AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Move Part To WCS Origin
May 10, 2013
I'm currently designing a frame for a geodesic dome. I have created a wireframe from an excel sheet (I calculated the vertices in a c# program) and added this to my 5-edges-corner part as derived part.
I used the wireframe to create the part that can be seen in the attached picture (basically its a 5 sided cylinder and i used layers which i generated from the wireframe to cut away the top bits).
Now because the wireframe has its origin in the WCS origin, the part isn't centered in the WCS. If I use the "move body" tool to move the part, the layer that creates the cut is not moved as well and the cuts disappear. Also the rotation is kinda messed up.
My first idea was to define a UCS and use that to replace the WCS but apparently, that's not possible in Inventor 2014.
I would like to know, whether there is a way to make the cuts permanent and independent of the layer (which is dependent on the wireframe which i want to delete anyways as soon the part is done). And what the best way would be to move the part to the WCS origin.
We have imported an AutoCAD 3D model into Inventor and the process generates many individual Inventor parts which are placed in a new Inventor assembly. The parts are all unconstrained in the assembly but spacially positioned relative to each other as they were in the AutoCAD file.
We want to create a new, empty, assembly and place the individual parts one by one into the new assembly constraining them appropriately as we go. This way we can develop a more logical set of sub-assemblies and have the parts more intelligently connected.
So to the point of my question, at last!. Each individual part, generated from the import, contains just a single body. There is no sketch or any features. The part's origin is at the point of the original AutoCAD model's origin. All of the imported parts will have the same origin point. We want to move the part's single body in space to align with the part's origin point and planes. This way when we re-build the assembly we can use each part's origin planes when constraining the part.
There doesn't appear to be any way of constraining or 'snapping' a part's body in space to the origin planes.
I cannot select origin to constrain sketch with dimension to origin?
I selected Sketch, expanded origin, selected mywork plan (xy) drew rectangle, input dims, right click for marking menu, selected dimensions, Origin is yellow,
cannot select it and then edge of rect to set dim that will center sketch on origin? Just like the videos show, but cannot select origin>
I have an assembly that I just want to costrain 2 faces and then slide it into place to see how it will fit....But it will not pass through the other parts.[URL]
In my sketch I want to move a smaller circle that is within a circle along the Z-axis. I've put the image below to avoid confusion. I am using Inventor 2012.
I have finished all my parts and now i have to assemble them. I normally just use the constrain tools, but this time i need to set a part in mid air. I would like to use the move tool, but with exact xyz coordinates. I only seem to be able to do that with an UCS (coordinate system), not the part itself. I guess it's just a button i'm missing somewhere.
Working in an assembly with sub-assemblies. I am trying to move a part not much more than the diameter or a hair, but this is causing lots of problems.
I am forced into editting an assy constraint. So I go thru the menu and except the edit.
Constraint box opens / and iventor says "ready" but it will not let me select and surfaces to define the mating.
My question is What is it the constraint is ready for?
I have imported a project from revit, I'd like to quickly add furniture to it. On the 1st floor everything is perfect. I just use the top ortho view to position them. The problems begins on other floors. I've tried user grids but they're extremely limited and didn't do the trick.
So, is there a way to 'move' the z0 without having to move the entire scene (move z up instead of moving the scene down)?
i can't move any object from the origin, every thing i create, create it self in the senter of the scene and i cant move and rotate, they just get stuck. i reinstall max 3 times this morning and the error continues... i dont know what else do...
I have two set of chain drives connected to each other through a common axle. The motor (which is not visible in my assembly) drives the yellow sprocket.
The two sprockets mounted on the grey axle is attached with a key way so when the yellow sprocket turns, the two chain drives turns.
I want to attach the blue sled on the blue chain, the red sled on the red chain and then rotate the yellow sprocket so both of the sleds moves with their chains (at the same speed/ time).
The blue sled is going to move a rolled bar (the orange one) on the floor (glass square) a certain length and then the red sled is going to "take over" and continue to move the bar on the floor.
I want to make sure I´ve got the spacing between the sprockets in the short chain drive (red) correct so the red sled takes over when the blue sled disappears under the floor.
Edit: I use IV 2012, but I also downloaded IV 2013 professional (trial) so I can use the dynamic motion.
I noticed when creating assemblies, applying a positional constraint, the parts don't move. In order to get the parts to "move" to their constrained position I have to try and drag them with the mouse then they snap into place. Also updating the assembly works as well.
What setting could I have changed so that once I press apply on a constraint it moves the part immediately?
I am having a problem with my create and move tools. It has just started happening that every time I create an object it automatically is created at the origin. I am unable to move any of the objects i am creating from this position. I can rotate them and scale them but just cant move them. I have checked everything i can think of, they aren't locked or on a locked layer. I converted them to an editable mesh and could move them like this but the gizmo remains stuck at the origin.
