AutoCAD Inventor :: Parameters Units And Decimals

Aug 15, 2011

Inventor 2010

- I have drawing partslists with parameters that change automaticly
- Based on a main assembly with a customized structured BOM, with information I fetch from the individual parts exported parameters (Ex. =Length <part-length>)
- The main assembly is based on many sub-assemblys
- Based on "Make Component" skeletonmodels
- Based on embedded EXCEL worksheets in where I control my parameter values.

Now the problem expl.:

- Total I have about maybe 50 parts, witch have 15 parameters each, that I need to control this way.
- In every single part I have derived it's parameters from the skeleton part, and exported them.
- On some parameters I don't want to show the units, in most of the parameters I don't want the trial zeros.

So in the individual parts parameter table I choose "Custom Property Format" for the exported parametern in every individual part.

-uncheck "Trailing Zeros" and check  "Apply to existing...", then uncheck "Unit String" for some parameters.

I lot of setup work with 50 parts, 15 parameters each (750 individual parameters).Every time I change a dimension in the embedded EXCEL worksheet, ex. a pipe dimension and thickness, a diameter for a revolved feature and so on, the units go back to it's default values again and I have to do all this parameter setup "Custom Property Format" again.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Remove Units From Reference Parameters

Sep 26, 2013

I named a driven dimension parameter so I can reference it elsewhere in my model.  The problem is that the driven dimension is in inches and the reference parameter does not allow me to change the units.  I would like to use that driven dimension in my model and divide it by the pitch in a pattern to get the correct count for my pattern.  The pattern dialog box is expecting a unitless input.

I tried creating a unitless user parameter that referenced the reference parameter but that did not work.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Write-out Parameters In Correct Units In ILogic

Aug 14, 2013

I have this little iLogic snippet that writes out the name and value of all parameters in active document.

doc = ThisDoc.Documentparams = doc.ComponentDefinition.Parametersnames = New List(Of String)values = New List(Of String)For Each param In paramsIf Len(param.Name)>4 Thennames.Add(param.Name)values.Add(param.Value.ToString)ElseEnd IfNextMultiValue.List("ParamsList") = namesMultiValue.List("ParamsValues") = valuesGoExcel.CellValues("COVER.DEFAULT.PARAMS.xlsx", "Sheet1", "A2", "A400") = MultiValue.List("ParamsList")GoExcel.CellValues("COVER.DEFAULT.PARAMS.xlsx", "Sheet1", "B2", "B400") = MultiValue.List("ParamsValues")GoExcel.SaveGoExcel.Close

 The problem is it ignores the parameter's units and assumes cm for length and rad for angular. I need another nested IF - Then that says: 

IF param.Values.'UnitType' is "in"  THEN
param.Value = param.Value/2.54
Else If   param.Values.'UnitType' is "deg"  THEN
param.Value = param.Value*360/2/3.14159
End If

I just do not know the syntax or proper method.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Dimensions - Change Decimals To Fractions?

May 11, 2012

I need to show fractions on my drawings rather than descimals. 

I have gone into the style manager and have units in inches

I have linear format in diagonal fractions

I have precision at 1/16

I have also made several other changes to centerline color and hidden lines color etc.

I choose save

I choose done

On the drawing, the color changes are made but the dimension still reads in descimals.

How do I get fractions to be applied to the dims on the drawing?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Change Default Settings - 3 Decimals

May 23, 2012

Is there a way to chage the default setting to always go to all or at least 5 decimail places?

When I take a measurement, I would like to get a more accurate result than 3 decimails, and it's a pain changing this in every part or assembly.

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AutoCad :: Conversion From Decimals To Fractions?

Dec 4, 2012

Where do I go in Autocad 2000 to change from decimal dimensions to fractional dimensions.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Changing Number Of Decimals?

Sep 22, 2013

hey there i have an issue i cant resolve i am working on this project and i want to remove the decimal digits as shown in this picture "L=50.000" i want it to be L=50.0 also S=0.000 i need it to be S=0.00

how to shorten these numbers? by the way this is a pipe label 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Inventor Hole Table - Mixed Units - Description Cell

Dec 18, 2013

Is there a way in the description field of an Inventor hole table to have mixed units?   Some hole sizes at fractions, some at 2 plc, and others at 3 places.

Inventor Pro 2013 or 14

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AutoCAD 2013 :: More Decimals On Geolocation Position Marker?

Apr 25, 2013

Tried the new geolocation today, and found the position markers to be quite useful.

However... Using WGS 84, they only show the latitude/longtitude  with 4 decimals. And 0.0001 degree is about 11 meters in real life, so... I was hoping there was a setting to give me at least 5 decimals here.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Fractions To Decimals Convert With Prompt Lisp?

Apr 23, 2013

I need

(distof "..") 


(rtos ..)

as a prompt (VB window or command line).

