AutoCAD Inventor :: Use API To Check Whether Component Is Invisible (hidden) In Drawing View?
May 23, 2013
I am working on a project to assign balloons to components in drawing view automatically. Of course, I don't want to assign a balloon to a component which is invisible (hidden) in this drawing view.
So, is there any API function to check whether the component in the drawing view is invisible or hidden?
Can this be done? I want to go through the DrawingView Object to get at a subcomponent of an assembly and either set that component to have hidden lines (where needed) or no hidden lines.
I created a IPN from an IAM for an exploded view. When I put the base view of that exploded assembly into a drawing, one of the main components is invisible. So when I mouse over the edge of the view, the bounding box does not even reach high enough to possibly include this component. All other components are visible in their correct exploded positions. I tried deleting the view and placing it again, but it does the same thing. The colored and shaded preview just before view placement shows all parts where they should be.
I am using this code to turn visibility of components off in IDw file, what I need top turn visibility of a component of in a subassembly.
'oDrawingDocument = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument 'Get the first view 'Dim oView As Inventor.DrawingView 'oView = oDrawingDocument.ActiveSheet.DrawingViews.Item(2)
But it seems that the onselect event only catches selection of drawing views or balloon, annotation etc, but not the component inside the drawing view is this intentional or a bug?
The reason i need to catch this is to make a new context menu action, so i need the selected item. I know i can use SelectionSet, but i want to be able to debug my application as an external application connecting to the running instance before i build it into an addin (saves me a lot of inventor restarts..) And Selection Set does not seem to work when i use it inside an event handler in an external application...
Is there a way of using Ilogic to make hidden lines of specific parts in an assembly drawing view visible? If a part with hidden lines showing is suppressed and then unsuppressed the hidden line option becomes unchecked, therefore I need a way of rechecking this option through code?
I am simply trying to traverse an assembly, check each component for existance (or value of) an iProperty, and if so add that components name to a list. Here is what I have, but it doesnt work.
'Define the open document Dim oDoc As Document = ThisDoc.Document Dim oRefDoc As Document
Im working on a program that checks out syncronizes some data with our erp system and then checkes in the files again to vault. all works fine but in vault all links to other files are gone? when i checkin the files from inventor manuel then the links are ok in vault. therefore i wonder if it is possible to run the vault checkin dialog "hidden" and just pass in some predifined options and checkin to vault.
I made a drawing, but after using ilogic (ilogic is in drawing,assembly, part) in it, drawing view of a particular part is coming in hidden line, other are shaded as u can see in image.
Drawing view is associative, all edges shown, level of detail is master, view style is Hidden Line Removal with Shaded
Computer Config:
Inventor 2013 Intel Xeon CPU 2.67 GHZ 8 Gb ram Windows 7 64 bit
I have some blocks with invisible attributes that I use to put information a wiring schedule. How to have those checked in a spell check? I can see that they are misspelled in the table but when I run a spell check it will not fix them.
He makes a detail. In the enlarged view he makes a sketch. He then makes a break out. Within the enlarged view, in the gap which the break out opened up for clarity of the view, are two components that he wishes to make its hidden lines visible. Doing this locks up his machine and makes a single component turn red.
Is it possible to show hidden lines in one part of a .idw view while the rest of the view does not show hidden lines? In the attached image I want to show the pull handle and towel bar through the glass in the door. The only way I know how to show this currently is to turn off the visibility on the glass.
Inventor 2013 Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1 HP EliteBook 8470w Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz Memory: 16 GB AMD FirePro M2000 3D Connexion SpacePilot
When I create a section view in the idw, hidden lines are visible in the cutting part ! How disable these hidden lines and show only the hidden features ?
Is there code for changing the color (or other properties) of the visible edges of a component in a drawing view, the same way I can do it manually by right-clicking a component and choosing Properties?
I wrote this rule to change the color of each individual drawing curve:
Edit: Ignore the "<!". It's the only way I could get the iLogic code to successfully post in the message
Spoiler (Highlight to read)<!Dim drawViews AsDrawingView For Each drawViews In ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.ActiveSheet.DrawingViews occ3 = drawViews.ReferencedDocumentDescriptor.ReferencedDocument.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences.ItemByName("GF_Plenum:1") Dim newColor3 As Color newColor3 = ThisApplication.TransientObjects.CreateColor(0,255,255)
In my neverending battle to find a way to turn off unneeded components in an assembly, I'm trying my hand at modifying component visibility with a custom View Rep. View reps seemed to pose fewer issues than LOD's (in that you can have a drawing and model open at the same time without a million error messages)......until I tried to make a pattern.
When first placing a new subassembly component into an assembly, it will automatically place in the "Last Saved" View Rep. Since certain parts may be invisible in my "skeletal" subassembly, this is ideal. HOWEVER, when I try to pattern this subassembly, all of the occurrences absolutely insist on displaying at the "Master" View Rep. This makes no sense to me whatsoever and destroys yet another workflow at the 99% mark. I understand that I can change the view rep manually, but manual workarounds and corrections defeat the point of using iLogic to manipulate our models.
