AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating Optional (switching Suppressed) Views Using Same Assembly File

Jan 31, 2012

In the drawing environment, is it possible to use the same file to show a client (example) option a or option b from the file? Meaning, can I create a separate side by side view in the idw using the same assembly file, but in different suppressed states? Or how does this work specifically? Right now all I have done is saved out the file with the different suppressed state showing, but this became obviously cumbersome quickly since the parts are similar and keep updating, thus forcing me to create yet even more optional files. I'm thinking that iLogic could be a possible fix.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Search For Suppressed Constraint In Assembly

Sep 30, 2013

How could I center the suppressed constraint? I woul like to selecet it in the listbox.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim oAssDoc As AssemblyDocument
Set oAssDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
Dim oConstraint As AssemblyConstraint
For Each oConstraint In oAssDoc.ComponentDefinition.Constraints
If oConstraint.HealthStatus = kSuppressedHealth Then
Call ListBox1.AddItem(oConstraint.Name)
End If
Next oConstraint
End Sub

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Copy A Ilogic Assembly Without Suppressed Parts

Feb 13, 2012

I have a iLogic assembly with some parts and sub assembly. I need to do a copy of this " Generator " to apply   the result later in other assemblies. (something like a member of a ipart or i assembly).

Is there any way to do the copy the assembly to a new folder without the suppressed parts and subassemblies (wich are suppressed in the initial main assembly by iLogic rules)?

I tried to use "Pack and go" and "iLogic design copy", but they always bring the suppressed parts and assembly's, to the new folder and which i don't need to apply in the other assemblies.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Work With Parameters On Suppressed Assembly

Dec 26, 2013

Is there a way to work with parameters on a suppressed assembly using iLogic.Everything works fine, but when I suppressed a part ilogic rule give me an error: Parameter: The component named "xxxxx:1" was not found.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating Projection Views In IPT File

Dec 13, 2012

Is it possible to create projection views of a solid model part? I want to make a front, top and right side view of the part in solid model form all on the same part file. I thought I could copy the part in each view but "help" says I can't copy a solid model.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Getting Error Message When Right Clicking On Suppressed Parts / Assembly In Browser Window

Sep 19, 2012

When I suppress a part or a sub-assembly in Inventor 2013 and then right click on the suppressed item in the browser window I always get an cadabundus error message (see attachment), after I press OK I get the normal right click menu hovering over the item.

I have Inventor 2013 RTM 64 bit Build 138, and running on Vista 64bit.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating Step File Of Assembly

Mar 20, 2013

I am trying to create a step file of an assembly, the assembly consists of maybe 50-100 parts.  I am currently running Inventor 2009.   In a new part file, I derive the assembly to make it one solid entity.  Then I save that as a step file.  However when i open the step file, i have a bunch of extra "parts" in my model tree.  These parts seem to be where the bolts and threaded holes interfere or not all parts joined to the main solid model.  How can I eliminate this? 

Also on a side note, is there anyway to change the orientation of the WCS?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic - Skip Saving A Suppressed Component / Delete Suppressed Component

Aug 30, 2012

I have an assembly which has a few components suppressed.

My end results is another copy of the assembly (with copies of the all the parts) in another directory

Now i am able to create copies of un-suppressed parts using; (this allows me to SaveAs assembly components which are not suppressed)

DocumentsEnumerator = ThisDoc.Document.AllReferencedDocuments

And save a copy of the assembly using


I also added the fllowing snippet (which I am not sure what is does), but it does not work for me

Component.SkipDocumentSave = true

 When I open the newly created assembly, I still see the suppressed components in the model browser

I want to either;

Skip saving the of the components in the model browser (i.e. the Assembly)


Delete the suppressed parts in the Assembly, so that they do not save altogether

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating Different Parametric Version Of Assembly From Master Part File?

Apr 24, 2013

I have created a parametric, multibody master part file to derive parts from it, and then put them in an assembly. See attached file. Now, I need 3 different versions of this setup (with different values of the parameter 'bending_angle').

What is the best way to do it? If I derive parts from it, they always follow the *actual* status of their master file. Is there some method to do this: "derive from this file, with parameter bending_angle=55deg", but keep the dependency relation, i.e. if I modify something on the master file, the derived part fill follow the modifications (with the value of bending_angle=55deg)

Inventor 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating Separate Assembly Out Of Various Component Parts In Existing Assembly

Jul 10, 2012

I'm looking for the best way to create a separate assembly out of various component parts in an existing assembly so that the whole thing can be placed in an assembly as you would a part, I know it's possible to demote components within an assembly but are there any other methods similar / better ?

