Problem: My Autocad 2009 SAVE AS not working properly, when I'm trying to save my work output or anything I want to make SAVE AS it's totally not working...
Is this cause by virus or there something wrong in my software?
I am facing problem while using Save / Save As / Save for web options in my Photoshop. On clicking Save / Save As commands, my photoshop gets closed abruptly and I am losing all data. If I choose Save for Web option, the file Save dialog box appears and when I click on the 'Save' button, the application gets closed abruptly.
It was working fine yesterday. My version is bundled in the Technical Communicator suite 3.5 and I faced some problems with Adobe Acrobat, for which my IT team took support from Adobe and got it resolved just two days ago. (Case ID - 184809966)
I have been having problems saving in Photoshop CS6. When I click on the "Save as" button nothing happens, and I can only save as a jpeg if there is only the background layer. If there are any other layers, the save button also does nothing when clicked on. I can exit out and Photoshop will ask if I want to save changes, I can click yes, but that will only save it as a PSD. I have Windows XP service pack 3 on my laptop, running Photoshop CS6 trial right now.
I recently installed Inventor 2014. With Inventor 2013, I was able to do a Save Copy As on an IDW file to save it as either a DXF file or AutoCAD DWG file without any issues. In Inventor 2014, doing this produces the following dialog boxes in succession:
No DXF or DWG is produced. I tried doing this to a new, blank drawing from one of the default IDW templates and I get the same result. What can I do to fix this?
I want to save my PDFs as All Colors As Black, but setting the option to 0 or 1 doesn't work, it keeps saving the PDFs in color. Here's the snippet of
If oPDFAddIn.HasSaveCopyAsOptions(oDataMedium, oContext, oOptions) Then oOptions.Value("All_Color_As_Black") = True oOptions.Value("Remove_Line_Weights") = False oOptions.Value("Vector_Resolution") = 400 oOptions.Value("Sheet_Range") = Inventor.PrintRangeEnum.kPrintAllSheets 'oOptions.Value("Custom_Begin_Sheet") = 2 'oOptions.Value("Custom_End_Sheet") = 4 End If
What is wrong with the option in the second line (shown in red)? I've tried a few other variations of All_Color_As_Black, but I'm having no joy. All the other examples I've looked at either has that option set to False (0) or that line is commented out .
My client wants to buy Inventor 2013 and want to installed MDT 2009. How to install MDT 2009 of inventor 2013? He has a large data base of MDT. If he can not be installed MTD2009 he will not buy inventor 2013.
A dwg obtained and developed from autocad 2009 was opened with autocad LT 2012 but could not display on the LAYOUT, although it does show on the MODEL.
I have tried to SAVE AS using the 2012 Autocad LT, but the drawing still wont display on the LAYOUT.
My company is useing LDD2009, as well as map. when we make notations in our plans we use a block that is basicly a square with an attribute inside to represent a number, the nuber then corresponds to the same number and a description in a table.
Now, I have been asked to create / recreate (a)the block that would rotate per viewport, also; we are not usin dynamic leaders.
is there a way to either continue with the block or create a dynamic leader that would rotate per viewport, even in other drawings that have xrefs attached like Plan & Profile sheets that are separate drawings.
I'm not sure how autocad would handle the rotating as well as the location of the block and still have the leader point in the same place.
Try starting Autocad LT 2009 and get Error Message: "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000005). Click OK to close the application."
It was recommended to uninstall and reinstall the software ... the software will not uninstall ... get the following message:"The following problems were encountered which prevented AutoCAD LT 2009 from updating successfully:? - Error opening installation log file, Verify that the specified log file location exists and that you can writte to it"
I have AutoCAD 2009. When I print a PDF, all the different layers come out looking the same. In other words, in my drawing I have layers that are say green and other layers that are cyan. Supposedly, the green layer is darker and thicker than the cyan layer. But when I print the PDF, all the layers come out with the same thickness and darkness.
But if I plot the DWG file, the lines show up the way they should be. The problem only happens when plotting PDF's.
