AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Save IDW With Multiple Sheets Into 1 Single File

Dec 14, 2011

How to save IDW's with multiple sheets in to 1 single CAD file

I have IDW's whith lots of sheets and when saved to cad, I got multiple files and I always end up doing copy paste to create a single file

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Get Multiple Users To Work In Single Assembly File At Same Time

Feb 5, 2013

I have one large assembly for hose routing it consists of around 1000 hoses all hoses are coming in main assembly but delivery date is very short. My plan is work on same assembly 5 people how it works?

One idea is like working in sub assemblies but in my case only one assembly consist of all hoses.

How to work multiple users in single assembly file at same time. like in solid works enable collabarative mode.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Convert IDW With Multiple Sheets To Multiple PDFs

Mar 15, 2013

From all our parts of an assembly we made 1 IDW with multiple sheets. Now we want to convert this IDW to PDF's and in such a way that we have one PDF for each sheet,  and each PDF files needs the same name as the sheet.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Revision Table For Multiple Sheets?

Nov 20, 2013

is it possible to do an individual revision table for multiple sheet drawings. if you typed in description 'sheet 3 nut changed from m3 to m5......etc' then all the bunf would carry over to every sheet

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Printing Drawings On Multiple Sheets?

Aug 15, 2012

I've got a drawing that is 14"x12" and have a printer that can only handle 8.5 x 11 sheets. I need to print it out full scale because I plan on using the drawing to cut something out. In school, I have seen my teacher  print the drawing across multiple sheets, and then he simply tapes the sheets together. I have tried every configuration possible and have had no success. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Set Linetype For Specific Part To Be Displayed On Multiple Sheets

Jul 23, 2013

I would like to change the way a linetype appears for a specific part, globally throughout my drawing package. How is this done?

I am currently selecting the part in the model tree in the browser and changing it that way, but I have to do it on multiple views, for multiple pages .

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Auto-copy Parts List To Multiple Sheets

Jan 18, 2012

Is there a way in Inventor 2011 to automatically copy a parts list from an assembly on sheet 1 to the other sheets in a drawing? We generally have large assembly drawings with the same assembly spread out over several sheets and have to create a new parts list and update it separatly on each sheet. We also have this issue with revision information which we store in a symbol but parts lists are more prevelent of an issue.

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Revit :: Print Multiple Sheets To A Combined PDF File

Sep 23, 2011

Sometimes when I print multiple sheets to a Combined PDF file Revit goes through the process and combines all of the sheets in one PDF file but then it continues to re- print the PDF file as many times as the number of sheets.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Getting Multiple DXF's Into A Single File

May 29, 2012

I have several DXF files that I would like to bring together into a single AutoCAD file so I can put all the pieces I have together on a single screen. How do I do this?

Also, when I am able to do this, is there a way to give points to my separate objects so I can match them up with other points of other pieces that it's supposed to fit up to? I'm pretty new to AutoCAD

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create And Define Multiple Custom Properties For Individual Sheets?

Apr 24, 2013

the only property I can actually define for each individual sheet (for use in iLogic, text fields, etc.) is the sheet name. This is extremely limiting. Each sheet in my drawings has several properties of its own--sheet number (most importantly), what part is ON the sheet, the designer, the revision, etc. I would love to be able to use each of these in labels on the sheet, for example, a text box with "<Sheet #> - <Part> (<Designer>)". The only possible way I could do something like this is to use the sheet number as the Sheet Name, and then use that value in the sheet's text labels, headings, and title block. However, I want to be able to use descriptive names for the Sheet Name, plus that's just one property.

Is there any way I can create and define multiple custom properties for individual sheets? I was exploring the idea of using iLogic, using the ActiveSheet command, possibly, and "tricking" inventor into creating properties for a given sheet.

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Lightroom :: Save Multiple Crop Settings For Single Image?

Apr 30, 2012

Let me start by describing my needs. I need to generate proofs for my shoots. I'd like to export images with different aspect ratios for target devices, ie iPad, Android phone, 16:9 TV, etc. What would be really great is if I can select a named "crop setting" in the export window and generate JPGs based on the chosen setting. I've searched all over the place, all seem to talk about presets, virtual copies, etc, which really doesn't address what I want.
Fundamentally I'd like to be able to save a handful of crop settings (unique crops but with common names) for each image. I will create the crops manually as I have to pick the position and size for each carefully. For example, on a 4000x6000 image I have these crop settings (for a fairly small area of the image):
1. iPad [settings: top-left coordinate (500,500), ratio 4:3, width2000]
2. Android [settings: top-left coordinate (500,400), ratio 8:5, width 2400]
3. HDTV [settings: top-left coordinate(500,450), ratio 16:9, width 2200]
As you can see each crop is different becasue I want to be precise about how the cropped outputs look. Then at export time, I want to be able to multi-select a bunch of images and pick say "iPad" crop setting to create the JPGs in a batch.
Is there a custom plugin outside of Lightroom that can handle this?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Multiple Callouts To Single View File?

