I'm trying to find the most elegant (okay... any) way of making a simple half lap joint. Basically I just want it to update based on a thickness parameter or when the sketches update.
In maya 2012 n 13...the end joint not matching to parent joint...
after creating leg joints are spine joints...we set the orientation of joints..but last joint wil put NONE in option box right....after applying this the end joint orientation still in world axis instead of parent joint..
is this bug are is there any other option(other then jointOrientaion in the joint attributes)..
I'm having a really difficult time maintaining my parameters when making changes to the part I've made in the attachment. The control parameters for this part are:
-100 mm distance between 15mm circles -1 of the 15 mm holes -30 mm hole
I am new to inventor but I would also like to be able to set up my constraints correctly. I'm also not sure if my sketches are ideal for this part either. I usually get an error concerning my fillets from the base to the center support beam when I try to change the 100 to 75.
I am trying to put together a transition box assembly but I am in need of a 12N U-Joint. iPart/iAssembly of the u-joint would be even better...then I won't be back looking for the smaller u-joints I am going to need later.
find out a way to make some sort of parametric assembly.
Where I work, we make conveyors and those conveyors need legs. Those legs are all built the same except for the height and width. They are made of 2 tubes with a cross shaft between them + bolts, washer, plastic end cap.Is it possible to create some sort of iassembly or ipart for this? When creating a conveyor I would like to choose the height and width of those legs when I import them into the assembly.
It would be a nice feature to have a control panel in Inventor where you could take certain driven constraints and put them on this control than hit a momentary button to make your model move. Once example would be a hydraulic cylinder. Presently, we drive the cylinder to put things into motion, but I have to access thru browser and usually add symbols to make the constraint stand out (See image). If I had a control panel where I could tie that driven constrain to it and depress a toggle/button which would activate the constrain. I would then have full control and almost act like it would in the real world.
I am trying to insert a revolution joint into my assembly but it seems it does not exist. I have attached two screenshots. One is from a tutorial I am going through which contains a longer list of available joints. (More.png) The other is the assembly I am working on which contains less available joints. (Less.png)
I'm designing a hinged cover for something right now that will use a pair of gas extension springs for assisted opening. I'm currently working to figure out how much force it will take to open the cover using different values of spring - it's available in 50, 100, 150, 200, etc., lb versions.
I've tried running simulations using a force applied to the moving end of the gas spring, and I've trued running simulations using a spring joint applied between the fixed and and the moving end of the gas spring, and I'm getting dramatically different results between the two. For instance, using a 200 lb force shows me that I need about 25 extra lbs of force applied to the handle of the cover to open it, where when I use that same 200 lbs on a spring joint, I need 50-75 lbs to keep the cover closed, because it will open on its own.
I have a parametric assembly and some of the parts in this assembly require a "Break". When the part dramatically reduces in size the part view disappears as the part is now located in the "Break". Delete the "Break", re apply the "Break".
I would like to be able to constrain a Break to the part, either a sketch on the view or maybe from Workplanes in the part.
We are a transport engineering firm in Queensland and I would like to develop a spreadsheet that can formulate cross member distances and recalculate to add or remove cross members.
The basis of this is the overall size of the body we are building.
For example: The maximum width of a body in Australia is 2.5metres overall. Our cross members would be 6 mm shorter than the overall width of the body to allow for 3mm end caps to cover the open ends of the cross members. So the length of the cross member is width minus 6, or , parametrically the length is (overall width - (endcap thickness x2))
The body length is the tricky one. We have a maximum spacing on the cross members. This will vary from size of body to size of body. EG the spacing on the small 2 tonne body will be different to the spacing on the 12 tonne body etc. So lets say we want to have maximum spacing of 450mm and a minimu spacing of 300mm between centrelines of the cross members. The overall length of the body will also determine the number of cross members required.
On top of this there is the front and rear coaming to take into consideration.
So the formula would be ((overall length - front coaming - rear coaming) divided by cross member spacing)) then a check to see if the last space is what and then can we change the cross member size to take up that space without going over the maximum space. We would also need to take into account the width of the cross member section as well in this calculation.
EG if we have 150mm left at the end we could increase the cross member centres slightly to take up this additional space without going over the maximum space allowable.
I have an issue with a sliding joint in a simulation.Here we have a very simple box with a cylinder that slides around a closed loop curve. The curve as you will see is described by two circles and one elipse that all overlap to give a smooth closed loop. In the assemble this all works fine - you can freely drag the cylinder around the curve. However in dynamic simulation when I try to insert a 'sliding cyclinder on curve' joint I get the message that only lines, arcs and splines can be used for a curve. If I change the elipse to another circle then I don't have this problem. So is Inventor restricted to arcs of circles rather than arcs of elipses? Is there a way around this?, Do have I have to draw the whole curve as a spline?
When the modify dimensions box is open, the 'roundoff' menu gives me 1/16", 1/8" etc, even when DECIMAL is selected as the unit format.
