AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating Different Parametric Version Of Assembly From Master Part File?
Apr 24, 2013
I have created a parametric, multibody master part file to derive parts from it, and then put them in an assembly. See attached file. Now, I need 3 different versions of this setup (with different values of the parameter 'bending_angle').
What is the best way to do it? If I derive parts from it, they always follow the *actual* status of their master file. Is there some method to do this: "derive from this file, with parameter bending_angle=55deg", but keep the dependency relation, i.e. if I modify something on the master file, the derived part fill follow the modifications (with the value of bending_angle=55deg)
Inventor 2013
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Apr 27, 2012
I would like to save my inventor Part and Assembly model file in a lower version. Like in our company we use both Inventor 2012 and 2010. Once the file is created in 2012 and when shared to 2010 users they are unable to open, is there any possiblities to open 2012 files 2010 like how we do in Autocad.
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Oct 7, 2011
I am fairly new to Inventor and have recently just finished drawing up a machine made of many parts and sub assemblies and then made into one master assembly. Due to the nature of some hole positions i decided to draw some holes directly on the Master assembly thinking it would then change the original sub assembly/part file. Apparently not as i found out making technical drawings.
How i can rectify this so i dont have to re-draw all the holes on part level and keep my constraints in place?
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Jun 19, 2012
I am facing problem in creating part in top down assly.
Find attachment.
I first part as pipe having dim 300 mm.In assly I select create option and made sketch having diameter 100 circle . I have extrude this circle up to the wall of 1 st component . I select to option but surface of 1 st component not getting selected. If I select 1 st part rectangular shape, that case 2 part extrude using same concept. (# ref 2 attachment)
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Mar 28, 2012
Dear Sir, In particular project, when I insert part in Assembly file, It is inserted as a Tube & Pipe run part. so that It is not Grounded automatically. What is the settings by which I can insert as a normal part in assembly file ? I have attached herewith the JPG file also.
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Nov 15, 2013
New user 2014
Part created in assembly does not update to part file.
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Feb 15, 2013
My issue is we have Universal assemblies that never change. These assemblies are thousands of parts. (hardware gaskets other random assemblies.) this top level universal assembly never changes.
to increase time in layouts. we would like to create these universal assemblies into 1 sold part.
Is there a was to export an assembly into a single solid part.
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Apr 9, 2010
AutoCAD Inventor Suite 2010
64-Bit Edition - Build 260 - SP2
Intel Core 2 Duo - E8400 @ 3.00GHz
8 GB - Ram
64-Bit - Windows 7
why my Inventor Keeps crashing when I am inserting a Parts List into a Drawing for my assembly.
It has been happening more frequently now, and I already installed Service Pack 2. The above is my computer information.
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May 8, 2012
I have this assembly which includes a weldment and a derived / mirrored part where i need to identify the COG for lifting with a crane.
As you can see in the image (most components not visible), the COG is way off. The left half is the weldment, the right is the derived/mirrored part. Is there a way to get an accurate COG from Inventor 2010 short of creating a RH assembly instead of deriving the part?
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Jan 5, 2012
find out a way to make some sort of parametric assembly.
Where I work, we make conveyors and those conveyors need legs. Those legs are all built the same except for the height and width. They are made of 2 tubes with a cross shaft between them + bolts, washer, plastic end cap.Is it possible to create some sort of iassembly or ipart for this? When creating a conveyor I would like to choose the height and width of those legs when I import them into the assembly.
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Jan 28, 2013
I am currently working on a parametric assembly using i Logic to control the size of the components as well as patterns. However, I have hit a road block in trying to figure out how to write a rule for resizing the last roof sheet in this assembly pictured below to be even with the frame. The rule below is what controls the roof sheet pattern based on the frame length. The problem I am continually running into is how do you modify a part which is in an element within the pattern without having it affect the rest of the parts in the pattern since they all refer to part. I can get since it is hard to find information on i Logic.
