AutoCAD Inventor :: Irregular Pattern In A Sphere?

Jul 11, 2012

I am trying to create a spheric container with a irregular pattern of different triangle as show in the example attached. 

What would be the best way to creat this part? i was thinking of creating each triangle in a different .ipt and after assemble them all toghter. But this will take ages and a lot of ipt.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Covering Sphere With 2D Design Pattern

Oct 29, 2011

I'm picking this catagory as I think it is something that has been done before with mapping flat images to a 3D sphere (globe).

The application:  Mapping a pattern design onto a sphere - in this case a marble.  The pattern design is in pdf format and has been manipulated so that the image fits a certain sized sphere (2") around the circumference.  I'm hoping to take this 2D image and wrap around the middle of the marble in full image length and have the image diminish as it rises to the top and bottom of the marble for fitting the surface.  

I have lightly researched bring in a pdf format file into AutoCad and see that it can be done.  Now I need to address the technique of wrapping it around a 3D sphere.  

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Create Irregular Shape

Dec 11, 2011

How can I create the irregular shape?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Cut Top Of Sphere

Nov 2, 2013

In the attached Inventor 2013 ipt, I am trying to use the extrude / cut command to lop off the top of the sphere and I am not having any success.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Shortest Distance Across Irregular Surface

Nov 19, 2012

Quite often I need to measure shortest surface distance between two points (electrical tracking diatance) as in pic below. I can do it iteratively by taking a range of slices out of the part (2nd pic) and measuring the cut edge length but it's quite meticulous and time consuming. 

.ipt attached.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Engraving On A Sphere

Apr 6, 2013

I have a sphere which I'm able to project on a sketch of smaller circles which I'd like to engrave over it's surface, yet I want each of them to be perpendicular to the surface of the sphere in each point. Emboss doesn't do the trick, it just makes the engraving perpendicular to the plane.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Find Pattern Overlay / Pattern Of Holes For Metal Floor?

May 25, 2012

where could i find a pattern overlay/pattern of holes for a metal floor.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating Circular Pattern Of Single Occurrence Of Rectangular Pattern

Mar 27, 2012

How can I make a circular pattern of a single occurence of a rectangular pattern?

A shaft has a rectangular pattern of holes (along its axis) on its surface. I want to pattern the 4th occurence of this hole pattern as a circular pattern? Can I do it in Autodesk. I can not select the a specific occurance of a patterned feature to pattern it again.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Create Semi-sphere

Jun 5, 2013

Any step by step procedure, to create semi-sphere  in Inventor or how to draw semi-sphere ?I am unable get this semi-sphere, using all the "extrude", split" options.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Wrapping An Appearance To A Sphere

Oct 6, 2012

I've been attempting to create a sphere with an Earth texture, for which I've made a custom appearance with a flattened picture of earth. Instead of wrapping to the sphere, however, the image is mirrored on both sides of the sphere and extremely distorted. I knew wrapping 2D geometry to a sphere was not strictly possible, but is there no way to pull it off with an image?

If not, would something like this be possible in 3DS max?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: API To Get Inner And Outer Loop Of Sphere

Mar 6, 2013

I have a sphere body whose material is partly removed by a boolen subtraction with another sphere. When I query the EdgeLoop of sphere for Outer edge loop using function InvEdgeLoopPtr::GetIsOuterEdgeLoop(), I always get a value of VARIANT_TRUE. check for the inner and outer loop of a sphere? use the attached file for reference.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Shell Command On Sphere

Aug 22, 2013

I have a funnel with a curved top.  I'm trying to project an inset of the border onto the curved surface and use the shell command to create a hollow funnel with an overhanging lip.  I have projected the inset successfully, but cannot select the resulting smaller face, just the whole original face.  

A similar problem that I tried while attempting to figure this out was shelling a sphere.  2d sketch -> 3d sketch project onto surface, and try applying shell to the resulting "face".  However I can only select the whole face when trying to shell.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Circular Pattern / Rectangular Pattern Features

Jul 25, 2012

As you see in the template photo (the photo was scanned by Microsoft Security Essentials, healthy) I wanted to extrude my circle, and I made 28 pieces with circular pattern feature; now, do I have to choose all the pieces by one by to be able to choose all?

