AutoCAD Inventor :: Copy View From One Drawing To Another?
Jan 31, 2012For inventor drawing, is that possible to copy a view from one drawing to another different drawing?
View 2 RepliesFor inventor drawing, is that possible to copy a view from one drawing to another different drawing?
View 2 RepliesI recently started working on Inventor 2013 and I'm trying to copy a drawing view in order to place it on another sheet. Unfortunatly I see no copy option. Am I doing sth wrong or it's due to the changes in the version?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI've recently made a new drawing template with ilogic prompts for entering data for all fields within the template. It also sets view sizes etc. I have lots of master drawings, which are reused when sizes etc change for a contract, which i would like to transfer to this new template. Drawing Resource Transfer Wizard does not offer this function.
I could get all drawings in a folder copied to specific sheet size on the master template.As the template will probably be developed further in the future I'm very loathed to do this take manually.
Is it possible to have the parent view for the section in one drawing and the child views in another drawing?
View 2 Replies View RelatedAfter upgrading to Inventor 2014 we notice that the graphics do not work properly, and that the overall performance in drawings and modelling bad compared to 2013. Then we installed SP1 and now drawing views are disappearing, however when we select "shaded" view the view reappears and works perfectly..
Any workaround regarding disappearing views?
Each time when I place a part in base view, have to follow few steps; go through view label, format Text, than choose type option - [Properties-Model] and its property - [Part Number], than placing dimensions. it takes long time and very repetitive, especially, when placing a hundreds of parts and I was wondering if there is an option, to set up view label; [Properties - Model ]& [Part number], as a DEFAULT. So, each time placing a part, in base view it will come up with correct label. Also, overall dimensions, can it be retrieve using parameters of the part?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI can find a method to copy a Design View to a Level of Detatil (DesignViewRepresentation.CopyToLevelOfDetail)
But the opposite way (i.e. LevelOfDetailRepresentation.CopyToDesignView) doesn't seem to exist - it is possible in the GUI.
Will I have to traverse the complete structure and set visibillity one by one to obtain the function then? Or are there a better/faster way to go?
One of the new features in 2013 is the ability to copy a view that is on the idw. Is there a way to copy/paste a view, then replace the reference of ONLY the part in the view that was just copied?
What I have is two parts. For simplicity, just imagine both as a square plate. One has a hole in it, one doesnt. I have already dimensioned the square plate. Now I copy the view and paste it back on the sheet. I want to replace the reference of the one I just copied and change the reference to the part with the hole. If I use replace model reference command, it will replace both references, which is what I dont want.
Just a wish I guess, but the only way I can do this now it to place the second part on the sheet and start dimensioning it. Seems like a waste when we almost have the tools to quickly complete this.
You can't copy a sheet within a drawing to duplicate it. So, as a workaround, I saved a copy of the drawing to a different name and tried to copy a sheet back. Pick the view in the browser, right click, copy. Switch to the original drawing, right click paste in the browser. All I keep getting is an error "Invalid input for Request." I even think I remember getting this error before and finding a way around it.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWondering if it was possible to have a .idw drawing automatically update all its copies with any annotation changes. They would all be linked to the same model and would update if the model was altered, but I need only one master drawing whose annotations can be altered. The copies would be read-only, and would be updated when the master changes. Does Inventor have a function like this that links a drawing to its copies?
View 5 Replies View RelatedWorking in an idw file, I have a need for two drawing sheets with the identical views of the same part. However, each sheet will need different dimensions and annotations. What I would like to do is after completing one sheet, in one step create the second identical sheet, then just edit/add dimensions and annotations. Is there a method to do this? So far, I have only been able to copy one view at a time from sheet to sheet.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a part (partA) and a drawing of it (drawingA).I want to save a copy of both (partB and drawingB) and make changes to partB and drawingB will update.
To do this do I save a copy of partA first to partB and then in drawingA replace part to partB and then save a copy of drawing to drawingB
how can I copy inventor drawing sheets? I don't want write everything again. It must be a way.
I use inventor 2012.
Autodesk inventor Design Suite Premium 2012
Windows 7 x64, 750 GB harddisk
Intel core i5 Cpu @3.2 GHz, 8 GB Ram,
nVidia Quadro 2000 D Graphics Card
I have a question regarding copying geometry in drawing mode.
When I was working in V5 and making drawings I sometimes had to "fake" geometry, the world is not perfect I know, copy geometry in the 2d, like center lines and such. I am trying to do the same in Inventor and use the project geometry button and geometry is created but it does not show up when exiting sketch.
I recently downloaded a .SAT part from and i would like to use it in an assembly i am creating. Problem is, once i pulled it into Inventor, I am unable to edit the part to match the dimensions necessary for my assembly. How do i go about editing this part? Is there a way that i can copy the components of the part and paste into a new drawing, save as a normal part, then edit? I have attached a screenshop of the part so you can see the Model tree.
p.s. I would simply redraw the part, however i am having a lot of difficulty getting it to look as i want it to.
