AutoCad :: Conversion From Decimals To Fractions?

Dec 4, 2012

Where do I go in Autocad 2000 to change from decimal dimensions to fractional dimensions.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Dimensions - Change Decimals To Fractions?

May 11, 2012

I need to show fractions on my drawings rather than descimals. 

I have gone into the style manager and have units in inches

I have linear format in diagonal fractions

I have precision at 1/16

I have also made several other changes to centerline color and hidden lines color etc.

I choose save

I choose done

On the drawing, the color changes are made but the dimension still reads in descimals.

How do I get fractions to be applied to the dims on the drawing?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Fractions To Decimals Convert With Prompt Lisp?

Apr 23, 2013

I need

(distof "..") 


(rtos ..)

as a prompt (VB window or command line).

::Basically I need to push button (my custom command with function like: ^C^C_f2d; - fraction to decimal) and invoke the routine to enter fraction or decimal to bring either 

15.125" - will be 1'-3 1/8"


1'-3-1/8" - will be 15.125"

same as:

Command: (rtos 15.125)
"1'-3 1/8""


Command: (distof "1'-3 1/8")

but instead of typing (...) I want pop-up texbox for input, or just simple input: 3/5" in command line to get 0.6 .

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AutoCad :: Type Fractions In A Text Box As Non Stacked Fractions Rather Than Horizontally Or Diagonally Stacked

Jul 5, 2012

How do I set it so that when I type fractions in a text box it automatically keeps them as non-stacked fractions rather than horizontally or diagonally stacked?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Changing Number Of Decimals?

Sep 22, 2013

hey there i have an issue i cant resolve i am working on this project and i want to remove the decimal digits as shown in this picture "L=50.000" i want it to be L=50.0 also S=0.000 i need it to be S=0.00

how to shorten these numbers? by the way this is a pipe label 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Parameters Units And Decimals

Aug 15, 2011

Inventor 2010

- I have drawing partslists with parameters that change automaticly
- Based on a main assembly with a customized structured BOM, with information I fetch from the individual parts exported parameters (Ex. =Length <part-length>)
- The main assembly is based on many sub-assemblys
- Based on "Make Component" skeletonmodels
- Based on embedded EXCEL worksheets in where I control my parameter values.

Now the problem expl.:

- Total I have about maybe 50 parts, witch have 15 parameters each, that I need to control this way.
- In every single part I have derived it's parameters from the skeleton part, and exported them.
- On some parameters I don't want to show the units, in most of the parameters I don't want the trial zeros.

So in the individual parts parameter table I choose "Custom Property Format" for the exported parametern in every individual part.

-uncheck "Trailing Zeros" and check  "Apply to existing...", then uncheck "Unit String" for some parameters.

I lot of setup work with 50 parts, 15 parameters each (750 individual parameters).Every time I change a dimension in the embedded EXCEL worksheet, ex. a pipe dimension and thickness, a diameter for a revolved feature and so on, the units go back to it's default values again and I have to do all this parameter setup "Custom Property Format" again.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: More Decimals On Geolocation Position Marker?

Apr 25, 2013

Tried the new geolocation today, and found the position markers to be quite useful.

However... Using WGS 84, they only show the latitude/longtitude  with 4 decimals. And 0.0001 degree is about 11 meters in real life, so... I was hoping there was a setting to give me at least 5 decimals here.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Change Default Settings - 3 Decimals

May 23, 2012

Is there a way to chage the default setting to always go to all or at least 5 decimail places?

When I take a measurement, I would like to get a more accurate result than 3 decimails, and it's a pain changing this in every part or assembly.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Format Cells In Table To Show Numbers As 3-digit Decimals?

Apr 22, 2010

How do you format cells in a table to show numbers as 3-digit decimals? I've tried this...

myTable.Cells(r, c).DataFormat = "#0.000" ' this does not work.

Is there more to it than this?

