I have an assy in which I have created work planes which are huge and annoying, so I make them invisible but when I save the assy I get a message saying the Design Current Design view representation.... blah blah..... or Unlock the Current one.
Whenever I do a model update through an ilogic form my View representation changes from default to master and then i have to go and manually change them back to default also in my idw files in order to update the drawing files I have to go in and change the view representation from default to master click ok and close it then open view edit set it to default and close. Is this normal? Is there a setting so that my model views will stay on default?
is there a way I can "Unlock" my MASTER view in representations. I keep having to create new views as the MASTER is locked and for some reason I can't unlock it.
I thought I kind of understood level of detail and master views but apparently not. I have an I-Beam that I have cut and bent in the part file. In the drawing I would like to show the beam both full length and in the bend configuration. From my reading I thought I would be able to create one view with the part in final shape and one view where I suppress all the bends and show the part with the cuts in it but all flattened out. I created view1 with the part bent, I then created view 2 and supressed all the bends. Unfortunately the bare does not toggle back and forth in the part, and when I place the part in a drawing. I am still not bale to have a difference in the part in the drawing with the two configurations either. What is the proper method of obtaining the two different views?
Also is there a way to request software enhancements?
We create many large assemblies where the shop uses a cut sheet to make the parts. Since many of the parts have secondary opperations like forming or cutting done to them i like to create a second sheet with the piece parts dimensioned on the sheet. In SolidWorks i would simply create the views, create an assembly BOM and link the balloons to that BOM, end of story. Not in Inventor! And creating a million LOD views to hide all but the one part in each view is not an answer for a professional CAD program.
Inventor Premium 2013 SP1.1 Vault 2013- plain vanilla version HP G71 notebook celeron cpu w 4gb RAM and 64 bit system Win 7 home premium
1. I had trouble with profile view of the alignment line shown. What step am i missing? Are there things that is turned off?
2. How can I best come up with the right volume to fill.
3. Do I need to learn the grading tools? or could i get buy with a section profile from the alignment. ( it is not even an alignment yet)
4. How to I render a rock fill in this cave-in.
The attached aerial image , has survey or cogo points that are imported to surface, to become surface points. . So I wanted to create a surface profile below and an outline of fill above it. Iideally the side profile would look like a trapezoid, where the base is the surface proile and top would be the design embankment.
But the reason , a surveying crew went down and took shots at the shoreline and a couple shots around the cave-in walls (higher elevation on the cave-in wall cannot be surveyed, although I coud have used a laser , did not) is so that a more accurate volume of the cave in can be obtained. I tried to label how far the road edge is from edge of the cave-in . Norice the higher elevations are the top edge around the cave in area.
The ouline for the embankment will be a mild slope then breaks to a more steep slope. like 4 :1 , then 1.5:1
when open an assembly not all parts are shown. To be able to see entire assymbly need to change View representation to Master manually. How to achieve this in Ilogic?
Ok I am struggling with this again. Some how when my assembly was made I had several work planes visable on several subassemblies. No big deal, I will just go to the subassemblies, turn them off and save them and all will be fixed right? Wrong, the assembly still opens with the work planes showing. So I expand the subassemblies and turn the visability off in the top level assembly. Now when I attempt to save the assembly I am told that the master view is locked and I need to create a new view. But I don't ever want all the work planes on and I don't want to create a new view because that leads to not being able to save a linked assembly or drawing if the wrong thing is open somewhere.
How do I unlock the master view to be able to save it with the planes turned off?
When making a Section view from a Base View is there a setting to make the text follow the Text Style and Paperspace text size. Everytime I create a Section View I have to change the text settings in the Properties box.
I need an urgent solution to my issue.I have created section view from a sketch (a line constrained to the projection of a work plane) from my derived part to my drawing using the "Get model sketches ". When i update the iassembly and update the the view using model state the view tries to update but throws an error see attached document.When i delete the section line and create a section line manually ie. by creating a normal sketch in the drawing the same model gets updated without any error.
When creating a section view in 2014, the new view now comes bordered by a large box that is hatched. I can hide the borders (4 separate lines) and the hatch but cannot change the size of the view border. I don't remember this from 2011.
I am trying to produce a section view of a vessel. Inventor makes the section just fine except it is incomplete. See images below:
In the past when I have encountered this issue I would simply locate the part in the browser, Right click on it + Section Participation + section. That usually solves the issue. This time it is not working.
While sectioning an assembly in .idw file, I dont want to see any thing that is behind the section line.
I am not talking about hidden lines. (I can switch of the hidden lines).
Some times, there are holes or opening while sectioning. Thru those openings, some of the parts that are behind the section planes are visible. I dont want to see anything.
How to do it? I am using INV2013.
Options like,
Option 1: Dont view anything more then 0.00mm or 1 mm behind. (Like section depth or view depth which can be entered)
If you have a section view, shafts are typically turned off for segtioning, however there is sometimes detail such as keyways or oil holes that are required to be shown which is where a breakout, view is req'd, however it appears the only way to do this is by creating a detail view first, leading to the possibility of a lot of clutter on the drawing from detail views, as when a breakout view is created on the section view, the shaft will not participate in the breakout.
I am generating a drawing file in inventor.its having lot of sections and projected views. Its not able to accommodate all the views in one sheet. So my plan is to move the section views to second sheet or third sheet but section cutting line has to be in first sheet plan view.
I have seen drawing generated in inventor in same way but don't know how to do it.......
inventor 2012. for instance for a aux. view if it is not in-line with the parent view it puts a section line. is there a way to have a single view arrow?
win 7 64 bit sp1 cpu intel xeon E5-2687W0@3.106 eight core two solid state hard drives 32 gig of ram Autodesk product design suite premuim 2014 64bit Nvida quadro 4000 Space Pilot ver. 1.6.2 2010 slphantom (NNTP handle: scottl)
I created an assembly with screws and nuts which are not from content center. When creating a section view on Drawing, screws and nuts are also sectioned, but I don't want to.
Is it possible to see entire screws and nuts in a section view?
Ray tracing disables when I use the half section view, when I turn it on again it disables the section view. Is there any way I can see a cross section of my assembly in realistic mode with ray tracing?
I often do section views in my 3D model (not drawing) to visually check interference, etc. I noticed today that some parts are excluded from this and do not get sectioned. I'm sure it's an easy fix but a search turned up nothing. How do I include/exclude specific parts from this view?