AutoCad :: Calculating And Drawing Vehicle Turning Circles?
Jan 24, 2013
I am designing a piazza that most types of vehicles need to circumnavigate. On a scaled location plan, I would like to draw the scaled turning circles of cars and lorries - especially emergency vehicles.
I have the Metric Handbook beside me which has typical 90 degree turns drawn but it is not obvious how they were drawn in the first place.
I have all the vehicle dimensions that I need, I just need to know how to calculate and draw the geometry.
Two circles have appeared on my drawing, I cant select them to get rid of them, they scale differently to the rest of the drawing when I zoom, i.e. I zoom out and the get large, I zoom right in and they are small. Where did they come from and more importantly how can I get rid of them?
I am trying to make a hexagonal lattice of circles (1 micron dia, period - 3 microns) and exted it over a square cm in area atleast. The final objective is to make this as a mask pattern for the Laser fabrication/writer. So I create the pattern over a small area and use array command to extend it over a finite area (~500 microns or so). I then combine these points to a single block and then use the mirror command to extend it even further. But as soon as I reach an area of 2.5 mm square, the program seems to slow down and doesnt respond. I assume this is the limitation of my computing power to handle so many objects at once. (I have 4 GB RAM and 97 % is utilized at this time). Is there a way to circumvent this computing limitation, making use of some facility/command within AutoCAD?
I have a large .DWG with approximately 400 circles representing wells on it. The end goal is to draw an additional circle around each of these with a larger radius (150). Basically what I'm looking for is a way to automate this such that:
For (object 1 to last object) {if (object is a circle) draw new circle around it
Any way to turn a 2d elevation drawing of a building into a 3d model? Im guessing its proberly not very easy as there are no z values? Am i right in thinking that?
I am trying to draw a circle on an angled face on a valve I made, and am not too sure of the best way to do it.
Here is a front view showing the angle. I need to use the face at the top that is on a 22* angle or so
Here is a top view showing the 10 holes I need to make at the proper angle. The blue lines are showing where each of my holes will need to be with a fitting on it as well
When I insert a X-ref overlay, everything seems to work, but giant cross hairs with a circles appear dotted all around on the X-refed drawing, similar to spot levels (minus the hatch).
Attached an image X-ref image.jpg
How to stop this or why it seems to be scaling up the crosshairs .
I'm currently using auto cad 2000 because it's required in our class. When I make circles or move or objects there are no image guide. like when I make circles only the lines are there I still have to calculate what the diameter is rather than by simply looking how big the circle is. or when I'm connecting objects, It's very hard to connect complex objects by moving them because there is no guide to where the image is suppose to be when the mouse is at a particular place.
I have a drawing which is referencing a .ipn model, the .ipn model has all of it's trail line invisible however the drawing is showing them all visible. What I am trying to do is find a simple and quick way to turn off the visibility of ALL the trail lines in the drawing without having to pick out each one and ajust manually, The model .ipn is quite complicated and has many trails on it so I really need a way to turn off the visibility of these in the drawing.
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz 12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
I'm attempting to use VBA to put center marks on each hole in my drawing. So far I have the following
Dim oIntent As GeometryIntent Dim oCenterOfPart As Centermark 'Add center marks to base view For Each oCurve In oBaseView.DrawingCurves ' <- need to identify Hole Features If Not oCurve.CenterPoint Is Nothing Then If oCurve.CurveType = kCircleCurve Then 'CurveTypeEnum
[Code] .......
oBaseView is the DrawingView object representing the base view the code just placed. I also used VBA to place the projected views oTopView and oRightView. I want to add center marks to each hole when viewed from the end (as circles) and add centerlines when viewed from the top or side (as hidden lines).
I will be iterating through several models representing various handhold styles. The feet can be in many orientations, 99% of them are paralel to one of the origin planes (XY,YZ, or XZ).
This is what my code generates: (The centermarks that are selected are the ones I don't want the code to generate). This is what I WANT the code to generate:
1) How do I distinguish whether a circle curve originated because of a hole or because of another cilindrical feature?
2) How to I identify the corresponding hidden lines in the other views so I can add a center line?
