AutoCad 2D :: Exporting DWG To DGN And Attaching To Another DGN?
Dec 8, 2012
I am trying to take our Traction Power DWG and export it to a DGN which is no problem. The problem i am having arises when i go to attach it to the Track Alignment DGN or the OCS DGN. It says that my drawing is in international feet while the others are in US Survey feet. How can i fix my drawing so that it is in US Survey feet, when i turn it into a DGN.
I am sure this is a setvar that has somehow gotten switched on, but when I copy entities to a point on a line or object, it seems to bind or attach itself to that line/object. So when I try & move or stretch the entity, the line or object that I used as a ref point also moves.
I am preparing 3D model of a 354 acres campus area. I am using AutoCAD Map 3D 2011. I have extruded all the building as AutoCAD drawing objects. I have also imported DEM of the area into AutoCAD. Now, how can I use this DEM to specify the Earth surface elevation or surface profile of my 3D building models so that all my 3D buildings read the Earth surface profile information from DEM.
I know DXF files can be saved as DWGs then used as XREFs but that isn't the goal we want to achieve.
We are a big steel fabrication shop and we run a plasma machine that accepts DXF files. What we want to do is be able to draw our parts as a DXF ready for the plasma then XREF them into an overall drawing to assure all of our pieces line up. Each piece will be a separate DXF.
We want them to be XREFs so that if one needs to be manipulated it can be done on the spot without having to reattach a block. The more files you have to open and manipulate the more room for error.
The only way I can come up with is to draw all pieces as individual DWG files, then XREF each one into their own DXF file as well as XREFing them all into an overall file to check that they all line up.
working in Cad 2012, and used to 'bind' images to the file, but can't find that function. Doing standard details and need to include the images in the file for access on a global drive, so it has to be a self-contained file.
attach XCdrg1.dwg to Drawing1.dwg attach XCdrg2.dwg to Drawing2.dwg attach XCdrg3.dwg to Drawing3.dwg ..etc...
What is the quickest method? Script? (I have approximately 800 drawings and 800 xrefs and for CAD management reasons they need to be individual drawing files)
I have a main drawing that I want to pull into another drawing as an XRef. When I try and attach the drawing as an attachment I get then message *Invalid* in the command line.
I have taken the drawings off the network and put them directly on my computer to make sure that it is not a network issue, but I still cannot attach the drawing.
We are moving from 2006 AutoCAD Map to 2013 Map 3D. When I do an overlay of files in 2013 Map 3D which was (X-REF) in 2006 the files don’t align, some do some don’t. I didn’t have that problem in 2006 or any other software. I have tried adding a coordinate system to the file to see if it mattered but it didnt unless I'm doing it wrong. I have just started working with 2013 Map 3D,
I have a group of dimension objects gather up by a selection set (objSS). I can screen each one one of these dimension by the lines
Dim objDimStyle As AcadDimStyle For Each objDimension In objSS ' ' Next
How is possible to assign the property Dim Style to each one of my objDimension to an Style that I have already created? I can not find this property available for my objDimension.
I am trying to attach the client details as an xref to my title block. This is how it was done at my previous company, but I did not set that up, so I don't know how it was done.
The problem is this - when I attach the xref, I cannot see it on my page in paper space. If I zoom out as far as possible, the paper layout becomes a tiny dot on the screen. When I then draw a rectangle far to the right of the paper, I see a blue glyph on my paper, so I know that the drawing is there, but I cannot see it (the drawing is inserting very far to the right).
I would like to figure out how to insert my xref so that it shows up on my page. I have moved the information in the file to 0,0 and inserted at 0,0, but I keep having the same problem.
I have an older version of autocad - Autocad LT 2007 - and am trying to attach a dwf I convertedfrom a pdf using design review 2013) in model space. The rectangle of what I imagine is the dwf appears, but there is no content.
i have a little drawing in modelspace. in paperspace, i have a viewport. let's say it's set at 1/4" = 1'-0". everything looks okay so far.
i click on the 'annotate' tab, and then select 'annotative' for my dimension style. it has the little triangle icon thingy so it should be annotative.
i make a couple of simple linear dimensions on my drawing (still in paperspace). looks okay so far.
but now lets say i want to change the scale of my drawing. i change it from 1/4" to 1/2" = 1'-0". my drawing gets bigger, but the dimensions stay the same size and position. they're no longer attached to anything on my drawing.
then i change the scale again, let's say back to 1/4" scale. my drawing shrinks, but as soon as it's back to it's original size, the dimensions now suddenly get twice as big and are where they should have been at 1/2".
and it continues like that, when i change my scale, the dimensions change to whatever the last scale was at, so that they're never synced up.
