AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Drawing Land On Site When Xref Or Insert As Block
Jun 24, 2013
I'm using C3D 2013. I received a survey drawing (unknown version) from a third party. I tried both xref'ing and inserting as block into my drawing and it was over 7,100' SW from my site. BUT when I copy from 0,0,0 in his drawing and paste 0,0,0 in my drawing, it lands on my site. If I xref my drawing into his drawing, it lands on his survey information. Why doesn't his drawing land on my site when I xref or insert as block?
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May 4, 2012
I have a drawing where I have placed all of my natural gas piping. I have all of the annotative blocks set to 3/32"=1'-0" and 1/32"=1'-0" scales. They are both correctly displayed in this drawing.
When I xref this drawing into another about half of the 1/32" blocks show up correctly. The other half are shifted to the right off of the plan. All of the 3/32" blocks show up correctly.
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Nov 4, 2013
I’m having a user profile issue on one computer. I have a user, using windows 7 and AutoCAD Civil 3D 2014 on his work station. When using Civil 3D he has two issues: one, he cannot import Dgn’s. I’ve tried everything it just won’t work. Second, he cannot xref or insert PDF’s into a drawing. Now the reason why I say this is a profile issue is because if I log on to his computer (or anyone else log’s on his computer), I can do all those things in Civil 3D, import DGN’s & insert/xref PDF’s. If this user log’s on my computer, he can do all those things in Civil 3D. Import DGN’s & insert/xref PDF’s. Something with his profile on his computer is corrupt and I’m trying to fix it without deleting and creating another user profile.
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Nov 1, 2013
Last week I could import xml files just fine. Now when I go to import a xml I get
"_AeccLandXMLIn Unknown command "AECCLANDXMLIN". Press F1 for help."
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Aug 2, 2013
I am trying to insert OS Tiles into a drawing using the insert x-ref command. I have managed to insert 192 tiles but still need to add 29 more tiles to complete. When I try to insert another x reference AutoCAD just goes into a continual loop. Have to force AutoCAD to crash after ten minutes.
I am using AutoCAD 2014 MAP and have just had a new system built (i5 processor, 8GB RAM).
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Aug 15, 2012
Typically at my company we rotate our drawing orientation under the Projects - Drawing Setup - Orientation. Rotate the drawing to a known basis of bearings. Then we label the boundary and the bearings are rotated to match the basis of bearings without having to rotate the drawing in model space. Just reciently my labels havne't been holding the orientation. So when I add a static or dynamic label the bearing reads as though my orientation is due north. BUT, when I loook at the line priperties, the bearing is correct, as it has held the orientation.
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Jan 28, 2010
How do I insert a title block into my drawing?
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Oct 30, 2013
I would like to be able to collect information from a drawing via a sub-form and then insert a block with attributes (populated with collected info) into another open drawing. The insert operation would be launched from a button on my sub form.
Is this possible?
From the code below I attempted a test to simply select a point from another open drawing but was not successful. However, once I closed both forms the target drawing file is activated.
Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim docMgr As DocumentCollection = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager
Dim i As Integer = 0
For Each doc As Document In docMgr
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Dec 29, 2011
I am trying to create a block which consists of my company logo and some text to use on my drawing sheets or templates
I have created a block by making a autocad drawing and creating /saving it as a block .. When I insert the block into my drawing the text style changes into a different style... why is this happening and what can be done to prevent this change from occuring. I am using autocad lt 2009 and 2005 the problem is consistant with both versions...
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Sep 16, 2011
I am trying to insert a block (using .Net) that does not already exist on the drawing. It is on a network share, which is in the search path. If I, from the command line insert the block, it finds it ok and inserts it. But when I do this from .Net code it does not search for the block. So how do you get it to search for the block and insert it?