::Basically I need to push button (my custom command with function like: ^C^C_f2d; - fraction to decimal) and invoke the routine to enter fraction or decimal to bring either 

15.125" - will be 1'-3 1/8"


1'-3-1/8" - will be 15.125"

same as:

Command: (rtos 15.125)
"1'-3 1/8""


Command: (distof "1'-3 1/8")

but instead of typing (...) I want pop-up texbox for input, or just simple input: 3/5" in command line to get 0.6 .

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AutoCAD .NET :: Format Cells In Table To Show Numbers As 3-digit Decimals?

Apr 22, 2010

How do you format cells in a table to show numbers as 3-digit decimals? I've tried this...

myTable.Cells(r, c).DataFormat = "#0.000" ' this does not work.

Is there more to it than this?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Set Default Units To Mm

Sep 10, 2013

Our school rercently updated to Inventor 2014, When working starting a new assembly we seslect the standard mm ipt icon, however as soon as you create a new compont it defaults to inches, we can change the units using styles editor, but this only changes this componont when you create another part it also defaults to inches.

Can you change the setup so that it will always be in mm.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Units In IDW?

Apr 11, 2013

I created an idw and annotated all the dimensions in default to inches. Is it possible to switch all of the units from inches to mm at one time? If so, how?

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AutoCAD VB :: Access To User Parameters In Parameters Manager?

Aug 3, 2011

How can you access user-defined parameters/function defined in the Parameters Manager dialog?

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AutoCad :: Linking Constraint Parameters To Action Parameters?

Sep 21, 2011

Im wondering if its possible to link either a constraint dimension to an action parameter or vice versa. Or using a linear parameter's value in an user parameter formula.

Its a 2D cylinder, for winding purposes we just have a rectangle, with a distance from the Y axis for radial.

Parametric dimensions: B=thickness, C=Lenght, R=radius
User parameter: A=Diameter (R*2), Mass in kg ((((pi*(c*b))*(A+B))*1.25)/1000)/1000

For the BOM, i need A, B, C & mass

For drawing references for peoples on the floor, to distinquish a cylinder from a stick, we put lines at the top and bottom of the cylinder, 1mm distance inbetween them.

I figured that making a linear parameter + stretch on the thickness to replace the B parametric dimension, allowed me to make an array of that line, with increments of 1mm as i stretch the cylinder. The thing is that the mass formula cant take the value of action parameters....

Other alternative is to keep the B parametric dimension, and add a linear parameter as above for the array. But then i have 2 places to adjust, and from a test i made, if i change the R dimension, the linear one does not follow. Its very frustrating.

What i was hoping autocad would be able to do is distance1 for array to be same as B dimension, but it does not allow me to do that, unless im missing something.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Units When Importing A Model?

Jun 20, 2013

We are using Inventor 2013 (Windows 7) and am trying to import an assembly created by a third party using AutoCAD. For the sake of this question let's assume the AutoCAD file contains a cube which is 10 x 10 x 10 units. The part should be 10 x 10 x 10 mm in size. We don't use AutoCAD so are unfamiliar with it but it appears to have no specified units, I could be very wrong here!

In Inventor we import the .dwg file and the cube is 10 x 10 x 10 inches in size.We can't figure out if the person who constructed the cube built it too large (reading mm off the drawing but constructing it using inches) or if we have missed something when importing the file into Inventor. We could scale the AutoCAD assemby but this could lead to a small but significant margin for error so we want to understand what is happening first.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: No Units Tab In Document Settings In IDW

Mar 27, 2012

I want to change the default precision shown in my drawing from two decimal places to three. In my .idw file the "Units" tab does not seem to be there. I see Standard, Sketch, Drawing, Sheet. I could change each dimension one by one, but there's got to be an easier way.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Change Lbmass Units

Aug 17, 2012

My drawing template title block has a section for estimated weight. This value and overall size is used to determine shipping methods of our products. This value is pulled from the Type->Physical Properties-Model and Property->MASS. There is no option to turn off units. When our clients look at the drawing, they often get confused with lbmass unit. example; When someone asks what the weight of the product is, we dont say it is 1300 pound mass, we say it is 1300 pounds. I have looked around all different forums and found no complete answer or solution to this.

The only thing closest to a solution that I found on this forum is to create a rule that creates a custom iproperty within the model. [URL]........ 

You then have to create a text field in your title block that populates from that custom iproperty but can only be done when a base view is inserted from a model that has the custom iproperty rule applied.

From what I have tried, you can create a .ipt template to save you from creating that rule to create a custom iproperty each and every time, but to populate the title block field, a user needs to create that text field and draw from that custom iproperty once the base view is set on the drawing.

I also found a way to incorporate mass without units but the information will be put into the parts list. So instead of the weight being "automatically" entered into the title block after inserting base view, I could create a parts list for every drawing. (Not a good solution) [URL].........