Our company is planning to buy new workstations Dell Precision T1700 [URL] and we have question about compatibility with Inventor 2009: Will there be issues with drivers or directx etc. that don´t match with Inventor 2009 ?
my OS is Vista 64bit. i was using ACA2008 SP1 without any problems about a year.i decided to uninstall it and start using ACA2009.i have uninstalled ACA2008, 3dsmax2008 and other autodesk apps and removed some folders 'autodesk' and 'autodesk shared' from vista system folders.i also delete 'autodesk' from registry (LocalMachine/Software & CurrentUser/Software).then i installed ACA2009 64bit without any problems. after install i start it and there wasn't any problems (but i do not use any AEC objects, so i don't know if they was working).next i installed 3dsmax2009 & sp1 for it. max worked OK.then i installed sp1 for ACA2009. instalation was OK... but when i start working on a project i realised that AEC objects (wall,door, etc.) dont work at all ACA2009 starts OK without any warning or loads at startup AECarchBase (and other AEC related stuff) but when you are trying to use any of wall,door,window it does do nothing... for example when you select wall from tools pallete it shows command 'WallAdd' in command line and then wall command ends without any warning or also doesn't work from command line or menu the strange thing is when i uninstall ACA2009 and install ACA2008 again problem was also now in ACA2008 !!!
Just thought I would post this since I didn't see it anywhere else. With Inventor 2009, the views in IDW are automatically set to associative which causes the visibility option for parts/assemblies to be grayed out.
I'm in a situation where I need to share my drawings with another guy in a different office an hour away. I'm using 2010 and he's on 2009. What is the best way for each of us to send drawings back and forth, and still be able to tweak each others work?
Trying to do some bolt pattern center lines. Been doing them for years and can do them old school way. But was wondering if there is a better ways. If you put a circle from the center of the bolt circle to the center of the bolts and change it to center the hashes never line up. So I always do small center line sections on each bolt hole. Then array it around to cover the entire bolt circle. But that gets time consuming. I am now doing a lot of projects with bolt circles and wondered if there was a better method.
Running Inventor pro 2009 building simple fabrications and assemblies and it randomly shuts down without warning or any error code. This is happening regularly an dwith no apparent pattern or trigger.
I'm using autocad 2009 I Wrote the word multiplex auditorium using the mtext command.. but when i pressed enter, it got lost somewhere. using the find command [available in the edit menu] i can see it but cannot select it when i close the find dialogue. how can i search for this "multiplex auditorium" word and change its size using the mtext command..?
My laptop crashed with 2005 but I still have the disks with my drawings stored in them. The 2005 is so old it won't load onto Win7 in my new laptop. But I do have a friend who has 2009. Can I still access my drawings.
I have been trying to plot an excel spreadsheet within LT2009. See attached files.
Test Adobe.pdf was created using "Adobe PDF" driver, paper size A3. Looks good except for the exta lines running through columns 1 and 9.
Test Dwg to.pdf was created using "dwg to PDF.pc3" driver, paper size ISO A3 (420x297mm). The excel portion looks good but it has cut off the border all around.
I'm having a problem with a model that is extremely complex. It contains a perforated grille. I've reduced viewres to 100 and turned off those layers along with freezing them and it I still can't adjust my view, perspective or visual style without it locking up. Is there any way to get the model to function? Would making the grille a block or xref work?
I'm having some trouble in AutoCAD LT 2009 with block files.
I need the blocks I create to be available to every drawing I create, but somehow, I'm doing something wrong because I can only access them from the drawing I created them in.
I just recently had to install 2009 from map 2008. When I open drawings last worked on and saved in 2008 and open them in civil 3d 2009, I get drawings that freeze up upon opening. Some will eventually open, showing errors. Others will never open and just freeze up.
I am using CS6 (cloud) on Mac 10.6.8 and when I try to save anything (psd, animation, etc) for web I receive "The operation could not be completed." I have uninstalled and reinstalled photoshop, clear my presets, shut down/started up and have tried pretty much everything I can think of.The save for web function still works in CS5 but I have been using CS6 for months and it worked fine yesterday and today it's not working.
I have just lost three days work due to the 'save as' command not working. Adobe, get the simplest basic functions of your software working BEFORE all the fancy bells and whistles