AutoCAD Inventor :: Showing Hidden Lines In Drawing File
Apr 13, 2009
Can we show or hide the model edges with respect to Features or parts. I think, there must be only two options. ie. "Show all hidden edges" or "show all" and "Hide all edges".
I'm having issues involving hidden lines that should not be hidden lines in the idw environment.
I am using Inventor 2010 suite, 64-bit. I have largish assembly modeled with several sub-assemblies and a few reference assemblies. Some of the reference models are shrinkwraps from other large assemblies (surface type shrinkwrap, link broken), and other reference models are acutal assemblies that I am unable to shrinkwrap because I need the positional reps that they provide.
When I place my parent assembly, with all the normal and reference models included, on an idw, large portions of the reference models do not show up. If I change my line style to show hidden lines, the missing parts show up. At first, I thought that it may be because the reference parts in question were not originally in the view due to the reference data margin, so I started a new sheet and set the margin large enough to show the entire machine, as well as the state of Michigan, before I set the base view, but I still don't get those parts unless I enable hidden lines.
Even at that, Inventor is not behaving consistently. Some of the parts that won't show unless hidden lines enabled are fabricated parts that I or a co-worker modeled, some of the parts were imported from SAT, STEP and IGES files, and some of them are shrinkwrap parts. On top of that, some of the parts will show up normal (without hidden lines shown) if I change the part's BOM structure from reference to normal, while others still will not show unless hidden lines are enabled, regardless of the BOM structure. Keep in mind, none of these parts are hidden behind anything in the model, even with everything visible in my design view rep, so what's causing Inventor to think these parts are hidden.
Computer Specs: Dell Precision M6500 mobile workstation (purchased in April 2010) Windows 7, 64 bit OS Intel i7 processor 8 GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro FX 2800M graphics Inventor Suite 2010, Subscription Advantage Pack, SP3
Computer Specs: Dell Precision M6500 mobile workstation Windows 7 SP1, 64 bit OS Intel i7 processor 12 GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro FX 2800M graphics Inventor Suite 2010, Subscription Advantage Pack, SP4
I'm not sure if there's a way to stop this, but whenever I add parts to an assembly and switch to the drawing of the assembly, the hidden lines for those parts show up in every view of the assembly. Right now I'm having to go to each view and select the hide hidden lines option for each part. Is it possible to stop the hidden lines from showing up everytime I add a part?
Inventor Professional 2013 Intel Xeon W3680 @ 3.33Ghz 12GB DDR3 RAM NVIDIA Quadro 2000 GPU Windows 7 Professinal 64-bit
Is there a way of using Ilogic to make hidden lines of specific parts in an assembly drawing view visible? If a part with hidden lines showing is suppressed and then unsuppressed the hidden line option becomes unchecked, therefore I need a way of rechecking this option through code?
I am developing my sheets and I noticed that hidden lines are not showing on my pipe penetrations. My discipline is set to Coordination. The walls are part of a linked revit model. Is there a setting I need to turn on?
Problems I'm having with hidden lines being visible in certain viewports and not others.I've dimensioned my drawings in model space, which I prefer, and put the dimensions on a separate layer. However, including that layer in the viewport causes the hidden lines to be visible when plotted. If I turn that layer off, everything works great.
I have dimensions for the same object in plan view that I'm showing in a different viewport that works just great, but in the front elevation viewport it gets all screwy.
I can dimension in paper space just fine.I prefer to dimension in model space whenever possible.
I'm trying to print off an installation drawing which has some conduit running down through a wall. What I want is to show the conduit in the wall as a hidden line but I'm not able to do so. I'm using AutoCAD 2013.
I am having an issue with drawing files. I have set views on assembly files. But on the idw file it is showing wrong views... And this is making problems when i am trying to give dimensions. I have attached jpg files.
I have a drawing that has had the origin indicator hidden.The part has changed, and I need to move the indicator to the new 0,0 location.How do I show the origin indicator again, or while it's hidden, move it to the new location?
I'm drawing objects (walls, platforms, etc.) in 3d made up primarily of extruded polygons. I want to be able to plot these objects in a way that hides all of the lines which are obscured by other objects. Currently I have my viewports set up with a 2D Wireframe visual style and a Hidden shade plot. This isn't working for me. I'm still getting all of the lines in the drawing visible no matter what.
Here's the strange thing: It seems to work perfectly fine in plan view, but not in front view. Also, it's worked fine in the past. It seems that the problem has gotten progressively worse over the past year or so.
