AutoCad :: Bogus Linetypes Unable To Purge?
Apr 25, 2013
See attached dwg with a basic layer, dim style and text style template. See that there are linetypes which I can't purge.
Linetypes are for example:
4382_F_08-10 GA Elevations$0$4382_F_1000-1 Lower Ground Floor Plan$0$ceiling details - Model$0$SW-CA-ZZZZ-ZZZ-2SC-AR-063001_Section4-4 - Default$0$AUSGEZOGEN
That's just one name and there is over a hundred similar ones! Maybe the name is too long for ACAD to handle?
Things I've tried.
wblock selected to new .dwg
audit, purge and audit, purge again.
Copy and pasting into blank template. Step 2.
10+ years in AutoCAD and haven't came accross this before.
Got a great LISP from Lee Mac to steal layers, dimensions and Text styles from the drawing. As long as I didn't take in the Linetypes I was fine. This LISP does a whole lot more than the things described above.
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Jul 17, 2013
We have a problem in our office. In some of our drawings we keep getting a lot of unwanted linetypes and text styles. Nobody is sure where they originated.
We have tried this method in getting rid of them but it doesnt work. [URL]
See attached file.
Same applies with the text styles.
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Jan 31, 2011
How can I purge linetypes? We get data from outside sources and my goal is to load our linetypes. I have a list of layers and store the previous layer linetypes. I reset them all to "Continuous". Now I have to purge the old linetype definitions but I can't make them go away. I need to purge DASHED and HIDDEN so far. If I open the file and click on the linetype in layer manager, I still see the old DASHED and HIDDEN definitions. I have tried db.purge(linetypeobjectid) but they don't go away.
Do I need to go through the symboltablerecord to find the correct linetypetablerecord and remove it? Will that remove the linetype from the list shown in layer manager? That is what I need to do - make sure DASHED and HIDDEN *have* to be re-loaded from our linetypes.
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Mar 15, 2013
I can actually purge these hidden line types.
The line types in question are funky looking line types that do not exist within our office. They often contain "$$" and and/or file names and other odd characters as if they are remnants of binding a drawing. In any case, they are not visible anywhere in the drawing. We refer to these drawings as being "infected".
If any object, i.e. block, text or even a simple line, is copied from an infected drawing into an uninfected drawing, all of the mysterious line types follow. And when I say all, I mean 50+. Furthermore, copying from one infected to another infected will double the line types. So, as you can see, if undetected, you could easily have 100's of "line types" on a drawing which substantially increases the size of the .dwg file.
The process that I have created (from researching on the internet) is to save the .dwg into a .dxf. Close the .dxf and then PURGE. Purging the .dwg will not work. And, you MUST close and re-open the created .dxf in order to purge these files. The you can again save as a .dwg. To complicate things, occasionally a .dwg will not save as a .dxf unless I AUDIT it first.
Needless to say, this is a giant pain in that the files that are infected are at least 50 in number. I have created a macro or two to at least reduce some of the steps. Unfortunately, since the .dxf must be closed and re-opened (which cannot be done in a macro) an all encompassing macro cannot be written.
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Nov 21, 2011
So i have all these linetypes (see image) that i think originated in Microstation and have appeared on my computer when i binded a few DWGs derived from DGNs. (I can explain all that more if you think its warrented).
This is basicly what keeps happening.
- I open a brand new template, all line types are there (usual: dashed, phantom etc).
- I can work away happily, untill i copy something (a line, text, circle....) from a drawing that has these linetypes and BAM they all appear in the new drawing.
In this way, the linetypes have 'spread' into quite a few dwg's, and i cannot get rid of them once they are in the drawing and its saved.
A few other things....
- Other people in the office can open the drawings on their computers = NO weird Linetypes appear. Some open it and they do appear. (so if you open the dwg attached to this and find no linetypes, i dont know why!)
- The linetypes wont purge due to being in use etc
I would say the problem has originated from when I binded the xrefs, which is fine, but how to i fix it now?
The two main xrefs that appear to be referenced in the linetypes description are being used by other people in the workplace so i cant just delete them and start again.
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Jan 4, 2013
I'm having a small problem with linetypes that are not being used nor will they purge from a drawing. I believe that all started with the binding of an xref but now the xref has been removed along with just about everything else other than simple geometry and some text. The linetypes will not purge. For instance, if I take a standard "new" dwt file that has no problems and copy anything from an "infected" drawing to the dwt, the infectious linetypes will now appear in the dwt. And when I say anything, I mean anything. i can draw a new circle/line/point on the "0" layer and copy that new item into the clean dwt and it will take along with it the unwanted linetypes.
I have seen a similar post about linetypes not purging. And have tried the wblock solution with now luck. I have tried recover along with anything else that I could think of. Again the drawing doesn't have any xrefs and even newly drawn items, when copied, will become infected by the unwanted line types.
