I have a large .DWG with approximately 400 circles representing wells on it. The end goal is to draw an additional circle around each of these with a larger radius (150). Basically what I'm looking for is a way to automate this such that:
For (object 1 to last object) {if (object is a circle) draw new circle around it
how to draw a circle with its center at the starting cursor location of the drag motion? It's given that the ellipse shape tool is chosen.Neither simultaneously depressing the shift or control key concurrent with the drag motion accomplishes this objective. any simple way to draw concentric circles each of which has a randomly chosen diameter and varying stroke width? The polar grid tool isn't relevant to this objective.
I needed to make a bunch of concentric circles (something like 30 or 40), and I used offset command; I'm wondering if there's a way to 'array offset'? It's already done and wasn't that difficult, but I just have to know..
how to make concentric circles for the purposes of circular scan lines. It involved making a series of horizontal dots in a single line and rotating them through 360degs leaving the concentric circles in place.
In watching videos about Photoshop CS6 I notice that the brush (or other cursor) often appears as two concentric circles: the outer circle gives some idea of the extent of the brush effect. How do I activate this double circle brush display in Photoshop CS6. I seem only to see a single circle for the brush display. I am using the "cloud" version with Windows 7.
How do you smooth lines? Like if I trace something and the lines are just a touch jagged, how do I get them to look perfect? I'm using PS7.
Also, how could I make concentric circles? Or even just a hollow circle? I can use the shape tool to make a circle, but that fills it - is there a way to make it with just a 2 or 3 pixel outline and hollow in the middle?
I would like to create a family crest. I have a JPG for the center, but I need two concentric circles, with text around the circumference, between the circles.
My objective is to have a schematic set created from a user input. I need to automate this such that the user enters numbers and letters from drop menus, (part number is alpha-numeric, each representing voltage, horsepower, motor count, etc,) and have the drawing set created. Reading up on this, I know I still could use VBA, but as that is going to fade into non-existence soon, replaced by .net, I would love to go ahead and create it using .net. I really know nothing about it, but need to learn. I can find lots of books on visual studio, but somehow I need to know how to interface it with ACAD at the same time!
Two circles have appeared on my drawing, I cant select them to get rid of them, they scale differently to the rest of the drawing when I zoom, i.e. I zoom out and the get large, I zoom right in and they are small. Where did they come from and more importantly how can I get rid of them?
I am trying to make a hexagonal lattice of circles (1 micron dia, period - 3 microns) and exted it over a square cm in area atleast. The final objective is to make this as a mask pattern for the Laser fabrication/writer. So I create the pattern over a small area and use array command to extend it over a finite area (~500 microns or so). I then combine these points to a single block and then use the mirror command to extend it even further. But as soon as I reach an area of 2.5 mm square, the program seems to slow down and doesnt respond. I assume this is the limitation of my computing power to handle so many objects at once. (I have 4 GB RAM and 97 % is utilized at this time). Is there a way to circumvent this computing limitation, making use of some facility/command within AutoCAD?
I am designing a piazza that most types of vehicles need to circumnavigate. On a scaled location plan, I would like to draw the scaled turning circles of cars and lorries - especially emergency vehicles.
I have the Metric Handbook beside me which has typical 90 degree turns drawn but it is not obvious how they were drawn in the first place.
I have all the vehicle dimensions that I need, I just need to know how to calculate and draw the geometry.
I am trying to draw a circle on an angled face on a valve I made, and am not too sure of the best way to do it.
Here is a front view showing the angle. I need to use the face at the top that is on a 22* angle or so
Here is a top view showing the 10 holes I need to make at the proper angle. The blue lines are showing where each of my holes will need to be with a fitting on it as well
When I insert a X-ref overlay, everything seems to work, but giant cross hairs with a circles appear dotted all around on the X-refed drawing, similar to spot levels (minus the hatch).
Attached an image X-ref image.jpg
How to stop this or why it seems to be scaling up the crosshairs .
I'm currently using auto cad 2000 because it's required in our class. When I make circles or move or objects there are no image guide. like when I make circles only the lines are there I still have to calculate what the diameter is rather than by simply looking how big the circle is. or when I'm connecting objects, It's very hard to connect complex objects by moving them because there is no guide to where the image is suppose to be when the mouse is at a particular place.
I'm attempting to use VBA to put center marks on each hole in my drawing. So far I have the following
Dim oIntent As GeometryIntent Dim oCenterOfPart As Centermark 'Add center marks to base view For Each oCurve In oBaseView.DrawingCurves ' <- need to identify Hole Features If Not oCurve.CenterPoint Is Nothing Then If oCurve.CurveType = kCircleCurve Then 'CurveTypeEnum
[Code] .......
oBaseView is the DrawingView object representing the base view the code just placed. I also used VBA to place the projected views oTopView and oRightView. I want to add center marks to each hole when viewed from the end (as circles) and add centerlines when viewed from the top or side (as hidden lines).
I will be iterating through several models representing various handhold styles. The feet can be in many orientations, 99% of them are paralel to one of the origin planes (XY,YZ, or XZ).
This is what my code generates: (The centermarks that are selected are the ones I don't want the code to generate). This is what I WANT the code to generate:
1) How do I distinguish whether a circle curve originated because of a hole or because of another cilindrical feature?
2) How to I identify the corresponding hidden lines in the other views so I can add a center line?
I found a strange behavior of AutoCAD. When I was modifying a drawing and adding dimension annotation, there suddenly come some small circles as highlighted in yellow in the screenshot.
First, there is no way I can't select them. Second, zooming doesn’t change their size.
What these small circles are? How to get rid of them?
What's the easiest way to draw a circle under Photoshop CS2?
