AutoCAD Inventor :: Section View Without Hidden Features
Feb 4, 2013When I create a section view in the idw, hidden lines are visible in the cutting part ! How disable these hidden lines and show only the hidden features ?
View 3 RepliesWhen I create a section view in the idw, hidden lines are visible in the cutting part ! How disable these hidden lines and show only the hidden features ?
View 3 RepliesI have a problem with editing in link code because it didn't appear in corridor section view as you can in attached files.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI made a drawing, but after using ilogic (ilogic is in drawing,assembly, part) in it, drawing view of a particular part is coming in hidden line, other are shaded as u can see in image.
Drawing view is associative, all edges shown, level of detail is master, view style is Hidden Line Removal with Shaded
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Inventor 2013
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Windows 7 64 bit
The section view behaves strangely with the ‘section participation: none’ components
Invertor2012 sp2
Win7 x64
Here is the issue we have found. While sectioning a view of an assembly in idw, the threaded lines of threaded features have a strange behavior depending on the section line used. I have attached a simple example that shows what he have found. Basically, if the section line is straight, threaded features show correctely. Independent of section participation. If the section has segments at different angles, then lines are not appearing.
The first three views have both parts excluded from section participation(Obviously, there isn't any real life need for this, but I did it to just simplify the illustration without adding a bunch extra parts) The base view is the top view or view showing the round shape. For the first example at the bottom, i simply projected the view to the left and made sure "Threaded Features" was selected. Threaded lines show fine.
Second example is the similiar, except the i used a section view instead of the projected view. Both parts are excluded. Section line is straight. Verticle in this example. Doesn't have to vertical as the line is straight.
Next example is similiar to the second, only difference is the section is not straight. You can see the threaded lines do not show. This is the problem we want to solve. How to make the threaded lines display!!!
Last example shows the same section, only this time the component is included in the section participation. And it works.
Any settings to change or a trick to make it work. Otherwise, i think i need to issue a support request with autodesk.
why my section is not parallel with my section line. I did constrain my section line in the section line sketch.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am making a multiview drawing with isometric of a certain sheet metal part. Due to manufacturing reasons, they have to make the part longer than necessary to get a bend in it then I will have them shear off the extra. Is there a way I can show the multiview and flat pattern WITH the extra material and show the isometric WITHOUT that extra? In the model I remove the excess with a cut but I don't know how to suppress a feature for one view and not another.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to hide an extruded cut in one view of my .idw. I have tried supressing in one view but this does not work. I need to show a before and after of this cut in the same model. I can not make two models because this is a controlled document.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to have the parent view for the section in one drawing and the child views in another drawing?
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow to show section view in base view with out projection the component.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a long shaft with parts mounted on. i want to section it and show the parts. i don't need to show the whole length of the shaft.
I know i can crop the isometric view, but this way i will not see the key hole which is on the other side, it's hidden.
If i make a section it 's in an orthogonal view only.
I want to make the section view, but later to transform the sectioned view to an isometry. is it possible?
Is there a way to save a section view in the assembly as a view rep? Am using 2011.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'd like to add a dimension from a feature in a detail view to a feature outside the view, exactly like the dimension circled in red below. I cannot find any information on how to do this, but I suspect it is pretty easy!
View 4 Replies View RelatedIt's possible to do a cut view with the cup part with a different view style from the other "not Cut" half.
I achieve that, whit the cut view + normal view croped hover the cut view... but this isn´t a accurate process...
Autodesk Factory Design Suite Ultimate 2014
Autodesk Simulation Mechanical
Autodesk Simulation CFD
Windows 7
I place the first view in a drawing and want to be sectioned.
Is there a way to do that, since when i mark the section line, another view is created.
Or should i put the main view outside of the paper boundaries?
Can the API be used to select feature edges in a drawing view and assign them to a layer? I am using IV10.
View 6 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to show hidden lines in one part of a .idw view while the rest of the view does not show hidden lines? In the attached image I want to show the pull handle and towel bar through the glass in the door. The only way I know how to show this currently is to turn off the visibility on the glass.