Also, the linetypes that are being left behind do have the "$0$" within the name. But also to mention the only ones being left behind are "powerline" and "phantom",
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May 4, 2011
How do I purge linetypes from a dynamic block? I have hundreds of blocks that make up our legend items and I want to remove unwanted items to reduce the sizes of them.
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Oct 26, 2011
When I open a new template all the correct linetypes are there and the drawing works fine, I can purge and they are deleted if not in use.
When I copy ANYTHING from one of my existing drawings which contains all these odd linetypes then they all appear in the new drawings and they will not purge.
ANYTHING = Text, blocks, lines... etc.
From reading about similar problems I think it has risesn from Binding/Inserting (I cant remember which one I used) of a Xref orignially from Microstation into a drawing I did about 3 months ago. The linetypes have just stuck around.
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Apr 26, 2011
I am trying to purge all the unreferenced blocks in AutoCAD using VBA. Knowing that VBA only has thisdrawing.purgeall, I had to use sendcommand to try to achieve this.
Whenever I try to run the following in AutoCAD using VBA, the program tries to Quit and ask me to if I want to save changes. Is there a way to have it not prompt me for that? I've tried setting the FileDia set variable to 0 and it didn't work.
ThisDrawing.SendCommand "-Purge" & vbCr & "B" & vbCr & "*" & vbCr & "N" & vbCr
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Dec 3, 2012
I have tried changing the linetype several different ways. I have manually changed the linetype and I have also changed the linetype for that particular layer, and nothing happens. I can change the color of the line, but when I try to change the linetype or weight it will not change.
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Sep 21, 2011
why I am unable to see the linetypes properly when the LT scale is set.
For example a dashed line drawn in model space with the LT scale set at 48 normally shows a correct spacing between the dashes. It worked fine this morning, but for some reason it does not show properly this afternoon, and is a continuous line.
No matter what I seem to do, I can't get the line to show up as dashed. I "regenall", set the lt scale to 1, then back to 48, set the psltscale to 0 then to 1 (just for kicks). I've exited the drawing and come back to it, and still the result is the same.
I am using Autocad 2009.
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Jul 24, 2012
I can not get certain linetypes to start with the same dash length, see attached. The linetype will start with a longer dash then the stated length, depending on the length of the pline segment. Is there a way to fix this?
Here is the code for one of the linetypes highlighted:
*FENCELINEc,EX FENCE X---X---X---X---X---X---X--
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Jan 18, 2009
It appears CS4 displaying established color points in the Information Palette correctly. For example, setting a highlight color correction target point (shift/click using the eyedropper) creates an RGB value which is significantly different from that displayed by the cursor readout display ("first color readout" in the Info. palette). In other words, you think you are establishing a point with say 245/238/227 but the resulting point (#1 of 4 allowable in the Info. Palette) reads perhaps 215/227/228. Aaaargh!
Unfortunately, there appears to be little consistency with the display discrepancy and worse yet the RGB discrepancies are not proportional. That leaves those of us who prefer to correct color by the numbers (at least in part!) without a reasonable foundation to work from. The situation is reminiscent of CS2 whereby the numbers would simply disappear from the palette altogether when making color corrections. Fortunately, Adobe released a patch that corrected in CS2.
System is Win XP Pro w/3GB RAM, 3 GHz processor, etc. etc. more than sufficient to run CS4, which otherwise runs OK save for random minor slowdowns of cursor displays when using a mouse (plenty from others in "CS4 is a Disaster" on that one).
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Mar 28, 2012
In our drawing files, we have several layers that our office is no longer using. The layers are empty but I can't purge them. We also have a block that seems to be related to the layers we cant purge. The block is made up of only 1 word. I've inserted the block, exploded it, and erased it but I still can't purge it. There seems to be some connection between these two things, but I haven't been able solve the problem.
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Aug 12, 2012
what is this purge command, i practice cad 2010. i don't understand the use of purge command.
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Sep 18, 2013
I have a routine to purge a drawing. I'm able to purge layers, blocks, material, dimstyle, linetype, mleaderstyle, mlinestyle, textstyle and table style. But i'm not able to figure out how to purge shape (font). Here an extract of my routine:
Public Enum ItemType As Integer
Block = 0
Layer = 1
Material = 2
Dimstyle = 3
MLeaderstyle = 4
MLine = 5
[Code] .........
In the shape Section I don't know which table or dictionary to use???
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Jun 7, 2011
ACA 2011 Win 7 - 64
How do I purge or delete the printers/plotters from the list in the plot set up dialog. I have several that go to the same machine but are not config'd correctly or just simply not used. Can I get rid of them so I don't have to sort through when plotting?
Also, what about the list of sheet set ups in the plot dialog?
