AutoCAD Inventor :: Saving Image From Picturebox

Nov 15, 2012

I get an image from the camera object using apprentice and putting it into a Picturebox. But when I try and save the image using the standard method I get an error.

Private Sub Button3_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
        Dim oApprentice As New Inventor.ApprenticeServerComponent
        Dim Doc As Inventor.ApprenticeServerDocument
        Doc = oApprentice.Open(oApp.ActiveDocument.FullFileName) 'oApp is defined elsewhere.
        ' Create a client view for the document, passing in the hWnd for a picture box.  
        Dim clientView As Inventor.ClientView = Doc.ClientViews.Add(PictureBox1.Handle)

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AutoCAD .NET :: Odd Error When Picturebox Loads Its Image

Oct 24, 2013

on projects that reference acad 2013 assemblies, specifically accormgd, my pictureboxes throw an exception when loading their image:

this.pictureBox2.Image = ((System.Drawing.Image)(resources.GetObject("pictureBox2.Image")));
 it says cannot find assembly accoremgd....

Don't know how the heck that involves a picture box, since all object types have full names here.

This Project is set to run as a windows application, for testing reasons. That is likely related, but I do this all the time with no issues. I can comment out the line above and no issues.

Is there some entanglement between pictureboxes and the acad assemblies?


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Photoshop :: Saving JPEG Image As Itself / No Copy And No Replacing Of Existing Image?

Jun 4, 2013

I am trying to find a faster way to save my images. I shoot in raw, save raw images as jpegs after editing them in Camera Raw. I am using Photoshop CS6 on a Mac version 10.7.5. When I save, I either have to save as a copy of the exisiting image, or replace the image I'm working on. Other forums I've read said to make an action to save and create a function key to make this process faster, but my function keys aren't working, and playing the action I've created still makes a copy of the image.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Erasing Image When Saving?

Nov 8, 2013

I am working in AutoCAD Civil 3D as AutoCAD 2013. I have a drawing that has three images loaded in the drawing. 1 is a .jpg and 2 are .bmp's. When i click the save icon, type save, type saveas, type qs i get the attached pop up. It says it wants to delete one of the .bmp images.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Erasing Image When Saving

Nov 8, 2013

I am working in AutoCAD Civil 3D as AutoCAD 2013. I have a drawing that has three images loaded in the drawing. 1 is a .jpg and 2 are .bmp's. When i click the save icon, type save, type save as, type qs i get the attached pop up. It says it wants to delete one of the .bmp images.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Why Does Saving Down Eliminate Preview Image

Feb 1, 2013

I have my current install set to save the dwg down to 2010. how come the preview images are blank? its only when i save down do the images become blank. if i save in the current version the preview image is there.

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AutoCad :: Sign Making - Saving Image At Correct Size

Apr 26, 2011

I have created a farm map in AutoCAD 2008. I want to have a sign made with this image on it with dimensions 775mm x 1096mm. I saved this image as an eps file of size A4 and sent it to the sign maker. The sign maker got back to me and told me that when he blew this image up it was blurry and could I please save it at its actual size.

My problem is that I'm not sure how to save this image at this size.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: STL File Saving As 0kb

Jun 13, 2012

My model is ~1-2MB and I'm trying to 3D print it. I am trying to export it as a .stl file but no matter how I try doing it (going through the print piece flow or export flow), the file is either 84 bytes or 0KB. 

Is this a known issue, or am I doing something worng?

I've tried restarting the program/my environment.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Saving Animation As WMV

Nov 25, 2013

But why is it that I can only seem to save an animation in Inventor Studio (2014) as a .wmv (or Windows Media File)? Shouldn't I have the options for saving it as other types such as an .avi or the like?

I could have sworn I was able to in past releases. I should be able to save it as such, so where oh where is the setting that is dictating this?

Note: This animation is a cross section, not a shaded, realistic type with lighting and camera details to worry about.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Import 3Ds Files And Saving As IPT?

Mar 6, 2013

I have some LeoCAD lego parts which I have exported as a 3ds file. I want to place and use these parts in Inventor. I've tried: importing into AutoCAD, exporting as an iges, importing into inventor and saving it as an ipt file but it doesn't work.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Saving ActiveView As Jpg File?

Mar 29, 2013

I can save as bitmap (bmp) camera view below

 Sub cameraAndSaveAsBitmap(ByVal GelenYol As String)
'Bu kod açık dosya üzerindeki parçayı geni açıya alıyor ve görüntüyü
'c: emp dizini içerisine DosyaAdı.bmp olarak kaydediyor.


