Photoshop :: Using Data In Text Box Misaligned

May 23, 2013

When I enter text in a text box it appears with the baseline of the type above and on the top edge of the text box. If I start with an uppercase letter it overprints the second letter in the series. The character window seems to be in order with all the spacing and leading properly identified. Have tried a reinstall to no avail. Using Windows 7 and PhotoShop8. This just stared happening it had worked properly for a long time.

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VideoStudio :: Title Text Misaligned?

Oct 13, 2010

Whenever I add title text which appears to be perfectly centered in the editor, some of it disappears to the right after rendering. To fix this I have to guess how far to the left I enter the text in the editor so it doesnt disappear. Is there some option which would allow me to enter text and have it appear as I enter it? The text is over the background of a colour and I suspect it doesnt like the fact that I am outputting the result as 16:9 which I thought vs pro x2 can handle.

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Photoshop :: Save As File Format  Misaligned?

May 31, 2012

When saving as  in photoshop CS6 on a mac pro  Lion 10.7.4  The File format are inncorect  I save as a tiff and get sct  I have to save as Photoshop DCS1.0 to get a tiff file  If there are a wider range of file formats available when saving an rgb formattted image  it is some times very difficult to work out which option to choose presently saving everything as psd as it is simpler.
Also when opening files, the enable selection box is alway set to a blank  and i have to scroll down to the last two option to get "all readerble documents"   or "all documents" I have added the odd file formatt they seeme to work fine but could i assume be casusing an issue.
File Formats:

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Move Axes Misaligned

Jun 3, 2013

Problem in my Inventor Fusion: as shown in the attached image, when I try to move a feature in my model, the X axis in the 3D Move/Rotate tool is not parallel with the true X axis of the model. I don't know how it got like that, but I would very much like to change it back.

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Revit :: 2013 Ribbon Menus Misaligned?

May 30, 2012

Granted this is a minor issue, but when Revit 2013 is opened, before actually opening a project file, if I click the add-ins or some of the other menus, they don't appear in the right spot. See attachment as an example.

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Lightroom :: Misaligned Print With 3.6 To Canon Pro9000 In Mac OS 10.6

Jan 19, 2012

Right after updating to 3.6 I started having printer problems on my Canon Pro9000. No matter what size I print, all the prints are seriously misaligned. When using any other program I don't have this problem (Just Lightroom Only). Is there a way to go back to the previous version which I think was 3.3 or is there a fix for this?

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Corel PHOTO-PAINT X4 :: Tool Tip Misaligned With The Mouse Selector

Aug 28, 2011

I recently have developed a problem using Photo Paint. I have already tried to use F8 and restored factory settings, and I have uninstalled and reinstalled the program. I do not have this problem when logged in as the guest user on my computer, just under my normal profile. I want to correct the settings under my normal profile.

When editing the tool tip does not line up with the selector or cross hairs. For example if I have the paint tool selected and try to paint it actually begins painting about two inches from where I want to begin painting.  See picture below: The small clear circle represents where I want to begin, but the red dot is where it paints. 

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Photoshop :: Image Exported - Place On Image (Like Watermark) Misaligned After Save

Jul 19, 2012

I have an action in which it will place an image onto an image like a watermark, when i place the image, it is not center by center so i drag it or use keyboard arrows to center and then press enter, then i saw its on the center, but when i save it, the saved image is not on the center, how was that?
you can see that the right side of border it is not centered because the left side border is thicker than right side, here is the part of the action
you can see that i move the image after i place it because its not on the center so adjusting it makes it at the center but the Translate part is not equal.

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Photoshop :: Data Sets And Text Encoding

Sep 25, 2012

I have a problem when trying to import french text variables into my data sets (for automated generation of lower thirds). I can not get PS to display french special characters correct. all 'accented' As and Es etc. display as weird text strings, just like your browser running on the wrong text encoder.

How do I get PS to interpret the data sets right?
( PS CS6 (13.0.1), Mac Pro running on OS X 10.7.3)

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Photoshop :: Possible To Add Something In Application To Change Data In Text Layers

Nov 1, 2012

I have made an application which gets some numbers from a server. I also want to put all these numbers in a Photoshop document (*.psd) so i can use it to make a small video with these numbers.

Now , is it possible to add something in my application (C++) so it could directly change the data in my text layers ? Is there any "library" ?

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Photoshop :: Data Sets And Text Field Width?

