AutoCAD Inventor :: Part File With Multiple Instances Of Multiple Solids?
Apr 18, 2013
I'm designing a part that in Autodesk Inventor 2013 that is constructed from several layers laminated together. I have 4 layers:
F (front)
M1 (middle, variation one)
M2 (middle, variation two)
B (back)
The final solid will lhave 17 layers laid out like this:
F | M1 | M2 | M1 | M2 | M1 | M2 ... | B
I currently have a part file containing
F | M1 | M2
What's the best way to create this solid if I want to a) keep all instances of M1 and M2 in sync, and b) make it easy to work on all 4 layers. Do I have to export F, M1, M2, and B as individual parts and import them into an assembly or can I keep them in one part file? I really like the ability to be able to work on all the solids at the same time because they're visually dependant on each other.
derive multiple solids from a part. I use the code shown below but it seem as I only can get the first solid in the part that I am trying to derive from.
''More Code''' ' Create a new part document, invisibly. oPartDoc = m_inventorApp.Documents.Add(DocumentTypeEnum.kPartDocumentObject, , True) oPartDoc.UnitsOfMeasure.LengthUnits =UnitsTypeEnum.kMillimeterLengthUnits ' Derive the assembly into the part. Dim oDerivedPrtDef AsDerivedPartDefinition oDerivedPrtDef = oPartDoc.ComponentDefinition.ReferenceComponents.DerivedPartComponents.CreateDefinition(oTopDoc.FullDocumentName) Call oPartDoc.ComponentDefinition.ReferenceComponents.DerivedPartComponents.Add(oDerivedPrtDef) '''More Code'''
How can I get all the solids from the part that I am deriving from?
Is there a way to sculpt a part composed of multiple solid bodies without having to perform the sculpt command for each solid body? I want to use the same work plane to remove material from a part but the sculpt command only allows me to select one body at a time. This means after the first sculpt of one solid, I need to turn on the visibility of the consumed work plane and perform a sculpt on each of the remaining solids.
Not a huge issue, but in the future I may need to do a large number of these tasks. I attached a sample file. I threw it together in 30 seconds so it's not the prettiest looking thing.
As the subject line says, when multiple instances of Inventor are open on the same machine, the addin will only show in the first one. I do not see any errors generated and tried many approaches. I tried to use the ribbon abpannelcontrol
created by the first instance. Or in every subsequent instance of Inventor to delete the existing ribbon abpannelcontrol, and recreate them from scratch. Both approaches did not work.
How do I prevent Inventor from opening files in new Inventor sessions?
If I try to open a file from Windows Explorer or from an email attachment, it opens it up in a brand new Inventor session, even if I already have Inventor open.
If I select two or three files in Windows Explorer or from an attachment to open, it opens them all in individual new Inventor sessions.
I would like to set Inventor (or Windows) so that these files open in the already existing session or at least the same session as each other. I didn't have this problem before upgrading to a new computer and reinstalling.
I use a "dump assembly" of assemblies to create cut lists. I throw in multiple copies of each assembly for the job. Sometimes it can be 100 or so of each.These are not placed in any way and could be all placed at the origin. This is only for the parts list and servers no other function.
Any way to place multiple instances of an assembly at once?
CS6 x64 (Windows 7 SP1) keeps loosing OpenCL, requiring I trash my preferences to gte it back. This evening it happened again. I was using Bridge 6, ACR 7.1 Beta and CS6 x64 version and it happened again. Trashed the preferences and even with mutilple reboots would not recognize OpenCL. So being the curious type I did a search for the Pref's file; and found two (2) instances of CS6 x64 preferences, One in the normal place....../Roaming/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop 6/Adobe Photoshop CS6 Settings, then another instance in /Roaming/Adobe/ Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5 Settings. Trashed this one as well and OPen CL worked again.
Is this normal behavior to have duplicate Pref's for CS6 x64? Probably not, so what is going on? And can confirm that every now and then a duplicate will show up in the CS5 directory, not consistent, and have not yet found the trigger, but one is definitely there.
Apart from OpenCL not working when this happens, everything seems to work normally...
I have an assembly with multiple instances of a subassembly. I'd like to remove the subassembly and place the subassembly components (i.e. multiple instances) in the main assembly. When complete, the top assembly would have multiple instances of all the subassembly components.
Component promote seems like the right way to do this. So, I selected an instance of one of the subassemblies components and promoted it. That component was promoted, removing it from the subassembly as placing it in my top level assembly.