I found a strange behavior of AutoCAD. When I was modifying a drawing and adding dimension annotation, there suddenly come some small circles as highlighted in yellow in the screenshot.
First, there is no way I can't select them. Second, zooming doesn’t change their size.
What these small circles are? How to get rid of them?
What's the easiest way to draw a circle under Photoshop CS2?
I just tried it using the elipse tool but that makes a filled round shape. I'm just trying to circle something in a picture. Used to be able to do it really easy in Photoshop 7.
how to draw a circle with its center at the starting cursor location of the drag motion? It's given that the ellipse shape tool is chosen.Neither simultaneously depressing the shift or control key concurrent with the drag motion accomplishes this objective. any simple way to draw concentric circles each of which has a randomly chosen diameter and varying stroke width? The polar grid tool isn't relevant to this objective.
I have a line drawing of a simple object that I would like to convert into a shape.
I have figured out how to cut the shape itself out of the original image using the magic wand select tool thing and altering the tolerance. So I have the cut-out shape on a transparent layer in a .psd file. All well and good.
I looked up "shapes" in the help center, and it says this:
"To convert type to shapes
When you convert type to shapes, the type layer is replaced by a layer with a vector mask. You can edit the vector mask and apply styles to the layer; however, you cannot edit characters in the layer as text."
It continues:
"Select a type layer, and choose Layer > Type > Convert To Shape".
Everything was going swimmingly untill that point - I go to the Layer menu - but "Type" is greyed out and therefore inaccessible.
I then did a search for "type layer" to find out what a type layer was - it says:
"About type layers:
After you create a type layer ...
tell me what a type layer is (I figure it has something to do with font, but I don't see how this relates to my line drawing), how to create one, or how to get my drawing into a type layer so I can convert it to a shape!
Any file they could share for the front, side and/or rear panels of a motorhome. Failing that, How I could adjust to create one (e.g. bosy panel from van/truck or complete drawing of motorhome).
I'm trying to make a logo. Circular logo with an inner ring maybe 4 px wide and 15 px inside the rim of the outer circle.
Basically I want a blue circle with a yellow inside ring. What's the best way of doing this? The only thing i can think of is: creating a blue circle marquee, and then another (trying to estimate a new circle size and change the color) that is yellow, and then making another smaller blue circle inside the new one. That's just ugly.
I tried the edit/stroke but that just gave me a stroke around the outer circle; it didn't put a ring inside the circle 15 px down.
Also I tried to contract the original circle by selecting it, then Modify/contract. That's got me a selected ring, inside the circle. Now how in the world do I make that little ring yellow? It just remains selected and I can't seem to find a way to color it.
I have a new truck that I'm building and I've seen some places that have some kind of javascript that allows them to just select different colors for the vehicle. I however have no idea how to do this short of heading at it with a the paintbrush tool. I'd appreciate insight into this and if not is there a possibility that someone has a single color photo of a 96 s-10 pickup that I could use the paint bucket on.
1 I tried to add a vehicle to the resource kit (attached FBX). Used the resource kit manager .. it almost worked .. final object did not appear, I got an emoty box where the truck was supposed to be.
2 then I tried to copy materials from an existing vehicle max, merged the 2 models in one max but could not find a way to 'copy' a material from source to target .. source appeared to be 'loacked' like a group
3 then I tried to make a copy of the toyota dyna truck - but scaled up a little (120%). Managed to scale up object but result in road model had the original scale??
Basically, the toyota dyna truck is too small. I need a real size delivery truck in Civil View or I need to be able to scale up the dyna truck. Steps on how to add a vehicle - including material settings would be useful.
Note.. in 2 and 3 .. the existing vehicles in max files, seem to be grouped somehow - what is used? How do you ungroup it? (it is not a 3ds max group)
I am curious to know how other people create and produce vehicle graphics. I have had a tremendous amount of difficulty using CorelDRAW X5 for producing large vehicle graphics such as city busses and large tractor/trailer rigs and box trucks.
My basic workflow is to begin with a vehicle outline and actual measurements, create the full scale artwork, slice the art into 53" wide panels, and send to the printer RIP as PDF-X3.
