Corel DESIGNER Technical Suite 12 :: Create PNG File From Single Layer Of Multiple Layered File?
Apr 2, 2013
Our company does not have the funds to upgrade so we are stuck with CD12. I am using using a windows 7 /64 bit machine. I created this xml template for the writers to place place their graphics in our author software.
I have 4 layers on my file -,desktop and template. The template has the instructions and size dimensions. I have them put all graphics on the high lited desktop layer then when this is complete turn off the template layer. One can print this file with just the graphics showing with no problem.
However if I export this a PNG file both the template and desktop layers show up even though I turned off all layers. I just want the desktop layer with the graphics to show up. I have been using Adobe Illustrator for several years and this doesn't present a problem when saving the graphic as a PNG file.
I have a company profile I created ages ago with CorelDraw 12 or earlier. It has about 12 pages or more. Recently I tried opening it and get this error. Is there any solution?
I have three .des files that I cannot open. I can see the drawing in the preview window prior to opening but the files themselves won't open. Sometimes the error message I receive states there is an error reading a bitmap, other times that there is an invalid object in the drawing.
Given the choice of abort, retry or ignore, I click on retry which make another window pop up with the same message and choices. Clicking ignore only makes Designer crash. Is there some command in Designer similar to the audit command in AutoCAD that can save these drawings for me?
How can i lock all objects in my CDR file or it may even be a EPSfile, so that when i forward the file to a anyone else he/she cant make any further changes in it.
the basic reason for that is because i will be putting a company logo on each file. So no one should not be able to remove that logo from the file i have created!
I have about 500 .dsf files (from iGrafxDesigner ... maybe 1999 version).I need to convert these to .svg. I would like to avoid having to write an import/export script, but I have done scripting for AutoCAD, Rhino3d, and Lightwave3d, so if necessary I could do it I suppose.
I have many Corel Designer 9 files that use user defined arrowheads.
When I open these files in Designer 12. Every arrowhead is off by 1/4" inch, they are not touching what they need to be touching, as they are in the Designer 9 file.
I have removed the arrowhead in the Des. 9 file and just used a line that is touching the object, saved...Open in Des. 12 and it is still touching the object. So, it's something with the arrowhead.
I've been using coreldraw x5 to design pieces for small model houses that will be cut out with a laser. The designs are pretty basic, 4 walls, 2 gables, 2 roof sections. Is there a way I can take what I've done and put it together virtually so I have a 3d model I can show people?
I do have the full x5 Technical suite, although the only program I have used is coreldraw.
When I open a new fileI choose new from template and then I choose the custom template I need to draw on. I would like to add pages, what can I do to obtain the same template?
Right now I am taking the scenic route by having the template I want on the first page,leaving it blank and making a copy on the subsequent pages to draw.
We need to draw/modify some CGM graphics for a customer. These CGM should include the attributes "apsid" and "apsname" for a "grobject", according to the AECMA (ASD) Specification S1000D Issue 1.9.
How can I set these attributes in Corel DESIGNER X5? I found a predefined element named "Name", but no element named "Id" under object data. Further, I found out, that when I change the name of a object through the object manager the element "Name" changes also.
We should deliver the CGM graphics as CGM GREX 2.6, so these two attributes have to be correct.
In the old versions of TDX4 and TDX5 (?) it was possible to have the dimensions within the object group in which the measured object was part. In TDX5 SP1 it seems impossible to move dimensions into any group. They remain a list apart within the layer in which the measured objects are part.
Is this correct and is this an intentional "correction"? If so, I strongly propose to make it possible again to keep the dimensions together with the measured object in whatever group that measured object is in. When you have hundreds of objects within a layer, it really is a unmanageable nuisance that the dimensions are all at the top level of a layer.
I found another (related?) problem when applying dimensions on groups of objects. As soon as you have attached a dimension to one or more objects in a group (the dimension itself being outside the group at the top level of a layer), you can only select the group as a whole at the top level. You cannot select objects within the group. Also this problem was not in X4. I don't know whether this problem is typically X5 SP1, as I did not test it in the original X5. Also this is a real nuisance wasting a lot of time, because you have to delete all dimensions when you want to change something in a group.
This all I have also reported directly to Corel. I found a work around to both problems:
1. Ungroup the group and any subgroups. 2. Apply the dimension lines 3. Regroup again also including the dimension lines
Now you can access the dimension lines and all separate objects in the group.
The issue is my Photo-Paint clone brush is messed up. It has been reset with F8 so I know it is back to the default. When you first click the Clone tool it shows the circle cursor, and when you right-click the 2nd circle turns into a paint brush icon.
I've never seen that in 6 years using Photo-Pain 12 and X4. Since a default reset doesn't work, I have no clue why this happens or what to do. It's nearly impossible to gauge where its going to paint with the clone because the cursor isn't a circle or square, just a picture of a paint brush .
I draw electrical wiring diagrams and are used to working with Micrografx Designer 9.0. I have now got a new computer and wanted to upgrade to Corel Designer.
Since i draw wiring diagrams i often have to draw wires with two colors. In MD9.0 you could draw a simple line and the use hatch filling to add two different colors to the line and still be able to move the points on the line around. (in my case for routing of the wires and the components) I can not figure out how to solve this in Corel Designer. Am I missing something or is this function removed?