Jan 1, 2013

problem I am having is with the text fields.  I want my text field to be a specific width to fit within my layout - and have the text expand or contract based on the width of the text layer.  What happens now is the Last Name (for instance - could be the First Name, Team Name etc) for instance comes in very long and I have to manually compress the text layer width (the height is always good) to fit in the layout (or comes in really short and I have to expand it).
Going through 100's of PSDs after the import of the dataset really slows down the there a way to "lock" a text layer to a specific width (and height) - therefore having the text expand/contract as nessessary when the import occurs?
I have looked at couple of scripts - but I am new to JavaScript (use VBS quite a bit at work - but not familar with JS).  But this may be what I have to do...

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: How To Take Table Data And Transform It To Text

May 31, 2011

Most people that I work with don't use autocad map, they use the regular Autocad. So they can not access the table data of my vectors. Is it possible to transform the table data that I choose and place it as text in the appropriate place ? 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Get Text Data To Come Out In Table?

Jul 23, 2013

I am using data extraction and data linking to an excel file to count blocks and list details. I need to be able to update automatically and the most trouble I have been having is that I need the images of the blocks to come out in the table as well. so far only have been able to get the text data to come out in the table.

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AutoCad 2D :: Replacing Text In File Using Excel Data?

Aug 29, 2011

I have an autocad drawing with so many light fixtures with all different names.Now we have to change all those names, i already have an excel sheet containing two columns with first one containing "name in drawing" and second one containing respective "new name".

Is there any way to replace the names in cad file using that excel sheet.i just dont want to do all those thousand rename manually ...

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Illustrator Scripting :: Use Of Data Set To Translate Text In Files?

Apr 29, 2011

What would be the best strategy on the usage of data set to translate our product packaging. It's quite complex as we have several languages on the same packaging. Moreover, we have different text sources that would require to be translated in different sets of languages.
I have already looked into the data set and I tried to get familiar with it. How to create the data set and how to name the different variables knowing that there are different source texts for a particular region (region means a set of languages) and other texts for another region... The idea is to export this into one XML file with well identified elements that can be split with a tool, sent for translation according to their region then merged back into one single file to be imported back into illustrator
Region 1:
text 1
text 2
text 1
text 2
Region 2:
text 3
text 4
text 3
text 4
Region 3:
It seems that the formatting such as bold, italic and so on is not exported into the data set which is quite embarrassing.

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Photoshop :: Make Composite Image From Layer Data Instead From Merged Data Section?

Jun 1, 2013

I am working on parsing the psd file and saving the data as per doc of photoshop 6. I need to make an image from the layer data alone with different combinations of layers selected, visible etc... and not using the merged data section in the file.

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: Data Table Text Not Printing?

Oct 10, 2012

I have a table which is linked to a datalink from Excel. The table and contents (text) show up in paperspace; however, only the table frame shows up within the plot preview, or when I try to plot it. The text does not show up.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Objects Returned From Data Query Do Not Appear With Their Related Text

Apr 5, 2012

We are using AutoCAD Map 3D 2011 (Service Pack 2 - Version 3).  This is replicable on multiple machines in multiple OS environments.

We attach a source drawing, run a query on Object Data but when that data appears in Model space it appears without any of the accompanying text for that object.

You can then execute the same query with a crossing window which brings in the surrounding objects including their text, but the original object still does not have its text.  If you delete the object and re-run the query with the crossing window again, then the object appears with its text.

This is a nightmare for the users because if they want to search on a specific object, and then have to delete it to get it back with the text, they then have to search for the item in amongst all the other items.  This kind of defeats the purpose of querying that object in the first place.

Is this just the way AutoCAD functions, or are we doing something wrong in our process sequence for querying the object data?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Convert Data Labels Into Normal Editable CAD Text

Nov 19, 2013

I have MAP3d 2014 drawings with object data attached. I also need to be able to see the data as text. In map 3d it is a straightforward exercise. I go to task pane> Data> add drawing layer..I select the layer I want data to display and I select the object properties, change the TextLabel into the required field and I have readable on the screen text.. However this text does not behave like text at all..If I edit it, it disappears or reverts back to the original text. When I open in normal CAD of course it is not readable...

How can I convert this MAP3D data label text into an AutoCad, editable text for everyone to see and edit.

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Illustrator :: Put Line Break In Text In The Data Box When Creating Chart?

Feb 5, 2014

Can you put line break in text in the data box when creating a chart.
i.e. if you have a bar chart with text underneath each bar, can you break it when you’re entering it instead of manually afterwards 

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CorelDRAW X5 :: How To Set Envelope Function Box Size Prior To Entering Text Data

Oct 22, 2011

I am creating a template that will have four text boxes that I will populate from a merge document.  I need to have the envelope feature applied to each of the text boxes so any long text will be compressed to fit in the designated text box.

