AutoCad :: Sign Making - Saving Image At Correct Size
Apr 26, 2011
I have created a farm map in AutoCAD 2008. I want to have a sign made with this image on it with dimensions 775mm x 1096mm. I saved this image as an eps file of size A4 and sent it to the sign maker. The sign maker got back to me and told me that when he blew this image up it was blurry and could I please save it at its actual size.
My problem is that I'm not sure how to save this image at this size.
ive been making business cards for a friend but i dont know how to create a PDF that is exactley the that size. when i create a PDF the options are thing like A4 etc.. and i dont see a screen to customise the size?
I have a problem with After Effects being unable to process image files in the correct order when making time-lapse videos.AE seems unable to identify the correct chronological order from the camera generated file names and the files need to be re-numbered with a number prefix.
However sometimes even after re-numbering AE still cannot order the files correctly and will generate a video with either individual or blocks of frames out of order.
I have another app (Video Velocity) that can also suffer exactly the same problem and which will often process a video with the exact same individual or blocks of frames out of order as AE.
However VV has options to order the files in various ways including ‘sort by file create date’ in which case the time-lapse video will be processed correctly. AE doesn’t seem to have this option? Or does it?
I want to may a small flyer for a party. i want to start a new file. what size do i make my file to fit on a 4 x 6 card, or a card the size of a post card?
i have been able to print these sizes but sometime things get cut off the edges. if i knew what size to start with i could fit everything on the flyer.
I'm a very new user to GIMP but have been using paint shop pro for quite some time - I still use version 7
Here's the situation: I received a pdf that I want to print so I imported it into gimp. It's 8.5x11 at 100dpi & two pages. So I imported it as two images (not layers) at same resolution settings. White out the unnecessary images go to print and then to printer preferences. 300 dpi is the smallest resolution on my printer so I also select 8.5x11 paper & 'sale to fit.' The resulting image is so large that approx only the top-left quarter of the doc prints.
OK, so in GIMP I go to 'Print Size' change the image resolution to 300 pixels: same result, exactly Print size isn't it, lets try 'Scale Image' at 300 pixels. Same result again...
I tried both settings above with 'scale to fit' (printer) on & off with absolutely no changes to the printed image... very strange. Is gimp overriding my printer settings? If so how do I correct this?
Interestingly, when I re-sized the images in gimp (or thats what I thought I was doing with 'print size' & 'scale image') the size of the view-able image on the desktop in the application window did not change... the size of the window stayed the same, the zoom percentage did not change & most importantly the image did not change.
Finally, I checked if the original image prints correctly in Adobe Reader: No problem and it prints fine. Unfortunately, while I have what I need, I'm not one to give up that easily and want to know if the issue is the printer, gimp.
Why I can't get the image to print in GIMP at the correct size?
Windows XP Home SP3 - I just reformatted the hard drive last week so everything is a new clean install Hp Officejet 4215 all-in-one GIMP 2.4.7
Working in CS5.I have a vector image that I need to resize and save as a .png. I first create an artboard to the correct size I need (55x20 pixels), shrink my vector image to fit and then export to .png using the artboard as my boundaries (so that I get the correct size).Problem is, the resulting file is not 55x20, it is 229x83 (when I open in Photoshop). I can't figure out why the file is not saving to the correct size.
I have also tried opening the file in photoshop and resizing down, but that doesn't work either. My image becomes very distorted.I don't generally work in pixels or pngs...what would be the best program and process to do this. It doesn't seem like it should be so difficult, but for some reason it is!
The export works not correct in LR5.3 When the field "Dont enlarge" are activated Lightroom ingnores the settings of image sizing and export the pictures in original size.
I have a designer that created this beautiful (but complicated) design in illustrator and now we're trying to get it exported to html. The thing is, most of the images that are in tds we want to be background images so that we can put stuff on top of it. So we need the exported html to generate the image size correctly. For example, I don't want
The problem is that illustrator for whatever reason is generating the images slightly too small (I guess to make the image size smaller?), then is stretching them using width and height attributes. As I'm sure you guys are aware of, the background attribute has no way of specifying a width and height.
I made a PNG logo transparent, and when I go to save the new transparent logo in PNG format, the quality has dropped significantly from the original. I have done nothing other than delete the background of the logo, why is this happening in a lossless format? What can I do to fix this or increase the quality of the transparent logo?
I tried to save a few pages as one PDF.But it was an epic fail. However, i must have cganged a vital setting, for now when i save PSD files to PDF, the image reduces massively in size, but the file size increases a lot. What have I done and how can i change it back?
After spending time in PS elements 11 making changes in color and applying frames etc. I noticed after saving the file my resolution went from 5.5Mb to 847kb. Why is this?
When an object in an XRef is tagged (and the object has an object based PSD) the tag will not update to reflect changes made in the XRef.