Inventor 2013
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1
HP EliteBook 8470w
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz
Memory: 16 GB
AMD FirePro M2000
3D Connexion SpacePilot
When you have a part with a thread feature, the default setting should show the thread feature in the drawing view...rather than making the user right click the view and select "Display Thread Feature". I don't understand why this doesn't show up in the drawing is, after all, a feature on the part.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIn solidworks there's a "hidden line" option that displays a 3d part with all its sketch lines (instead of a regular solid) which allows the user to view all the different sides of the part easily. So I was wondering if there's such an option in autodesk inventor 2013. Currently, to view all the different sides and aspects of a part easily, i have been changing the part's material to polycarbone or some other plastic material; this makes the part a little translucent. But this is less effective than the hidden line vew availble in solidworks. method that makes different parts of a 3d part more easily to be viewed?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am working on a project to assign balloons to components in drawing view automatically. Of course, I don't want to assign a balloon to a component which is invisible (hidden) in this drawing view.
So, is there any API function to check whether the component in the drawing view is invisible or hidden?
Is there a way of using Ilogic to make hidden lines of specific parts in an assembly drawing view visible? If a part with hidden lines showing is suppressed and then unsuppressed the hidden line option becomes unchecked, therefore I need a way of rechecking this option through code?
View 2 Replies View RelatedCan this be done? I want to go through the DrawingView Object to get at a subcomponent of an assembly and either set that component to have hidden lines (where needed) or no hidden lines.
View 8 Replies View RelatedHow do you convert a 3d hidden line view in Revit into 2d hiddenline flatten view? Or I have to bring it to AutoCAD to flatten it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI need an urgent solution to my issue.I have created section view from a sketch (a line constrained to the projection of a work plane) from my derived part to my drawing using the "Get model sketches ". When i update the iassembly and update the the view using model state the view tries to update but throws an error see attached document.When i delete the section line and create a section line manually ie. by creating a normal sketch in the drawing the same model gets updated without any error.
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhen creating a section view in 2014, the new view now comes bordered by a large box that is hatched. I can hide the borders (4 separate lines) and the hatch but cannot change the size of the view border. I don't remember this from 2011.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was wondering in inventor 2010 how to create a 3d model section view of a 3d model assembly or if its even possible.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am trying to produce a section view of a vessel. Inventor makes the section just fine except it is incomplete. See images below:
In the past when I have encountered this issue I would simply locate the part in the browser, Right click on it + Section Participation + section. That usually solves the issue. This time it is not working.
While sectioning an assembly in .idw file, I dont want to see any thing that is behind the section line.
I am not talking about hidden lines. (I can switch of the hidden lines).
Some times, there are holes or opening while sectioning. Thru those openings, some of the parts that are behind the section planes are visible. I dont want to see anything.
How to do it? I am using INV2013.
Options like,
Option 1: Dont view anything more then 0.00mm or 1 mm behind. (Like section depth or view depth which can be entered)
Option 2: Switch off that are not sectioned.
If you have a section view, shafts are typically turned off for segtioning, however there is sometimes detail such as keyways or oil holes that are required to be shown which is where a breakout, view is req'd, however it appears the only way to do this is by creating a detail view first, leading to the possibility of a lot of clutter on the drawing from detail views, as when a breakout view is created on the section view, the shaft will not participate in the breakout.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am generating a drawing file in inventor.its having lot of sections and projected views. Its not able to accommodate all the views in one sheet. So my plan is to move the section views to second sheet or third sheet but section cutting line has to be in first sheet plan view.
I have seen drawing generated in inventor in same way but don't know how to do it.......
Inventor Professional Suite 2010
Windows 7
In an idw of an assembly, I have made a section view and gave it a distance of 10in expecting to only view my assembly 10 in from the section line.
However, all I get was a slice 10 in deep from the top, my section view wasn't looking at the full height of my assembly.
I started a new print, inserted the same model and the same thing happened. This is only occuring with this model, other models are working just fine.
IV2012 sp1 Win7 x64