Problem in my Inventor Fusion: as shown in the attached image, when I try to move a feature in my model, the X axis in the 3D Move/Rotate tool is not parallel with the true X axis of the model. I don't know how it got like that, but I would very much like to change it back.
I am trying to align two components together by their axis as seen in the picture attached. The small mounts are to be mated to the face of the large plate at different radii and the rods connecting the rods are to be aligned along their axis.
I want to align the cylinders together by their axes and mate the mounts to their respective plates. Can axes be aligned with a student license of Inventor and if so, how?
I recently found an error in my top level assembly which is that the origin axes x & z are pointing in the wrong direction (x-axis points in the negative x direction and the z-axis points in the negative z direction). how to "flip" the origin axes of an assembly?
Additional information: I have a top level lattice assembly that consists of a number of lattices (a part to which components are constrained) with the lattice origin planes constrained flush with the top level lattice assembly origin planes. This top level assembly is used in many other assemblies to constrain entire systems. Re-constraining my lattices correctly inside of the top assembly is infeasible.
how can I scale an object along two axes? For example along x and z axes, because if I use the scale tool I can only scale along one axis or x, y and z axes at the same time.
When I enter text in a text box it appears with the baseline of the type above and on the top edge of the text box. If I start with an uppercase letter it overprints the second letter in the series. The character window seems to be in order with all the spacing and leading properly identified. Have tried a reinstall to no avail. Using Windows 7 and PhotoShop8. This just stared happening it had worked properly for a long time.
Whenever I add title text which appears to be perfectly centered in the editor, some of it disappears to the right after rendering. To fix this I have to guess how far to the left I enter the text in the editor so it doesnt disappear. Is there some option which would allow me to enter text and have it appear as I enter it? The text is over the background of a colour and I suspect it doesnt like the fact that I am outputting the result as 16:9 which I thought vs pro x2 can handle.
I have been using Face Robot in SoftImage for the lipsync feature.
I have imported an obj model and it animates well. To get other facial feature animation, I import a c3d mocap file and blend it by setting the weight options for the jaw and lips to zero.
All great, except when I enable rotation and translation to get head motion (rather than just brow and cheeks etc) the head snaps back 180 deg, leaving the neck collar in the original position. The model now has a broken neck.
If I view the c3d 'face markers' in SoftImage or Motionbuilder, it looks like the 'face forward' axis is -Z rather than +Z, and upside down. A 180 deg rotation about X.
How do I fix this? Is there a standard axes setup for c3d files?
When saving as in photoshop CS6 on a mac pro Lion 10.7.4 The File format are inncorect I save as a tiff and get sct I have to save as Photoshop DCS1.0 to get a tiff file If there are a wider range of file formats available when saving an rgb formattted image it is some times very difficult to work out which option to choose presently saving everything as psd as it is simpler.
Also when opening files, the enable selection box is alway set to a blank and i have to scroll down to the last two option to get "all readerble documents" or "all documents" I have added the odd file formatt they seeme to work fine but could i assume be casusing an issue.
Granted this is a minor issue, but when Revit 2013 is opened, before actually opening a project file, if I click the add-ins or some of the other menus, they don't appear in the right spot. See attachment as an example.
Right after updating to 3.6 I started having printer problems on my Canon Pro9000. No matter what size I print, all the prints are seriously misaligned. When using any other program I don't have this problem (Just Lightroom Only). Is there a way to go back to the previous version which I think was 3.3 or is there a fix for this?
I recently have developed a problem using Photo Paint. I have already tried to use F8 and restored factory settings, and I have uninstalled and reinstalled the program. I do not have this problem when logged in as the guest user on my computer, just under my normal profile. I want to correct the settings under my normal profile.
When editing the tool tip does not line up with the selector or cross hairs. For example if I have the paint tool selected and try to paint it actually begins painting about two inches from where I want to begin painting. See picture below: The small clear circle represents where I want to begin, but the red dot is where it paints.
I have an action in which it will place an image onto an image like a watermark, when i place the image, it is not center by center so i drag it or use keyboard arrows to center and then press enter, then i saw its on the center, but when i save it, the saved image is not on the center, how was that?
you can see that the right side of border it is not centered because the left side border is thicker than right side, here is the part of the action
you can see that i move the image after i place it because its not on the center so adjusting it makes it at the center but the Translate part is not equal.