I just tried it using the elipse tool but that makes a filled round shape. I'm just trying to circle something in a picture. Used to be able to do it really easy in Photoshop 7.
I am working with 2 mesh's they are the same shape but different sizes. I want to subtract one out of the other but only after they are both "concentric". The objects are not symmetric so I cannot officially use the term concentric but I do not know any other term.
My problem is that I cannot get them concentric.
Things I tried:
They will definitely both have the same center of mass so I tried doing things with that but to no avail.
I also tried to set 3 constraints (distance between identical surfaces on each mesh) equal to some value x but it did not let me. If it did, I believe the smaller object would have no place to go but right in the center of the bigger one.
I have attached an assembly with both of the objects.
I've been using inventor for past 3 yrs. I just love it.
1. BOLTED CONNECTION: whenever i perform a bolted connection with option "CONCENTRIC", though it creates the holes in all the locations but places fasteners only in the first hole(refer attached picture). I'll have to copy and paste it individually for all other holes then, which is quite a hassle. It works fine with all other options i.e BY HOLES, POINTS etc.
2. While creating a new part, I usually makes the referance planes in the center of the part which makes it easier to assemble by planes in a large assembly. For this purpose, i have to project the planes and then get my sketch symetric to the planes during every part creation. As I've worked in other softwares too, where in sketch it automatically alows to use the referance planes for sketching, so we don't have to project it in order to use it.
I'm trying to make a logo. Circular logo with an inner ring maybe 4 px wide and 15 px inside the rim of the outer circle.
Basically I want a blue circle with a yellow inside ring. What's the best way of doing this? The only thing i can think of is: creating a blue circle marquee, and then another (trying to estimate a new circle size and change the color) that is yellow, and then making another smaller blue circle inside the new one. That's just ugly.
I tried the edit/stroke but that just gave me a stroke around the outer circle; it didn't put a ring inside the circle 15 px down.
Also I tried to contract the original circle by selecting it, then Modify/contract. That's got me a selected ring, inside the circle. Now how in the world do I make that little ring yellow? It just remains selected and I can't seem to find a way to color it.
I have been looking at posts on automating pdf creation but have seen a lot with programming / VB involved but would like to avoid that if possible. I have also seen one's on batch processing but would like to do them as needed / completed.
I am trying to somewhat automate the pdf creation process. Having them save to a specific spot / folder and having them 'plot' the same view to the pdf would be very beneficial that way we don't have to select print, print to pdf, print this view with these details, save to this folder location. etc.
A way to print DWF files using a batch file or with a command line. We use Vault and publish all our DWF's to an external shared network folder. This is a standard feature in Vault but we now would like to reference and print those files from Baan ERP using a script. Is it possible to do this using Design Review?
I work for a company who's trying to automate the production of their mechanical and electrical cad drawings. We eventually want to integrate this into our website, so that a customer can select a few options, and a detailed drawing is generated based on what they pick.
To begin with, I'm trying to integrate AutoCAD with MS Excel. I've managed to automate in excel the options a customer can choose from. Now, the tricky part is, how can I transmit information to AutoCAD to perhaps pick blocks and strategically place them in specific locations of the drawing.
For example, if I have the option of Cats, Dogs, Elephants and Monkeys, and I have the option of quantities... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and I pick 3 Monkeys and 2 Cats, I want CAD to be able to place 3 monkeys and 2 cats side by side in a row.
I am looking at streamlining page layout configuration. When I say this, I mean that I want there to be a button, a small msg to type into command line, or any general quick shortcut, to create a new Layout based on a specific template layout that is located on my server. There will be multiple template layouts that the user has the option to choose from when creating a new one, with each layout contianing an xref title block, and a particular size . Also, I would like these to avaiable everytime I open autoCAD, regardless of the current drawing being worked on.
I've looked at Macros and Sheet Sets, but I was wondering if there was an optium way to do something like this? I realize its a failry begginger problem but I am still a begginer at autocad.
I work at a machine shop and have a Dynamic Block setup with quite a number of Blocks in it where I can choose whichever tooling I am working with to place into a drawing.
I am also Data-Linking parts of the drawing to Excel that has information fields to be updated in the drawing for these same toolings.
I would like to setup my drawing so that when I update the data links from the Excel spreadsheet the Dynamic Block I mentioned will also be automatically updated and display the appropriate block drawing for the tooling retrieved from Excel.
A large part of my job is creating installation drawings for plants (equipment and catwalks). Usually what I like to provide the installers is a plan view showing the equipment / catwalks with the base pads of the supports visible as hidden lines. If I just turn on hidden lines in a view, then it is too crowded.
However, manually turning on hidden lines for hundreds of base pads (potentially) is a huge time-sink and usually involves going through the browser manually to find them all. What I would like to do is automate the procedure to some extent. Usually there is only 4 or 5 different parts in an assembly that I need to have hidden lines for.
I am using Autocad 2011 although I only use it to tidy my drawings prior to sending to my client, my proficiency is quite basic. I have been tasked with surveying a number of feeder pillars or cabinets with 5 points of data, pt 1 is the centre of the doors, the other 4 points are the corners of the cabinet always in the same order. These can be imported into Autocad as a series of points and then I have to join the dots, and draw the cabinet. I know a little about blocks and that I can create a block of my drawing and place it over the five points, and then I'm stuck as if I change the block once it changes it in all the other positions.
After i have placed the block, I need to list the coordinates of the 5 points, this i do individually using the id command and copy and paste into a table. Is there anyway to speed this up?
I have attached a sketch of what I'm after doing, there could be as many 20+ cabinets in a drawing.
Is there a way to make an iPart adaptive? I need to make the length of a pipe adaptive in order for it to line up. These models are not saved, but are merely generated for 2D drawings via my VBA.