I have 30 M corridor. daylighting slopes have not been mentioned in typical section of this urban road. the sketch is shown. making this assembly and to get the 30 m fixed corridor.
I want to attach a drawing as xref to another drawing, but with maps, to be specific, with drawing manager layers, entity styles and hatch styles. I've made different maps in the same drawing with different styles, so I can change them accordingly.
There are some problems while attaching xrefs in Autocad 2013 it shows "eduplicaterecords" error and "Invalid" while attaching manually. But the functionality is working good in Autocad 2012 and below editions of Autocad.
This error is getting resolved when i use "audit" command for Autocad 2013. So i want to customize this command.
I need to bust a floor plan up into 4 quadrants. Just so I don’t do anything to the original, typically I will copy the plan from one starting coordinate to my “construction document”, or working construction lines. Once I’ve made the copy, I typically use the construction line as a “Quadrant Marker” for match-lines, etc., etc., etc… My problem is that I cannot remove the construction lines from the new copy that I’ve made. Not only that, if I move the copy, or delete the copy, the construction lines now seem to be a part of the “new drawing”. The “Grip” is also listed as a “Constraint”.
“This Does Not Happen With AutoCAD2008, or Earlier Versions” so What is Wrong, or so Different with AutoCAD2011, or Later?
I have about 1500 .tif files that I need to attach to drawings. Is it possible to write a script or macro of some sort that will automate this process?
I know how to insert them manually in raster design, but the number of files would be very time consuming. I am using AutoCAD 2009.
I've a map of an area, which has more than 50 streets and I want to name the streets from the excel work sheet. The streets are polylines. I want to show the street names on the polylines.
I have a humanoid mesh (it was originally a editable poly, but I think I converted it to an editable mesh), and I have a bipedal rig (the Man variant of the default) that is fitted to the mesh. I just cant figure out for the life of me how to attach the mesh to the rig. All of the tutorials I've seen are for older versions of 3ds, and use physique. When I apply physique to the mesh and hit "attach to node" nothing happens, and its all downhill from there. Could one of you good people point me in the direction of a tutorial for 3ds Max 2013?
I've been trying to attach a CDR file from Corel to send in an email. The recipient can't open it. I've tried everything I can think of and still no success.
Is there anyway in Photoshop that you can attach photos to text?
I'm trying to attach a photo to text so it looks part of the text but I'm not sure how its done. Is it possible? I've tried to google it and found no luck in doing it, as I probably was putting the wrong keywords in the search box.
I tried both linking and using a point attach constraint, which attached the hair to the head, but when I add a walk cycle everything goes and the body leaves the hair behind.
I can't find any tutorials for attaching spline hair!
I am trying to attach a group of images to a path and cannot figure out how to do it.I have a bunch of rectangluar images set up in a straight line, some are at diagonal angles and what not.I have tried using the join command, but it always gives me an error when I try it.
Is it possible to attach an identify marker or title to a moving object in Video Studio X4 PRO. I video trains. As the train comes toward me in the video I would like to attach the number of the diesel and type to it and each unit behind it ,if there are any. As it comes closer the marker gets bigger and more readable then, as the diesel disappears from view it's marker goes with it and the next one does the same thing, then the next.
For example, during NASCAR races an identifying marker, showing the drivers name and car number, is applied on screen and stay "attached" to the car as it travels through traffic around the raceway until it's turned off.
I don't know if it will look good or not but I would like to try it. Is that possible or have I gone way beyond VS x4 pro's capability?
Over the years, I've used a combination of Xara and MS Visio for business graphics -- Visio primarily for "boxes and arrows" work given the ease of typing text into any object.
I just spent a few minutes with my new version of Designer Pro X hoping that functionality might have been added and that I could finally eliminate Visio. I didn't see any new text-to-object function, but thought I'd ask here just in case.
I remember there is a way to attach text to a Xara object but couldn't find the instructions.