AutoCAD Inventor :: Make Center Of Screen Orbit Pivot
Jul 3, 2013
I have a three button mouse. I can use Shift + Center button to orbit my drawing. problem it, the stuff is always flying off the screen because the pivot point is at the center of the drawing / part / assembly/etc. This annoys me to no end. How do I change the Orbit Pivot to default to the center of the screen?
I'm having some fits with the constrained orbit center. It seems to me that It used to always be in the center of the screen when I would use Shift and CMB. Now it seems to be stuck on the center of my assembly/part. I know that I can hit F4 and long select LMB to re-center but I have never had to do that before the last day or two. I have uninstalled all the Beta Add ins I had installed and I have even uninstalled and reinstalled Inventor Pro 2014.
Is there an option somewhere that puts the default Orbit Center to the center of the screen?
I have a character model I got from the Evolver site before it went offline.
I need to set the pivot point of the eyes to be at the center of their meshes so I can use it in Face Robot.
I do this by clicking on the eye object and "Affect Pivot Only", "Center to Object". This works but when I export the model as FBX the moment the export has finished my eyes have both jumped to the the floor and my pivot is still in the correct place. When I import the FBX into Softimage I see the eyes are now on the floor. I also have the same when I try to do the pivot point in Softimage [URL]....I am a competent modeller however a begginer when it comes to Autodesk's software. Is their some property on the model that could make it peform liek this, does it have something to do with the bones/skining?
i have spent the last 2 days trying to move an eye balls origin
For some reason, now when I click on Constrained Orbit or Free Orbit the screen automatically starts to move, its like I have just pressed on Continuous Orbit. Free Orbit works OK if I hold shift and use the scroll button, but I am used to using the icon .
Is there a way to tell maya to automatically center orbit to whats selected without having to hit "f" key everytime you pick a different object, vert, edge, etc.?
Inside 3D Studio max, its possible to adjust the pivot center of an object to anywhere in space. So if for example, I've got a sphere in my scene and I want to have a bunch of cones spin around the center of the sphere (to create the basic shape of a sun graphic) I can just change the cone's pivot to be in the exact center of the sphere and then when I rotate and copy the cone, they will all be perfectly centered around the sphere.
Tying to do this in Photoshop however is proving rather difficult. Since the triangle representing the sun's rays is smaller than the circle representing the sun, I can't move the traingle's pivot to match the center of the sun because the bounding box for the transform isnt big enough.
If I duplicate the sun and merge the triangle and the sun together, the merge action re-adjusts the pivot to be in the center of both objects so its no longer in the correct center of the circle. I can however move the pivot point to the approximate location now because the bounding box is larger, but I don't need the approximate location, I need the exact location.
Is there a way to move the pivot to a specific coordinate? Or am I going to have to move everything onto a perfectly square canvas and snap everything to grid lines?
Is it possible to record a video clip (avi/wmv/MPG) of free 3d orbit shaded animation what you see on autocad screen (without specifing particular path).
There are animation settings in 3dorbit right shortcut menu, but it doesn't have option for recording a video clip.
Just got a Space Navigator the other day, pulled it out of the box all excited that i would be able to rotate models about the center of the camera, which would allow me to get into really tight spots, rotate the model and not have other parts of the model move in front of the camera, therefore blocking my view of what i was trying to see. So out it comes, all software loaded, inventor is open with a tidy structural assembly sittign there waiting to be manipulated by my new shiny toy, and uh no. CAN'T ROTATE ABOUT THE CAMERA! AARRGGGH. right bummer.
I'm pretty sure its an Inventor problem since i know for a fact that you can rotate about the center of the camera usign this device in 3ds max. The 3D navigation tools in inventor are crap anyway, the feature of being able to rotate about camera center should be native in inventor.
using any of 3D connexions devices in Inventor and maybe they have a work around for this. I'm pretty sure i read somewhere that with practice people have been able to 'fly' down pipes in Inventor. But my experience so far would mean that once you get to a bend in the pipe and you rotate the view, you would just rotate yourself straight out of the pipe.
Completed a project. Wanted to show the customer the end result and go over changes on my laptop. Copied the directory to my laptop. None of the Nuts & bolts will show up on the laptop version. Got a new desktop computer. Same problem. My completed version doesn't show the content center items, Hence drawings & assemblies are always un-resolved. How can I get the Content center files to show up without deleting and reinserting the items.
Also how can I make the content center parts I place into the model reside in the local path.
I've just started with Inventor 2009 and have found that you as default you cannot orbit around by pressing in the mouse scroll wheel, holding ctrl (or shift) and moving around.
This works in AutoCAD 2009 3D and all other 3D software I have used, so I'm assuming that there is a simple setting somewhere to activate this?
I've been trying my best to get familiar with the Autodesk Inventor COM API for the purpose of integrating a new 3D input device (the Keyglove) for intuitive control. I have worked through the "My first plugin" example, and I have basic COM integration working using VB.NET in Visual Studio 2010. I've been able to rotate the camera's view around a single axis by applying a rotation matrix transform to the camera's UpVector property:
Dim Pi As Double = 3.14159265358979 Dim appInventor As Inventor.Application Dim oCamera As Inventor.Camera Dim oRotAxis As Inventor.Vector Dim oRotMatrix As Inventor.Matrix Dim oUpVector As Inventor.UnitVector [code]....
