AutoCad :: Hidden Lines Viewbase Option To Shaded With Visible Lines Mode?
Oct 11, 2012Why I can't set the hidden lines viewbase option to shaded with visible lines mode?
View 9 RepliesWhy I can't set the hidden lines viewbase option to shaded with visible lines mode?
View 9 RepliesI tend to use my 3d views often to pan around my building. I often go from hidden lines to shaded to wireframe but theres seems to be now way to do this now on revit 2013. What happened? what are the settings to fix this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedProblems I'm having with hidden lines being visible in certain viewports and not others.I've dimensioned my drawings in model space, which I prefer, and put the dimensions on a separate layer. However, including that layer in the viewport causes the hidden lines to be visible when plotted. If I turn that layer off, everything works great.
I have dimensions for the same object in plan view that I'm showing in a different viewport that works just great, but in the front elevation viewport it gets all screwy.
I can dimension in paper space just fine.I prefer to dimension in model space whenever possible.
I'm having issues involving hidden lines that should not be hidden lines in the idw environment.
I am using Inventor 2010 suite, 64-bit. I have largish assembly modeled with several sub-assemblies and a few reference assemblies. Some of the reference models are shrinkwraps from other large assemblies (surface type shrinkwrap, link broken), and other reference models are acutal assemblies that I am unable to shrinkwrap because I need the positional reps that they provide.
When I place my parent assembly, with all the normal and reference models included, on an idw, large portions of the reference models do not show up. If I change my line style to show hidden lines, the missing parts show up. At first, I thought that it may be because the reference parts in question were not originally in the view due to the reference data margin, so I started a new sheet and set the margin large enough to show the entire machine, as well as the state of Michigan, before I set the base view, but I still don't get those parts unless I enable hidden lines.
Even at that, Inventor is not behaving consistently. Some of the parts that won't show unless hidden lines enabled are fabricated parts that I or a co-worker modeled, some of the parts were imported from SAT, STEP and IGES files, and some of them are shrinkwrap parts. On top of that, some of the parts will show up normal (without hidden lines shown) if I change the part's BOM structure from reference to normal, while others still will not show unless hidden lines are enabled, regardless of the BOM structure. Keep in mind, none of these parts are hidden behind anything in the model, even with everything visible in my design view rep, so what's causing Inventor to think these parts are hidden.
Computer Specs:
Dell Precision M6500 mobile workstation (purchased in April 2010)
Windows 7, 64 bit OS
Intel i7 processor
NVIDIA Quadro FX 2800M graphics
Inventor Suite 2010, Subscription Advantage Pack, SP3
Computer Specs:
Dell Precision M6500 mobile workstation
Windows 7 SP1, 64 bit OS
Intel i7 processor
NVIDIA Quadro FX 2800M graphics
Inventor Suite 2010, Subscription Advantage Pack, SP4
I'm working with 2012 for the first time. I'm modeling a rough mass model of a building made of boxes for walls, floor and so on.
As I'm used to, when in Visual Style 'Wireframe' I click on a box and get to see 4 quadradric and 4 triangular grips on the base of the box plus 1 on top to change the height. This is as it always was.
NOW if I change to Visual Style 'Realistic', the grips on the back side are hidden behind the box as well as behind other boxes. Only the grips in front will be visible. No way to get a grip on a box on a side where it touches another.
Even more puzzling is the behaviour of the grips in Visual Style 'X-Ray': the grips will show, but cannot be touched. Instead, an object in front might be selected.
What can I do to make the grips work the old fashioned way - that is that they will be visible and 'manipulateable' on selected objects in all shade modes?
Re: 2D circle jagged lines, 3D model hidden jagged lines. How do i get smooth lines?
How do i get rid of jagged lines?
Circles and diagonal lines look rubbish when i am in hidden view which i use for simple 3d black / white (i think this is the best way?).
