I need an urgent solution to my issue.I have created section view from a sketch (a line constrained to the projection of a work plane) from my derived part to my drawing using the "Get model sketches ". When i update the iassembly and update the the view using model state the view tries to update but throws an error see attached document.When i delete the section line and create a section line manually ie. by creating a normal sketch in the drawing the same model gets updated without any error.
When I edit a part directly in an assembly, clicking on 'edit sketch' (frequently) changes the view from the one I had set while looking at the assembly. Is ther any way to turn this OFF?
I just installed the trial version of Inventor pro, 2013. I'm having a problem with the view changing on creation of a sketch. It goes to the home position. The "Look at sketch plane on sketch creation" is un-ticked in options.
Click on Component->Create. Once the Component is created, click 2D Sketch. View spins to the Home position. This is really annoying. I learned Inventor 2010 in school. I don't remember this ever happening.
If I select a plane from the browser prior to clicking the Create 2D Sketch, the view remains the same as expected. This is only a problem if you want to create the initial sketch using a face of another part as the sketch plane. Is there an option I'm missing?
I attached a sketch to a view, fully constrained the lines in the sketch to the PG from the lines in the standard view.
Everything looks good but when I click "Finish Sketch" and it leaves the sketch environment the lines from the sketch shift slightly out of alignment.
The dimensions I have to these lines are in the right locations so it looks like they aren't going to the sketch lines. But if I try to "connect" the dimensions to where the lines are actually being show it gives me errors saying there is nothing there to connect to.
I made a drawing, but after using ilogic (ilogic is in drawing,assembly, part) in it, drawing view of a particular part is coming in hidden line, other are shaded as u can see in image.
Drawing view is associative, all edges shown, level of detail is master, view style is Hidden Line Removal with Shaded
Computer Config:
Inventor 2013 Intel Xeon CPU 2.67 GHZ 8 Gb ram Windows 7 64 bit
Using Inv 2013 and VB 2010. I am trying to reference a sketch within a drawing view, but I am having a hard time figuring out which view number and sketch number to use. I thought I had it figured out, but apparently I was wrong.
For example, see the 2 attached pics, Drawing A and Drawing B. For Drawing A I had the sketch reference set as
Dim oSheet1_View As DrawingView = oDrawDoc.Sheets(1).DrawingViews(3) Dim oSketch As DrawingSketch oSketch = oSheet1_View.Sketches.Item(1)
Drawing View 3, as it was the 3rd Drawing View in the list, and Sketch #1 within that Drawing View. I thought this was how it worked, because it worked with my code and it hid the sketch. However, moving on to Drawing B, I used the same code, and it does not reference that sketch at all. It did nothing to it. Even though the Flange_Holes sketch is in the same position. 3rd View down the list, 1st sketch.
So how does Inventor reference these views and sketches? Is it in order of creation? Is there a way to reference it by the what the sketch is named instead of trying to decipher the number it's assigned? I have a lot of drawings already made, and I'm not positive the views were taken and created in the same exact order each time.
i can't find where to tell inventor to not switch back to the home view after finish a sketch edit. sometimes it is handy but often it is nice to see the part update after doing some sketch editing rather then the home view spinning the part away. i think we are capable of hitting F6 ourself if we wanted that view.
i have found that inventor 2011 will always do this when you are looking square onto the sketch and then finish the sketch . am i right to say that this is only a 2011 thing? i cannot recall previously this happened. i am finding that i am always finishing my sketch and having to hit F5 after inventor swings away to home view.
Is there any way to stop the flipping of the solid/sketch view from iso to normal?
its annoying to make changes to a sketch and constantly have to re orient the part after finishing a sketch, I dont want the solid model to return to iso view after sketching, is there a setting for this?
I can "Get Model Sketch" to make it appear visible in a drawing view. But I can find no way to use these "edges" or "lines" or "entities" or whatever they are, later in a drawing view sketch. No way to project them from Model Sketch to Drawing View sketch. I can attach leaders and dimensions to these Model Sketch entitites but I can find no way to use them in a sketch owned by the drawing view. Am I missing something?
I am trying to extend a line in my sketch, but everytime I select it an error message comes up saying "the curve being extended" What curve is inventor refering to?
I have a drawing view of a part with a sketch that contains some lines. I need to pick one of the sketch lines.
I can pick a line with sketch active using the kSketchCurveLinearFilter
I have not been able to pick it from outside of sketch. Have tried using kDrawingCurveSegmentFilter to get a DrawingCurveSegment but I can not get the sketch line from the DrawingCurveSegment
I assume there is a way to get the sketch line from DrawingCurveSegment or DrawingCurveObject but have not figured it out.
Just by selecting a bend line on the flat pattern, I'd like to draw only 2 lines on a sketch (without any border projection, only points) at both ends of the bend line.
