AutoCAD Inventor :: Icon Design Guidelines - Using Approved Badge?
Oct 16, 2013
The Icon Design Guidelines are really well explained, but trying to stay in line, I was wondering where the content might be hiding? If I want to use an approved Badge, e.g. "constraint", all the info I can find on this asset is a path on Brians local machine ( C:Documents and SettingsekinsbDesktopIcon GuidelinesInventor icon design guideline 3.png ) and even possessing the adequate skills.
Opening the pdf in photoshop, only the first page comes with embedded alphamapped images? Where else to look or what else to do??
The Thumbnail Badge for Collections is not showing on most of my images which are in Collections. Even when i put a new image in a Collection. The Thumbnail Badges in the Library View Options is checked off. When I right click on an image which I know is in a Collection(s) and choose "Go to Collection" it will show mw the Collection(s) that image is in but the Thumbnail does not show. The other Badges do show. LR3 which I still have on my PC works fine.
I am looking to have a custom badge made for my car, an Acura RSX. It seems like it should be simple, but I am no good at design stuff. All I want to do is replace the "RSX" badge with one that says "DC5", but in the same exact lettering style as the RSX one, so I need a plain text design to take to a metal worker and put through a CAD machine or something. Attached is a couple images of the RSX text.
I'm working on a Ribbon and Icon design for our software and I'm having some issues getting my icons to appear the same way they do in AutoCAD. When I hover over an icon on my custom Ribbon there is a white box around the icon (see Ribbon.jpg), but when I hover over an AutoCAD icon the white box does not appear (see Ribbonii.jpg).
I am going to designig outlines icons for web design purposes in Illustrator. Struggling with shape. I need perfect racatngle rounded egdes shape (4 edges) I am using guides to make it perfect but pen tool I use for it is not snaping to these guides, how to snap it? I tried:
I want to design a square icon with round corners. How do I get rid of the little white triangles in the four corners? I tried to design my icon on a transparent square canvas but I still get the little white triangles in the corners!!! And it does not seem possible to resize canvas to "fit" image size...
I wanted to use the program to design a robot for our school vex competition. Vex has provided cad files for all the parts. So, how i can import the seperate parts into one design. I can only open each part individually but cant find a way to combine them so can assemble the robot in one design.
I just made a copy of assembly in Design Assistant.I opened the copied assembly in Design Assistant to make some changes.Parts are accessible but I have only "Clear" option possible. URL....
how to make a web signature that looks like a simple ID badge. I am trying to create a standard signature for use on the forums that support a faction within an online role playing game i am a member of. The basic image I have in my head is this. A white or maybe grayscale/silverish back ground layer, with the standard techy inlays. a spot in the top left corner for each individual members avatar. Then pushed off to the center-right side, their information, I.E Rank, name, email, member identification number. With a barcode font on the bottom. Finally with the faction logo well cropped and placed to be an underlying layer below the whole thing set at a very low opacity.
Ive recently started making button badges (or at least trying to make them) on Photoshop CS3 Extended. I have downloaded a good template for a 1" button badge, complete with layers & guide lines. I have managed to figure out how to make my own designs and Im slowly getting to grips with how layers work, so as you can tell, Im a real novice!
What I would like to be able to do in import or insert a scanned image or photo onto the template so I can make badges with photos or images from the web (e.g. football team emblems etc.). Is it possible to do this? Also can you import/insert images & then re-size them to fit the template so the image will be the right size for the badge?
I am using Lightroom 4.1 on a vista computer. I am in the process of building a number of sub-collections within a main collection. About 400 pictures selected so far. I have set the view>options to view thumbnail badges in grid view. However, only one photo, which I have not done anything to, shows the badge for collections. I would expect that every photo I assigned to a collection would show the collections badge. When I deselect the thumbnail badge box, the badge disappears from the one photo that has it. When I turn it back on, only the one photo shows the badge.
How can I have all the photos assigned to a collection show the badge?
I have a plug-in developed with the ObjectARX SDK, C#, VS2010 and the Autodesk supplied template. The plug-in is loaded into AutoCAD at start-up via a registry entry.
