AutoCad 2D :: Pasting Items Into Existing Block

Feb 21, 2013

I am still getting used to version 2010, and am unable to paste items into an existing block, is there a setting I can adjust to remedy this?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Add Items To Existing Attribute

Feb 3, 2012

I have an exisitng attribute that have several line items.  I want to add more items to this attribute same attribute.  The attribute block name is "JLR24X36" and there are 15 existing tags within this attribute?

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Photoshop :: Pasting Into Existing Layer?

Jun 13, 2006

I've got a Photoshop file that someone wants me to use as a template. It has an existing layer that I need to put a picture into without modifying the layer or creating a new one.

Whenever I cut and paste a picture into it, the pasted picture becomes "Layer 1" but I want it to paste onto a layer which is already there (rather than become a new layer).

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Revit :: How To Convert Existing 2D Autocad Title Block Into Block Template

Jul 24, 2008

How to convert existing 2d autocad title block into Revit title block template?

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AutoCad :: Add Some Attributes To Existing Block Using Block Editor

Dec 12, 2013

I'm trying to add some attributes to an existing block using the block editor, but after I save and close it I cannot see any 'placeholders' despite adding a default value and the attributes work fine when I double click the block.

I've tried using the ATTSYNC and BATTMAN commands but nothing works and there are no invisibility states applied to either the attribute or block and all layers are switched on.

I just tried making a quick block from scratch and it seems to have the same affect, except the default value will show, but no 'placeholder' shown if left blank.

I swear with previous version I could see the tag when a value hadn't been applied, so is it that the version I now use (2012) does not have this feature or it's disabled?

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AutoCad :: Convert Existing Block To Leader That Uses Same Block

Oct 21, 2013

I was wondering if it would be possible to convert an existing block to a leader that uses the same block with the arrow attached without losing the information which is stored inside the block attributes.

I have created the multi leader with the block definition attached but I'm still struggling to incorporate the data into it.

There are to many blocks to do this manually. I have exported the data to a excel but do not know how to insert it back into to multi leader.

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AutoCad :: Crashing When Copying And Pasting Block From One Drawing To Another

Jan 31, 2012

I am copying and pasting a block from one drawing to another but as soon as I past it, AutCAD stops responding. I have done purging and auditing and still can't solve the issue.

I am using Autocad Architecture 2012.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Pasting Block From One Drawing To Second Using Clipboard Method

Jul 4, 2013

When pasting a block from a drawing to a second drawing using the clipboard method the block pasted in with components of block in different area of drawing but still linked together. This even happened in the same drawing.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Pasting Or Inserting A Block Into Drawing - Subject Disappears

Apr 5, 2012

Having problems when copy/cut and paste. When pasting or inserting a block into a drawing the subject disappears.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Iterating Trough Items In Block

Feb 16, 2012

at multiple places i have drawn the same block in a drawing, and i would like select one block in the drawing, then iterate through the items in the block, and find the actual coordinates of a 3d-polyline (that is drawn in that block) in modelspace. How can I do this?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Copy Clipping Object Then Pasting It As Block Sends It Off Into Space?

Sep 7, 2012

I am copy clipping some objects, and then pasting them back into the drawing as a block. At first everything worked fine, now when I perform that routine, and paste back into the drawing, it inserts it way off in left field. What parameter did I upset now?

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Iterate Through Items Of A Block Reference In Dotnet

Apr 13, 2013

I'm a newbie in dotnet and want  to now if is possible to iterate through items of a block reference.

My problem is the following : I explode a block reference in dotnet (it works well) and I want to change the items layer that compose the bloc reference. It's the reason why i need to browse items of this block.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Grey Lines Flick White When Working In Large Dwg / Cutting And Pasting As Block?

May 4, 2012

when I am working on a large drawing and/or pasting as a block, all the grey lines (colour 8) turn to white. When I select a grey line, it flicks back to grey, but de-select, and it's white again.

If I toggle on hardware acceleration, the problem is fixed for a short while, and also if I turn it off, it is fixed for a short while, and also if I save, close and re-open it's good untill I paste a block....

