AutoCad :: Convert Existing Block To Leader That Uses Same Block
Oct 21, 2013
I was wondering if it would be possible to convert an existing block to a leader that uses the same block with the arrow attached without losing the information which is stored inside the block attributes.
I have created the multi leader with the block definition attached but I'm still struggling to incorporate the data into it.
There are to many blocks to do this manually. I have exported the data to a excel but do not know how to insert it back into to multi leader.
Is there a way to attached an already exisiting placed block to a leader. If so, is there a way to do it to all the existing blocks, that are of the same block definintion, at once?
Is there anyway to prevent AutoCAD from converting a MTEXT leader with a block element attached to a BLOCK leader when doing a copy/paste? See screen shot.
I'm trying to add some attributes to an existing block using the block editor, but after I save and close it I cannot see any 'placeholders' despite adding a default value and the attributes work fine when I double click the block.
I've tried using the ATTSYNC and BATTMAN commands but nothing works and there are no invisibility states applied to either the attribute or block and all layers are switched on.
I just tried making a quick block from scratch and it seems to have the same affect, except the default value will show, but no 'placeholder' shown if left blank.
I swear with previous version I could see the tag when a value hadn't been applied, so is it that the version I now use (2012) does not have this feature or it's disabled?
We have a title block and border which is used in MS. If this is referenced using AMTITLE then it acts as expected. We issue these to some external people to create our drawings but they have been using CTRL-C and V to place them in a new drawing. ACAD does now not see them as a Title block or border but as blocks. We have a process to bring DWG's into SAP and this will check for a title block and border.
The issue is we need to fix these drawings and currently this means removing the borders and title blocks and placing new ones then adding all the attributes again. Is there a way to convert the blocks back to how they should be?
I have a leader with a block for signs that we use on our road schemes. I cannot access the attribute information on the block without exploding the leader with the block. The problem is that although I can then access the attribute information the leader is then broken and is only a line and a hatch arrow. Is there another way to do this?
I have a dynamic block that I want to be added to a leader style. When I create the style and draw a leader I don't have access to the dynamic block functionality. Is there a way to restore this functionality without exploding the leader?
Is it true that you can't attach an Annotative Block to a MultiLeader?This is the message that I got when trying: "Specify leader arrowhead location or [leader Landing first/Content
first/Options] <Options>: OP Enter an option [Leader type/leader lAnding/Content type/Maxpoints/First angle/Second angle/eXit options] <eXit options>: C Select a content type [Block/Mtext/None] <Block>: Enter block name <DOORTAG>: LEGENDNOTE Invalid Input."
It's unfortunate because I would like the block to show up Annotative in my Legend, and then again to the proper scale with the Multi Leader
I have a road construction ahead sign where I have hatched the background orange (color 30) as a mask since I am using an air photo for the drawing background. The block is fine until I try to use it in a multi leader, then the hatch color switches to block and I can't read the text. The block was created on the same layer as it is inserted. How do I get the orange hatch to show as orange in the multi leader block? See the attached screen shot.
I have a multileader with attributed labels in a block, see included png file. The attributes are indicated by the rectangled text. As you can see the block looks fine, but the leader attaches itself to the insertion point of the block. I want the leader to justify automatically left or right, depending on the drag position of the block. One thing I noticed is that if the block contains an odd number of text lines the leader will automatically self justify. An even number of text line produces what I have here.
i have a dynamic block that my firm has been using. we're updating our dimstyles - and our new leader is a custom (close to open 30 but with heavy accents).
anyway - i'm a little new and vague as how to change the leader within the dynamic block. i fiddled with it several times - but with no success.
I am trying to make dynamic blocks to show reinforced slab bars detail. Attached herewith is a dynamic block which shows the bars. Now i want to attach a leader to the block (having framed text) whose text values may vary from a, b, c, d, to say k. Is there anyway by which is can have the preset values that can be picked from a pull down menu.
i have a dynamic block that my firm has been using. we're updating our dimstyles - and our new leader is a custom (close to open 30 but with heavy accents).
anyway - i'm a little new and vague as how to change the leader within the dynamic block. i fiddled with it several times - but with no success.
I designed a dynamic block to represent the profile of boreholes, and its different layers (depths, in profile) are linked to the respective description text by a leader.
Problem is when I flip the text with its leader, the tip of the arrow loses contact with the borehole. And as I flip more times, the further it gets from its original position.
I am looking to modify a block count lisp, the lisp counts the blocks and displays them in the command line. I am looking to take that list and insert it in to a leader.
So it will prompt me to select blocks.
1st Point of leader 2nd point of leader
and would generate the block list in the leader annotation.
Is there a way to have the Arrow leader convert to Loop leader in one click. Our company standards use diamond tags and sometimes i have to change the arrow to loop by inserting a leader.
Is there anyway of re-naming an existing block without creating a new one? I made a rookie mistake of naming my blocks with names containing spaces i.e. 'block A' and 'block B' and have found that some routines like replace block won't work because of it.
I created an dynamic block few weeks ago and forgot to make it annotative. I try the ddchprop command, switch annotative to yes but it automatically immediately switch back to no.
I'm creating a routine to fill in my terminal strips. This routine worked perfectly in Vba but I'm now rewriting it for .NET...The problem is that I want to insert a block with attributes into different cells.The tables already exists. Below my function, I'm stuck on this part
Dim lonReturnedIds = FunBlockId() ' Calls the function FunBlockID to get the ID's of the attributes ' 0 = BlockID ' 1 = AttributeID of KleurB ' 2 = AttributeID of KleurO TS.Cells(i, intPosition).Contents.Add() TS.Cells(i, intPosition).Contents(0).BlockTableRecordId = lonReturnedIds(0) TS.Cells(i, intPosition).SetBlockAttributeValue(lonReturnedIds(1), strCableConductor2WriteFirst)
Public Function Fun_StripUp(ByVal Po3dXY As Point3d, ByVal str_CableName As String, ByVal Str_CableConductor As String, ByVal strCable Conductor 2 Write As String, ByVal strCableConductor2WriteFirst As String, ByVal intPosition As Integer) As StringDim tAcadDoc As ApplicationServices.Document = ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocumentDim myDB As. [code]...
we have a block that we use to identify rooms. that block has 3 attributes: rooms name, rooms number and surface area.
A former colleague once showed me how to do this but I can't reach him... How can I inquire the data from an area and tag-it right to the surface area attribute of my block? I don't mean pick a pline, list and edit the block... it's something like pick the closed pline and the "area" data is displayed in the right tag of my block?
I want to convert existing lighting blocks with attributes to a new dynamic block. I created a few visibility states but when i insert the block I can't move the attribute text around. I don't have to redefine the attributes within the block editor to make this work. What is the best way to deal with existing blocks with attributes?
I have a block that has been already established. i added another line of attribute. how do i make the new attribute associate with the 'move' parameter that has been set with the old attributes?
Presently if I insert a block into my drawing - and a block with the same name exists - the newly inserted block takes on the definition which exists in the receiving drawing . How do I reverse this i.e. I want to be able to overwrite the existing block definition by inserting the new wblock version.