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Nov 14, 2012
I have a file with 403 blocks in it that can not be deleted, purged, or seen. I've attempted to WBLOCK the linework out, copy and paste the linework out, exploding every object in the file, changing everything to bylayer and layer 0, purging and -purgeing, but the blocks are still there along with a number of linestyles associated with the hidden blocks. Is there any way to get rid of these blocks? I have a file attached with nothing else in it except the blocks I cannot purge. They are also not associated with any styles.
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Jan 24, 2012
I'd like to get rid of all AEC block names in my template. I've tried BLDSYSPURGE and that didn't work. We don't currently use ACAD MEP for it's intended purpose so I just want these out of the block name list in our template for now. Is there a way to do so?
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Dec 4, 2013
Just wanted to check if there were any reasons I hadn't considered as to why Purge doesn't want to purge certain empty layers. I'm changing the architect's background to our standards, and some layers simply do not want to go away.
All the remaining layers are turned on and unlocked.
I have exploded everything repeatedly until I cannot explode more.
I'm purging nested items and getting rid of points/zero-length geometry.
I have run a QSELECT on all the offending layers, revealing 0 items on every one.
I have erased and purged everything that was on paper space.
I have QSELECTed for every "weird" item on the drawing (block reference/point/attribute/whatever) and got rid of it.
I have locked/turned off all layers I want to keep, did a CTRL+A and hit delete.
I even turned all splines to polylines just in case.
After doing all of this, I still have 9 more "live" layers that do not want to go away.
Now, I'm aware that I have the LAYDEL option (which is what I'll be using here shortly), but I was just curious as to what drawing elements I could have possibly missed so that AutoCAD refuses to purge these layers.
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Mar 1, 2013
I am trying to purge a layer on a drawing that the company is going to use as a template, but even that the layer is not the current one and without objects I cannot purge-delete the layer.
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Aug 8, 2013
I am having an issue purging a block from my drawing. Here are the steps I have taken:
-I first used the qselect command to select the block(s), there were 4 in the drawing.
-Then I erased all four of them
- I tried to purge the block but it was not showing up in the unreferenced block list.
- I went back into the qselect to find the block to see if there were any more, and the block did not even show up on the list
- I then tried to edit the block using bedit. After closing the block editor it told me that there were still 4 block references. This had me confused because I had already deleted the the four existing blockreferences from the drawing??
- I then tried to rename using the rename command and then attempt to delete it, and no luck.
I do not know what to do at this point.
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Jun 14, 2011
how to purge PDF files from your Drawing? I tried using the Image command, but it doesn't list PDF underlay's anymore. I've tried just using the purge command but it doesn't show up there either. The way I know it's there after I delete it is, (1) The drawing file is STILL really slow and (2) it shows up as a required file when I do an etransmit. Which also makes the etransmit file huge as well.
how to purge them without wblocking the file to itself?
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Sep 16, 2008
I have a large xref from a client that is causing me some grief. When I open it, I get a message about it having over 5,000 annotative scales (seriously!). What do I need to do to get rid of them? I'm not a big fan of xref's & things like this make me like them even less!
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May 15, 2012
It seems in Vault 2012 - the "Purge" looks dumb- I mean I cannot function it.Another, when I apply "Delete", it asks me to delete all the versions.I want to delete some old versions instead of the whole versions. I just got stuck there now.
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Dec 7, 2011
In one viewport i have a contour drawn as a dashed line. to show the item is hidden.In Another viewport i freeze all layers 'above' this item leaving only the item in the dashed line. is is possible, without copying the line to have the line come through in the later viewport as a continuous line, but remain in the first viewport as dashed?
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Feb 27, 2013
Need some customized linetypes for RW, PL, and so on that I can use?
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Oct 14, 2013
I am using the "Make Linetype" command under the express tools to make a linetype with a single circle in it, but its not working. I tried making my circle a polygon but that didn't work either. How do I get a circle into my linetype?
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May 3, 2011
I am having trouble getting my linetypes to show up. Many are set by layer and are not showing up. How to toggle it so they show up.
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May 11, 2012
Using purge command in AutoCAD 2012 , my windows get restart with blue dump.
I tried everything including..digonestic mode, 3gb swithing ,windows update, dot net update, windows firewal/antivirus desbled.
some times while using purge command its give a display error(attached ).I tried using windows 64 bits, but problem remains the same.
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Sep 18, 2012
I can not run purge or recover on the attached drawing file or it will crash autocad. When I run audit it says no errors are found. I don't have access to older versions of ACAD to test this on and the file is dated back in 2008 but not sure which version of ACAD it was created in.
This is the only copy of the file. I've opened it and added some linework and saved it as a newer drawing only to have the same results. The attached file is the unaltered version. I have one other file that I'm having the same issue with as well.
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