Jul 15, 2011

I've got a view layout for 1/8" scale floor plan.  I've got 2 gang toilets that I'm trying to use the Callout tool to generate enlarged plans on a different view file.

I'm attempting to send both model views that the Callout tool would produce to a different existing view file.

Have not succeeded yet, and just throwing out the question if it can be done?  Or if model views called out have to be in individual files?  Don't want to waste my time if it can't be done.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Multiple Levels In Single Drawing File

Feb 4, 2011

How do I create Multiple Levels in a single Drawing File

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Combine Multiple Drawing Views Into Single DWF File?

Jan 29, 2012

Can the Plot command be used to combine multiple drawing views into a single DWF file?

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Corel DESIGNER Technical Suite 12 :: Create PNG File From Single Layer Of Multiple Layered File?

Apr 2, 2013

Our company does not have the funds to upgrade so we are stuck with CD12.  I am using using a windows 7 /64 bit machine.  I created this xml template for the writers to place place their graphics in our author software.

  I have 4 layers on my file  -,desktop and template.  The template has the instructions and size dimensions.  I have them put all graphics on the high lited desktop layer then when this is complete turn off the template layer.  One can print this file with just the graphics showing with no problem.

However if I export this a PNG file both the template and desktop layers show up even though I turned off all layers.  I just want the desktop layer with the graphics to show up.  I have been using Adobe Illustrator for several years and this doesn't present a problem when saving the graphic as a PNG file.  

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Paint.NET :: How To Save File As PNG File With 8bit Single Channel

Nov 3, 2012

I'm trying to edit some map files in the game called "Farming Simulator 2013" by GIANTS. They are png files & I can load/edit the files in paint. But after I save the files back to the proper game folder & try to run the game I get an error stating :grass_weight.png' incorrect format. Must be 8bit single channel. Is there a plug-in to save a file in this format? Am I missing something or am I just not going to be able to edit a paint,net file in I

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic - Count Sheets Counts Excluded Sheets

Jun 14, 2012

shouldn't sheets marked as "exclude from count" not be counted?

I tried this in both 2013 and 2012 to see if maybe AutoDesk broke it, but it doesn't work in either one. This is easily reproducible for me, a file shouldn't be necessary. Just open up (or create) a multi sheet drawing. Go to edit sheet on one or two of them and check the "exclude form count" box. Now create a new iLogic rule and put the following line into it:
MsgBox("This is the number of sheets in the drawing: " & ThisDoc.Document.Sheets.Count, VBOkOnly, "Number of Sheets")

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Single Drawing For Multiple Extrusion

Sep 16, 2011

I design press tools. Is there any ways in inventor 2012, where I can have only one common sketch in zero height and extrude profiles in different heights. Like plate no 1 @100 to 120mm (in vertical axis. A 20mm thick plate placed at 100mm above zero plane.) and plate no 2 in 150 to 175mm height and so on.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Use Single Sketch For Multiple Extrusions

Nov 8, 2013

How to use a single sketch for multiple extrusions, i would create all the holes and everything in one sketch and i could reuse that sketch again and again.i totally forgot how to do this.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add Single Column To Multiple Items

Jan 9, 2012

A quick way to add a single column to multiple items in the Content Center? The column would be the same across the board, and I really don't want to edit several hundred family tables one at a time if I don't have to.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Replace Single Occurrence Of Multiple Instances?

Dec 20, 2012

I have a door with 3 of the same handle. I have a program in which the user selects 1 of the handles to turn it into a keyed handle. Now, this all works but the problem is that all of the 3 regular handle instances will be replaced with the keyed handle.

Dim oOccHandle As ComponentOccurrence = oINV.CommandManager.Pick(SelectionFilterEnum.kAssemblyOccurrenceFilter, "Select a door handle to replace.")

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Create Multiple Frames In A Single Assembly Environment

Jul 3, 2013

Is it possible to create multiple frames in a single assembly environment? (i.e. Frame0001, Frame0002)

The members all lump together in one Frame regardless of when they are created in the workflow.

I know there is a workaround for this by making each frame in its own assembly...but that will be more cumbersome than it is worth in this application.

Right now I have just created folders in the Frame0001 to sort things out, but the folders are not very flexible as far as moving things in and out or is a pain.

I've used the Frame generator to create my existing building columns, existing platform columns, and existing handrail. I'll be using the frame generator pretty soon here to build a new platform, which I would love to keep separate from the existing steel.

I suppose I could save the current assembly and insert it into a new one so I can add the new equipment, but I'd rather avoid large subassemblies like that. Seems like it would be a lot easier to just have an option to create Frame0002.

