AutoCAD Map 3D :: Selected Xref Block Is NOT Editable

Aug 19, 2010

When I try to edit a particular Xref in a drawing, I get a message saying:-

Selected Xref Block is NOT editable.

Is there a setting somewhere that controls this?

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AutoCad :: How To Make Xref Fully Editable Then Save As Standard DWG

Dec 6, 2013

I'm working on a fire damaged 4 floor condo project.I have an xref zip folder sent to me from the original architectural firm. It's been unzipped. Now I have multiple drawings. Each with it's own xref. I want to be able to have a fully editable drawing (in this case of a 3 story condo). I want to be able to add or delete, at will, any part of the drawing without any concerns of messing up an xref file.

How can I do this?

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AutoCad 2D :: Editable Scale Bar Block

Mar 30, 2011

I am trying to make a scale bar block that allows user to input the scale and it automatically populates the scale bar numbers. Note, I do not want to do a dynamic block with a list of preset scales that toggle visibility; I want the user to be able to input one field and have all the respective scale bar values calculated and updated based on that number.

I am having a problem making the numbers update correctly.The block has one attribute - "mainscale" - where a user can enter the desired scale,default is 1000. The mtext contain a field with a formula - the formula has a field targeting object-> "mainscale" -> value property, and divides it by 100 for 2nd bar value, by 50 for 3rd bar value, etc (to achieve the 10, 20, 30 when default value is 1000).

When I change the default value of "mainscale" within the block editor, the mtext values update correctly after a regen. However when out of the block editor, after changing the "mainscale" value and regen the scale values do not update.

What am I missing to make the fields update on a regen when the attribute value is changed? Or Is there some other way to create the scale bar with user input?Do I need to use scripts to make this work?

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AutoCad :: Editable Table Within Dynamic Title Block

Jan 24, 2012

I've created a titleblock with a menu to select sheet size, a single set of attributes that serve all the different sheets, but now I'm trying to find a way to add a table.

The table is to sit above the title box and include information on: New revision number
Text detailing changes since the last revision (might be single or multiple line text)
Date of new revision . The bottom line needs to sit flush to the top of the title block so the top line would be moving up the sheet as new lines are added if that makes sense?

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AutoCad :: Multiple Blocks With Editable Attributes In One Dynamic Block?

Oct 16, 2012

I have a group of blocks, when I click the blocks I get the editable attribute pop-up box. I can now enter a text of my liking.

I have now made a dynamic block of these blocks, with a visibility states dropdown. So that only one block is shown at a time and when I need to change it I copy the block and use the dropdown button to select the one I need.

The problem I have is that the when I click the blocks from the dropdown only one of them allows me to use the editable attribute pop up window. The others say 'The selected block has no editable attributes'.

If I can't have multiple blocks with editable attributes in one dynamic block or if I can and have done something wrong.

I've attached the block so you can see what I mean. Single Socket allows editable attributes others wont.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Selected Object Is In XRef To Highlight

Aug 15, 2013

I think there is a function that will cause the selected object that is in the XRef to highlight.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Open Xref In Selected Layout And Zoom To Match View

May 29, 2013

I have used Autocad since 1991, and my current job required me to use Microstation. One feature I liked from Microstation is the ability to select and open an external DGN reference, and then match the view of the parent DGN, called the "EXCHANGE" command. In AutoCAD, you can also select and open an xref, but the DWG opens to the previous saved view, and not to the desired view that matches the layout.

My thought was to experiment with lisp or script and export the "Viewctr", "Viewtwist" and "Viewsize" variables to a text file, then importing the text file and using the "Viewtwist" as my "SNAPANG" value, then "Viewctr" as my "ZOOM, CENTER" value, and finally the "Viewsize" as the "Enter magnification or height:" value.

But, alas, I have no time, and not quite the knowledge to duplicate MicroStation's open-xref-and-zoom-to-view feature. I hesitate using the REFEDIT, which works fine for regular AutoCAD, but not so much for Civil 3D and the objects it creates (labels and other items with data shortcuts).

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Open Xref In Selected Layout And Zoom To Match View?

May 28, 2013

I have used Autocad since 1991, and my current job required me to use Microstation. One feature I liked from Microstaiton is the ability to select and open an external DGN reference, and then match the view of the parent DGN. In AutoCAD, you can also select and open an xref, but the DWG opens to the previous saved view, and not to the desired view that matches the layout.

My thought was to experienting with lisp or scipt and export the "Viewctr", "Viewtwist" and "Viewsize" variables to a text file, then importing the text file and using the "Viewtwist" as my "SNAPANG" value, then "Viewctr" as my "ZOOM, CENTER" value, and finally the "Viewsize" as the "Enter magnification or height:" value.