Using ISO.idw template I created into a sheet a Sketch which contains a hatch. Now I want to delete that hatch and I don't find anywhere how to delete it.
The second problem is this: I want to create in multiple sheets the same drawing but with small differences. How to copy a drawing from a sheet to another sheet. I press right click on the first sheet and i press Copy but there's no Paste button.
I'm working on a Isometric drawing and im trying to dimension the view. I keep the original view there and cut another of the same view and place that cut view over the original, so I have something to snap to while dimensioning.
Every time i go to place the cut view over the original and i always grab the wrong view and move it and I am wondering if there is a way to pin the original view in place permanently?
Is there a way so that when I make a view in a drawing,
it shows up by default with all it's real lines, instead of having to select the options all the time...
i have assembly and i want make drawing of part of it. Part of assembly i want to show/draw is between two parallel planes. How can i do this?
I'm using inventor 2010.
I've got a macro which is creating .ipt and .idw files from templates. I'm once created I'm replacing the reference in the .idw to refer to the newly created .ipt file. The problem is that the drawing view isn't updating... I've make the .ipt file dirty then udpate the drawing, but that hasn't worked. I've tried just using the drawingdocument.update function, but that hasn't worked either...
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a 3/4 sectioned view rep (Locked) in an assembly. On a drawing, When I select the correct view rep,
- I don't get the save view orientation ( though It show/hide the correct parts). I was expecting this because I had locked in 3D
- I don't get to see the 3/4 section.
Is it possible to rotate a drawing view using iLogic?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn the continuing persuit to learn Inventor, of this selection in the drawing view editor?I have noticed one thing. When it is checked it turns off the visibility of parts within an assembly view.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have an assembly that is derived from a solid body part. The assembly can rotate in the part hence the .iam that was created using Make Components also rotates. The trouble is I need to make a template drawing showing the assembly in the same position all the time.
Is there a way to make a base view always look at a surface and follow that surface so that the view on the drawing always looks the same?
For example: If I had a dice and I create a base view of the two dots side of the die. If I roll the die I still want to see in the base view the two dots side of the die in the same orientation.
Having this dialogue box pop up every time i print. Not sure what a raster view is and how I should be turning it on /off.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am using this code to turn visibility of components off in IDw file, what I need top turn visibility of a component of in a subassembly.
'oDrawingDocument = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
'Get the first view
'Dim oView As Inventor.DrawingView
'oView = oDrawingDocument.ActiveSheet.DrawingViews.Item(2)
[Code] .........
We are sometimes faced with the problem that we would like change the coordinate system of the model and have the drawing update it with the new orientation of the part without the need to place every annotation again. This is mostly for legacy parts and assemblies which are not modeled correct according to the coordinate system of the machine.
The following sample code does not work, is this by design or is there an error in the code?
Public Sub RotateFirstView() Dim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocument Set oDrawDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument Dim oDrawView As DrawingView Set oDrawView = oDrawDoc.Sheets(1).DrawingViews(1) Dim oCamera As Camera Set oCamera = oDrawView.Camera Debug.Print oCamera.ViewOrientationType = kFrontViewOrientation oCamera.ViewOrientationType = kIsoBottomLeftViewOrientation oCamera.ApplyEnd Sub
Inventor Professional 2012 SP1 (25 seats with subscription)
Windows 7 64 bit
Lenovo D20, 12 GB RAM, Intel Xeon X5687 3.6 GHz, SSD
Quadro 4000, driver, dual monitors
SpacePilot, driver version 6.15.3 Firmware 3.12
I am trying to align two views horizontally with I logic, (view 1) and (view 2) but I am not sure what the syntax needs to look like.
I know that I need to import the Drawing view Alignment Enumeration, but other than that I don't know what to do, can some one post an example of how to align views with I-logic.
I have some models which are based on skeleton modeling and where the actual parts are modeled at the position where they are in the assembly. When the skeleton part is changed the parts will update and their orientation related to the origin planes can change. This is where the problem lies, on the drawings of these parts the views are all skewed after an update.
Is it somehow possible to tell Inventor that all views on a a drawing should stay alligned to a workplane? Because it are all parts and no assemblies I cannot use posreps (and I don't want to use dummy assemblies). I also tried setting a specific edge to be horizontal with the rotate command in the drawing. This works for the base view, but all projected views will still be skewed after an update.
Is it possible to get the "actual" calculated area of the face of a part from a drawing view? I looked at the drawing view object in the api but didn't find what I was looking for. What my goal is, I want to calculate the actual square foot of this piece and then subtract it from the overall square foot so I can calculate waste. Perimeter's of pieces can be in multiple forms, radial, straight or a combination of the two. See image below.
View 1 Replies View RelatedFor Inventor 2012? IV2012
Windows XP SP3 32-bit
Intel Core 2 Duo 6400 @ 2.13 GHz
Nvidia Quadro FX 3450/4000 SDI 256MB Vram
2 GB Ram