AutoCAD Inventor :: Model Tail Fin (vertical Stabilizer) For Aeromodel Design
Feb 7, 2013
I was trying to model the tail fin(vertical Stabilizer) for an aeromodel design. I inherited a dwg file of the tailfin with some poorly defined ribs that shape the fin. The fin tapers back and up.
My problem - I need to put in a brace which starts from the front of the lowest rib and goes back and up to the front of the topmost rib. and a pair of slots similar to the ones already modeled but further up towards the front. I hoped that a sweep feature on the assembly would do it but i am unable to create a rail and constrain it properly.
Another issue i had was to model a plastic film covering for the fin. An aeromodel uses a heatshrink monokote film. How would i model something like that in inventor.
The requisite files have been uploaded to dropbox.-Â
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Jul 3, 2013
Can I have use both the horizontal and vertical secton tail in the same project? Â When I change the tail in one system family it changes the tails on all the types.
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Dec 19, 2012
The company I work for is a wooden packaging company. We recently purchased Inventor to open large file models from John Deere to design a wooden pallet/crate to package the part. Basically, what I am asking for 'get started'. I know how to pull in files, but I am just trying to figure out how to design packaging around this existing model.
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Feb 8, 2013
i wanna use a existent project to make a new one, i copy all the files that I need to a new project, then I use Design Assistant to rename all files, everything works fine this way. I just saw now a little 'problem' that doesn't bother me, but can be a problem to other ppl who open this project and see the difference.
When I rename the file name from Design Assistant (opening it from the top assembly), all the parts get its PART NUMBER updated and all the files are renamed too, but...when i open the assembly, in the Model tree, no parts have the name updated, all keeps the old name, but if i open the part from the model tree, i open the correct part already updated and renamed, so, its just the model tree displays name that are incorrect. Is that known ? Is there a solution ? Or am I doing something wrong to copy or rename files ?
I realized that is happens most when i rename files from a top assembly with subassemblies. Sometimes when i use just one assemblie with just parts inside it, everything goes normal.
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Sep 5, 2012
I am trying to model a force main with several vertical and horizontal bends. Getting the network set up and drawing in the pipe segments with the styles is a sinch, what I am having trouble with is modelling the horiz and vert bends to show up both in plan and profile view. I have done many sany and storm profiles but this is a first time with a force main. Does Civil 3d have the capability of modelling these or is this more of an MEP type task?
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Feb 23, 2012
I'm working on a staircase with a decorative panel design.
I'd like to export the model to 3ds Max Design, convert the solid model to a mesh and then bend the mesh to follow a horizontal radius of curvature. Once that's done I'd like to be able to convert it back into a solid and import it back into AutoCAD.
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Aug 9, 2013
I know you can change the leader style and the text style in a weld symbol...I can't seem to find a style for the parts?
Specifically I'm trying to change the color, I'd like the enirety of my weld callout to be a different color...just for visually tracking and locating on the drawings.
So if I change it to orange...right now the leader and text are orange but the weld symbol itself and the tail are still black.
Inventor 2014
Windows 7 Pro SP1
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770k CPU @ 3.50GHz
NVIDIA Quadro 4000
3D Connexion SpaceMouse Pro
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Jun 13, 2012
I having used 3D modeling software and Auto-cad in the past, I know how to design complex models using the features provided in the tool-bars but I have never even heard about programming using things like VBA until randomly running into it on the internet.what exactly is the use of programming on software like auto-cad and solid-edge? I mean I understand it will change the part to a text file but what is the use? can you design/edit a 3D model using just programming? Do mechanical design engineers need to know this? (even if not I still want to learn but just need to know if it is compulsory) What is the latest/best programming language used for programming in design software because I heard VBA is slowing down.
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Oct 9, 2013
I wanted to use the program to design a robot for our school vex competition. Vex has provided cad files for all the parts. So, how i can import the seperate parts into one design. I can only open each part individually but cant find a way to combine them so can assemble the robot in one design.
