Illustrator :: Using Period (dot) Key Instead Of Comma For Typing Decimals
Sep 5, 2013
I used to enter decimals with the dot key. On my new environment (new computer, new version of Illustrator), it no longer works. I would like to use the comma key instead. What may be the way to enable it? Some editing on Window's international options?
I'm working on Illustrator CC (64 bit), Windows 7.
I started a thread earlier this evening but I think that I accidentally flagged it as "solved" or something like that (I'm new to this forum). So I'm trying this again. I want to know if there's a way of creating a sine wave in illustrator. I've managed to create a cosine wave in
How do I type hebrew characters in a document. Is there an on-screen keyboard that I can use similar to how microsoft word does? I am using Illustrator CC.
There must be a faster way to updated the current, custom workspace, without having to choose "Save Workspace" and retyping the same name! I constantly tweek my workspace and do not want to save multiple versions, I just want to update the current space. Â I'd like to simply hold "option" as I select the current workspace name and have AI update that workspace with my current setup.
According to the tool pallet instructions, I should be able to draw a circle of specific diameter by typing in the "width" dimension, then, according to Illustrator: "you can click on the word Height to copy that value into the Height box." Doesn't work. I've trashed the AI prefs, clicked on the word and on the field, and this simply doesn't work. I assume that I or my system is at fault.
When I enter a value, such as 2.2, as the height in the Transform box, AI automatically changes the value (to 2.1944, in this case). Is there any way to fix this?
(I have deslected "Align New Objects to Pixel Grid" and have deleted the AIPrefs file. I am working with AI CC and Windows 7.)
I've recently purchased Photoshop CS5.1 and I've noticed an issue. After working for a period of time (5-10 minutes), when I try to move an item/layer, or when I want to use the move tool, I have a 1-2 second lag between the time I initiate the action and the actual screen result.One thing I've discovered is that the Timing info grows in time reaching 140s sometimes. The higher this is the more the lag. Â I have no problems with hdd space for scratch disks and I have no installed plugins. One way to fix this issue is to restart PS, but it doesn't seem to be a viable solution. The problem also remains when I have OpenGL checked. I used to work with CS3 and this issue never occured. Â My system: Â OS: XP SP3 CPU: Intel i5-2400 GPU: Gigabyte 550Ti Gtx 1Gb RAM: 4Gb
When I type in Photoshop CS6 Extended the period is going before the word instead of after for example "I went to the .farm" I did not have this problem before, just the last couple of weeks.Â
I did, a couple of months ago, a part with a rule containing some input boxes. It worked without a bug and set it as a specific template, on Inventor 2012.
I tried to reuse it as a template without changing its rule on Inventor 2013. When the input box pops out and ask the value it needs, if I type "0.2" it says that "string's conversion "0.2" in a 'double' type isn't valid". But if I type "0,2" I have absolutely no problems.
Setup or style expression that will take a field in a shape file that is defined as an integer and display it on a map with comma's for the 1000 maker (ie. 5913240 as 5,913,240).
I am using AutoCAD Map v2012 (can use 2013 if it has anything built in)
is it possible to have folios in decimals? Â Each page, i.e. Â 1 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 1.1 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 1.2 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 1.3 2 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 2.1 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 2.2
hey there i have an issue i cant resolve i am working on this project and i want to remove the decimal digits as shown in this picture "L=50.000" i want it to be L=50.0 also S=0.000 i need it to be S=0.00
how to shorten these numbers? by the way this is a pipe labelÂ
- I have drawing partslists with parameters that change automaticly - Based on a main assembly with a customized structured BOM, with information I fetch from the individual parts exported parameters (Ex. =Length <part-length>) - The main assembly is based on many sub-assemblys - Based on "Make Component" skeletonmodels - Based on embedded EXCEL worksheets in where I control my parameter values.
Now the problem expl.:
- Total I have about maybe 50 parts, witch have 15 parameters each, that I need to control this way. - In every single part I have derived it's parameters from the skeleton part, and exported them. - On some parameters I don't want to show the units, in most of the parameters I don't want the trial zeros.
So in the individual parts parameter table I choose "Custom Property Format" for the exported parametern in every individual part.
-uncheck "Trailing Zeros" and check  "Apply to existing...", then uncheck "Unit String" for some parameters.
I lot of setup work with 50 parts, 15 parameters each (750 individual parameters).Every time I change a dimension in the embedded EXCEL worksheet, ex. a pipe dimension and thickness, a diameter for a revolved feature and so on, the units go back to it's default values again and I have to do all this parameter setup "Custom Property Format" again.
Tried the new geolocation today, and found the position markers to be quite useful.
However... Using WGS 84, they only show the latitude/longtitude  with 4 decimals. And 0.0001 degree is about 11 meters in real life, so... I was hoping there was a setting to give me at least 5 decimals here.
::Basically I need to push button (my custom command with function like: ^C^C_f2d; - fraction to decimal) and invoke the routine to enter fraction or decimal to bring eitherÂ
15.125" - will be 1'-3 1/8"
1'-3-1/8" - will be 15.125"
same as:
Command: (rtos 15.125) "1'-3 1/8""
Command: (distof "1'-3 1/8") 15.125
but instead of typing (...) I want pop-up texbox for input, or just simple input: 3/5" in command line to get 0.6 .
I'm relatively new to AutCAD map 3d but I've used arcGIS a while back.
I have existing roads, towns etc data that are already set to UTM 17. I want to import ascii point coordinates (from a comma delimited file) into the file. I can import the ascii coordinates as points fine (easting and northing), however the points come in as the absolute coordinates rather than geometric coordinates. I already set the files for right geographic projections. Beyond manually inputing the coordinates into the coordinate tracker, is there a way to import the coordinates form the file set for the geometric coordinates?
Specifically the Boris Continuum plugins. I get this error:Â Â Â Seems to happen for really no reason, even if I apply the effect and let the comp sit idle, it hapens after a minute or so. Â Win 7x64, AE CS6 11.04, 16 gb of RAM GPU: GeForce GTX560ti
I was trying to do a tutorial which types in a circle along a path created by the ellipical tool and I can't seem to be able to type along the path in a circle.