AutoCAD Inventor :: Lines Aren't Showing Up In Drawings
Jul 19, 2013
I needed to make a dome-like feature and the only way I could get something that looked even close to what I was modeling was to use the loft tool. I've attached the model of what I'm talking about (it's Inventor 2010) The problem is when I try to make a drawing for it, it won't show some of the lines on the dome feature. The only way the loft would work was if I checked the "closed loop" button. I tried checking the box in the drawing saying show tangent faces or something like that and that didn't work either.
I'm not sure if there's a way to stop this, but whenever I add parts to an assembly and switch to the drawing of the assembly, the hidden lines for those parts show up in every view of the assembly. Right now I'm having to go to each view and select the hide hidden lines option for each part. Is it possible to stop the hidden lines from showing up everytime I add a part?
Inventor Professional 2013 Intel Xeon W3680 @ 3.33Ghz 12GB DDR3 RAM NVIDIA Quadro 2000 GPU Windows 7 Professinal 64-bit
I'm doing drawings of a construction site. Traditionally, in AutoCAD drawings, we show a solid line to represent the ground plane in elevation views. I'd like to do the same thing in my Inventor drawings.
I can "include" the XZ Plane in the view, which shows the line I'm wanting, but it shows as a phantom line.
Right-clicking either the line in the drawing or the plane in the browser only gives me the option to "Edit Center Mark Style..."
If I go to the Style Editor, Object Defaults, Work Plane, the object style is Center Mark (ANSI). If I click on that, the drop-down only gives me that one choice.
Infrastructure DSP '14 / Product DSP '14 / Vault Professional 2014 Dell Precision T1650 Windows 7 Professional SP1 64-bit Intel E3-1270 V2 3.5GHz / 32G RAM Nvidia Quadro 2000, Driver 331.82 Space Navigator, Driver Version 6.17.7
I'm using AI CS6 at work and when I place files, they don't show up in the links window and changing the original file does not affect the placed image.
This is happening on both 2012 and 2014, the workflow was what I followed offline to try and replicate an issue on a live project: Start a new partDraw a rectangle 10m x 10m fully constrainedExtrude by 10mSaveStart a new .dwg format drawing (though same results if using out of the box .idw)Place a top base view of the partSection the part anyway or direction in such a way not to infer any constraintsSection properties set to include slice and slice the whole partPlace the sectionEdit the sketch of the section lineApply a "fix" constraint to the line itselfFinish the sketch I then get an error saying the sketch does not contain a valid section line and the section disappears
he section line sketchRemove the fix constraint from the lineFinish sketch My section then reappears
Edit the section line sketchUse a "fix" constraint on each end of the lineFinish the sketch
My section remains. We're experiencing a lot of problems of section lines and therefore sections disappearing even though we're not directly applying fix constraints, I was wandering if Inventor applies a fix constraint should geometry that a section line is constrained to disappears.
I can't move or do anything with the light. It's just stuck! I've looked at other screens of people using lighting effects and there's (obviously) supposed to be some sort of on screen controls. And for some odd reason mine aren't showing up. I've been having this issue for days now and I'm not sure why it's not working. Also, I'm using Windows 7. In addition, my alignment buttons seem to always be greyed out, or "unclickable".
When creating a piping part, like a strainer, I'd like to be able to show something to represent the area that needs to be kept clear to allow for removal of the filter cartridge. In AutoCAD I'd just draw a phantom circle and a few lines extending from it to show the needed room. Any way to indicate the area in an Inventor part that won't obscure parts of the main object or other objects that may be located behind? Transparent solids, or maybe sketch entities? It's primarily needed for design, but if it can show up in the 2D drawing (without totally blocking what's behind it) it would be a plus.
See the attached file for an example of what we've been doing in our AutoCAD models.
Can we show or hide the model edges with respect to Features or parts. I think, there must be only two options. ie. "Show all hidden edges" or "show all" and "Hide all edges".
I'm having issues involving hidden lines that should not be hidden lines in the idw environment.
I am using Inventor 2010 suite, 64-bit. I have largish assembly modeled with several sub-assemblies and a few reference assemblies. Some of the reference models are shrinkwraps from other large assemblies (surface type shrinkwrap, link broken), and other reference models are acutal assemblies that I am unable to shrinkwrap because I need the positional reps that they provide.
When I place my parent assembly, with all the normal and reference models included, on an idw, large portions of the reference models do not show up. If I change my line style to show hidden lines, the missing parts show up. At first, I thought that it may be because the reference parts in question were not originally in the view due to the reference data margin, so I started a new sheet and set the margin large enough to show the entire machine, as well as the state of Michigan, before I set the base view, but I still don't get those parts unless I enable hidden lines.
Even at that, Inventor is not behaving consistently. Some of the parts that won't show unless hidden lines enabled are fabricated parts that I or a co-worker modeled, some of the parts were imported from SAT, STEP and IGES files, and some of them are shrinkwrap parts. On top of that, some of the parts will show up normal (without hidden lines shown) if I change the part's BOM structure from reference to normal, while others still will not show unless hidden lines are enabled, regardless of the BOM structure. Keep in mind, none of these parts are hidden behind anything in the model, even with everything visible in my design view rep, so what's causing Inventor to think these parts are hidden.