What I'm looking to do is show the hidden lines blocked by a part in a plan view but not all of the hidden lines. Ie. I have a top view showing a clearance. If I turn on that clearance a portion of the original part is not viewed. When I turn on hidden lines I now see every hidden detail of that part (I didn't turn on hidden lines for the entire drawing). I then have to eliminate all the lines I don't want which is both tedious and cumbersome. Is there a way to turn on just the lines hidden by a particular object but not all the hidden lines of the part.
I have created a drawing of a jug from a CAD learning manual, however when I enter HIDE mode the tessellation lines show as triangles, not rectangles as shown on the image in my book.
It appears fine before HIDE (horizontal and vertical lines only) -- I've tried FACETRES but that just creates a higher amount of triangles during hide.
Is there a way to adjust how it's shown in HIDE mode?
I have attached 2 images (or tried to!): 1 - Before HIDE. 2 - After HIDE.
I am doing a .idw drawing of an assembly that I have several parts that I do not want to appear in the BOM parts list. I have therefore set these parts as Reference parts however this has caused them to appear as "hidden type" lines in the drawing and are even visible through other parts.
Is there any way to make these parts appear in the drawing "as normal" and not be listed in the parts list?
I don't know if it is a bug or a setting, but in Inventor 2014, when I work on a part inside an assembly, with hidden lines visible, I am not able to see hidden lines from other parts.
is this a bug in Inventor 2014, or can this be changed in settings?
I really need that x-ray overview when projecting edges from hidden parts.
Is there way that within a drawing view, hidden lines can be shown for only some of the parts of an assembly, rather than just being a global toggle setting for the whole view? I know that it is possible to hide individual lines, but It would be good to be able to do this on a part basis, as some drawings can have thousands of hidden lines that would need to be selected and turned off.
Is it possible to show hidden lines in one part of a .idw view while the rest of the view does not show hidden lines? In the attached image I want to show the pull handle and towel bar through the glass in the door. The only way I know how to show this currently is to turn off the visibility on the glass.
Inventor 2013 Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1 HP EliteBook 8470w Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz Memory: 16 GB AMD FirePro M2000 3D Connexion SpacePilot
I have a problem with my Inventor crashing everytime i try to set a .iam view in my blueprint to hidden lines. First i tried to make a specific part of the .iam hidden lines and it crashed, then i tried to make the hole view hidden and it still crashes.
"unhandled exception"Autodesk Inventor Professional 2011
Having an issue where in a part model with the view set to "wireframe with hidden edges" the edges and hidden edges disappear when you try to zoom in on the part. Actually not working with "wireframe and visible edges only" at any zoom level either.
The edges are there and I know that there are features that should be showing up as hidden.
Running Quadro FX 3800 with the most current drivers, and I only noticed this when switching to IV 2014.
Also running IV Build 222 SP 1
This is making designing very hard as I can't tell anymore where there are instances of features interfering with each other.
Inventor Pro 2014 SP1 Vault Pro 2014 Windows 7 x64 2.53 Xeon Quadro FX 3800 24GB RAM
I have an assembly with some hidden solids of a part in, which are turned to invisible in the part but they show on the drawing. How to not show these in the drawing but still show the unhidden solid of the part.
I have created an iLogic panel which allows me to control my revision a lot easier and puts my entered data into the parameters of the sheet itself, is there a way to have this show up on the drawing itself for a template?
I am working on a project to assign balloons to components in drawing view automatically. Of course, I don't want to assign a balloon to a component which is invisible (hidden) in this drawing view.
So, is there any API function to check whether the component in the drawing view is invisible or hidden?
Can this be done? I want to go through the DrawingView Object to get at a subcomponent of an assembly and either set that component to have hidden lines (where needed) or no hidden lines.
I needed to make a dome-like feature and the only way I could get something that looked even close to what I was modeling was to use the loft tool. I've attached the model of what I'm talking about (it's Inventor 2010) The problem is when I try to make a drawing for it, it won't show some of the lines on the dome feature. The only way the loft would work was if I checked the "closed loop" button. I tried checking the box in the drawing saying show tangent faces or something like that and that didn't work either.
When creating a piping part, like a strainer, I'd like to be able to show something to represent the area that needs to be kept clear to allow for removal of the filter cartridge. In AutoCAD I'd just draw a phantom circle and a few lines extending from it to show the needed room. Any way to indicate the area in an Inventor part that won't obscure parts of the main object or other objects that may be located behind? Transparent solids, or maybe sketch entities? It's primarily needed for design, but if it can show up in the 2D drawing (without totally blocking what's behind it) it would be a plus.
See the attached file for an example of what we've been doing in our AutoCAD models.