I have a new truck that I'm building and I've seen some places that have some kind of javascript that allows them to just select different colors for the vehicle. I however have no idea how to do this short of heading at it with a the paintbrush tool. I'd appreciate insight into this and if not is there a possibility that someone has a single color photo of a 96 s-10 pickup that I could use the paint bucket on.
1 I tried to add a vehicle to the resource kit (attached FBX). Used the resource kit manager .. it almost worked .. final object did not appear, I got an emoty box where the truck was supposed to be.
2 then I tried to copy materials from an existing vehicle max, merged the 2 models in one max but could not find a way to 'copy' a material from source to target .. source appeared to be 'loacked' like a group
3 then I tried to make a copy of the toyota dyna truck - but scaled up a little (120%). Managed to scale up object but result in road model had the original scale??
Basically, the toyota dyna truck is too small. I need a real size delivery truck in Civil View or I need to be able to scale up the dyna truck. Steps on how to add a vehicle - including material settings would be useful.
Note.. in 2 and 3 .. the existing vehicles in max files, seem to be grouped somehow - what is used? How do you ungroup it? (it is not a 3ds max group)
I am curious to know how other people create and produce vehicle graphics. I have had a tremendous amount of difficulty using CorelDRAW X5 for producing large vehicle graphics such as city busses and large tractor/trailer rigs and box trucks.
My basic workflow is to begin with a vehicle outline and actual measurements, create the full scale artwork, slice the art into 53" wide panels, and send to the printer RIP as PDF-X3.
For smaller projects this workflow works adequately, however, larger projects become such agonizing hassles I want to take up a new career. Due to the huge amount of lost time due to corrupt files, repeated crashes, software reinstalls, tedious work-arounds, etc. I feel I have no choice but to switch to a different software, most likely Adobe Illustrator.
John Fawcett - Senior Graphic Artist, Visual Marking Systems, Inc., Twinsburg, OH USA- Corel user since v3 MacBook Pro 15", Intel Core i7 2.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 SDRAM,Intel HD Graphics 3000, 500 GB SATA HD, Magic Mouse, Mad Catz R.A.T.7 mouse Windows 7 Pro 64-bit, Dual Quad-core Intel Xeon 2.0GHz, 12 GB DDR3 RAM, Dual 320 GB SATA HD, GeForce GTS 250 1GB video, Dual monitors, Mad Catz
What is the best workflow to create vehicle animation path for Civil View extension, when these path segments are not exported from Civil 3D, for example in intersections like in the picture of a simple case I attached. Do you create arcs in AutoCAD and then import them in scene, project them to road region surface and connect them to split corridor base lines, or you draw them directly in 3ds Max 2013?
I need to animate a vehicle driving to a point in my scene and then when it stops have two characters get out and pull an object out of the back and leave that object. The characters will then get back into the vehicle and leave the object behind. I know that if I select and link the object to my vehicle it will stay in the vehicle and follow it wherever, but once I leave it behind how do I make it stop following the vehicle?
Correct way to find makes and models of cars in the vehicle template library.
I'm trawling through the content folder and it takes me about half an hour to find the vehicle I'm after. I have tried using connect but with no success.
I want to make a 4 wheel vehicle rig using the Carwheel reactor. I want to do this as a means of learning how to use 3ds Max, and have completed many tutorials. I do not want to use plug-ins. It seems nobody uses the Carwheel to any extent. I do not want a simple car rig. I want to use the Carwheel reactor as it was meant to be used. I want to realistically steer and follow terrain with the rig. Am I being realistic? Is it even possible?
version 2014 It looks like the axle of vehicles is provided for wheel rotation only.I could be wrong, but it looks like plan rotation (z axis) is not provided.Or can it be applied manually at path curves?
I am designing a piazza that most types of vehicles need to circumnavigate. On a scaled location plan, I would like to draw the scaled turning circles of cars and lorries - especially emergency vehicles.
I have the Metric Handbook beside me which has typical 90 degree turns drawn but it is not obvious how they were drawn in the first place.
I have all the vehicle dimensions that I need, I just need to know how to calculate and draw the geometry.
Any file they could share for the front, side and/or rear panels of a motorhome. Failing that, How I could adjust to create one (e.g. bosy panel from van/truck or complete drawing of motorhome).