Computer Specs: Dell Precision M6500 mobile workstation (purchased in April 2010) Windows 7, 64 bit OS Intel i7 processor 8 GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro FX 2800M graphics Inventor Suite 2010, Subscription Advantage Pack, SP3
Computer Specs: Dell Precision M6500 mobile workstation Windows 7 SP1, 64 bit OS Intel i7 processor 12 GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro FX 2800M graphics Inventor Suite 2010, Subscription Advantage Pack, SP4
Followed all the steps found online, but when I select "Join Roof", the cursor will not select any of the edge lines (tried on multiple roofs). Software Error? Revit 2014 Architecture.
2012 drawings are not showing multi-leaders, when opened in 2007. We saved the 2012 drawings down to 2004. These same multileaders are not printing either.
Is it possible to show two different viewports in the same layout that show views from two different drawings? So one viewport would show a section of the current drawing's modelspace, and the second viewport would show a a section of modelspace from another drawing? (and possibly update automatically like an XREF?) Or would the easiest way be to just XREF both drawings into a new drawing, and then show viewports from them in the new drawing?
I have recently changed computers, I am apart of a Flexi license system. Now my problem is when i go into Application options and change where to open my templates from it does not save when i quit Inventor. I have also notcied small things like the reverse cusor button i always click but everytime i get out of Inventor it defaults.
(Pictures: One is the custom templates i would like to use. I am selecting them in Application Options/ Templates than applying and closing. Then when i am fnished with Inventor for the day and shut down and the next day when i come back it defaults back to the default templates)
So, I am working off a site drawing of an 80,000 sq ft production plant that was drawn by some old school drafters using probably AC 14. Most of the departments are drawn in xrefs. However, probably 10+ people worked on this project of mapping the plant so nothing is the same. I cannot describe the frustration of inconsistencies of this drawing. Alas, my question: some of my xrefs are shown in literal dim lines, what is going on? When you go to the original xref, the lines are as bright as they always are. When the xref is in the main drawing, the lines are dimmer than everything else.
I'm wondering why it is that lines only show linestyle if I explode them?
If I just draw a single line the linestyle shows directly, but If I have an imported drawing (I mostly work with LisCAD projects that has been exported to AutoCAD) the lines consist of joined sections of shorter lines (as lines in the LisCAD drawing go from point to point and are not joined). When the file is exported to AutoCAD the lines seems to become a group and won't show the linestyles I choose for presentation unless I explode them and then apply a linestyle.
“Scale lineweight” issue. When plotting in the office to A2 Printer I usually check the “Scale lineweight” checkbox. In some drawing “Scalelineweight ” does mess with the lines scales showed in the preview and on the paper. why?
We recently received a LiDAR data in the form of an .asc file. Brought it fine into Civil 3d.
However, the level data is in mm so levels are showing as 98450 instead of 98.45. The level ranges from 98450 to 166260.
When I create a surface and set the style to show contours, it only displays contour lines below 100,000. Is this a limit in Civil 3D or am I missing some setting somewhere? I'm using the UKIE template btw.
I have been send a dwg of a elevation of a kitchen plans that I want to include into my drawing, everything looks ok in autocad but when I go to print this drawing, non of the lines show up just a few random text boxes but no text, no layers are set to not print so why this is so.
I'm using autocad for mac. I've just saved a pdf in illustrator as an autocad dwg and opened it in autocad. It shows up but is not visible in my paperspace.
I've made sure it's on in the viewport. I've even tried to plot from modelspace but the lines don't show up in the plot. They are visible in the modelspace. They have all imported on the same layer, though some are different colour - some of them do show up, but not many.
Had this drawing sent to me , and I always like to show the lighting switch lines dashed, but the guy who did this drawing had all his lines solid, anyways I have tried to change them but no matter what line i choice non of them show up as dashed in paper space or when printed?
I have added just part of the drawing as it was to big for the whole drawing to upload here
A coworker is trying to publish a bunch of drawings to dwf and is having problems with the linetypes. Essentially, after publishing, the hidden lines are showing up dashed in some drawings and solid in others. We've tried setting the ltscale to 1 and the psltscale to 0. We are using AutoCAD 2007. Additionally, when we look at one tab in paperspace, the lines look correct, on another, the dashes look smaller. I'm at a loss as to what to do.
We recently upgraded to AutoCAD Architecture 2013 from Architecture 2011 and am having all sorts of intermittent issues with walls showing up as single lines in x-refs (even though the file being refrenced has been brought into 2013 and shows correctly when opened by itself). We are also having intermittent issues with the plans and walls themselfs showing as a single line. I need assistance on strightening this out as we have several jobs pending construction that are all having this issue in incosestant areas.
I have a piece of my 3D model (it's a square tube with rounded corners) that I'm trying to display in a viewport in 2D but there are too many surface lines on the corners. Is there a way to display the rounded corners as sharp edges and the hidden lines of the object?
I have created a drawing of a jug from a CAD learning manual, however when I enter HIDE mode the tessellation lines show as triangles, not rectangles as shown on the image in my book.
It appears fine before HIDE (horizontal and vertical lines only) -- I've tried FACETRES but that just creates a higher amount of triangles during hide.
Is there a way to adjust how it's shown in HIDE mode?
I have attached 2 images (or tried to!): 1 - Before HIDE. 2 - After HIDE.
I checked a couple of old posts looking for a lisp routine that will count the number of lines and list each different length either in a dialog box or txt file. I am working on an estimate and I have a floor plan of owsj of different lengths. I downloaded the tlen.lsp but that is only giving the total number of joists and the total length.
I am looking for a lisp so that I can window all the owsj at once and have it list or show the result for the joist in this manner
sample output:
xx joists = 10'-0" xx joists = 20'-0" xx joists = 30'-0"