Roof_Pattern_Spacing = Roof_Sheet_Width
Roof_Pattern_Count=Ceil(Parameter("Length")/Parameter("Sheet Metal Roof Section:1", "Roof_Sheet_Width"))
(Note: The red line symbolizes where I would like to have the roof sheet end.)
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Sep 24, 2012
I want to import some of the iproperties of one ipt file into an iam to do it.
IV 2010 Suite
Digital Storm PC:
EVGA & Intel components
Win 7 Pro 64 bit
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Dec 13, 2013
Describe the external referencing of a part file by an assembly file? I keep getting confused between part file and an assembly file.
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Sep 14, 2012
Is there anyway of finding out a part or assembly files dependencies external to inventor without using vault?
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Nov 7, 2013
Is it possible to identify the location of a part in an assembly file?
I cannot access (or find access to) global locations, just local. You may ask, whats the problem? Well, right now, I have 10 subAssemblies and they are all "located" at (0,0,0), which means I have 10 solids sharing the exact same space. This problem can be easily fixed if I can compare the Global Origin to a Local Origin, but I can only find the "work axes origin" which is worthless to me.
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Jan 22, 2013
My goal is to open have people go into a central assembly file, type in their specific parameters and the various part files update within the assembly. I wish to do this without the need for an excel sheet, but when I try to link the parameters from the assembly file to the part files, it will not allow me to insert these parts. I get an error about an "assembly can not be placed into itself."
Iparts will not work as this has an infinite amount of sizes.
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Jan 30, 2013
I have finished all my parts and now i have to assemble them. I normally just use the constrain tools, but this time i need to set a part in mid air. I would like to use the move tool, but with exact xyz coordinates. I only seem to be able to do that with an UCS (coordinate system), not the part itself. I guess it's just a button i'm missing somewhere.
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Jan 30, 2013
How can I make an assembly file independent from the part files that went into it? I tried converting it to STL then opening the STL document, but that causes problems with what I'm trying to accomplish.
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Sep 9, 2012
I have an assembly with a few parts inside and want to create a new part(hose) in the assembly and link some faces from other parts within the assembly to my new part to show the routing of the hose.
Can I link faces within an assembly to one of the assembly components.
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Nov 6, 2013
I am trying to extract part locations from an assembly file. I've been successful UNTIL I come to a part/subAssembly where the workAxes is orientated differently then the overall assembly axis. Is it possible to compare the local axis to the global axis? If the answer is 'yes', can sample code be posted (i.e. dim sameOrientation as bool; sameOrientation = ... )?
Also, once I know that "sameOrientation = false," how would one convert local coordinates to global coordinates?
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Mar 20, 2013
I am trying to create a step file of an assembly, the assembly consists of maybe 50-100 parts. I am currently running Inventor 2009. In a new part file, I derive the assembly to make it one solid entity. Then I save that as a step file. However when i open the step file, i have a bunch of extra "parts" in my model tree. These parts seem to be where the bolts and threaded holes interfere or not all parts joined to the main solid model. How can I eliminate this?
Also on a side note, is there anyway to change the orientation of the WCS?
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Nov 22, 2012
I am currently working on a school group project that requires me to submit all inventor files as "LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_PART,ASSY,DRAWING,etc..NAME". My original parts were all done in mm instead of cm, so for our project, I opened all new files and derived the same parts at a different scale to fix this scale issue between the members. For the new derived parts I temporarily allowed the file name to remain as part1, part2, part3.... and continued with the assembly. Now that my assembly is complete and I would like to change my part file names to the required format, my assembly will not show the parts and (?) symbol is shown by all parts with updated file names. I also changed the original file names and now the new derived parts, when opened, have the same (?) which I assume is related to the fact that the derived parts are dependent on the original file. Is there a way to update this information? We are using INVENTOR 2013.
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Apr 17, 2012
I have received a great solution from Bobvdd allowing ilogic control of the view rep in a part file (not an assembly file). The code below works brilliantly when the part file is the active document. However when the part is placed in an assembly and the ilogic is run with the assembly active, the code produces no result. How to modify the top 6 lines of code?