My company has been using Designer 9 for years and we have thousands of drawings done in it. We have upgraded to X5 recently and I have noticed every time I open a file that has arrowheads it adds them to the list in X5. So my choice of arrowheads in X5 now is in the hundreds. I am wondering if there is a way to stop X5 from automatically adding new arrowheads to the list each time I open a new drawing. I have two sizes of arrows I want listed and nothing else.
I created a template 1 inch high, 3 inches wide. I have set it to get one line of text input from a .csv file created in Excel.
The text input has been set to use Arial 22pt. Sometimes my line of text is too long and the input becomes truncated on start and end of its line. I have tried to change the text to a paragraph text and using fit text to paragraph frame with limited success. Sometimes it works ok, automatically downsizing the text to fit but often it wraps to a second line with isn't visible on my finished print. So, by trial and error, changing the text smaller and smaller until I can see the full line in a print preview and it will work. Tedious, tedious, especially when my list has over 50 items. (the print preview setup may show 6 across, 10 down.
Any good way to downsize the text automatically to fit the template box? I want to have consistent output and if a short word or line fits the space I want it to use the Arial 22pt font, not stretch to fill the space available. However, if the word or line is too big to fit, I would like it to automatically shrink to fit the space.
our company is stuck with CD 12 because of budget cuts. which format is the best to use when converting MS Powerpoint files to Corel CD 12. The main concern is to maintain the edibility of the line art without much distortion for later use. I have tried EMF with some success but not really happy with it. Maybe EPS?
I am using Designer X4 on a daily basis and it is beginning to get on my nerves that Corel Designer doesn´t have any obvious way of letting me add custom permanent outline width´s in the dropdown.
I usually work with point measurement and would like to add 0.25 pt in the dropdown list. Instead of listing ALL available line widths in numbers, Corel chooses to have the thinnest option mentioned in letters, "hairline" (which equals 0.216 points = to thin for my customers printers).
The solution is to choose 0.5 pt from the list and then manually add a "2" in front of the "5", but when you do this xx times a day, you start to think that there would be an better more permanent solution for this!
I have manually scanned through any Corel-related *.ini-files on my harddrive to find a posibility to add a custom points value for outline width, but haven´t found any obvious place for this.
How can i use different pictures in print and merge. It there any option or method to merge with dirrent pictures.
I am createing diffrent I cards where i made a text file for name address phone no etc. and using print and merge option it is printing text fine. But i need a method to insert difrrent pictures on card automatically.
On some Windows7 machines I'm finding the drop down flyout tools do not pop out at all, like the line tools button or rectangle tools. You can click and hold over them but the pop up with the other tools never displays. You can click on the black triangle on the lower-right corner or hold down, neither work. Was this ever a known bug with X4 on Windows7 PCs?
I once heard about a VBA macro existing that would allow you to copy an object to the clip board, then activate this macro, and then everywhere you clicked the mouse it would paste 'said' object.
how to create custom brush strokes (page 159 in d the pdf). The example shows a tube that follows the curved path.
How (what kind of object) do you need to create a brush stroke in which the fill follows the path?
I created a rectangular object and filled it with an appropriate fountain fill - saved the brush stroke following instructions. The result is that the fountain fill does not follow the curve but stays horizontal.
Trying to use a mesh fill results in the message "the object does not work well in a brush stroke" and is refused.
Second question:Draw X contains a multitude of brush strokes, patterns, etc. How can these be made usable in TDX5?
Since Deep exploration is a sub-part of Corel X5, I turn to here first before barking at another tree.I use trial COREL Designer X5 with DE CCE 6.3.4 supplied. I reckon, even though the DE is supplied with Corel as a plugin. Corel should be the one customers should turn to before turning to RH.
Upon loading a SLDASM file fromSolidworks in DE, I get this "Component Load Error [DST03175-Fot] : File does not exist. (Error code -28) : C:SolidWorks_ArbetskatalogDST03175-Fot.sldprt"
The CCE used to work before, i.e loading the assembly, but now... it doesn't. There is nothing online about this error, there is no support information what so ever.
the "Nothing changed" error you often get when you try to combine curves? It has been here for several version now and also affects the shaping tools. After you close and restart the program, the curves are possible to combine/shape, but it's annoying and it's is clearly a bug.
When we export a DES to WMF with embedded bitmaps in the source document and using the VB macro call ExportEx(), the bitmaps are saved as .BMP files. We would prefer to have the embedded bitmaps saved as JPG files.
And I am not a VB programmer so a few sample code lines would say a lot.
Is there a way to restrict a dimension line to only measure vertical or horizontal?
I am trying to put in the vertical dimension from the center of circle "A" to the center of circle "B", however, when I select the center of "A" and move to "B" the dimension flips to Horizontal.
Is there a way to restrict this tool to Horizontal or Vertical?
When I select "Object Properties" as the source for the callout text, it always includes the field name. For instance, I select Field A and Field B as active fields in the Object Data Manager and enter "x" and "y" respectively, as the fields' value. The callout then produces the text "Field A = x" and "Field B = y". I only want to display the field's value (i.e., x and y). I don't want or need the "Field A =" or "Field B" = " displayed.
I deal with creating overhead property plats and landscape plans in Designer X4. The problem I have is there aren't any good patterns to use for the architecture and landscape industry. I have dealt with PhotoShop in the past and how you could import .pat files that would tile nicely. It would be nice to be able to fill an area with a stone pattern. I found some AutoCAD files but the filter type was not supported. If nothing else, I need to know what kind of vector pattern files are supported.