(Inventor Professional 2014 Update 1, Windows 7 Professional)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Automate Printing Process - Print All Sheets As One PDF File

Nov 26, 2012

I would like to use Drag2PDF to create my PDF, and I want to automate the printing process. I want to print all sheets as a one PDF file. I have created a simple C# code, which prints to PDF, but I have one problem... When I submit the print a dialogue will appear (from the Drag2PDF) which asks for the file to be saved (location and name) How can I automate this?

I may not use pdfAddIn.SaveCopyAs, it makes my PDF not good.

public void PrintDrawingToPDF() {
Inventor.DrawingPrintManager oPrintMgr = (Inventor.DrawingPrintManager)InventorOpen._invApp.ActiveDocument.PrintManager;
oPrintMgr.Printer = "Drag2PDF";
oPrintMgr.PaperSize = PaperSizeEnum.kPaperSizeA3;
oPrintMgr.PrintRange = PrintRangeEnum.kPrintAllSheets;

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Can Dynamic Simulation Drive Multiple Variables With Single Parameter

Aug 2, 2013

Can Dynamic Simulation drive multiple variables with a single parameter? In the following example, the variables len_A and len_B are driven by size. The parameter "size" varies from .8 to 1.2 (currently I have size parameters in a Multi-Value List).

Is there a way Dynamic Simulation can drive the "size" parameter to animate the assembly? I plan to use Dynamic Simulation's Output Grapher to Plot a Trace of the triangle's apex as A and B vary in length. The example assembly is attached.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Calculate Total Length Of Multiple Doors On Single Machine

Apr 26, 2013

I use flat piano hinges on doors for many of the machines we build. I would like to be able to calculate the total length of multiple doors on a single machine. We buy these hinges so it needs to go on a buy out parts list.

So here is my problem:

To make it a useable hinge I build an assembly from two hinge halves.

This allows me to check for interference within the machine when the door gets opened.

I set the BOM structure of the assembly to purchased so it shows up on my buy out list.

Both halves of the hinge are set to normal.

There are hinges of different lengths on the same machine.

I can link a parameter of one of the halves to the assembly to show length of the hinge but I cannot set the BOM base qty on the assembly to that parameter so Inventor can add up the lengths.

When I group the items in a buyout parts list the result is  "0." The individual assemblies show the correct length because I use the "length" parameter that is linked for the QTY in the parts list. But I cant "add" the lengths and have a total whe I group them.

I need to have mixed units in this list. Some things are bought as Each and these hinges are bought in length.

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Photoshop :: Batch Save Layers From Within A Single PSD File Using CS5?

Dec 31, 2012

I'm saving animation frames to individual PNG files. I have each image on a single layer in one group. Is there any way I can batch save all of them as individual PNGs? Right now I'm saving them one by one and it's tedious with over 100 frames.

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Revit :: How To Add Single Revision To All Sheets

May 25, 2011

I would like to be able to add a single revision to all sheets at once. For example when doing a major issue of all sheets for building approval. In this case I don't use revision clouds but use the "Revisions on Sheet" function in the properties for the individual sheet. Hence the problem, having to individually select every sheet one by one and add the revision to each sheet. Is there a way to multiple select all or some sheets and just do it once? I've tried doing this through a schedule but that doesn't let you select and change a revision either. Is there an add-in that could do this perhaps?

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Photoshop :: Add Multiple Images/pictures/jpegs To A Single File/document

Jun 29, 2004

i am trying to do is add multiple images/pictures/jpegs to a single file/document of photoshop...

I don't want to use the cut/paste do i simply add multiple images to a document i already have open?

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AutoCad :: Command To Save File With Specific Name Using Single Command?

Oct 24, 2011

I need to save a drawing file and give it the name of my desire using a single command, I don't want to issue "saveas" and then specify the name in the file name prompt. This problem is has been faced when I was using ScriptPro and I couldn't succeeded to do that. Hence I need to know if it is feasible to do the stuff using a single command. It will be preferred if I can choose the location to save the file also rather than save the file to the default location.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Part File With Multiple Instances Of Multiple Solids?

Apr 18, 2013

I'm designing a part that in Autodesk Inventor 2013 that is constructed from several layers laminated together. I have 4 layers:

F (front)

M1 (middle, variation one)

M2 (middle, variation two)

B (back)

The final solid will lhave 17 layers laid out like this:

F | M1 | M2 | M1 | M2 | M1 | M2 ... | B

I currently have a part file containing

F | M1 | M2

What's the best way to create this solid if I want to a) keep all instances of M1 and M2 in sync, and b) make it easy to work on all 4 layers. Do I have to export F, M1, M2, and B as individual parts and import them into an assembly or can I keep them in one part file? I really like the ability to be able to work on all the solids at the same time because they're visually dependant on each other.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Generate Single IPT File On IParts?

May 15, 2013

I am working using iparts on inventor 2013. How can i save/generate each part created on iparts as a single .ipt file?

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