I'm trying to make the edge of this image like the colors on a soap bubble, I've looked at tutorials for doing soap bubbles. It's not usually included in it. Sort of a blurred shiny transparent coloring if that describes it at all.
I have 7.0. I scanned in a drawing, saved as jpg and now wish to use the paintbrush on it. however, as soon as I click on the picture to paint, the entire picture moves, and the brush is not active.
In the photoshop user sept. issue magazine there is a tutorial of how to make a photograph into an oil painting by way of photoshop and painter IX, my question is, how can i complete the oil painting look from a photograph/image by just using photoshop and if I can ,
I have a project open in a 3d view to paint on a 3d mesh. Everything is fine until I save, close, and reopen. When I open the file to resume I can no longer paint on the model. I can still go to the UV (flat) view for any of the materials on the model but I can't paint on the mesh in 3d view.
I can open a new 3d layer, re-import the mesh, save and reapply all the previously painted texture to the new mesh layer and keep working but this seems not a very efficient work-flow.
I don't think many 3d pros actually use this piece of PS for texturing.This is the first time I've tried the 3d functionality of PS so I may just be overlooking something.
I was painting on top of a picture I took, with the Art History brush one day adding an oil painting look to it (I was working on a new layer and not the layer with my photo on it), at end of the day I saved my work I had done so far and quit the program. The next day, I went to continue my work. When I loaded my work, added a new layer for a new section of the painting I wanted to do. The Art History just painted in white instead of adding the oil painting effect I got the previous day. I picked the same brush presets and the colors on my palette were set to the default colors (the way they were the day before). so that I can continue on with my painting?
I am new to digital painting, and would like to get to know it better. Right now, I want to mimic the style of the attached image. My question is: how do I archive this look? (i.e. what brushes do I use, what tools? Blur? Smudge? etc.) (I am using CS5)
I am currently working on somthing that will require me to make cartoon characters and color them. So far ive drawn them on paper and put them on my computer. My plan was to scan the image to my computer and use it as a template to place vectors over and reshape them.
Any good way to make cartoon characters using photoshop.
I am trying to paint in photoshop using a mouse and I realized that I can not make the mouse do what I wanted it to do. For example the mouse makes my brush strokes too jerky and I don't get smooth lines and the textures don't come out right either. Is the mouse a good tool for painting in photoshop or should I go with something else?
I'm creating a 3d Avatar (human model) and getting tired of fixing seams when applying textures to my UV space. I HATE seams around the hairline, sides of shirt and pants, etc. Clean up can either be a pain or it looks bad.
I need a Photoshop plugin were you can paint in your UV areas and it will automatically "tile" your brush strokes so that there are no seams on your 3d model. Is there one out there?
Were you load up your UV layout in photoshop, define the UV areas and paint away without having to worry about seams when I apply it to my 3d model.
I'm trying to paint with a pattern I created but I'm having trouble doing so. I'm trying to follow the instructions in the photoshop manual but it almost seems as though they missed something (but it's probably me who's missing something). To create a pattern, it says to use the rectangle marquee tool to make a selection, setting feather to 0, choose edit -> define pattern, give it a name, and hit OK. So when I do that, nothing seems to happen after I hit OK. If I try to use the paint bucket tool, I still get the same monotonous color. How do I actually use the pattern I just created with the paint bucket tool?
I've been seeing 'OPT' (over processing technique) around flickr, but I still don't get how it really differs from HDR, or how to pull it off in photoshop. I'm already familiar with lucisart and photomatix (but not well versed with either), and neither seem to be able to pull it off.
way to simulate "metalflake" , "candy apple", and "pearlecent" paint in Photoshop? I occasionally do repaints for a Drag Racing simulator program ; and it would be nice to use a technique (if there is one) that would do these effects. Here's a sample of my attempt at a green "candy" color on a car.
i'm speaking of painting with a tablet from scratch using brushes. i need something thorough. i've been looking but can only find concise tutorials that really don't tell me much.
i've sort of hit a road block. smudging colors together isn't getting it done for me anymore.
I am painting with the brush tool, (using the brackets to adjust the diameter of the brush) when the screen diameter of the brush becomes larger than about 60 pixels the cursor begins to disappear on the bottom right. More of the cursor disappears as the brush diameter increases.