I restarted lightroom 4. I do not want to lower the resolution of my screen to use Lightroom. I have a new 27' Imac. I do not want to get an even larger screen. Is there a solution or should I just use another program ?
While working on a project of mine yesterday the panels that display eraser and pen tool etc. stopped showing text. I can still see the hidden tools, but can no longer see text. I am quite familiar with most tools, but not all so it is a pain when I need to try that oddball tool I don't use regularly.
In some programs I am able to type in 20 or more names and send them to the cutter as one file. I would type a name and then keep adding names in the list and then at the machine I would run one name at a time. Can Corel x5 do this?
I do a lot of design for engraving and most of the items are odd shapes that I wish to fill with design. I wish to engrave a name in block letters on a heart shaped locket. I wish for the name itself, to be in the form of the heart. I know I can put a mold on the name and play with the handles to sort of get it close to a heart shape, but it occurred to me that it would be real nice to simply drop a photo of the item into the file, do a nice outline of the item with the pen tool or shape tool and after getting a real good just make that shape into a mold I could save and use to apply to most anything I wish to mold into a heart shaped form. Is there a way to make a shape outline...any unfilled shape into a "mold" and not have to play with the preset mold shapes that are found in the mold tool? Any way to save it once you went to the trouble of making it? I had hoped there would simply be a right click on the shape and a menu button saying "use as mold" or such. Another menu choice with "save as mold"...that would put the icing on the cake..
why (sometimes) when I export text or graphics as .eps files to my cutter it cuts the same outline up to four to five times and ends up cutting right through the backing paper. I have been using postcut with various corel editions since 1997 with no problems until recently. It also cuts random lines through lines of text which is such an expensive pain in the ass.
I started to use the production manager in flexi sign to cut my designs and same thing happens, except for the random lines but it will make up to five cuts on some objects. All text and graphics are exported the same. Has something in corel newer versions changed in relation to this?
Im using CS6 and in InDesign can see all of the text required. When I export to PDF, one line of text is not picked up, this is say line 4 of 8, all the other text is exported correctly. Then when I amend this section by adding text/changing colours, InDesign does not pick up my changes?
If I run the action on one file, it works perfect. If I try to run it as a batch, it creates the bmp files fine. But it also creates either a .ai file, or two .eps files!
Writing one or two extra files signifiantly shows the process down.
After I run the batch it is not hard to simply delete the extra .eps/ai files of course.
But writing those files seriously slows the process down, and I have about 89,000 more files to go.
When I try to export retouched files to hard drive files my Mac crashes and has to be force quitted. I thought this maybe a L'room 4 problem so I bought L'room 5 and it's still happening. What can I do?
Is there a way to export text from InDesign to Photoshop and preserve the type as editable text in an area text box, similar to the export to PSD in Illustrator? Designed many web site pages in InDesign, and now need to covert all pages over to Photoshop quickly.
When trying to export RAW files to TIF files I get following Warning message:
Unable to Export:
An internal error has occured: Win32 API error 2 ("The system cannot find the file specified.") when calling ShellExecuteExW from AgWorkspace.shellExecute.
This happpens in LR 4 and I never had this problem in previuos version.
I have alot of .stp files that I need to open up and save as a dwg. Is there any function of Inventor that will allow me to do this to many files at once thru a macro or something similiar? When I say many I mean somewhere around 5000. I know enough of inventor to open up the .stp file and export it to autocad. I am using scriptpro from the autodesk website to run a series of commands on the files once I have them in dwg format. Any similar tool for Inventor?
I want to export some polygon shp files into CAD. What I can do easily is determine the line types, colors etc in the export but what I want to to is set the fill. Now I can't see how this is possible as the polygon features are converted to closed polylines in CAD and the hatch is a new feature.
Coreldraw has a user-selectable option to export text "As text" (with or without font embedding) or "As curves". But if the text has a transparency applied to it, then Coreldraw always exports it as curves regardless.
This is a bug. The SVG spec clearly states that text is painted like any other path and so can have SVG opacity applied to it.
i try to export JT files WITH textures to use in other programs. When I create and export an object as jt with inventor, and import it to inventor again, all textures(from the library and also selfmade) look just fine. When i try to open the same file with 3ds max or jt2go it just doesn't work.
A couple months ago I could export to STL files using Inventor Pro 2012 and a third party could open them on whatever platform they are using. Now when I export to STL files, the third party cannot open them and I cannot open them either on the Inventor Pro 2012 platform. Nothing has changed since the originals were sent to the third party. I have read some of the threads, but there is a lot of STL, none of the ones I read address this problem. The properties from Windows Explorer say the file type is Certificate Trust List (.stl).
I created a new line type from a shape file. When i drew this linetype and then exported the drawing to pdf, I received the error message in the picture. It said the SHX files are missing, but when I looked in the folder, the SHX files were still there.
When export to pdf completed, I was left with a broken shape shown in the attached pdf.
I have been trying to export inventor drawings to dwg files so they can be opened in AutoCAD and be edited. However when they are opened in AutoCAD, the views cannot be exploded for our needs.
The company I work for is looking into buying new AutoCAD software due to upgrading computers. We don't use 3D commands at all and are looking into purchasing the LT version for budgeting reasons. What we are trying to find out now is if you can export and import SHP files from GIS ESRI software. Are you able to edit the SHP files if necessary?