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AutoCad 3D :: Switching Views When Drawing 3D

Aug 13, 2012

I use Cad for Mac 2011. I am looking for a way for switching views quickly when drawing 3d. For the moment I use VIEW and then TOP, SE or whatever. It´s a bit slow. Also I couldn´t find out how the actual view is indicated.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Multiple Views When Driving Assembly Constraint?

Sep 17, 2011

How do I make multiple views (Front, Top, Side & Isometric) when driving an assembly constraint?  I want to be able to show an assembly moving from different perspectives all at one time.

Inventor 2013
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1
HP EliteBook 8470w
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz
Memory: 16 GB
AMD FirePro M2000
3D Connexion SpacePilot

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Error Creating Detail Views

Jun 26, 2012

We have a conveyor belt profile, which covers a length of 2330 meters and a height of 150 meters. We have a place a elevation view of the profile in an idw file at a scale of 1:2500.

We would normal place detail views on the elevation view to zoom in on key areas of the belt, i.e. drive area etc. In all previous release of inventor had no problem. However Inventor 2013 displays the following error.
Create Profile and Section View: Problems encountered while executing this command.

The specific inputs did not create sweep geometry (faces and.or edges). Try by changing path geometry and/or create the profile on a sketch plane that is perpendicular to the path and contains one of the path vertices.
I have attached the part file and also the idw file that we are using.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: 2012 - Freeze In Model Space Switching Between Isometric Views

Apr 27, 2012

on a couple of my lager project i have recently had issues with Autodesk Civil 3D 2012 Freezing in Model Space switching between Isometric views.  the number of view changes varies each time but seams to freeze during regen of the model.

I have checked the performace tuner and updated my driver, see Attached Log.

We are in the process of changing our CAD Stations over to Windows 7 64 bit, but im not scheduled for a couple more months.


Dell Precision T3400
Windows XP SP3 32 bit
Intel Core2 Quad (Q9550 @ 2.53GHz)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Master Project File Switching?

Apr 3, 2012

We are having an issue where the master project file that we have created at my company keeps switching back to the default.ipj file randomly.  This is causing obviously our template paths as well as other path settings to not be right.

Our VAR told us that this randomly happens.  why this is happening or that my VAR is correct in what they said?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Project File Keeps Switching To Default?

Sep 25, 2012

I run inventor with Vault. I have a project file set up in my vault directory. Each time I close everything and restart my computer inventor switches the Project back to default. I have deleted every .ipj I could find. Below is a screen shot of what I see every morning. It should be on vault but it is not. If I start by checking out a file from vault it checks it back in because the .IPJ is not set in inventor.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating WorkPoint In Assembly

Nov 11, 2013

Simple question: How do you add a WorkPoint in an Assembly? I was hoping to find something like:

dim pt as new point ( 0, 0, 1)
dim pt as point

It seems like I need to make a geometry (i.e. thisApplicaiton.TransientGeometry.CreatePoint(0,0,0) ) but I cannot find this feature for a component Occurence.  I don't want to make a "Global" point, I want to make a point "Local" to a particualar part.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating A Flexible Assembly?

Jan 11, 2012

I am wanting to create an assembly that I can manipulate and `pull about'.

To describe what I have and I want to acheive try and picture this very simplistic layout :-

A length of hose 50 meters long.

Another length of 50m long hose 2 meters directly below it.

The 2 lengths of hose rigidly tied together at 2m intervals with a small diameter solid bar and clamps around the hose.

What I need to acheive is :-

An assembly showing the above items in a long straight 50m run.

(I have no problems with creating this assembly.)

From there though I then need to be able to create an `S' shape, with the hose staying at a fixed radius where it is rolled to form that shape, both hoses must stay inline with each other at all times.

If you can imagine how a hose would react as you rolled it in reality I want to try and replicate that within my assembly if it is possible?

I realise I could create one long flat assembly then create another seperate assembly showing it in it's rolled up `S' shaped state but that is not what I am wanting.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating Part In Top Down Assembly

Jun 19, 2012

I am facing problem in creating part in top down assly.

Find attachment.

I first part as pipe having dim 300 mm.In assly I select create option and made sketch having diameter 100 circle . I have extrude this circle up to the wall of 1 st component . I select to option but surface of 1 st component not getting selected. If I select 1 st part rectangular shape, that case 2 part extrude using same concept. (# ref 2 attachment)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating Associated Parts In Assembly?

Aug 15, 2013

i am trying to create a part within an assembly to make sure it fits around a curved column. Please see my short video.

I can create the sketch on a plane and it will s how the potential extrusion however, it wont extrude.

This happens under any condition. I have tried different shapes and everything but i get the same thing. How to successfully create parts in the assembly and save the m out as part of the project?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Models That Have Optional Materials?