Here is a code snippet I'm using to insert the block:
Dim myDwg AsDocument = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
Using myDocLock AsDocumentLock= myDwg.LockDocument()
Using myTrans AsTransaction= myDwg.TransactionManager.StartTransaction
'Open the database for WriteDim myBT AsBlockTable = CType(myDwg.Database.BlockTableId.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead), BlockTable)
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Oct 17, 2011
I am trying to insert a block into a drawing that uses dynamic blocks. I want the block to be associated to the dynamic block, so that when I alter a linear stretch parameter on the dynamic block it moves the other block.
I am probably missing something obvious, but have now googled my mind into a numb state and can't make any more progress.
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Feb 12, 2012
I have a lighting block I need to insert into a drawing. Who ever drew the block did so upside down (so the top is really the bottom). I can't, for the life of me, figure out how to "rotate" it so that the top is correct. When I rotate the block, it simply keeps the top the top. When I copy and paste it, it stays the same as well. I tried inserting it into a new drawing.
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Apr 22, 2013
I am trying to insert one or another block into a drawing, and i need to do this 8 times per drawing.
(defun C:detector (/ filename gas pressure)
(repeat 8 (initget 1 "Gas Pressure")
(setq filename (getkword "
Enter Detector Type [Gas/Pressure]: "))
(if (= filename "gas") (command "-insert" "*T:\acad\schematic_circuits\suny\sunygasdetectornew.dwg" pause "" "")
(or (if (= filename "pressure")
(command "-insert" "*T:\acad\schematic_circuits\suny\sunypressuretransmitternew.dwg" pause "" ""))
) ;;end or
) ;;end if
) ;;end repeat
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Oct 15, 2010
I need simple code to do just one thing, inserting a dynamic block that is stored in a separate file on my computer (like C:/base/b-22) in the drawing that I'm currently using. For example, I have a windows form with a list box with names of many dynamic blocks that are stored on my c drive, I would like to pick a block with a name and upon a click event of a button or other will go get this block from a separate file and insert it in the drawing I'm currently using, and would need to be able to pick the point of where I want the block to go. I'm using autocad 2010 with visual studio 2008- using the new autocad .net language.
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Mar 5, 2013
I'm trying to edit an architectural Title Block. I've went into block editor and did attribute definitions. However, when I save it I can't insert it into a drawing. Is there anything I can do to prevent this from happening?
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Sep 26, 2013
take a look at this piece of my LISP-routine.
(command "_.block" pause pause ss "")
ss - is a Selection set of some entities
In the rest of code, I don't change the values of initdia, or cmdecho, or whatever else
I haven't sill understood them that well.The problem is the following:
When My routine executes this line, I am promted for:
1. block name - that's OK
2. insertion point - that's OK
3. then the block-command receives correctly the entities from ss-selection set - that's OK
4. then all the object dissapear! **Problem here**
The block is created... I can insert it in the drawing from the block-data base...
But is there a way to let this block stay in the drawing ? without disappearing?
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Aug 23, 2011
I need a plan view of a gate crane as a block to insert into my drawing. It is not necessary to be detailed and a simple one is acceptable.
Is there any place to find it. Attached photo shows what I am looking for.
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Dec 22, 2011
Drawing A has a grid system Xref-ed into it. It also has a block reference in it, repeated in various places throughout the drawing.
I Xref-ed the grid into the block to check something, and now I can't get it out. This means that the grid now repeats all over Drawing A as well and is generally being a nuisance.
If I try to unload the Xref within the block, it unloads it in Drawing A too. If I try to detach it from the block, it returns this message: Xref [Xref name] has multiple references. Not detached. If I try to detach the Xred from Drawing A, it returns the same message.
How do I unload the same Xref that occurs in a block in a drawing, and in the drawing itself, independently of each other?
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Aug 19, 2011
I'm having an issue with JPG attachments. In this case, we are attaching a reference civil site plan drawing. The image correctly appears in the sheet, and even in the "preview" window while exporting to DWF. However, the DWF file does not show the image. Is this a hidden export setting or a view setting in Design Review?
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Mar 14, 2012
I have a block tha I use in a point label style. All of the block entities are on layer 0. The label style is also set to layer 0 so that it get on the same layer as the point. I've tried setting the block color in the label at by layer and by block. When a drawing that contains this label style is XREF'ed into another drawing, the block in the label always takes on the color of the current layer.