I have tried:
- viewres (1000, 5000, 10000, 20000 sightly better)
- regen
See examples.
square with jagged lines.fw.pngcircle with fuzzy outline.fw.png
I used to use the option to display the "object color" in shaded mode from time to time instead of the "material color". However this does not seem to do anything in MAX 2012.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm drawing objects (walls, platforms, etc.) in 3d made up primarily of extruded polygons. I want to be able to plot these objects in a way that hides all of the lines which are obscured by other objects. Currently I have my viewports set up with a 2D Wireframe visual style and a Hidden shade plot. This isn't working for me. I'm still getting all of the lines in the drawing visible no matter what.
Here's the strange thing: It seems to work perfectly fine in plan view, but not in front view. Also, it's worked fine in the past. It seems that the problem has gotten progressively worse over the past year or so.
I'm using AutoCAD 2008.
i xref a floor plan in which one of the sections has hidden lines. In the file with the XREF in it, the hidden lines are not showing.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am using AutoCAD Plant 3D 2012 and working with the P&ID portion of the software. I created a block (to represent insulation with electric heat tracing) with multiple lines using multiple settings. All of the lines are on layer 0, the line weight is set to by layer. All of the lines have a linetype of by layer except one line which I need to be hidden. This block appears correctly on my screen, but when I print, the hidden line prints continuous.
My brain is exhausted and I think this is just a setting somewhere I can not seem to locate.
2d simple circle... I would like to define a circle using hidden lines. I also would like to have the hidden lines extend passed the circle by .25 of an in. I would also like to define the center of the circle aesthetically rather than just draw these hidden lines in.
View 3 Replies View Relatedmaybe I was dreaming. Maybe I've gone round the bend. I seem to remember somewhere a check box that would show hidden lines in paperspace viewports. For instance, a through hole, or a cavity in something.
Been a while since I've done much besides architectural drawing, so maybe I'm hallucinating.
I also distinctly remember the monochrome plot style always printing in black and white, even in a PDF. Today, the objects in modelspace are in color, and anything in paper space is black and white.
What is up with that? I must be missing something obvious, because I've screwed around with this for an hour and can't figure out what I've done to cause this.
I need hidden lines in my drawings for the shop floor and the pictures below is the problem. It shows the hidden lines in the veiwport in paper layout but when I print preview or print i does not show them at all. windows 7 autocad 2007.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm opening a drawing created in AutoCAD 2008, which is plotting hidden arcs as solid lines. Straight hidden lines are dashed as normal. I've attached both the paperspace view and the plot preview to show what I mean. The outer radius is showing as dashed in paperspace view, but appears as a solid line when plotted. The straight line leading to it is dashed in both views.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIm trying to plot a 3D object in Autocad 2009 but can't remove the hidden lines. The "Hide" command removes the appropriate lines in the viewport and in the print preview but the print-out still appears with all the lines.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhat I'm looking to do is show the hidden lines blocked by a part in a plan view but not all of the hidden lines. Ie. I have a top view showing a clearance. If I turn on that clearance a portion of the original part is not viewed. When I turn on hidden lines I now see every hidden detail of that part (I didn't turn on hidden lines for the entire drawing). I then have to eliminate all the lines I don't want which is both tedious and cumbersome. Is there a way to turn on just the lines hidden by a particular object but not all the hidden lines of the part.
View 1 Replies View RelatedCan I get AutoCAD to show hidden lines from a 3d drawing created in AutoCAD 2012?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI need to have hidden lines on a 3D object dashed. So basically I need all the lines but those lines that are at the back of a cube(wich are normaly hidden), they need to be dashed. See the attachment
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am very new to autocad and i am trying to duplicate a template in my text book. (Yes, i'm an old new student). I have a drawing that i am trying to add a hidden line to and when i pick my start point and then select my second point, the line will snap to the nearest corner instead of staying where i put it.