One last solution that I found, is there used to be a tool called iProperty Collection[URL]....... that gave users the ability to customize some Inventor functions. One being the ability to change the unit displayed for MASS. I haven't tried using this tool because the last update off the website stated in 2009; says the software is not compatible with Inventor 2009 64bit, since I am using Inventor 2012 64bit, I think this is a dead end. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Multiple Units In A BOM Column

Aug 2, 2013

I have a BOM that shows up as in units for length items and unitless for qty items.  When I change the  UOM to use FT units the non-length units get inch ticks.  The qty 1 which means I need one shows up as 1" where I do not require a 1 inch part but one each.  How do I remove the inch ticks?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Parameter Units / Conversion

Aug 3, 2012

It seems that parameters can not mix units. You can not use in or ul in a deg parameter. I want to roll a cylinder using a contour roll but I want the cylinder to have about an 1/8 gap at the seam no matter what the diameter of the cylinder is. So in order to calculate the calculated rolled angle I need to use "360-((0.125/CYLINDER_DIAMETER)/0.017453292)". I can not seem to get this equation in the parameter value because it has mixed units or in the multi-value custom equation. I can make another parameter that is ul and have it calculate it but I can not feed this value back to the contour roll parameter. I assume that the calulated parameter is ul and the contour roll parameter is deg.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2012 - STL Export Units?

Nov 8, 2011

I'm using Ineventor 2012 to export files ive made to cut them out on a CNC i recently bought. Ive been having problems with the CAM software im suing to genrate toolpaths (MeshCAM) making the part smaller than it actually is, so i made a 1"x1"x1" cude and imported it to MeshCAM, it imported the demensions 2.54x2.54x2.54 Why is invortor exporting the stl in metric not english units?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Parameter In IDW Text (Units?)

Nov 29, 2012

I have a model in imperial units with the parameter: Pin_Dia = 7mm.Now I'd like to use this parameter in a text field on a drawing, but its value will only display in inches.

(I don't know if it's called a field in Inventor, at least that's what the equivalent feature is called in AutoCAD.)I managed to fake it by creating a new parameter in inches: Pin_Dia_Metric = Pin_Dia * ( 1 ul / 1 mm ).

Now this shows up in the text dialog box as "7.0 ul."  It still displays correctly, since the text field only shows the numerical value, but I really don't want to clutter up my Parameters list with a bunch of duplicated values for metric conversions.

Is there a way to change the units for just this one text field?-Using Autodesk Inventor Professional 2012

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Adding New Part Units

Jan 11, 2013

I using code similar to add a new part to an instance of Inventor, and it works OK. The problem is it is using the Metric Template instead of Imperial Template. I have check and confirmed my application preferences and they reflect "inches". Inve is the Variable name for my Inventor.Application.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Von Mises Units?

Aug 6, 2012

how can I change Von mises units, MPa ( Default) to another one?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Sum In Parts List And Units Formatting

Nov 20, 2011

Is there an easy way to put sum of all values in column in parts list?

I would like to sum up mass column to get overall mass in the end of table. Is there a way to do so?

I also have problem with units formatting. I have QTY column in parts list. Some parts are listed in EACH and some in MM. I have lengths given with format 120,000 mm. I would llike to set this to be rounded to full mm but I can not acces this setting for column because in some raws I have EACH unit. How to format it right without manually overriding?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Bringing 2D Sketch With Units In Mils

Jul 3, 2013

I am attempting to bring a 2D ACAD sketch into Inventor in order to make a 3D model of a part. I am able to import the ACAD sketch in, however, Inventor's units are set to "inches". The ACAD drawing is in mils (thous) since it is derived from a printed circuit board (PCB). The issue is that Inventor thinks the sketch is 8500 inches long instead of 8.5 inches long.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Titleblock - How To Display The Units Shown

Oct 24, 2012

I use a single IDW template for all my drawings.  In it, I've got multiple dim styles....  One is Inch, one is mm, and one shows alternate units as Inch (mm).

In my titleblock, I've got a box that says "Units: " and I've currently got this setup as a prompted entry so that I'll have to think about it when I start the drawing and manually enter "Inches" or "mm" or "Inch (mm)".

Is there a way to automate this so I don't have to manually enter it, or remember to change it if the units change down the line? 

Inventor 2014 64-bit SP1
Win 7 Pro 64-bit SP1

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Units Command Under Document Settings?

May 21, 2012

Where did they put it in IV 2013?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Alternate Units In Hole Notes

Sep 11, 2009

When using alternate dimensions in hole notes it repeats the full note for both dimension units. I would like to only have the dimensional data have the alternate information and not repeat the full note (see attached file).

IV 2010, Vista 64

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Alternate Units On Hole Notes

Oct 25, 2012

I am using 2012 SP2 and when I try to place hole notes with both metric and inches it only gives me inches (in both displays)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Setting Default Units 2013?

Sep 19, 2013

I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do the following:

set my units to inches so I can enter dimensions in inches and see them displayed in inches.

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