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Jul 28, 2011
My problem is trying to move the project model to a new elevation some 1000+ feet higher than the 0'0" schematic design elevation. When using the "shared" solution, it will work for the model but not for the Topo as the topo is also tied to the Project base point, so when one uses shared it also moves the topo map 1000+ feet higher. I'm trying to find a way where the project elevation can be adjusted to the base point elevation so both topo and model elevations coordinate with each other. It's a 4 level project with many exterior retaining wall levels. I'm almost to the point of doing a full copy of the project to the clipboard and then importing it at the level 1000+ feet higher.
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Apr 10, 2012
IÂ just made a copy of assembly in Design Assistant.I opened the copied assembly in Design Assistant to make some changes.Parts are accessible but I have only "Clear" option possible. URL....
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Aug 23, 2012
I'm a model, I need to design a model for window curtains and bed with my blanket.
For example, I took the picture.
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Oct 4, 2011
Am trying to convert this pump into solid ?
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Jan 15, 2013
My problem today is that I made a Model of a Part of a ship using surfaces rather than solids because the engineer thought it would be easier to bring into ANSYS program for analysis but he is now having a problem with it and I am looking into converting my current model to solid. I can do it but the method I thought of using is quite long winded and we are working to a tight deadline. up the surface part
2.use "Offset/Thicken"
3.any clashes between parts make a sketch and cut away.
the problem is the amount of plates I have and the time it takes to sort them out.
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Nov 20, 2012
What setting controls the rotation of leader tails? Specifically in point labels. My dragged point labels maintain their orientation, as I want, with Plan Readability set to False and Dragged State Components - Display set to As composed. But the leader tails are horizontal to the view rotation.
Civil 3D 2012 SP 2.1
Dell Precision T7400
Xeon CPU 3.16 GHz
Nvidia Quadro FX 4600
Win 7 Pro, 64-bit
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Sep 13, 2012
Sometimes, not in every drawing, but in certain drawings when we draw a spline it creates a jog or tail.
So when we do the command spline and click the start point then move to do the next point it will have this jog or tail at the beginning of the spline. sometimes we get it at the beginning and sometimes at the end.
How do I make it stop? is there a setting that I need to change? We typically work on drawings from Architect / Engineers.
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Apr 12, 2012
I have a .dxf model and I need the file in .ipt format as a 3d model. (I got the file from a website)
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Nov 27, 2013
I'm having alot of difficulty with Premiere CC, Warp Stabilizer, and spanned .MTS files.
It's a 90-minute production, two cameras, one steady, the other moving. All Panasonic AVCHD, and all continuous recordings, so I have several spanned .MTS clips, that I imported directly into Premiere via the Media Browser. Made my edits, cutting back and forth between the two cameras, and then warp stabilized many shots that were too jittery for my liking. It plays back fine, but takes FOREVER to render(if it doesn't crash, which it often does...I've found that if I render the clips one at a time, it crashes less)...and everytime I click export > media, it crashes. It crashes on any kind of copy and paste operation, so I can't duplicate my sequence, or copy and paste the clips so I can make changes without affecting my original edit. I don't want to mess with the edit and start removing the effect until I have no other option...
The edit is finished, I just need to be able to render and export...I *think* this is a warp stabilizer issue. If I start a new sequence and lay down the raw footage, no warp stabilizer effect, it renders/exports without issue.
What can I do about this? Would converting the files to Prores solve anything? That would be less processor intensive, right?
Would I be better off linking to AE and using the stabilizer in AE? I was doing that at first, but it was time-consuming to go back and forth...
System Specs -
Late 2012 iMac
3.4 GHz Intel Core i7
OSX 10.8.5
Premiere Pro CC 7.1
Final note - I do not have CUDA enabled...I don't know much about video cards and all that. CUDA is not an option when I look at my playback options...My current project playback setting is OpenCL How would I enable CUDA.
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Mar 4, 2008
We received a surface model from a vendor that I have patched up as best I can, it still has one hole that I can find that I haven't been able to fill. Ideally we would like to have a solid model, but I'm running out of time to get this done and the surface model we have would be good enough for our purposes IF I can get the yellow surface tangent lines to turn off or change their color to black.
I've attached a jpg of the surface model with the yellow lines and uploaded the model here: [URL].....