But, alas, have no time, and not quite the knowledge to duplicate MicroStation's open-xref-and-zoom-to-view feature.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Find Block In Xref

Mar 28, 2012

How to find a given block inside a Xref.

I can run through the entire xref object and find the block - by name -  but is it posibel to search direct like searching in the main drawing.

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AutoCad :: North Arrow Rotation In Title Block With Rotation Property Editable In SSM

Jul 27, 2012

I am making a template file having title block with fields. I use this template for creating layouts and sheets using Sheet Set Manager and the fields will be updated from the data of SSM. Now i would like to add a dynamic north block to my template. The block could be rotated (i have this block in file itself) and rotation angle could be inserted. Now how can i add a custom field to SSM so that i could set a rotation angle for the project and thus every new layout or sheet created using the template has the north block rotated with the angle mentioned in SSM.

Here is the file...........

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AutoCad :: Attaching Xref To Title Block

Jul 13, 2012

I am trying to attach the client details as an xref to my title block. This is how it was done at my previous company, but I did not set that up, so I don't know how it was done.

The problem is this - when I attach the xref, I cannot see it on my page in paper space. If I zoom out as far as possible, the paper layout becomes a tiny dot on the screen. When I then draw a rectangle far to the right of the paper, I see a blue glyph on my paper, so I know that the drawing is there, but I cannot see it (the drawing is inserting very far to the right).

I would like to figure out how to insert my xref so that it shows up on my page. I have moved the information in the file to 0,0 and inserted at 0,0, but I keep having the same problem.

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AutoCad :: Removing Xref From Block Without Removing It From Drawing Block?

Dec 22, 2011

Drawing A has a grid system Xref-ed into it. It also has a block reference in it, repeated in various places throughout the drawing.

I Xref-ed the grid into the block to check something, and now I can't get it out. This means that the grid now repeats all over Drawing A as well and is generally being a nuisance.

If I try to unload the Xref within the block, it unloads it in Drawing A too. If I try to detach it from the block, it returns this message: Xref [Xref name] has multiple references. Not detached. If I try to detach the Xred from Drawing A, it returns the same message.

How do I unload the same Xref that occurs in a block in a drawing, and in the drawing itself, independently of each other?

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Create A Block With A Att For Display Path Of Xref

Jul 17, 2012

i looking a way for create a block after selected a Xref.

It is for display the path+Name of my Xref.

It use fields manualy put i can copy/paste the bloc. (ObjectId not egual in a 2 dwg).

I want :

1 - selec the Xref --> I know how to do that.

2 - create a bloc --> I know.

3 - create a att -> i know

4 - fill the att with the field --> ???

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Block In Xref Don't Change Color

Jan 30, 2012

How do i change color inside blocks on my xref? (much of the orginal file is builded in blocks). I need to have everything in color 8 (grey).

On attached pictures

The red, cyan and green is blocks on the orginal file.

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AutoCad :: Create Templates With Xref For Title Block

Mar 3, 2011

i am trying to set up templates at a new job and i want to create templates with an xref for the title block so when we start a new drawing, we use the template, save to the project file and everything is there with our title block already xref'd. my problem is, the path on the xref'd title block stays the same and is still referencing the location of the file i used when creating the template. if possible, when i save the new drawing to the project foldeer i want the xref to also move to the project file and the path to the xref to change.

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AutoCad :: Xref Block Unit Scale Factor?

Apr 8, 2011

I'm inserting an xref, and its coming in at a weird scale.... I noticed that in the 'external reference' dialog box the 'block unit' scale factor is set to a weird scale (.0394), but it will not let me edit it.

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AutoCad :: How To Restore Deleted Xref Or Block From The Database

Oct 22, 2012

deleted some xref by mistake.

is there a way to restore deleted xref or block from the database?

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3ds Max :: Converting Editable Mesh To Editable Poly Creates Extra Geometry?

Feb 13, 2013

A simple editable mesh object, a piece of terrain, which has standard texture on it an no modifiers, just some UV's on channel 1.

Whenever I add "edit poly" modifier or convert it to editable poly, additional geometry will be created. Statistics show that only vertex count of the selected object goes up about 6x but no additional faces are generated. This not the case when check on a sub-object level, there are lot of additional faces created. I've never seen this happen, jumping between edit poly and edit mesh has been easy without any errors like this.

I've tried the same model with 2013 as well - same results. Also tried collapsing the object, removing uv-mapping, different materials, attaching the mesh to empty box, etc, garbage collection, exporting it to obj and importing - even then same thing happens.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: How To Update (title Block) Being Inserted As Xref

Oct 16, 2012

How to update the “title block” being inserted as Xref?

I wanted to update the title block (inserted as Xref) as some changes occur in the original dwg but sounds not to work.