But I want to seve as jpg instead of bmp format...

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Saving IPT As STL File In 2012

May 24, 2012

I am wanting to create a .ipt (part) file in Inventor 2012, save it as a .stl file, and open it up in Project Falcon to test it in the wind tunnel.How do you save an .ipt file as a .stl file in Inventor 2012?  I hav tried going to "Save as..." and changing the extention to .stl, but not luck there.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Saving / Copying Tables

Jan 29, 2009

Is it possible to save a Table in a idw template? Also can you somehow copy & paste a table into another drawing?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Saving / Converting From An Drawing To DWG?

Aug 19, 2011

where the drawing files from inventor that i save or export into dwg, dont have accurate dimensions, they are off.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: VBA Skip Warning When Saving?

Mar 21, 2013

I have a mass print script and I have it save then close the drawing after it's done printing each one. The problem is the script updates the mass properties and some times drawings just update when opened. So when it saves different "warnings" can pop up, which pause the script until the pop up is taken care of. The warnings are typically for saving other files like the ipt linked to a drawing or if the drawing was saved in an old version. Is there a way to just accept those while running a script so it does puase?

How I save and then close the drawing.

ThisApplication.ActiveEditDocument.Close True

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Saving An Assembly To A Project

May 22, 2012

I have an assembly that needs to added to a project. How the whole project system needs to be laid out even though I've used Inventor for several years.  Guess it's time to get some formal training.

If I save it to a library that is in the project I can't make changes so how do I take an existing assembly that needs to be worked on and add it to the project.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Saving Parameters To Xml (iLogic)

Feb 20, 2013

I would like to save parameters marked as Key to an XML-file (from an Inventor addin, VB.NET):
Dim addIn As ApplicationAddIn = m_inventorApp.ApplicationAddIns.ItemById("{3bdd8d79-2179-4b11-8a5a-257b1c0263ac}") 'iLogic addin addIn.Activate() Dim iLogicAddin As Object = addIn.Automation iLogicAddin.ParametersXmlSave(invDoc, "c: emp ext.xml", iLogicAddin.XmlSaveOption.KeysOnly)
 This doesn't run: "Public member 'XmlSaveOption' on type 'iLogicAutomation' not found."

The documentation says:


What is the correct syntax to get the XmlSaveOption?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Scaling In Dimension After Saving From IDW To DWG

Nov 20, 2011

After I had done all on detail drawing and dimensioning in inventor 2010.idw, my customer want it in 2004.dwg format and they want all drawing to be in files and in model space..And here the problem I face:

1) Base drawing is 1:1 and detail drawing is 4:1, redo a dimension in base drawing is ok but in detail drawing re-dimension it show 4 times the size. I had tried using view port/ scale area still can't.

2) When copy and paste Drawing A to Drawing B the detail drawing fence run out of place and scale. What I do is right click and do a block editor.

Looking for good solution for the above problem during conversion of IDW to DWG.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Saving IPT File Message

Mar 8, 2012

I get this every time i try to close an .ipt.

The current operation requires data from docuemt {location on my network{ but it cannot be found.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2014 Crashes When Saving?

Oct 10, 2013

I am using PDSU 2014 Ultimate.  90% of the time I go to save an assembly, Inventor crashes and comes up with an error report.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Saving Multiple Drawings To DXF?

Dec 22, 2011

Can I save multiple drawings to dxf in same time? I`m so tired to click "save copy as" with every drawigs. Autosave with flat pattern is not an option because orientation of the piece  is so bad so many time of the cases

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Saving One Drawing Property As Another

Mar 12, 2013

If I have my username set in Inventor (Application options>General tab) as F Last (First initial, last name), is there a way, for drawing purposes, that I can take that property, extract my initials (FL, with no space), and save that as a new property in the drawing? I'd like to have a "By" column in my revision table that will be my initials that are extracted from that username property.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: C# Close File Without Saving?

Mar 15, 2012

I am using Inventor 2012 and C#. I would like that, when I close my Form, Inventor and all files that are open will be closed with displaying the message about saving the files .Some  of my opened file are stored in Lists.

This code das not work Inventor still asking me about saving the files.

 private void Form1_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e)
            if (InventorOpen._started)
                foreach (Inventor.AssemblyDocument openAssemDocument in openAssemDocumentsList)


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Styles Edits Not Saving

Sep 18, 2013

When I make changes through styles editor and try to save them, I get a window that pops up saying "Style library (C:Vault_WorkDesign Data) cannot be saved because it is damaged".