For smaller projects this workflow works adequately, however, larger projects become such agonizing hassles I want to take up a new career. Due to the huge amount of lost time due to corrupt files, repeated crashes, software reinstalls, tedious work-arounds, etc. I feel I have no choice but to switch to a different software, most likely Adobe Illustrator.
John Fawcett - Senior Graphic Artist, Visual Marking Systems, Inc., Twinsburg, OH USA- Corel user since v3 MacBook Pro 15", Intel Core i7 2.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 SDRAM,Intel HD Graphics 3000, 500 GB SATA HD, Magic Mouse, Mad Catz R.A.T.7 mouse Windows 7 Pro 64-bit, Dual Quad-core Intel Xeon 2.0GHz, 12 GB DDR3 RAM, Dual 320 GB SATA HD, GeForce GTS 250 1GB video, Dual monitors, Mad Catz
What is the best workflow to create vehicle animation path for Civil View extension, when these path segments are not exported from Civil 3D, for example in intersections like in the picture of a simple case I attached. Do you create arcs in AutoCAD and then import them in scene, project them to road region surface and connect them to split corridor base lines, or you draw them directly in 3ds Max 2013?
I need to animate a vehicle driving to a point in my scene and then when it stops have two characters get out and pull an object out of the back and leave that object. The characters will then get back into the vehicle and leave the object behind. I know that if I select and link the object to my vehicle it will stay in the vehicle and follow it wherever, but once I leave it behind how do I make it stop following the vehicle?
Correct way to find makes and models of cars in the vehicle template library.
I'm trawling through the content folder and it takes me about half an hour to find the vehicle I'm after. I have tried using connect but with no success.
I want to make a 4 wheel vehicle rig using the Carwheel reactor. I want to do this as a means of learning how to use 3ds Max, and have completed many tutorials. I do not want to use plug-ins. It seems nobody uses the Carwheel to any extent. I do not want a simple car rig. I want to use the Carwheel reactor as it was meant to be used. I want to realistically steer and follow terrain with the rig. Am I being realistic? Is it even possible?
version 2014 It looks like the axle of vehicles is provided for wheel rotation only.I could be wrong, but it looks like plan rotation (z axis) is not provided.Or can it be applied manually at path curves?
A question regarding converting angles between co-ordinate systems in AutoCAD .NET.
Im creating my first little utility to form selected block attribute references into a nice neat list. The current version takes a selection of blocks and a list insert location and then moves the attribute references to the location and rotates them to WCS angle of 0.
I now want to expand the program to make it a little more flexible and allow you to form the list parallel to the currently selected UCS x axis (the i.e. and angle of 0 in relation to current ucs's).
I have managed bumble my way through and transform the attribute positions correctly to form a list relative to the current UCS but am strugling on how to work out in code what the equivlanent WCS angle value would be.
I have done some calcs using .net framework to calculate an angle between two vectors (see code extract below). But this introduces a small error into the angles (i.e. if my ucs is set rotated 45 degrees around the zed and i use the below maths, the resulatant angle is 45.0000002 when read in acad afterwards).
// the below seems to work by calugulating the angle between two vetrex using .net maths class but this introduce a small accuracy error. Is there a better way?
Double rotAngle = Math.Acos((1 * cs.Xaxis.X) + (0 * cs.Xaxis.Y) + (0 * cs.Xaxis.Z)); //set the attribute reference rotation to the calculated WCS radian rotation value "rotAngle" attRef.Rotation = rotAngle;
Im sure there is a better way built into the managed autocad wrapper using a tranform matix and the ucs vertex information but dont really know how to go about it. Any links explaining how to work with the UCS in .net.
i have 3 known points, and i know they are 3 of the 4 corners of a square, how do i calculate the 4th? these points are on a skewed square, where the square has been rotated in the x axis and then rotated in the z axis. It must be simple geometry, but i cant see it.
Any good tips when it comes to calculating the area of a floor plan? You are supposed to start measuring from the outermost part of the walls, but when I do that I run into trouble with the porch on the bottom of the drawing and the room on top left.
The problems are basically that the porch is not supposed to be included in the total area, and in the room on the top I end up measuring a small area twice if I start my measuring from the outermost part of the walls. This is not very well explained but I've drawn two red lines on the drawing to try to show where the problem areas are.