How the Xref is updated so that all changes in its original source can be reflected automatically?

Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.

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AutoCAD Express Tools :: XRef In Title Block Into DWG File

Mar 23, 2011

I am having trouble with my title block showing up in my plan view. It says it is loaded but it does not show up.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Block Insert Point Is Different On Drawing Than On Xref

May 4, 2012

I have a drawing where I have placed all of my natural gas piping.  I have all of the annotative blocks set to 3/32"=1'-0" and 1/32"=1'-0" scales.  They are both correctly displayed in this drawing. 

When I xref this drawing into another about half of the 1/32" blocks show up correctly.  The other half are shifted to the right off of the plan.  All of the 3/32" blocks show up correctly.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: 2011 Will Not Edit Block Or Xref In Place

Nov 8, 2013

Untill recently I have been able to edit my blocks or xref files in place. Now when I try do that CAD tells me to select nested item. Is this a setting a changed by mistake? If so what is it?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Tracking A Block Or Xref In Multiple Drawings?

Jan 29, 2013

I am trying to come up with a way to track a block or xref in multiple drawings. I have multiple drawings that have the same block in them and I was hoping that there was a way I could find out what drawings have the block without having to open up every single drawing.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Block In Point Label In XREF Color?

Mar 14, 2012

I have a block tha I use in a point label style. All of the block entities are on layer 0. The label style is also set to layer 0 so that it get on the same layer as the point. I've tried setting the block color in the label at by layer and by block. When a drawing that contains this label style is XREF'ed into another drawing, the block in the label always takes on the color of the current layer.

C3D 2011, Version 3

edit: I attached an example. The top figure is the point with the block in the label and the bottom is just the block itself.

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AutoCad :: Constraints Cannot Be Applied Between Nested Objects In Same Block Or Xref

Nov 23, 2011

I have two dynamic blocks. One is the plan view of a cylinder and one is the elevation view of a cylinder. When I change the parameter of the OD on the elevation, I want the plan view to change. I'd like to keep them as blocks (they're a little more complicated than just cylinders), but when I try to use parametrics to tie these two dimensions together I get: "Constraints cannot be applied between nested objects in the same block or Xref."

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AutoCAD .NET :: Cannot Write Selected Block Attributes

Jan 15, 2012

I have a prblem with the code. I posted the code below. I have two questions about the code.

The First in vba there is a function refers to blocks effective name is there ant similar function has?

Because when I filtered  Blocks that I want particularly DYNBlocks I get all of them in vba I inserted

İf blockobject.effectivename=" ..." then

it can solved. but I did not find a way to get rid of this...

The second question is the code can not able to write attribute when selecting fence mode. In normal selection it did not happen.
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry


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AutoCad :: Dimensions To Be Hidden If Block Is Not Selected?

Feb 23, 2012

I have a block which contains dimensions and am wondering if it's possible for the dimensions to be hidden if the block is not selected? They are on a separate layer so I can hide them in the layer manager but it would be slick for them to autohide unless I select the block.

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AutoCad :: Redefining Block Causing Xref Draw Order To Change

Sep 27, 2011

I have come across a situation whereby when a user redefines a block in a drawing it is changing the draw order of the xrefs.The block in question is the Plan frame, and is located in paperspace. The user redefines the block and the xrefs change their draw order in the viewport. A regen does not unfortunately correct the issue.Drawings were created with Civil 3D 2010. The plan frame block is a dynamic block.

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AutoCAD LT :: Unable To Edit Block In-place From Xref File After Bind

Sep 23, 2013

Our company uses xref electromechanical,

some problem we encountered after binding the xref become a block mostly like a baseplan & equipment system . can't edit block In-place in block references in latest autocad 2014 LT.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Drawing Land On Site When Xref Or Insert As Block

Jun 24, 2013

I'm using C3D 2013.  I received a survey drawing (unknown version) from a third party.  I tried both xref'ing and inserting as block into my drawing and it was over 7,100' SW from my site.  BUT when I copy from 0,0,0 in his drawing and paste 0,0,0 in my drawing, it lands on my site.  If I xref my drawing into his drawing, it lands on his survey information.  Why doesn't his drawing land on my site when I xref or insert as block?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Insert Block On Multiple Selected Points

Apr 20, 2012

I am trying to put something together that will allow a user to select objects in AutoCAD and then place a block at all the selected points. 

Below I have pasted the code that I have so far, but have not been able to test this to see what happens because the Dim ofd part is giving me an error that I have not been able to figure out. 

The error that I am getting says that :

Argument not specified for parameter "flags" of "Public Sub New(title As String, defaultName As String, extension As String, dialogName As String, flags As Autodesk.AutoCAD.Windows.OpenFileDialog.OpenFileDialogFlags)

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry

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