The sum of the problem: while using the Circular Pattern feature or rectangular pattern feature in Inventor, sometimes I want to extrude (join) or cut the drawings that I made (augmented) with using circular pattern feature, rectangular pattern feature. in this case do I have to choose all the augmented members one by one (for instance I make 42 augmented members), it can take a lot of time.?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Use Feature Pattern Select While Creating Pattern

Jun 29, 2013

How is it possible to use "Feature Pattern Select'' to make the Pattern a want in an assembly?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create A Pattern Off A Feature In Another Pattern / 2013

May 31, 2013

Is it possible to take a feature created by a pattern and reuse it to create another pattern?  I have a circular part on which I have created a linear pattern (using the rectangular pattern feature) of holes, 6 in total listed as 3 ccurrences.  if we number the holes 1-6, I would like to make a circular pattern based off holes 2 and 5.  I have been unable to figure out how to select the individual "occurrence" related to the hole once in the pattern feature.  If I create the circular pattern first and then the linear and try to suppress the others it supresses both holes in the occurrence.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating And Controlling Irregular Shapers Of Spline Curves

Oct 28, 2011

Many times I see that these types of irregular shapes which comprise of spline curve are created with very less or no dimensions, so I want to know how this spline curve was created and can be controlled, if I want to create it in an exact manner what dimension I should use ? 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Intersection Of Sphere Surface And Plane

Sep 15, 2013

I need an intersection of the surface of a sphere and a plane, producing a circular line.

I do not know how to do that.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2013 Pro - Render With Image Sphere

Dec 3, 2013

I'm looking to use Inventor Studio to render a model, using an image sphere (e.g. Stuttgart Courtyard) as the background.

I cannot find the installed location for these images, so even if it is the active view, Inventor will not allow me to render it, and I cannot manually select the file as my image sphere.

Also, are additional such image spheres available for download?

Inventor 2013
Win 7 Pro SP1 (x64)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Projecting 3D Equation Curve Onto A Sphere

Jun 21, 2013

What are the parameters for a parametric 3D Equation Curve to create a path for a coil similar to that in the attached image?

Or alternatively tell me how I can produce the coil in some other way!

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Pattern Component - Associated Feature Pattern

Jul 31, 2012

I am creating an assembly with my base part being a weldment. I've added other components that mount to my base part. Now I need to add fasteners to the mating components. I have added my first fastener and now want to pattern the said fastener using the "Pattern Component" and by using the "Feature Pattern Select" option and selecting "Associated Feature Pattern". At this point I have already selected the component that I want to pattern and selected the "Associated Feature Pattern" to select my base pattern. The only problem is that I am unable to select the pattern desired.

A note on how my Weldment was constructed -The holes were created in the "machining" step of the weldment, not in the individual part before it was placed in the weldment assembly.

If I move the hole feature and its pattern to the individual part and then place it in the weldment assembly, I can then create an "Associated Feature Pattern" in my assembly file.Why can I NOT create the associated pattern when my hole features are created in the weldment assembly? Or am I missing something?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Pattern Won't Update Unless Edit The Pattern?

Nov 20, 2013

I have an assembly which I am using as a icopy component. In the assembly I have the adaptive sketch which os used for the icopy function and a part which is adaptive to the sketch. I then have the part pattern itself in the assembly. The problem is the pattern will not update when changes are made unless I edit the pattern. The pattern references parameters from the sketch so that when the sketch changes the pattern should change. It works but the pattern will not update unless i open the pattern to edit it. Is there a vb function which will force the pattern to update when a change is made? I tried the update document vb functions but no change. I will try to get a sample together that is a smaller file size so you can see what I am talking about.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Drawing Logarithmic Spiral / Projecting On A Sphere

Sep 19, 2011

I need a path on a sphere like on the image I attached (sphere_spiral) for the result similar to image called "gomb". The only problem, metric spiral or coil  / 3d helical curve path won't work because it doesn't end the result I need, because the lines are converging each other. So, I figured out I need a logarithmic spiral 2D sketch or maybe a sinusoidal path.