Jul 30, 2012

I am lookng for a way to allow multiple material selections for a drawing/model

We have components that avaialable in both 304 and 316. We have seperated stock codes for each of the selections what I would like to do is to come up with a way that I don't need multiple models of these features. The deisgns are virtually the same except for the material change.

In previous cad systems I used a tabled system in the model that would allow you to vary paramters such as Iproperties or even dimensions in one model.

This elimated duplication of work includeing double maintenance for the models?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating List Of Drawings From Assembly

Jan 9, 2014

I wonder if there is any way of creating the list of drawings that derive from a general assembly, which contains sub assemblies and spare parts. That involves to export some personalized i properties, such as nº of drawing, nº of father drawing (for sub-assemblies), and title.

The idea is creating a inculcated link between these drawings (.idw files) and an excel file that, if possible, updates itself when changing the drawings.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating Rectangle In Sketch In Assembly

Oct 2, 2013

I have problem with creating of a Rectangle in a sketch. I would like to make a profile in assembly and then make a "revolve".

Dim oAsmDoc As AssemblyDocument
Set oAsmDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument

Dim oCompDef As AssemblyComponentDefinition
Set oCompDef = oAsmDoc.ComponentDefinition

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating Ilogic Assembly With Standard Components?

Oct 6, 2013

Long time Autocad user but now am moving most of my work across to Autodesk Inventor.

Some of the work I do is with companies that their parts are standard components that will not change.

So I am using Inventor to automate the drawings based on their requirements. For example if it needs to be 4m high. then to use 2 x 2m sections. Currently I have create different assemblies of the different potential heights that I can switch between using ilogic but I need to be able to shift the top truss arch depending on how high the truss is.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating Plastic Frame / Body For Assembly

Jun 26, 2013

I am building a consumer electronics prototype that has mechanical and electronic components. I have built the assembly I need at the dimensions and measurements required. I am having trouble finding tutorials or instructions on how to derive a shell or frame from the complex inner components of an assembly. What is the general approach I should take, I'll get to the details. So far I've tried a loft that goes through the areas that have very specific measurements.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating Macro To Run From Assembly That Will Loop Through Each BOM Item

Sep 28, 2012

I'd like to create a macro that I can run from within an assembly that will loop through each BOM item and add the quantity req'd to a custom property within the component.  I'm very familiar with VBA from Office, but I'm new to it with respect to Inventor so I'm pretty fuzzy with object titles and options. 

Here's an outline of what I'd like to do:

Execute Macro from within Assembly file

For Each BOM Item to # of BOM Items

If Vendor = "Make" then
Set Component Custom Property "Qty_Reqd" = Total Qty from BOM

Next BOM Item

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Editing Views In IPN File - Not Possible?

Oct 19, 2012

When creating Views in .ipn files, using View Reps from .iam files, you get "Options" window where you can check Associative box, or leave it unchecked. How do yo get back to this window once the view is created?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Views Replacement In IDW File?

Apr 8, 2013

Any way to replace views with different assemblies in the .IDW  files? I really don't want to blow away all of my views and replace them manually!

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Suppressed Components In BOM

Apr 10, 2012

we are using level of details to suppress few components. when we are trying to take BOM for that level of details. we are getting the suppressed components also. is there any control we can do avoiding that suppressed component. I know if you make the BOM sequesnce to reference that wont come in BOM. but we need that file for other LOD.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating Flexible Cylinder (rubber Boot) In Assembly?

Jan 5, 2014

Usually what I do is download a 3D CAD part from McMaster Carr or some other place and start from scratch trying to recreate the part or, in this case, the assembly. I'm working on modeling a simple swing-arm type of machine I've made in the past and the I've been able to recreate all of the parts with their proper ranges of motion except one. It's an Inline Ball Joint Linkage that has a rubber boot around it to keep the dust out and possibly grease in. I want to know if it is possible to model the rubber boot so that it would mimic real life movement. Right now, the boot is basically a rigid cylinder and as the linkage swivels, the solid bodies clip through each other.

I've been able to make a flexible hose type of assembly as shown here: [URL]... However, creating a 3D drawing with a spline that attaches to work points on the other assemblies causes the Ball Joint to no longer work. It will only rotate as opposed to swiveling.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating Assembly Of Multiple Parts To A Solid Part

Feb 15, 2013

My issue is we have Universal assemblies that never change. These assemblies are thousands of parts. (hardware gaskets other random assemblies.) this top level universal assembly never changes.

to increase time in layouts. we would like to create these universal assemblies into 1 sold part.

Is there a was to export an assembly into a single solid part.

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