I have a frame generator assembly that I created to take advantage of the frame analysis tools. This assembly was later broken down into the main fabricated assemblies (for drawing purposes) using the "demote frame generator component" tools. The basic question is this: can I take one of the "demoted" sub-assemblies and move it to another assembly file all-together?
best way to move the four legs from the platform assembly to the tank assembly after the fact? I was thinking I would just place the leg sub-assembly into the tank assembly and then delete it out of the platform one but I'm not sure of the ramifications.
Inventor Professional 2013 (SP-2.3), Product Design Suite Ultimate Desktop: Intel Core i7 3.4GHz, 16.0 GB RAM, Windows 7 Ultimate SP-1, 64-bit OS, (2) GeForce GTX 580 (331.81), Space Pilot Pro (3.16.1) Laptop: Intel Core i7 3.9GHz, 16.0 GB RAM, Windows 7 Pro SP-1, 64-bit OS, GeForce GTX 780 (331.81), SpaceNavigator (3.17.7)
I have a roller pin which follows a certain path using transitional constrain in an assembly. A box is attached to the roller pin which move along with it. My problem is that I want one face of the box to be tangent to the path which the roller pin is following so that the box moves according when it is on the curve. I have attached the file with the message.
I have a sub-assembly that is flexible, (constrained properly, not grounded) and when I try to move it in the main assembly, I get the "universal NO" symbol attached to my cursor. There are no constraints preventing the movement in the sub, since I can move it however I want when the sub is opened.
I have an assembly that I just want to costrain 2 faces and then slide it into place to see how it will fit....But it will not pass through the other parts.[URL]
In doing a move face I noticed there isn't any parameters that can be edited after the move face has been created. I want to control the face length with a parameter after it has been created. Am I missing something or is there a work-a-round?
Having never used this command before I am struggling as to where it is located.I imported a U-Bolt in Solidworks format and I am just trying to move the nuts as indicated.
Can I pick a 3D sketch and move the whole thing closer to 0,0,0 ? It is currently sitting around 5km,10km,2km from zero.
This makes everything very chunky, and very difficult to visualize anything correctly.
This was generated from a site survey, which was work in progress, it has now all been finalised, but I don't want to loose a weeks work by starting again. (Using AutoCAD to move the points to Zero)
I am not able to move any of the views in my drawing (*.idw). As instructed by the web page this should be as easy as "click and drag the red border", but this does not work. I cannot move the dimension annotations either.
I'm currently designing a frame for a geodesic dome. I have created a wireframe from an excel sheet (I calculated the vertices in a c# program) and added this to my 5-edges-corner part as derived part.
I used the wireframe to create the part that can be seen in the attached picture (basically its a 5 sided cylinder and i used layers which i generated from the wireframe to cut away the top bits).
Now because the wireframe has its origin in the WCS origin, the part isn't centered in the WCS. If I use the "move body" tool to move the part, the layer that creates the cut is not moved as well and the cuts disappear. Also the rotation is kinda messed up.
My first idea was to define a UCS and use that to replace the WCS but apparently, that's not possible in Inventor 2014.
I would like to know, whether there is a way to make the cuts permanent and independent of the layer (which is dependent on the wireframe which i want to delete anyways as soon the part is done). And what the best way would be to move the part to the WCS origin.
I have a symbol that gets placed in a certian location on a sheet. If the sheet changes size i would like the symbol to relocate itself. Usually i could just find it, delete it and replace it but this one is different. It has 16 prompted entries that may have been populated by the user.
Easy option=Be able to move the symbol.
Difficult option=Load 16 prompted entries into the a dynamic array and replace save the symbol in the new location.
I did some reading on attributes, would adding an attribute to the sheet location allow the symbol to move with it.
Create a new sheet metal part make it a box of any size add four flanges then create a flat pattern. Save the file then create a drawing view of the flat pattern. All well and good so far... Now create a Table using the flat pattern view as the source, which creates a Bend table just fine.
Place the table on the sheet and Tags are added to the bend lines which is wonderful and great. Now try to move a tag.... BZZZZZZ your time is up you can't.
Yet in your Sheet Metal Annotations in Drawing - Wiki Help page in the Procedures - Create or edit a bend table - Create bend tags section it states:
Tip Drag the bend tag text away from the original position to add a leader to the bend tag. Is this a bug or something not set right on my system?
Manufacturer: Dell Model: Precision T3500 Video Card: NVIDIA Quadro FX 3700 Video Driver: Processor: Intel® Xeon® CPU W3503 @ 2.40GHz 2.40 GHz Installed memory (RAM): 4.00 GB System type: 64-bit Operating System