Dim oApp As Inventor.Application
oApp = ThisApplication
Dim oDoc As Document
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Dec 13, 2013
I have an assembly in which the thickness of each of the layers in an assembly are generated from a part file that is split via a sketch. I use the Make Components tool to break the part into the individual layers, which also spits out an assembly.
Is there a way to push the thickness value of these parts that will update automatically if the thickness is changed in the parent part, in order to reference this property on the drawing?
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Feb 24, 2013
I'm working on Autodesk VBA, and I'm trying to get user input on which vertex to use for a constrain. I want to make a macro that can go into part edit, allow user to select a vertex, and then automatically set up the constraint. Initially I wanted to do this in a single macro, using this short piece of code
while oSelectSet.Count <>1
While this worked when run directly from VBA, if I call it as a macro in Autodesk itself, the DoEvents doesn't seem o work because I wasn't able to make any selection at all. I googled and it seems like this is just how macros are.
So I split the code into a 2 subs and a function (as attached), and put them into separates rules that I call using a form in Autodesk. The first sub "Meta1Pin1_1" works, then I would select a vertex in edit mode. But when I go ahead and call the second sub "Meta1Pin1_2", I get the error message that I created which says no vertex is selected. But if I select a vertex and call the second sub again, it will work.
So I've been trying different things and I realize that every time when I first call the second sub, my selection is erased teh moment it goes into the sub. But, for some unknown reason, the selection will remain when I call it the second time. I can't figure out what exactly happened between the first and second call of the same sub, that allowed the selection to remain.
' prepares assembly for user input by grounding bones and going into part edit
Public Sub Meta1Pin1_1()
Dim oDoc As AssemblyDocument
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Mar 6, 2012
Is there a way to create sub assemblies from components already in an assembly?
See attached link from Solidworks doing this. Looking for something similar. [URL] ........
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Jan 31, 2012
In the drawing environment, is it possible to use the same file to show a client (example) option a or option b from the file? Meaning, can I create a separate side by side view in the idw using the same assembly file, but in different suppressed states? Or how does this work specifically? Right now all I have done is saved out the file with the different suppressed state showing, but this became obviously cumbersome quickly since the parts are similar and keep updating, thus forcing me to create yet even more optional files. I'm thinking that iLogic could be a possible fix.
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Feb 27, 2013
is it possible to write a plug in that runs when a user does something.example. you start inventor and open a assembly file the user selects a part and the plugin automatically pussing buttons, no quick key, it just runs.
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Oct 10, 2013
I have a macro to change the thumbnails of a part, but my parts have not always the "Master view" active.
How can I activate a view by code? Get control of your sheet metal files at [URL]
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Aug 24, 2012
when open an assembly not all parts are shown. To be able to see entire assymbly need to change View representation to Master manually. How to achieve this in Ilogic?
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Sep 21, 2011
I thought I kind of understood level of detail and master views but apparently not. I have an I-Beam that I have cut and bent in the part file. In the drawing I would like to show the beam both full length and in the bend configuration. From my reading I thought I would be able to create one view with the part in final shape and one view where I suppress all the bends and show the part with the cuts in it but all flattened out. I created view1 with the part bent, I then created view 2 and supressed all the bends. Unfortunately the bare does not toggle back and forth in the part, and when I place the part in a drawing. I am still not bale to have a difference in the part in the drawing with the two configurations either. What is the proper method of obtaining the two different views?
Also is there a way to request software enhancements?
We create many large assemblies where the shop uses a cut sheet to make the parts. Since many of the parts have secondary opperations like forming or cutting done to them i like to create a second sheet with the piece parts dimensioned on the sheet. In SolidWorks i would simply create the views, create an assembly BOM and link the balloons to that BOM, end of story. Not in Inventor! And creating a million LOD views to hide all but the one part in each view is not an answer for a professional CAD program.
Inventor Premium 2013 SP1.1
Vault 2013- plain vanilla version
HP G71 notebook
celeron cpu w 4gb RAM and 64 bit system
Win 7 home premium
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