I suspect it may be because of my setup and an un tested graphics card:

Windows 7 64 bit Ultimate - running through bootcamp on a macbook pro

Autocad 2012 Lt

Machine Configuration
Processor Speed : 2.2 GHz
RAM : 8103 MB

3D Device
Name : AMD Radeon HD 6750M
Manufacturer : AMD
Chip set : Radeon HD 6750M
Memory : 707 MB
Driver : 8.17.0010.1063

Your machine contains a 3D Device that is not certified.

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Paint.NET :: Pasting Graphic Over Existing Graphic On Header?

Oct 27, 2011

How do I paste a graphic over an existing graphic on a header? and how do I determine the amount of pixels to be covered and the amount of pixels in the graphic I am wanting to use?

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Create New Block And Overlay To Existing One

May 26, 2011

I need to create a new block based on a existing block(need the same shape), then overlay on top of the existing one.

1. create a new block based on the existing one. the existing block is solid but I need to give pattern to new one

2. overlay on top of the existing one

I new how to create a block generally, but doesn't know how to create based on an existing one.

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AutoCad :: Renaming Existing Block Without Creating New One?

Apr 16, 2012

Is there anyway of re-naming an existing block without creating a new one? I made a rookie mistake of naming my blocks with names containing spaces i.e. 'block A' and 'block B' and have found that some routines like replace block won't work because of it.

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AutoCad 2D :: How To Make Existing Block Annotative

Nov 22, 2013

I created an dynamic block few weeks ago and forgot to make it annotative. I try the ddchprop command, switch annotative to yes but it automatically immediately switch back to no.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Create Dynamic Block From Existing Geometry

Dec 16, 2011

I want to create a dynamic block from existing geometry using C#.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Insert Block With Attributes In Existing Table

Jun 26, 2012

I'm creating a routine to fill in my terminal strips. This routine worked perfectly in Vba but I'm now rewriting it for .NET...The problem is that I want to insert a block with attributes into different cells.The tables already exists. Below my function, I'm stuck on this part

Dim lonReturnedIds = FunBlockId() ' Calls the function FunBlockID to get the ID's of the attributes
' 0 = BlockID
' 1 = AttributeID of KleurB
' 2 = AttributeID of KleurO
TS.Cells(i, intPosition).Contents.Add()
TS.Cells(i, intPosition).Contents(0).BlockTableRecordId = lonReturnedIds(0)
TS.Cells(i, intPosition).SetBlockAttributeValue(lonReturnedIds(1), strCableConductor2WriteFirst)

Public Function Fun_StripUp(ByVal Po3dXY As Point3d, ByVal str_CableName As String, ByVal Str_CableConductor As String, ByVal strCable Conductor 2 Write As String, ByVal strCableConductor2WriteFirst As String, ByVal intPosition As Integer) As StringDim tAcadDoc As ApplicationServices.Document = ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocumentDim myDB As.

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AutoCAD LT :: Add Attributes To Existing Block Without Exploding And Remaking It?

Mar 15, 2013

Can you add Attributes to a exsiting block without ,exploding it ,and remaking it?

I have made a dynamic window block and forgot to add the attribute annotation I wanted.

Tried to edit the block and add it, but when I save it and reopen the block it does not show.the attribute.

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AutoCAD LT :: ZTag Data To Existing Attribute In Block

Oct 19, 2011

we have a block that we use to identify rooms. that block has 3 attributes: rooms name, rooms number and surface area.