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Nov 5, 2013
I'm trying to use iLogic Design Copy to copy an assembly and all its associated parts to another directory. The assembly contains content center parts. Inventor warns me that the destination file of one of the CC parts (and 18 others) will be overwritten. When I go ahead and copy anyway, the copying process stops at that specific CC part. The Design Copy Progress dialog box states there is an error copying that CC part. When I close the Design Copy Progress dialog box, Inventor crashes.
The error copying the CC part: I'm allowed to use content center parts in iLogic Design Copied stuff, right? I searched some related topics and I'm under the impression that Inventor keeps the CC parts in its own directory and shouldn't be trying to overwrite them.
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Jul 24, 2008
I need to desiign a "rooster tail" effect for a boat designer's web site.
I guess I can best describe the vision of having a boat cruise across the intro page screen with the wave it creates behind it.
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Feb 1, 2005
I am creating some logo’s and was looking for someone who knew how to create a devil’s tail from a letter… I want to let the letter S end in a devil’s tail like a comic book style.
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Jul 9, 2013
Is it just me or has undo gone the way of the dodo in the stabilizer module? Please can it be resurrected. It is incredibly useful for when a track goes wrong and you just want to try a different tracking point. As it stands I now have to go back into the animation channel, select shift, select delete, delete keyframes and then retrack.
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Jul 22, 2013
I am trying to use stabilizer to smooth out a camera motion but immediately getting into problem with using stabilizer as I could not find any comprehensive manual on utilizing this feature.Â
I have one problematic very important clip with the uneven camera motion: camera moves at a certain rate and suddenly drops or increases in speed. It is around 5 min clip and involves some long panning with uneven rate of camera motion.
It is not shaky as the camera was on a tripod all right just the operator was a little bit drunk and spoiled the hole shot.
Anyway I spliced (cut) the lengthy clip into several segments where I could be able to find a distinguished feature to apply a tracker.
Then I applied an Axis FX through a timeline FX. In the "Axis" main menu I chose "Stabilizer". But in the Stabilizer Menu in the preview window I cannot see my video frames and there are boxes of tracker on the black background. How can I apply tracker if there is no footage seen in the window?
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Dec 11, 2013
I've been having trouble lately using Warp Stabilizer in Premiere CC 7.1. I had used the effect many times successfully, then it suddenly stopped working. It analyzes the clips without problem, however it seems to get stuck on the "Stabilizing" phase. It just sits there. As I try to playback the clip in the timeline, it simply shows up as black video in the viewer. The space above the clip on the time line is yellow. I've done a full uninstall and no luck. I don't have any other problems in Premiere Pro CC 7.1 right now.
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May 19, 2012
In 2013, just placed a view in an idw. Now I need it rotated 90°. In pre2012, there was a rotate Horizontal and Rotate vertical command where we could pick the edge and it would align to it.
Has that been taken out of 2013 or am I just overlooking it? Restarted Inventor and that didnt work. I did not restore the marking menu because I have some customizations that I dont want to lose.
For what its worth, Wiki help shows the "Rotate View" command in the video..... maybe I don't have the full version...IDK. Looks like I am missing several commands here, like Apply Design View.
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Mar 12, 2012
I have build a solid in which the projection of the hole on the face of the cube is an ellipse. However, as I did not create the ellipses on the faces, but the ellipses are just the result of the projection of an empty egg inside an extruded rectangle on the faces of the extruded rectangle. How can I see the dimensions of the ellipses? I tried to use the measure distance command, but with no success.
I´m attaching the model file.
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Apr 23, 2010
How do I rotate my value(s) on the vertical ordinate dimension vertical?
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Jul 25, 2012
I am having a problem with the vertical and horizontal constraint shortcuts. Â If I were to select a line and constrain it vertically the line becomes horizontal and vice versa.
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Mar 23, 2012
I have a problem with the display of the text string when creating a dimension, been through all the options within the styles manager however no option to display the text to the right of the dim line, it always defaults text to inside the dim line, where the option to toggle alignment of text on a vertical dimension line is ?
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition
Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz
12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
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Dec 8, 2013
i have problem with auto stabilizer,analysis failed.
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