C3D 2011, Version 3
edit: I attached an example. The top figure is the point with the block in the label and the bottom is just the block itself.
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Feb 17, 2013
So I am trying to make a site map for a building my buddy just bought. I found a lot map on the city's online database, cropped it to the area of his lot's block, and saved the image file. I then opened up a new autocad file and xreferenced the image. I know the front of his building on the site is 45' so I made a polyline that is the length of the facade over top of my xref image. Then I selected the image, used the scale command, selected one side of my polyline as a basepoint, used reference, entered 45' as the known length, and then selected the other end of the polyline. My image scaled but is now incredibly small. So small that the entine site isn't even 1". I keep trying but I'm doing something wrong somewhere.
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Jun 19, 2013
Is there a way to toggle visibility of a corridor in a drawing where the model has been Xref'd into? The problem I am having is that we have one Model drawing that has a corridor.This Model is xref'd into multiple drawings. Not all drawings should show the corridor.
The only way I have found so far is to go into model and toggle the corridor on and off depending on which drawing I want to print or view. It creates problems when you want to run a Publish of multiple drawings because you always have to goof with the Model file. This seems a bit of a step back from being able to toggle visibility of objects in a drawing file with an xref atached and leaving it that way and ready to be printed at any time.
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Jul 30, 2012
How to do this?
Civil 3D 2012 SP2
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May 8, 2013
I have created linework using the line by object tool. I have created a surface and am trying to add breaklines by selecting some of this linework. Once I try to create the breaklines, it says that all those breaklines contain errors and have not inserted them into the drawing.
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Nov 28, 2012
I am trying to xref a base drawing. But everytime I insert the drawing, the scale factor always comes up to be 12. I tried changing it, but it won't let me. I have attached an image of the problem I am getting.
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May 9, 2013
I'm working on a rather large subdivision (not uncommon, certainly used to a longer-than-normal load time) but have found one of our XREF files to be bringing drawing loads to a screeching halt. We have XLOADCTL set to 2, which explains the creation of the temporary file.
I have previously gone into the file and reset the scale list, which speed things up by about 50%, but today it appears to be doing the same thing.
Is there anything I can do to prevent this from becoming a more serious problem? Can I add some sort of SCALELISTEDIT reset command to the acaddoc.lsp file?
Civil 3D 2014
Windows 7 Professional
Intel Xeon E31270 @ 3.4 GHz
8 GB, 64-bit
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May 7, 2013
I am trying to XREF my C3D Design file that has my profiles and sections in it into a drawing with a title block and viewport. Everything is fine in Model Space...but when I create the viewport in Paper Space none of the annotative text of the profile/section shows up...or is microscopic.
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Oct 2, 2013
2014. In help, it says to "Click Insert tab-Block Definition panel-Manage Attributes" In my display, when clicking the Insert tab, I only have a "Block" panel, not a "Block Definition" panel. Trying to get to the Sync command.
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Nov 6, 2012
I'm trying to bind a site survey produced in Land Autodesk to my drawing, however when I try I get this error message:
'Some objects in specified Xref(s) failed to bind' I've tried purging the survey prior to binding, but have had no success.
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Jan 31, 2013
Why do our feature lines all come in as the color white when xreffed into a drawing? Feature lines show up just fine in our topo drawing, so then we xref it into our design drawing and they all show as if the color is white when is is not in the layer properties. All other items (symbols, points, and lines) come in as the color they were drawn in the topo drawing.
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Apr 2, 2013
I write a program, this program needs to insert some standard illustrations. I made these standard illustrations into different blocks. And I store these blocks in a dwg file. Everytime I need to insert some illustrations, I just click the mouse on the current drawing, I want the illustration inserted. These means the following points:
(1) Import the blocks to the current drawing, if the blocks have already been imported, then do nothing.
(2) Specify the insert point by clicking the mouse, and I want the block's insert point to coincide with the mouse clicking point.
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