The plug-in is to be distributed privately and will not be submitted to the 'Marketplace' supplied by Autodesk for AutoCAD products.
I've noticed that there is a section on the AutoDesk website with regards to registering a custom prefix via the RDS scheme [URL]......
Currently we have code within the following areas:
Class Namespaces e.g. "MyNamespace.Utility"FunctionsCustom Commands e.g. "DEBUGDATA"
Based on the current implementation and intended usage/distribution method is symbol registration required? I ask as I am not sure what would happen if another plug-in used by the user has a "DEBUGDATA" command.
If symbol registration is required could you provide a clear example of how developer symbols should be implemented within the code?
I'm a coreldrawX4 user. I would like to print a composite image of my identification badge on a T-shirt. How would I do this?, should I take it's picture with my cell phone-forward it to my e-mail address then import it into corel or have it scanned and forwarded to me. I don't have my own scanner so I was thinking Staples or Kinkos.
i downloaded this badge .eps file off this website. opened it in Illustrator, upgrouped the text so it would be editable but it wasn't. i then tried to expand the pbject but it wont let me. i have downlaoded pretty much the same thing off this same website & it worked fine but this one i giving me trouble. what makes an object able to expand or not?
how to remove the guide lines or lines? Those are annoying when you are in Realistic View. As far as i remember there are commands to remove those lines. It is Display Silhowettes "dispsilh", but when i'm using this command it's still there. I currently using CAD Ver. 2007.
I'm trying to use iLogic Design Copy to copy an assembly and all its associated parts to another directory. The assembly contains content center parts. Inventor warns me that the destination file of one of the CC parts (and 18 others) will be overwritten. When I go ahead and copy anyway, the copying process stops at that specific CC part. The Design Copy Progress dialog box states there is an error copying that CC part. When I close the Design Copy Progress dialog box, Inventor crashes.
The error copying the CC part: I'm allowed to use content center parts in iLogic Design Copied stuff, right? I searched some related topics and I'm under the impression that Inventor keeps the CC parts in its own directory and shouldn't be trying to overwrite them.
But is there a way to get an image icon in the project list? I have a lot of projects and descriptive names only go so far with me. A little image next to each one would jog the memory. Rather than plod through a bunch looking for the right one.
I've created a button that I've implemented into inventor. However I am at a loss as to how to create an icon for the button. I've read all the articles i can find (such as)
I've restarted the program and the computer multiple times but to no avail.
I am working in IV R2010, and I need to create a new material. I went to the "Help" file, and the first thing it says in "On the ribbon, select the 'Design' tab..." Unfortunately, I don't have a "Design" tab. What am I doing wrong, and more imprtantly, how do I make a new material? Because of the nature of our work here, I only use most of Inventor's features rarely, like about once every couple years, and my one remaining memory cell is usually busy remembering something else...
My Image tool icon is grayed out in Insert Panel of the IDW.
I created a sketch in the IDW & have no way to insert a graphic.I checked multiple files including a new file forma template & cannot get the Image icon to work, it's always grayed out.
Is there an option setting I need to change?
We really should have the ability to cut & paste into IDW's.
what the little symbol that looks like the recycle symbol is in the model tree is? I have several parts in this assembly and many of them seem to have this symbol that says adaptive next to them and I can't find and rhyme or reason to it. I am attaching a screen shot of it. I use Inventor 2012.
When hovering over icons, such as the “Constrain” function, the helper graphic appears over top of my product tree. After the graphic is finished playing it doesn’t go away. I can’t select anything in my tree structure that is behind the graphic and when I try to select the “I” (New, Save, Etc), I can’t select anything from that menu dropdown which is under the icon either.
I’m running Windows 8.1, and I’m using a trial version of Autodesk Inventor Pro 2014.
I could not see the preview of the drawing in any document of inventor. The icons shows only a box and not the drawing in miniature. The same happens with all my Autocad drawings.
Most of my views have been crosed over by a red line in the Model browser window (se attachment) What does this red line meen?
Also, all the views with the red line have been set to Raster View Only. I can untick it without problems, but when I click OK and reopen the dialog the checkmark is back on.