Am I the only CAD user who wants the simple ability to "turn off" an assembly component? iAssemblies are not an option due to the shear number of combinations of unneeded components.
in a drawing I made some lines invisible (right-click on the line, and uncheck visibility). how can I make these lines visible again? for obvious reasons I can not right-click on them (they are not visible), and I don't find them in the browser tree.
In solidworks there's a "hidden line" option that displays a 3d part with all its sketch lines (instead of a regular solid) which allows the user to view all the different sides of the part easily. So I was wondering if there's such an option in autodesk inventor 2013. Currently, to view all the different sides and aspects of a part easily, i have been changing the part's material to polycarbone or some other plastic material; this makes the part a little translucent. But this is less effective than the hidden line vew availble in solidworks. method that makes different parts of a 3d part more easily to be viewed?
We have a lot of drawing that has some extra sheet for ref. and Inventor let me exclude count and print from those extra sheet. This work fine but when we check-in the drawing to vault it update or publish all sheet to dwf. This is very compass for us because we full the dwf file from vault to release and the sheet count is different than the print out.
Is there a way to EXCLUDE those sheet when check-in or update dwf?
I'm wondering if it is possible to check-in drawing into vault using i-logic?
If you check-in a drawing into our vault, it automaticly exports a .dwf to a storage server. We also have a simple button for making .pdf of the drawing to sent to the customer.
What i want to ensure is that the .dwf file and the .pdf file are the same. So when i press "make a .pdf" the rule will save my document, make a .pdf and (if possible) check it into vault. So from that point the .pdf for the client and the .dwf on the server are the same.
I am building a custom batch update for our drawings to take border definitions as well as custom iproperties from a current template and push them into a specified inventor dwg file. I built a form for the users to select the template they want to import into a list of files they place in the form. The program opens the template, get's all the information (iproperties, border defs, etc... using the active document to get the document) then iterates through the list of the users doing the following for each file (also getting the active document to get the items in each file): open, replace border definition, insert any non-existent custom iproperties, save and close the file. It works great when I keep the open visible set to true for the files. When I switch the visible property to false for each one of the files I want to open I get an error similar to this: Systems.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'Inventor._DocumentClass' to type 'Inventor._DrawingDocument'. at ---- then my button click event here.
Does inventor technically not see a document as an active document if the file is not visible when opened?
I have an assembly with some hidden solids of a part in, which are turned to invisible in the part but they show on the drawing. How to not show these in the drawing but still show the unhidden solid of the part.
Is there a way to check in VBA if the design doctor has found errors in a drawing? I have a mass print script and it'd be handy to be able to skip printing any drawings that have errors like unatached dimensions and such.
I'm in the process of creating an exploded view of an assembly. I'm having to do this in a presentation file, and I was wondering if it was possible to section one of the parts in the exploded view. To be more specific, I have the majority of my parts spread out around another assembly in the center of the page. I want to get a three quarter section view of the center assembly so the internals are visible. Is this possble from within a presentation file and if so, how can it be done?
Inventor Professional 2013 Intel Xeon W3680 @ 3.33Ghz 12GB DDR3 RAM NVIDIA Quadro 2000 GPU Windows 7 Professinal 64-bit
Can we show or hide the model edges with respect to Features or parts. I think, there must be only two options. ie. "Show all hidden edges" or "show all" and "Hide all edges".
I have a sketch on a component. That component is being used in an assembly. The assembly drawing (.idw) does not show the sketch on that component. I have made them visible on the component, but don't want it visible on the assembly model. (only the assembly drawing)
At my company we use part numbers as file names for everything. for example, part number 09090P00100000, will be saved as 09090P00100000.ipt and will have a drawing saved as 09090P00100000.idw.
Within the drawing template file, i want to set up an ilogic rule that will check that the part present in the drawing corresponds to the file name of the drawing. This rule will run after saving and will just display a warning if the file names do not correspond.
I just need some code that will get the file name of the part displayed in the drawing. Note that we use iparts so the code must get the member file name and not the factory file name.
Dim oDrawingDoc As DrawingDocument oDrawingDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument Dim oSheet As Sheet oSheet = oDrawingDoc.ActiveSheet
[Code] ........
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2011 Windows 7 Enterprise, 64-bit
My Publish Services panel is enabled and visible, but it is empty. All Publish Services are invisible. However, it seems they are still there, because from a photo I can "Goto Collection" and select the Published Collection that it's in. In grid view, this takes me to the screen where it shows me Published Photos, Modified Photos, etc. But I cannot create new Published Collections.
I am using Lightroom 5.2 64-bit on Windows 7. This problem only arose recently without any known trigger. I've had this problem before but it went away on it's own after I published from a different catalog.