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AutoCad :: How To Display The Fractions

Jul 29, 2011

I was entering some notes, with fractions, in a M text window. The popup that opens when entering fractions asking how you want to display the fractions. I accidentally turned it off, how do I get it back?

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AutoCad 2D :: Dimensioning With Fractions

May 15, 2011

When I am typing out text and get to a fraction is allows me to stack it diagonally so the 1/4" looks nicer. When i dimension, however, it does not seem to stack the fractions the same way. I took a look at the Format - Dimension setting and did not see the option in there to change it. I would like to have the fractions stack diagonally like they do regular text.

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InDesign :: Page Numbers Using Decimals?

Apr 1, 2014

is it possible to have folios in decimals?
Each page, i.e.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Dimension In Fractions

May 15, 2012

I teach 8th grade tech and we use inventor I needed to display in fractions went to help menu. told me to go to styles & standards and then to styles editor as the help menu says and in the dialog box on the right is the browser it has in it color, lighting, & material. the help menu says there should be dimension to change the style to fraction but it not there.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Stacked Fractions

Apr 6, 2011

My Inventor's playing with me... When I use Leader text and type a fraction, a message box pops up asking me if I want to stack the fractions.  I don't, which has always been the default, so I just hit "Enter".  Suddenly, it's decided to go ahead and stack them, and now the box does not come up, so I can't tell it not to.  Where do I choke it to get it back to not stacking the fractions, or at least give me the option box??  R2010, S.P.0.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 :: Can't Use Decimals Suddenly

Oct 22, 2013

when i write  8,45 it writes 8. i can't use decimals suddenly

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Illustrator :: Using Period (dot) Key Instead Of Comma For Typing Decimals

Sep 5, 2013

I used to enter decimals with the dot key. On my new environment (new computer, new version of Illustrator),  it no longer works. I would like to use the comma key instead. What may be the way to enable it? Some editing on Window's international options?
I'm working on Illustrator CC (64 bit), Windows 7.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Fractions Baseline In Mtext?

Mar 24, 2011

The bottom of a diagonally stacked fraction in Mtext aligns to the baseline of the string, which pushes the number with a fraction upward, which looks bad- see attached.  Can this be corrected?

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AutoCad :: How To Stack Fractions In Block Attributes

Jan 15, 2013

I am presently working on a P&ID drawing and there are numerous small size pipes, valves and reducers and I would like to use vertical stacked fraction. I am presently emptying the attribute and putting a Mtext in its place. It is slow and troublesome.

How to get Mtext into the block editor so I can use it instead of single line text when I am creating block attributes?

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AutoCad :: How To Draw The Lines Measuring Fractions

Sep 2, 2011

I have to draw this:


But I can't understand how to draw the lines with that measure in fractions. I have my units set in "Architecture : Inches".

For example, in the right line that is: 9'-11 7/8''

What I do is, start the line command, click anywhere on the gril (because it doesn't say where start... so I guess you could click anywhere, although I am not sure about that either). And then I put, @9

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change All Dimensions On All Prints To Fractions?

May 4, 2012

I have been working 4-weeks for a new customer. I Run Inventor 2011 mechanical... I have multiple iwd files that have all been done in decimals. The floor workers here want fractions to the 1/32. Is there a easy way to up-date my entire list of drawings with out creating new? Is there a easy way to create a style that I can easily switch to when I draw/design for this customer. I hate fractions!

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Make Fractions Round Up To The Nearest?

Aug 7, 2012

Is there some super secret option for making fractions in the drawing environment round up to the nearest, for example, 1/16th?  There has to be, there just has to be.

Windows XP SP3 32-bit
Intel Core 2 Duo 6400 @ 2.13 GHz
Nvidia Quadro FX 3450/4000 SDI 256MB Vram
2 GB Ram

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Unstack Fractions In A Label Show Up

Nov 6, 2013

when i type a fraction in a label the fraction is alwas stacked i have to unstack the fraction but when i unstake the fraction the fraction show up like this 1 1#2. any thoughts about how to fix this? this only happens on one computer when a different user use that same drawing the fraction always show up unstaked 1 1/2.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Covert Decimal To Fractions In ILogic?