However, all the other instances of that component disappear (which makes sense since that component is no longer in the subassembly). Unfortunately, this means I have to assemble and constrain all the other instances that disappeared.
So a quick search came up with "don't open from the Vault; open from within Inventor."
Lets not have that arguement.
My office just upgraded from Inventor 2009 to Inventor 2010. 3 seats, all installed the same way. When the other two users open something from the Vault, and then open a 2nd file (be it a drawing/part/assembly), it opens as a new window within the same Inventor session. (Just like it used to in .../2008/2009).
When I open from the Vault, it starts a new session of Inventor. This is frustrating, when you have an assembly open, modify a bunch of components, and then want to open their respective drawings to update them... the drawings will open in new sessions when opened from the Vault.
Obviously I've got something changed somewhere. Quick search through the Inventor options came up with nothing. Vault options?
Please don't tell me to start opening files from inside Inventor... that's a waste of my time... and everything has worked fine until this fresh install of 2010.
I have a door with 3 of the same handle. I have a program in which the user selects 1 of the handles to turn it into a keyed handle. Now, this all works but the problem is that all of the 3 regular handle instances will be replaced with the keyed handle.
Dim oOccHandle As ComponentOccurrence = oINV.CommandManager.Pick(SelectionFilterEnum.kAssemblyOccurrenceFilter, "Select a door handle to replace.") oOccHandle.ReferencedDocumentDescriptor.ReferencedFileDescriptor.ReplaceReference(PathToKeyedHandleModel)
I need to do a cut extrusion on a multibodied part and need to select the solids. As of right now I have to select each one individually rather than doing a drag box or something like that. how I can do this fast, I've got a multibody part w/ over 1000 solids (I didn't create it, yes I know this is probably excessive).
I have a part which has 2 solid bodies in it which were created using the extrude command. When setting the iProperties for this part I get the material properties applied to both solids. Is it possible to set a material for each solid so that they will be listed separately under iProps ? I suspect this can't be done in which case how would I go about separating the solid bodies ?
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz 12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
I need to connect to specific instances of AutoCAD and Plant3D. The Running Object Table (ROT) only holds one instance so GetObject wont work.
I've tried getting the correct instance using the hwnd with the AccessibleObjectFromWindow function. I'am thinking the easiest way is to autoload a plugin to communicate with, maybe through a service.
I discovered the TXT2MTXT command and how wonderful it is, but there is one thing missing. Is it possible to change multiple texts, but separately WITHOUT having to re-issue the command? I've experimented with some of the in command options, but unless I'm missing something, nothing seems to work.
Preferably, I would like it to work like the FILLET -> Multiple command, so I could select a group of texts, convert them then select another group etc, but the 'multiple' option in TXT2MTXT does not work in such a way.
I would like to know if it is possible to have a single attribute fill multiple strings of text. I have text that appears in more than one spot in a block of mine but when inserting the block i would like to be prompted once to fill the attribute.
I have a block with an attribute and need to change the first three characters of each to a different two characters. I recall my instructor once showing me how i could do this easily without having to click on each block to change the attribute.
I need multiple (say two) instances of the same text values (in the same drawing) but in different formats.
Consider this: I have a drawing sheet with a title block that contains the drawing number and the author's name at the bottom with some other drawing details. Now I wish to have these "values" arranged in a matrix form at the top also, for indexing purpose.
One way is to manually enter each value, one by one, in the matrix box but that would be too time consuming. So, is there a way to automate this; where I can enter the values in the bottom title block, which would automatically update the above matrix?
I believe it can be done using a combination of Attributes and Fields but am just not getting it. To make the issue even worse, I need Numbers without hyphens (-) and only Initials of the author's name!
I'm having difficulty making a change to multiple texts. I received a drawing from another firm that uses different text styles than my firm. I can change all the text styles to mine, but they all hold onto their original fonts. How to change the fonts in multiple instances.
I'm creating an assembly and in this assembly I need to add some foam pieces. These pieces are the exact same part number but can vary in length. How can I make such a part so that i can insert it into an assembly multiple times but have different lengths? I'd rather not make multiple pieces of foam for every single assembly for all of our product lines and am looking for the "one foam to rule them all" option. I would assume this would be an ilogic component I would have to create, but i haven't really made a part like that yet.
Using Inventor 2012, is it possible to use a different K factor value for 2 different bends?
Why would I want to do this? It comes into play based on large and small bend radii in the same part. The large bends require a slightly differnt K factor. I searched the forums and don't think I found what I was looking for. The other thread I found was about bend tables.