But I cannot for the life of me figure out how to achieve what I'm really after: a programmatic equivalent to the "Orbit" action that is done on all three rotational axes at once. I would ultimately like to reproduce all aspects of the Full Navigation Wheel through the COM API, but right now I'll settle for 3D orbiting. The pan and zoom operations seem to be doable through the ComputeWithMouseInput() method, though I'd imagine there's a better, more direct way to do that with raw camera eye/target transformation as well.
When using the Orbit tool on the Full Navigation Wheel, the mouse X/Y axes control orientation about the Y and X axes respectively, centered around the pivot point. If you hold down shift to enable "roll" mode, the mouse Y axis is ignored, and the mouse X axis controls orientation about the Z axis. The Keyglove provides angular rotation data on all three axes at once, so there is no need to toggle between X/Y control and Z control; it should be easily possible to do them all at the same time. I can't figure out how though.
lacking in familiarity with the COM API and/or the ability to visualize and code the correct spatial geometry calculations.
For some reason, the camera pivot has changed..Whenever I set it to anything, it keeps going back to the stupid configuration of being 5 meters away from my plot... which means the slightest rotation makes me lose the view.
I tried using the navigation the navigation wheel's "center", but it sets it in two dimensions of the projection's plot on my screen, which is not enough.
And I tried the command alias "3DO", but every time I do it, it works only once... and for some reason the camera pivot gets lost again on the next move.
how to change the camera pivot position by entering it somewhere like (0,0,0).
If you hold down F4 to orbit in 3D (equally press the Orbit button under view on the ribbon) you can temporarily set the orbit pivot position by left clicking the mouse. I have a 3D mouse (3dconnexion spaceball 5000) installed on my workstation so can perform the same view manipulations without technically having to enable the orbit command. But I can't change the pivot position unless I activate the orbit command and then left click - making the main advantage of a 3D mouse for me a bit of a nonsense..
Any command/key combination that allows me to setup a custom button to set the orbit pivot position?
I'm here with 2013 SP2 64 bit Build 200 and two screens. Left screen is graphics area, Browser is on the left of right screen. Graphics is ATI Fire Pro V7800 with driver
In video (zipped MP4) you see a cutout of both screens, think of screens changing at the left of the browser.
Now, in many cases, after doing an operation, the browser is jumping back to the middle of my graphics in the left screen.
I did take a class for it in college so I know the basics, but still learning. I am trying to create a very basic animation where I have 2 assets that begin off the stage on either side. I would like the elements to slide in from the sides and meet in the middle with about a 20px overlap. I tried setting a keyframe for both elements at 0 seconds and setting the X translations to -2000px and 2000px and then setting another keyframe at 5 seconds and changing the X translations to 48% and 52% respectively. This got me the desired effect, but only because I have such a large monitor. If the browser window is resized or the screen is smaller, the effect does not stay the same due to using percentages to center the elements.
is there a way to animate elements to the middle of the screen without percentages(maybe by using margin:0 auto or something)? Or is there a way to accomplish what I am looking for so that the positioning of the elements is the same regardless of browser window size?
Just recently I have been getting a 'dead space' in the center of my workspace in LR4. Whatever tool I am using will not work in the center of the screen.
When you zoom into the picture that's being edited, scrollbars appear but you can scroll only to the edge of the picture, pixel in pixel this way it's pretty hard to capture the edges with selection
How to add a free space to all sides so it will be possible to move edges of the picture to the center of the screen and work with them easily?
When i use an adjustment brush it will not work when I move the cursor to the center of the screen, in the rest of the image, and when I move or zoom the image it will work, so I can use the adjustment brush anywhere in the image, as long as it is not in the center of the screen.
I have this intersection and I want to make a roundabout there. The first step is to make two center lines of the roads. How can I make these centre lines perfectly aligned? The lines that you see in the attachment are freehand made.
I used to work with inventor in a class and now lets say i draw a circle of an arbitrary radius/diameter. I mark the center of the circle using the dimcenter command.
I draw a small rectangle around this center mark (this rectangle fits inside of the original circle.)
I want to make each side of the rectangle equally distant from this center point. Since I roughly drew the rectangle around the center point, all sides are not equally distant. How can I do this?
In inventor, I would dimension each side out (dimension from the center point to each side of the rectangle), and double click the dimension and edit the numbers. I would make all the numbers on each side two for example, therefor each side of the rectangle would be two units distance from the center point.
This is a incosistent problem, in which I cannot determine why it's happening and it doesn't happen all the time. I often restart Lightroom and it is ok after that.
In a small area of the screen the curser doesn't function. I cannot select an image or anything in that area while in the library module and when in the develop module brushes change back to the arrow icon and don't allow me to click in that area.
This is my first time using Lightroom and am currently using version 4.3 that I downloaded from the Mac App store. I am running a new MacBook Pro with OS 10.8.2 Mountain lion.
I am finally getting used to the operation of CWC and find it usable, but one thing bothers me. The page layout only fills the center one-third of the screen.
The selected image appears on the main/center panel but not in the preview screen. Printing results in a white sheet of paper with no image at all. The image has been updated to LR 4 - but made no difference.
Sometimes 3D orbit works perfect, and sometimes it causes a fatal error before you even get started with it. I originally thought it was just large 3D objects causing it, but now I think it's just a 2014 issue...because I've had simple 3d surfaces (3d polyline with a surface) that have caused it to crash, yet have other larger surfaces that orbit without issue. I'm mostly using it to compare 3D polylines to surfaces, usually on as built alignments that we're working on.