Probably something really simple, just never came across it before.
I'd like to have a menu option next to "Grounded" which is "Grounded to origin", to save setting three flush constraints every time I pull a part into an assembly and want it to have the same origin as the assembly. This is something I do quite a lot using the multibody part > derived part > assembly workflow. Apart from saving time it would save cluttering up the model browser. In the meantime is there a scripting method of doing this with one click? IV2013
I'm drawing a blank, how do I connect a UCS to the existing Origin of a part. I can select the Centre Point to attach the UCS to , but I have nothing the align the X & Y axis to (X Axis and Y Axis in the Origin folder are not selectable)
If I try to add a UCS to a blank part, the ONLY thing I can select is the Centre Point, but the UCS requires 3 inputs!
My model is up in the top right of the planes. I cannot figure out why my origin planes are oversized like this. I have went through the browser and checked all the parts to see if something is out there, nothing. I have set auto-resize on origin planes and yet these are large.
Dell XPS 8300 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU@3.40GHz 16GB RAM Win 8.1 Pro Autodesk Product Design Suite 2014
How to align a model to the origin, and NONE of them seem to be correct. I am using Inventor 2013. I tried the move body command, however there is no part of the dialog box that lets me choose a face or plane to align to.
What to do when you import a model that is not aligned to the origin?
How can i a re-adjust the orignal origin on an assembly? For example: i have a trailer frame (an assembly) and want to add a tank centered on top of it by constraining the center planes of both assemblies.. When i select the X-Axis/Pane from the trailer, it is not in the center of it, instead the X-Axis/Plane is 3/4 of the way off centered.
How do you constrain an object to the origin once the origin constraint has been deleted. I'm not really sure how it became unconstrained in the first place. When I try to constrain the drawing using the coincident constraint it won't allow me to select the origin.
How is this accomplished in Inventor? The 3D sketch environment seems intentionally crippled. Many of the constrains are not available, and the "include geometery" command refuses to include the origin (or any other planes and axis for that matter).
When I draw a line at the origin, it does not find the origin and snap to it, or auto apply the horizontal constraint when near horizontal. Or if I draw an L the lines are not connected. That is, I can pull one line away from the other. I can not find the settingsto correct this behavior. What's up?
The screen shot below shows three coincident constraints and a projection icon on the origin.
looks like a projection icon - what does it mean?
I want to delete the three coincident constraints. But when I delete the coincident constraints there is no Sketch origin center point (the sketch origin center point is a square-yellow dot at the x-y intersection). How to delete or move the three coincident constraints with out deleting the sketch origin center point?
How the heck do you do this once a view is placed? I had to edit a part and the origin indicator is in the middle of no where now(and is pink). How can I either. 1.)Locate the new origin for my dimensions or 2.) delet the origin and start over?
Inventor 2011 Intel Core 2 Duo 2.93GHz 8GB RAM Windows 7 Pro
I have a drawing that has had the origin indicator hidden.The part has changed, and I need to move the indicator to the new 0,0 location.How do I show the origin indicator again, or while it's hidden, move it to the new location?
I used this command all the time in previous releases (when it was in the SDK tools). In 2011 Win 7 64bit, the dialog always says "cannot place at origin" or something similar yet it does place the component there but does not apply the constraints. (Also my "make components" command puts a slight offset to my parts which could be a related bug of some sort.) The only non-autodesk addins I have loaded are the trial kwikinsertnfix addin loaded and Brian Ekin's Sheetmetalextents addin loaded.
I have problem with placing origin of ordinate dimensions on point where two centerlines are intersecting.
In my particular case I have rectangle and centerlines are in the middle of pararel edges. So they are crossing eatch other in the center of rectangle.
I need to place origin for ordinate dimensions in this point. But till now I had not find any way to do that except make a skkech and draw a line that's one end is exactly in the point I want. But it seems to me like rather ridicules aolution.
When I am forced to use an existing part surface to start a sketch, the origin of the sketch invariably has no correlation to the part origin (UCS Origin). It seems it ties to some feature or point on the surface instead.
Is there any setting or method to force the sketch origin to be aligned with the part origin. Obviously it will only be aligned in two axis' but for the sketch, there is no need for a 'Z' axis (3d sketches aside).
I end up going to Edit Coordinate System to move the sketch origin to align with the part origin (UCS origin). That way I can always reference from a point that is consistent throughout the various sketches in the part.
Along the same lines, it seems that when a new sketch is created, IV orients the x-y plane based on random chance. Sometimes it its the plane in the same orientation as the UCS sometimes it turns it on its side and sometimes it flips it upside down.
This is using the three basic planes, not constructed ones. It just isn't consistent. So I often fins myself editing the coordinate system to reorient the sketch as well.