BackBurner stopped working for me when 3DS Max 2012 came out so my work around was simply opening multiple instances meaning I'd have one "Max" rendering a scene while I worked in another "Max" while at night, having 2-3 simultaneous instances of 2012 rendering out animations. This really came in handy for doing multiple projects at the same time between render scene passes.
I can run 3 stable 3DS Max 2012 on the same machine without a problem, I can even run 1 x 3DS Max 2013 and 3 instances of 2012 at the same time BUT I'm unable to run more than one instance of 2013... it boots-up 2013 but then just hangs and doesn't do anything. I tried using BackBurner but it doesn't work so basically, it seems like I'm stuck running only one instance of 2013 at a time.
Is there a setting somewhere I can enable multiple instances again? I did take a look at Deadline but they don't support 2013 yet.
I am currently working on a product where I want to make 2 part lists in my drawing of the same assembly. The first parts list has to view all the parts that are always delivered with our product, and the second one has to show the optional parts and features that could be delivered with the product.
I want both lists to be categorized the same way (comments, material, name), I want the numbers of the list to be chronological (also I don't want the second parts list to start the numbering at 1) and I want both lists to stay connected with their balloons.
Is there any way this can be done, like adding or removing part links to the list manually?
Inventor 2014. I have watched everything I can find and read many entries on related messages.
I create a part by creating rectangle on the XY of 90mm centered on 0,0. I add fillets on 3mm on all four corners. I then add two circles centered on 0,0 of diameters 45 mm and 41mm. What I would like to do is extrude the area between 41 mm and 45 mm circles to 10 mm and the rest of the rectangle outside of the circle 45 mm circle to 6 mm. The center of the part from center to the 41 mm circle is void or open.
I have read two solutions that use a "share sketch" function, that I can't find by right-clicking as indicated in the write-up.
Assume that i have 10000 PSD files in 10 different folders . I have a script that just save as them as PNG. And these files are each 3000x3000 px. My computer has 8 cores and 1 Photoshop exe is only using 1 cpu core. Also i have SSD raid system it has 750 mb read write per second
So right now i am wasting my time with running only 1 Photoshop exe instead of at least 4.
I created a clothing price tag design (consisting of some vector artwork, text, and a raster image as a background), and now i'm attempting to create a grid layout of the tags for print (20 tags on a letter-size page i can print using a desktop printer and cut apart manually).
Sounds simple enough, right? Just duplicate the artwork 20 times. Easy.
But here's the catch: 20 copies of the artwork (i.e. 20 copies of every point, line, object, and image) makes for a freaking huge file, too big for the printer to handle. It gets acceptably smaller if i save it as a PDF without preserving Illustrator editing capabilities, but then that defeats the purpose; i need to be able to change the prices at will.
Now, it would seem to make the most sense to save the individual tag design as its own AI file (let's call it ''), then simply Place into a new file as a link, and duplicate it 20 times to create the print layout. Theoretically, i would only need to edit the artwork itself once (to change the price, change a color, etc.), and the changes would be automatically applied to my layout file. However, this is apparently too much to ask: each time the linked artwork is copied, it creates a new, separate link. To further frustrate things, when i edit the artwork file, i then have to update all 20 links manually, meaning that 20 different times, i get an Open File dialog, and have to select 20 separate times. In the end, it's an exercise in extreme redundancy, and the file size of the layout isn't made any smaller.
Is there something i'm overlooking, or is there really no better, more efficient solution than just making 20 copies of everything and ending up with a file size of 80-90mb?
I am trying to select multiple instances of text (dtext) with different strings but want to change all of the fomats to the same settngs. I have searched high and low on the web to no avail. I am using AutoCAD 2012.
For example: I want the routine to find all instances of "AA", "AB", "AC", "AD", "BA", "BB", "BC", "BD", etc... all the way up to "ZD".
Next I want all of those text entities to change to the following text formats:
Getting this to work with just finding one string at a time with the ssget function seems simple enough, but it's getting it to work with multiple strings that I can't get past.
I have 2 assemblies and drawings of those assemblies. in both the same part is among the parts.
I want to change the name of the part that is in both assemblies with the Design Assistant, but i am afraid that if i will choose one of them and change the part file's name, the other assembly will be damaged. is it true?
I think this might happen because when i open only the part in Design Assistant, it doesn't let me change it's name, so, Design Assistant might not know where this part is inserted in.