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Saving A Components Selection Set

Mar 8, 2013

I have a selection of various components in an assembly model in Inventor which I want to use to demote. When I click off these components the selection set is lost. Is there a way that Inventor can remember a selection set of components so that I do not have to re-select all the components again ? Similar to the 'select-previous' command in ACAD ?

Product Design Suite Ultimate 2013

64-bit HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz
12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
Anthony Goodwin ~ Cad Manager/Senior Designer
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition
Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz
12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Saving A Drawing As DXF File

Jul 17, 2012

When I try to save a 2 D drawing as a DXF file, I get a box saying "problems encountered while saving the document". I am using version 2012. My older version did this operation without a problem.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Files Disappear When Saving

Sep 16, 2013

Settings: Inventor 14 - Student version / Window 7 64bit

When I save parts in the library on my harddrive the file does not show subsequently. But if I try to re-save it, I get the statement that the file already exist. 

I cannot find the file anywhere, not even with the windows search function. The file is missing, but somehow present below the surface. 

Besides this did Inventor create several versions of my previous parts (0001, 0002, 0003... etc.)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Saving In Sketch Mode?

Jan 27, 2012

Autodesk for Inventor 2013, the ability to save while in sketch mode - if you're going to be spending a lot of design time sketching then this needs to be addressed so that the drawing is automatically saved. Otherwise if Inventor crashes (which it often does) while you're busy sketching away you loose your work.

Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition
Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz
12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Saving And Checking In IAMs

Feb 8, 2013

I have Machine.iam with all children checked out, except for company-library-parts and Content Centre parts.

After changes to non library parts and checking in machine.iam (with 1 or more company librarie .iams in it) Inventor says: machine.iam and (x) dependent files must be saved.before they can be checked and continue?

Answering Yes -> Inventor says: One or more documents have been modified but save was unsuccessful. You must save the document prior to check in. (but I did save before check in!).  Only option is to press cancel..

All filenames of library.iams in the vaultlist in inventor are turned red with an * behind the filename stating they have changed.(?) Somehow inventor thinks the library.iam haved changed in this machine.iam..

If i do this again with all included children checked out, but not the library files, the result is the same.

I tried to find out what is wrong with these library-parts (all library.iams (?)) so I opened a few of these library.iam (with the librarie.ipj) and the update button is greyed out so there are no changes..

We “solve” this now by closing the machine.iam, inventor then asks: save changes?, press Yes, an new window pops up: file “machine.iam” is checked out to you. Do you want to check it in now?, press Yes, a new window pops up asking which files you want to check in: machine.iam and all checked out parts in it, press OK and all will be checked in.

But this only works with files that are already in the vault, not with new drawings of iams.

We used to have the problem after saving an part or assembly -> Inventor would ask after pressing close: do you want to save, as if the first save didn’t work.. Now we have a bigger problem..

Also sometimes checking out include children only includes all direct children and not also children of children.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Saving As Assembly To Another File Name?

Feb 14, 2012

I took an existing assembly from one specidifc directory and copied it to another location.  Then one part by one I use the replace command to swap out the parts to map to the new location because when I went to iproperties it was still pathing to the old location.  I change the new parts physical features (i.e. length, diameter).

I get done with it and all references are pointing to the new location.

I exit out of inventor and call up the new assembly and it has mate errors because the parts are all of the old ones from the original location.  Why is it not remembering or retaining the new parts and there locations?

Even when I have gotten this screen I have selected "No" to the bottom (2nd) selection which is the original location I do not want.

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VideoStudio :: Saving A Still Image

May 2, 2012

I have VS11+ and I want to save a frame of my project as a still image. The project and footage is

PAL (25 fps)
Microsoft AVI files
24 bits, 720 x 576, 16:9, 25 fps
Lower Field First
DV Video Encoder -- type 1
DV Audio -- PAL, 48.000 kHz, 16 Bit, Stereo

I have clicked on Save as Still Image and the frame appears in the Image folder, although it is square looking with a black border all round. If I put it in the timeline I can make it into 16:9 like the rest of the footage. But where is the image actually saved so that I can use it in other media? How can I decide whether to save it as JPEG or whatever? And why is it in a black box and quite square if it was shot in, and the project is, 16:9? Can I save it as a 16:9 image?

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