This wasn't happening earlier, not sure what's going on. [in fact in a solved problem from earlier, a colleague found a drawing that had units set to millimeters, had its insertion scale set to inches! Different computer, so not related].
Now Inventor allows users to create relationships with Joint or Constrain/Assemble commands. Both of these methods let the creation of Positional Representation, but when animating them in Inventor Studio, only animations created with Pos Reps from constraints work. Animated Pos Reps created with joints don't work at all.
Is this a bug? Will this problem be fixed soon (with SP, Updates or any Hotfix), or would it be fixed in the next release?
I am currently working on a parametric assembly using i Logic to control the size of the components as well as patterns. However, I have hit a road block in trying to figure out how to write a rule for resizing the last roof sheet in this assembly pictured below to be even with the frame. The rule below is what controls the roof sheet pattern based on the frame length. The problem I am continually running into is how do you modify a part which is in an element within the pattern without having it affect the rest of the parts in the pattern since they all refer to part. I can get since it is hard to find information on i Logic.
Roof_Pattern_Spacing = Roof_Sheet_Width Roof_Pattern_Count=Ceil(Parameter("Length")/Parameter("Sheet Metal Roof Section:1", "Roof_Sheet_Width"))
(Note: The red line symbolizes where I would like to have the roof sheet end.)
I have created a parametric, multibody master part file to derive parts from it, and then put them in an assembly. See attached file. Now, I need 3 different versions of this setup (with different values of the parameter 'bending_angle').
What is the best way to do it? If I derive parts from it, they always follow the *actual* status of their master file. Is there some method to do this: "derive from this file, with parameter bending_angle=55deg", but keep the dependency relation, i.e. if I modify something on the master file, the derived part fill follow the modifications (with the value of bending_angle=55deg)
I am creating three shapes out of a pyramid. I figure if I split the pyramid in half, I can create two, then mirror them and blend the two together to make the final design. I have figured out how to create a pyramid by extruding a cube with a taper.
My pyramid is 40mm x 40mm x 40mm. I need to cut it in half, diagonally, top to bottom.
When I have the pyramid in the workspace, I see nothing that I can select - that will allow me to create lines where I need to - to cut them out.
I'll add a logo in 3-d that I am trying to create. (also, I am using this project to familiarize myself with the software.)
I have a purchase component set that includes 2 identical pcs. i.e. part number xxx01(.iam) consists of part01(.ipt) and part01(.ipt). Typically I would place xxx01(.iam) into an upper level assembly, and get a BOM count of xxx01 QTY = 1. This works fine.
Now I have a similar component xxx02(.iam) that includes part02(.ipt) and part02(.ipt). With this component I use only half of the purchase component set in many instances. Therefore I would like to have the ability to place part02(.ipt) as a single part and have a BOM count of xxx02 QTY = 0.5.
The best solutions I have found is either to place xxx02(.iam) and manually override the BOM count to 0.5, which is error prone, and inevitably causes an issue each time.
Or I can set the Part Number of part02(.ipt) to be xxx02, and create a User Parameter in part02(.ipt) called BOM_QTY and set it to 0.5 ul and then set the Unit Quantity (using the BOM tab of the part file's Documents Settings) to use the User Parameter. The result of this is a BOM count of xxx02 QTY = 0.5ul.This method displays ul in the Parts List, which of course is an issue as well.
I am trying to edit a JPEG. It is one layer. My mode is Normal with 100% opacity, 100% fill. The layer is not locked.
I can use several tools including move, magic wand, paint bucket, crop. However, I cannot use the eraser, paintbrush, healing tool, clone stamp (which is the one I desperately need to use) or many others.
Ray tracing disables when I use the half section view, when I turn it on again it disables the section view. Is there any way I can see a cross section of my assembly in realistic mode with ray tracing?
I decided to model an industrial iron caster wheel with polyurethane tread, and all went well. Tonight I added three ribs to one side of the caster wheel, which looks great, but I would rather not repeat the process on the other side because of all the fillets and such which would have to be repeated.
Is it possible to split the wheel down the middle and then mirror the side with the ribs? I saw that I can split the model with a plane, but I can't figure out how to remove the geometry on the left side of the plane.
I'm trying to link an Excel sheet to a new assembly but it is only listing half of the sheet parameters. I have done this before with no issues. I've also imported another sheet and it works fine. I copied and renamed a sheet I know that works deleting the data from it and coping the data I want and I get the same results. This lead me to believe there is something wrong with the sheet. See attached file.
I made a fillet earlier and then continued to work on the part. Now when I try to delete the fillet (to replace it with chamfer) Inventor gives me a box: "delete features" and the middle box can be selected which says "dependent sketches and features". If I check the box and hit ok, some of the unreleated holes and chamfers gets deleted and the fillet I wanted to delete doesn't get deleted. If I uncheck the box, different chamfers and threads dissappear, fillet I wanted to delete stays in place again and yellow box appears on the corner of the part. So what should I do to just delete the fillet and keep everything else?