This can be fixed in the XRef by running the PropertyDataBrowser command and unticking the Overrides (shown in the leftmost tickbox when two tick boxes present).
Any automatic way to keep the tags up to date? I have attached my VB.Net code attempt for this. It almost works BUT the MultiViewBlock Overrides are ReadOnly.
I have a png image, of 256x128 size. It has 8bits per pixel for color. Now this image's size is 97kB. I open it in photoshop, I save it as different png file, and then... this image is 7kB of size.
I've created a resume in Photoshop CS5 for OS X - I know, I should've used InDesign but I'm more comfortable working in Photoshop.
The PSD is currently 2550x3300 px (8.5x11 in) at 300 dpi. I'd like to save the resume as a PDF flie so I can submit it online. I have no intentions of printing this particular document. Most websites will only accept a file size of under 1MB. What are the ideal settings for saving a PDF in the smallest file size without sacrificing on image quality? I should also note that I do not have Acrobat Pro.
When I am editing document and save it as a JPEG the date and the time of the jpeg are not the current date/time. What do I need to do to change this behavior? I would rather that the new image have the current date/time on the file.
When running a batch I have an existing file open and then an action which opens a pre exisiting file that i Drop images into to give boarders and logos.
When I run the action it drops image into the PSD in the correct area and the file looks correct , then in turn it saves the Original file and not the one the batch ran on even thou the file was worked on and edited on CS6. So in a sense it saves the Original File with the correct File naming when ran in the Batch Image processor.
Original file Name. OUT_9035.NEF Saved File name OUT_9035-12x18-2013.PSD
Still with nothing done to the saved file execpt the name change.
Action Open C:*****12x18-W.psd Select Previous Document Duplicate Current Layer
We got several image files every 2 weeks which should be edited and mainly reduced in size for web purpose. This work needs 1 work day for one man/woman to do, because he/she has to open the file save for web and then set the quality to a value were the file is nearly about 150-200 KB in size.
The images are different, some have few colors, some have a lot of colors and there are also different in resolution. But they should not be reduced in resolution, only in quality. All other specs of the image should be kept
Is there any possible script, plug-in or similar which can do the same (Saving with a specific max. file size) in some automatic and faster way?
A coworker brought this to my attention and I was also immediately able to reproduce this. We use content center C channels and other common beams a lot. After inserting one into an assembly if you right click and select change size and edit the length it typically doesn't update to the correct length.
Insert a 10" Ansi MC/C channel any size
right click and select change size
add +.0625 to the existing length and hit apply
measure it at 10.06252 in
repeat change size and type in 10.0625
measure it at 10.0625
repeat change size and type in 10 + .0625
and measure at 10.06252 in
It seems to mess up more when you do math but it also screws up entering a simple number
10.000325 usually ends up as 10.000315 in for me.
Editing the part directly from it's parameter dialog doesn't yield anything like this.
I am editing and saving pictures from a original size from the camera width 2623 pixel( 8.73in) X 4166 pixel(13.887in). I need to make prints as 5x7in and 4x6in. It seems that no matter how I size them in adobe CS6 they will not print in correct size at either URL.... which I use for prints. I also have pictures from my new camera, canon 7d and it's picture size is 3456 poixel(48in) X 5184 pixel(72in) , also can't get these sized correctly.
The 8x12 pixel size is 768x1152 and the 8x6 pixel size is 768x576. As to the need of being 11.5 I knew that, but I had this plan to work larger in order to downsize it and not lose any detail of clarity. If I'm understanding some of the other things I read you get a 100 pix per inch, but paint.nets is 96 per inch?
But let me throw a couple more things at you as well. I've made some scrapbook pages in what I had hoped were 10x13's to be printed out for framing...however, when taken to the Walmart printer it cuts off half of one side like the pic is too big..this is even when going for a 11x14 and larger size. I resized them, still cuts them off. Yet I make a 6x4 canvas and try to use it for my desktop background and it's too big for it in the "fill screen" mode, not mention the distortion.
Is there just a simple, cut and dried formula for image, canvas size that will come out the print dimensions I need? I'm sure I'm missing something basic, but my mind only works in basic mode!!
So i created a new project in Illus. CS5 with an artboard size of 700x150 pixels. I have two graphics in there that are about 215 pixels tall so part of it flies off the artboard, but i have a clipping part that hides all the parts that i dont want to see.
The problem is when i go to Save for Web, the ouput image is 700x215 because it includes the space used by the graphics, that fly off the board, but you dont even see it. I was able to get around this by opening the file in photoshop and then cropping to 700x150 so the extra space is removed, but there should be a way to save this in Illus. without the hassel.
I updraged to Lightroom 5 and noticed that the interface is a lot bigger than Lightroom 4. I have an Acer Aspire S7 which has one of those HiDPI displays. Is there any way to get the interface the size it was in Lightroom 4.