View 9 Replies View RelatedIn my model, hidden lines look fine (ltscale is 1). But in my layouts (which I created with layoutwizard) the dashes and spaces are very large. How do I scale them down? (trying to use ltscale in the layout also applies it to the model so now lines appear as solid)
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I open one particular drawing on computer "A" it contains a layer called "minor contours" and all of the information from that layer is shown in the drawing. When I open the same file on computer "B" all of the minor contours lines are missing. The major contour lines and text are visible but the minor ones are not found. The one layer that contains the minor contours is there and I can draw new informaiton on that layer and it is visible. Also, if I was to save the drawing on computer "B" and re-open it on computer "A" the minor contours are no there. If i was to save the file on computer "A" and re-open the file on computer "A" the contours are there.
Also, I have tried this on another computer and it reacts the same as computer "A". For some reason it is just computer "B" that is not able to see the files.
So you are aware all of the computers are using autoCAD LT 2013 and are running windows 7. They are also all hp models with almost the same internal hardware and software.
how to fix this so that computer "B" is able to see these contour lines and save the file without loosing the information.
I am doing a .idw drawing of an assembly that I have several parts that I do not want to appear in the BOM parts list. I have therefore set these parts as Reference parts however this has caused them to appear as "hidden type" lines in the drawing and are even visible through other parts.
Is there any way to make these parts appear in the drawing "as normal" and not be listed in the parts list?
I"m using AutoCAD Electrical 2013 but this is more of a general CAD question.
I'm working with floor plans from another company, the drawing contains xref for the floor plans and other blocks. I need to label some of our equipment. I'm simply using a DTEXT label inside a rectangle as a block with the text as an atribute.
I'd like to place the label on the floor plan and have it hide anything underneath. I do this with 3D blocks for other work, but I'm looking for a quick and dirty solution.
I want to show only a few hidden lines in a drawing view.
I set the view to show hidden lines, then i attach a sketch to the view and project the hidden lines that i want.
But when i put back the view to hidden lines removed, the lines on the sketch disappear as well
I don't know if it is a bug or a setting, but in Inventor 2014, when I work on a part inside an assembly, with hidden lines visible, I am not able to see hidden lines from other parts.
is this a bug in Inventor 2014, or can this be changed in settings?
I really need that x-ray overview when projecting edges from hidden parts.
Is there way that within a drawing view, hidden lines can be shown for only some of the parts of an assembly, rather than just being a global toggle setting for the whole view? I know that it is possible to hide individual lines, but It would be good to be able to do this on a part basis, as some drawings can have thousands of hidden lines that would need to be selected and turned off.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to show hidden lines in one part of a .idw view while the rest of the view does not show hidden lines? In the attached image I want to show the pull handle and towel bar through the glass in the door. The only way I know how to show this currently is to turn off the visibility on the glass.
Inventor 2013
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1
HP EliteBook 8470w
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz
Memory: 16 GB
AMD FirePro M2000
3D Connexion SpacePilot
I have a problem with my Inventor crashing everytime i try to set a .iam view in my blueprint to hidden lines. First i tried to make a specific part of the .iam hidden lines and it crashed, then i tried to make the hole view hidden and it still crashes.
"unhandled exception"Autodesk Inventor Professional 2011
I am currently using the visual style "Wireframe" and cannot seem to figure out why my lines won't plot out as dashed lines even though they are dashed in my layout. I have been playing around with my LTSCALE,PSLTSCALE but nothing seems to be working.
Current Visual Style Setting (WireFrame):
Edge Settings: Facet Edges
Occluded Edges: Yes
Silhouette Edges:Yes
I am using Autocad 2000. When I view a 3D object from, say, a top view, I would like lines that would normally be hidden to appear as a dashed lines rather than simply disappearing. Otherwise, it's not possible to use a 3D model to produce a standard shop drawing. Without hidden lines appearing properly (not as solid but as dashed!) there is too much detail that cannot be seen. I have tried playing with many different settings and variables to no avail.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to plot a 3D object but can't remove the hidden lines. On typing "hide" they are removed and appear removed in the plot preview but they still appear in the hard copy.
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