A former colleague once showed me how to do this but I can't reach him... How can I inquire the data from an area and tag-it right to the surface area attribute of my block? I don't mean pick a pline, list and edit the block... it's something like pick the closed pline and the "area" data is displayed in the right tag of my block?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Redefine Existing Block

Jan 29, 2012

I am using the following function to create a block:

(defun crea-blocco (ip blockname gruppoogg / blkobj sArray c r vla-objects doc) (setq c -1) (repeat (sslength gruppoogg) (setq r (cons (ssname gruppoogg (setq c (1+ c))) r)) ) (setq r (reverse r)) (setq vla-objects (mapcar 'vlax-ename->vla-object r)) (setq doc (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))) (setq blkobj (vla-add (vla-get-blocks doc) (vlax-3d-point ip) blockname)) (setq sArray (vlax-safearray-fill (vlax-make-safearray vlax-vbObject (cons 0 (1- (length vla-objects)))) vla-objects)) (vla-copyobjects doc sArray blkobj) blkobj)
But if I start this function two times with the same block name, I get a block with the selected objects added to the existing block.

How can I redefine an existing block with vlisp?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Attach Leader To Existing Block

Oct 24, 2013

Is there a way to attached an already exisiting placed block to a leader. If so, is there a way to do it to all the existing blocks, that are of the same block definintion, at once?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Converting Existing Blocks With Attributes To New Dynamic Block

May 10, 2012

I want to convert existing lighting blocks with attributes to a new dynamic block. I created a few visibility states but when i insert the block I can't move the attribute text around. I don't have to redefine the attributes within the block editor to make this work. What is the best way to deal with existing blocks with attributes?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Associate New Attributes With Move Parameter In Existing Block

Apr 11, 2013

I have a block that has been already established. i added another line of attribute. how do i make the new attribute associate with the 'move' parameter that has been set with the old attributes?

All this is created in block editor.

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AutoCad :: Overwrite Existing Block Definition By Inserting New Wblock Version

Oct 2, 2012

Presently if I insert a block into my drawing - and a block with the same name exists - the newly inserted block takes on the definition which exists in the receiving drawing . How do I reverse this i.e. I want to be able to overwrite the existing block definition by inserting the new wblock version.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Modify Insertion Point For Existing Block Definition

Jun 16, 2011

I have several existing block definitions and need to change the insertion point. Also, when creating a new block in the Block Editor, how do I define the insertion point?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Using Existing Company Title Block Incorporated Into Map Book Template?

Jul 21, 2011

I have made a template for my mapbooks and I got the main viewport, key viewport and adjacent map arrows to work great, but the title block is proving more difficult. I have tried it many ways, in a seperate drawing in model space which did not work, in the template as a block in a layout which came in, but did not allow me to edit any foelds unless exploded, etc, etc...

How to use an existing company title block incorporated into the map book template?

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Link Text Items Between Pages And Items In Drawing?

Apr 17, 2013

I am hoping to link text items between pages and items in the drawing such as elevations?

So, ideally, I would have a front page to my drawing set, and this would have a 'Contents' type table on it, with the title name of each drawing in one column, then the drawing number in the next column. This is the tricky bit, someone must know: If i was to change the name / number of any item in this table, could it change also (linked to) the following items:

Drawing title  (as a text idem on the layout sheet that that drawing relates to) 

Drawing number (as a text idem on the layout sheet that that drawing relates to) 

Elevation call-out (on the plan view)

And possibly:

Excel reference cell

Drawing layout tab title (this might be pushing it!!)

Perhaps this could be done by linking to an external Excel spreadsheet with these titles modified in there? I'm not sure. This would be ideal as typing into excel is a lot easier than the triple click text modify method required currently.

I waste a lot of time renaming and updating sheet names / titles / numbers. Are there standard templates for drawing sets that may have this built in available anywhere that I could try?

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Flipping Dynamic Block With Multiple Items Not Visible

Jul 25, 2012

new to dynamic blocks but looking to streamline my wiring diagrams here and have created a block that shows the typical wire styles we use in a simple easy way.  I now want to add an overall flip to the entire block and have not been able to find set this.  I would prefer to use the same label and go from there.  I have included the block to show what I mean.  It is only working on the single visible item at the one time.  I know this has to be possible just let me know what I am doing wrong.  I am running AutoCad LT 2013 

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Photoshop :: You Have No Items To Display / 24 items Hidden Error Message

May 25, 2012

How to I "unhide" my photo files in My Pictures?

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