Aug 8, 2012

I found out that if you have a dimension that is keyed you cannot use the custom property format in the fx. so how do I get ilogic to convert to fractions rounded to a 32nd.

When I put this (see below) in my code it changes my custom iproperty to a yes-no
fractionString = RoundToFraction(Dim_F, 1/32, RoundingMethod.Round)
Here is my code that drives my table in a drawing but the dimensions come as decimal and I need fractions.
If Hole_F_Type = "NONE" TheniProperties.Value("Custom", "F")= "-"ElseIf Hole_F_Type = "2-Hole" TheniProperties.Value("Custom", "F")= Parameter("Dim_F")ElseIf Hole_F_Type = "S1" TheniProperties.Value("Custom", "F")= "S1"& "-" & Parameter("Dim_F")ElseIf Hole_F_Type = "S2" TheniProperties.Value("Custom", "F")= "S2"& "-" & Parameter("Dim_F")ElseIf Hole_F_Type = "S3" TheniProperties.Value("Custom", "F")= "S3"& "-" & Parameter("Dim_F")End If

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Old 2007 Stacked Fractions Not Working?

May 22, 2012

On our older 2007 version, we used the command %%140 (and so on) to make the stacked fraction 9/16 in our string of text.  Now with version 2010, all of the fractions (where this command was used) display as a question mark.  This is a major issue since now all of our isometric drawings are displaying this in regards to text. 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Convert Many Regular Fractions To Stacked Without Editing Each One?

Oct 22, 2013

I was wondering if there is a way to convert many regular fractions to stacked fractions without editing each one.  I have a file full of fractions that all need to be stacked.  It seems it would be quicker if I could select all the fractions and stack them at once rather then edit each one individually. 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Stacked Fractions In Single Line Text

Jul 9, 2010

When using RomanS, how do you stack fractions in single line text?  AutoCad will do it automatically in multiline text but I am having trouble in single line text.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Displaying Stacked Text (Fractions) In Label Texts?

Feb 22, 2013

I'm trying to use diagnol fractions in my label text for 1/2 and 1/4 deltas. It displays and seems to work fine in Autocad, but when I plot, the numbers have trouble displaying themselves.

I'm using a light color from our .ctb, so I thought that was the problem, but that doesn't seem to be the case (I tried two heavier lineweights and it only got worse). Increasing the percentage size of the fraction also has no effect.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Creating Stacked Fractions For Dimension Override

Sep 30, 2011

I wrote the code below (allow the user to pick points in different viewports and then override an existing dimension's text with the difference in X values.  The (hopefully) last issue is that the fractions should be vertically stacked and at 100% text size. 

(defun c2text ()
(command "mspace")  
(setq p1 (getpoint "Select left point "))


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Revit :: Roof Pitch - How To Get 4/12 Or 5/12 And So On From Fractions

Oct 6, 2011

Determine the roof pitch, then it has the typical triangle with 1/2 pitch and 1/4, 1/3, 1/6 and so on. I know rise over run like 5/12, but don't understand the fractions. How do I get 4/12 or 5/12 and so on from the fractions?

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Revit :: Get Levels To Show Fractions Of Inches

Jan 30, 2014

I can't figure out how to get my levels to show fractions of inches. I can add a dimension from level to level and see the fraction, but the level itself insists on rounding to nearest inch. View scale makes no difference.

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Illustrator :: Fractions - None Of Possible Options Available In OpenType Panel

Oct 15, 2013

I would like to create a fraction with illustrator in one of my drawings but I can't seem to be able to do it.
I went on the internet to see how I could do it and I learned that I should write my fraction like   text1/text2  then go to the OpenType panel and select fractions.
Somehow when I select my fraction and go to the OpenType panel none of the possible options are available. They are writen in a pale color and inaccessible. How do I do to make those options available? Do i need some kind of add-on?

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