I understand the basic function, input text, select text, select Envelope feature but that sets the envelope box to the size of the inputted text, where I need a fixed text input box size.  

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Create Drawing Using Text File Data?

Nov 18, 2013

I need to locate or create a Macro that would read a text file that contains

x postion, y position, and diameter.

Each of the 4000 circles in this file are a different diameter. There is no linear progression.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Echoing Data From One Attribute To Other Attributes (or Text Objects)?

Nov 16, 2012

I have a drawing template (block) where the drawing number is displayed in two locations (attributes). The same value has to be entered in both attributes.

Is there any way of "echoing" the data from one attribute to other attributes (or text objects)?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic - Export Idw Part Data To Text File

Aug 7, 2013

We have an idw package we use for Quality control. This idw has more than one sheet. Each sheet has a part placed on the sheet with dims.( DWF attached). Next we open DA inside of the file and run a report. (exported txt attached). I am trying to use ilogic the make the same report with a iLogic browser button pick. I have 2 codes (code examples on attached jpg) that i need to make into 1, or whatever works.

1st code
Dim oDoc As DrawingDocumentoDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument Dim oSubDoc As Inventor.Document Dim oPropSets As PropertySets Dim oPropSet As PropertySetDim oPartNumiProp As Inventor.Property For Each oSubDoc In oDoc.AllReferencedDocumentsIf oSubDoc.documenttype.

 2nd code
fileheader = "QAF Parts for Planning "fileheader1 = ThisDoc.PathAndFileName(True) 'first line header of txt filedescription = "Components to use for Nesting" 'use this variable in the body of the txtdelimiter = "," 'character to separate the names and values on each lineoWrite = System.IO. File. Create Text (ThisDoc.PathAndFileName(False) & ".txt")oWrite.WriteLine(fileheader) 'include the fileheader on the first.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Convert Connected Feature Data To Real Polylines And Text

Oct 31, 2012

In autocad 2013 is the best way still to convert data you have connected to, for example a shape file, as feature data in order to convert that into polylines and text is the best method saving it all as a seperate drawing using the "save as autocad drawing command"?  Is there way to do it individually in the current drawing so that I do not always have to be saving things out as seperate drawings and then copy and pasting them back into my working drawing?

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AutoCad :: Plotting Survey Drawing With Field Data In Text Format

Feb 13, 2012

How to plot a survey drawing with field data in text format, (using Autocad 2008, so that the point number and XYZ coordinates appear on the drawing.

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AutoCad :: Convert Drawing Which Indicates Water Depth Data As Text Into Txt Format?

Jun 18, 2012

i want to convert autocad drawing which indicates water depth data as text into txt format...x reference and y reference and the digital value indicated at the reference in xyz format...

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Variable Data / Merge File Stacked Text

Sep 7, 2012

I am attempting to create a tag system that will have a 5 digit number but must be printed as shown below






We have to create a file to be engraved that has 2000 consecutive numbers and we cannot figure out how to make them appear stacked using the merge feature.

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AutoCad :: Export To Text File Data Points That Make Perimeter Of Sections

Oct 4, 2011

I am completely new to the forum and to Autocad. I am using version 2011.

I am working with irregular solids and after I SECTION them, I would like to export to a text file the data points that make up the perimeter of the sections.

Ideally, I would like to do it from the command line, but that's a secondary goal, first of all I would like to know how to do it.

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AutoCad :: Data Link Tables Compress And Change Text Size When Updated

Apr 27, 2012

I decided to use Data Link Tables for my Excel sheet instead of OLELinks. The appearance is far sharper, and I am also pleased there is no background color transfered. What IS the problem is when I update the table, its goes from 12" Wide by 12" Tall table @ 7/16" Text W/O borders back to 3" Wide by 10" Tall with varying text size to fit and gains back all borders except diagonals (of which none are present on the Excel file).

So, any way to default the format when I refresh so that it holds each cell at the 6"X1" dimensions with no border.

With that, If there is a way to have a stencil for making the range links with Excel, that would be useful. I use the exact same 4 or 6 ranges (2 formats) in every dwg.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Automatic Figure And Line Creation Using CSV / Text File Format Data

Jun 18, 2012

how I can go about automatic creation of figures and existing alignment (i.e. Centerline and edges) using csv/txt file data format. Currently I have to snap each line to create Centerline, edge, figures etc. a headache of work! I am using Autocad civil 3D 2012.

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