I'm sure it can be done via VBA, but don't know how to start for it.
I have just upgraded to 2013, and there is one "feature" I find kind of distracting. When working in a part, I create a new sketch. When I extrude that sketch, Inventor automatically switches me to an Iso view. I don't want that. I would prefer to stay in the view that I established.
I have a VB program that auto updates the size of a door and frame assembly, and in turn, updates the shop drawings to reflect this change. I have a view on my shop drawing that I have drawn a sketch in. I start the sketch, add my dimensions, and I use 'Project Geometry' to project the edges of the actual part around the sketch to constrain my sketch and keep it in place. The problem is, as the program runs, and the door/frame changes height, the sketch loses it's dimensional references to the projected geometry. When I go back and reopen the drawing after running the program, all the dimensions that went to the projected geometry are gone.
Is there another way to anchor a sketch to a drawing view part instead of dimensioning to projected geometries? This doesn't seem to be working, and I've tried it every which way I can think of. Oddly enough, I have another sketch in a different view that is set up the same way, and it never misses a beat.
I use the same sketch to create a break out view in one type of drawing. I may be blind, but I can't seem to find a way to save that sketch and reuse it when I want to create a break out view.
If I zoom in on a small detail in a large sketch and then issue the "edit sketch" command Inventor changes the view to where the origin is visible on the screen. Is it possible to disable this?
I'm using Inventor 2012, and experiencing some trouble with certain types of projected geometry that I'm using in a sketch associated with a view in an .IDW file - but only when the view involves a break (or breaks).
I'm generating section views to show the layout of hole details at various axial locations along the part. When placing a section line, I can't "pick up" any appropriate locating geometry from the view. So, after creating the view (using just a vertical section line), I edit the sketch that defines the section line. Project some geometry (the edges of the holes, in the attached example), draw some additional geometry constrained to that, then constrain the section line to that. That works fine; if I move the view around, the section lines stay attached to it. This is what is shown in the attached "before break" picture.
When I apply a break to the drawing, though, the section lines don't follow the changing view. They stay right there, as if the view had not been broken at all. This is what's shown in the attached "after break" picture. Move the view around, and they track with it - but always staying the same "real" distance apart from each other. It is as if that projected geometry were completely ignoring the break.
I observe something similar if I start with an IDW view with one or more breaks, then create a sketch associated with the view. If I project geometry, some of it projects where it should, but other geometry projects elsewhere on the page - as if no breaks were present in the view.
The part I've shown here is something I put together as a simplified example of what I'm observing. The part I'm actually trying to detail is more complicated (many more details), and much longer (so breaks are a requirement to put it on paper).
I made a bunch of lines, then used the bend command to make curves where they intersected. I'm trying to put lines connecting A to C and B to D. How do I constrain the ends of the lines to the center of the curves?
I have a basic problem but I can't seem to be able to get around it. I added an image to a sketch successfully but it cam with a yellow line around it (see attached) and I can't remove it. In the sketch properties I was able to change it's color to black to make less visible but it's still there.
When I draw a sketch while making a dwg drawing, the lines are light green that is nearly invisible on the background color. How can I change the line color?
I'm using Inventor professional 2012 student edition.
Any time I click on "Create 2D sketch" when editing a part in place in an assembly, the view moves to an isometric view. It happens as soon as I click on the button. Is there any way to stop this happening?
This does not happen when I'm editing a part (.ipt) on its own. I'm aware of the "Look at sketch plane on sketch creation" issue: this is not the same thing since it happens as soon as I click on the button, i.e. before I actually create the sketch.
I want the view to remain as it was before I click the button, to keep the things I'm looking at in view.
I just installed a student version of Inventor Pro on my comptuer. I have used this and several other similar software packages before. My problem: when I open a new part file, it takes me to a gray screen. No coordinate axes, view cube, nothing. When I click "Create 2D Sketch," still nothing. Same gray screen. If I draw a line, it doesn't show anything.
I've gone to View -> Object Visibility, and everything seems to be checked off as it should be. I've also clicked User Interface, and it shows the View Cube among other things as being selected.
The software didn't prompt me for an activation key, not sure if that may be relevant to the problem?
I want to draw a line between the two sketches visible on the image below. The line should be in the plane visible. The starting point of the line should be from wherever the top sketch intersects the plane of the current sketch. The finnish point of the line should be wherever a line of the bottom sketch intersects the current sketch plane.
There is no tooltip appearing that would allow me to quickly "attach" the starting line to the correct position. Is there such an aid, and how do i turn it on?
I need to change a solid line in a drawing to a dotted line to indicate that it is a hidden line. I know I should use Modify/Properties, I just don't know how to import the dotted line into the properties box.