I need a path from the sphere's top center point to the bottom center point, projected to its surface with equal distance of lines.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Filling Irregular Corners With Weld - Overlap Groove Welds With Fillet Welds

Jan 14, 2013

Using Inventor Professional 2013

In the attached assembly, I would like to fill the four corners (see Figure 1) with weld to make one smooth bead around the perimeter of the end cap rather than using fillet weld to lay down four linear beads along the edges. I accomplished this with a groove weld (see Figure 2). However, problems occurred (pasted below) when I attempt to weld this piece to a surface.

Error message:

" Create Weld Feature: problems encountered while executing this command.
example.iam: Errors occurred during update
Fillet Weld 3: Could not build this Fillet Weld feature
The attempted operation had problems trimming and discarding faces. Try with different inputs."

When I had the four original fillet weld beads, I could fillet weld this part to a surface no problem (see Figure 3). When I switched it to a groove weld to get the desired corner appearance, I get errors. I tried to mess around with the tick boxes in the groove weld dialog box to try to fix the problem but nothing worked.

Ultimately, my problem can be solved if I could simply fill the corner gaps without using the groove weld command. This would eliminate the errors associated with fillet welding over groove welds.

Let me know if the attached files do not work. This is my first time uploading an assembly and its associated part files.

Figure 1: Corner with fillet welds (need to fill that gap)

Figure 2: Corner with groove weld (gap filled)

Figure 3: Fillet welded (concave) to plate. Still need those corners filled.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2011 Moving Geometry From Flat Pattern Sketch Space To Flat Pattern Space

Jan 2, 2012

I am trying to export geometry found in a flat pattern sketch overlaid onto the flat pattern.

Since I am creating the output file manually I gather the flat pattern boundaries and bend center lines for output to a file.

When I add flat pattern sketch entities to the mix they do not overlay properly.  What matrix would I have to push the sketch entities through to get them to the same coordinates as the flat pattern?

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AutoCad :: How To Draw Irregular Bricks

Oct 20, 2012

I want to draw a wall with irregular bricks. Meaning these are old elongate bricks that are not exactly rectangular and are not all of the same length.

Here's an example of what I want to achieve:


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AutoCAD VB :: Get Coordinates Of Irregular 3D Solid Shape?

Oct 30, 2008

I have an irregular 3D solid, a slab with an opening, and I want its coordinates. However, Autocad provides coordinates only for a simple 3D face.

I plan to use 'Xedges' to get its all edges first, and then get coordinates of these lines.

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AutoCad 3D :: Create Solid From Irregular Shape

Jun 4, 2011

I have a mesh box here, and I need this mesh box had shape like the form I drew with polylines. there is a picture of it. I tryed mesh modeling,but no luck, because I need exactly the shape (of mesh box), that is drawn with polyline

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AutoCad :: Irregular Lines In XREF File

Jul 12, 2012

in one of my XREF files, a lot of lines of which i believe are the outlines for the blocks, suddenly appear in my drawing. The funny thing is when i open the xref, the file dissapears.

here's the link for the files:


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AutoCad :: Creating Irregular Shaped Viewport Possible?

Mar 1, 2013

In AutoCAD LT 2008 is it possible to create an irregular shaped viewport?

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AutoCad :: PressPull / Extruding Irregular Shapes

Apr 27, 2011

The problem I'm having is presspull/extrude irregular shapes.

I have some really weird, irregular shapes that's consisted of fillets, lines, and arcs. For some reason I cannot REGION it. But I can HATCH it, and give it a solid inner part.

My irregular after being filled, can't be extruded. When I try extruding it, the command line goes "This kind of shape cannot be extruded", without any explanation, or keywords.

Then, if I try to PressPull, it only PressPull the outline of the irregular shape, without pulling out the inner bulk part.

Then if I try to do anything more, my AutoCad likes to go "About to regen -- proceed?" error.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Way Of Creating Pattern

Feb 27, 2012

is there a simpler way of creating these patterns or a way of doing less work to create these patterns?can this be accomplished with a formula/ function?

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