AutoCAD Inventor :: Derived Parts - Varied Parameters
Sep 20, 2012
As a recent convert from ProEngineer to Inventor, if it is possible to vary the parameters exported from the source model in the derived part. The following article (see link below) explains the functionality in ProE - note the ability to see the model tree of the source part and also the ability to have varied items (dimensions, suppress features etc.) URL.....
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Nov 6, 2011
Now I want to know how to exclude derived parameters of an assembly and of occurrences in this assembly.
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Apr 4, 2011
How do I edit a derived part with a part file and include parameters I'm after?
I cant' seem to work out how to get to the reference components parameters to select whats visible and not visible.
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Oct 23, 2013
I have two part files: Part A and Part B. Part A contains a sketch block, Block A, which will be used as a basis for Part B.
I derive Part B from Part A using a "Derived Part" to bring in only the sketch block (Block A) from Part A. When I do this, Inventor sets every dimension in Block A to "Export" and creates a custom iProperty for it. Then the Custom iProperties list in both Part B and Part A is cluttered with every dimension from Block A.
Is there any way to prevent it from creating all of these custom iProperties?
Inventor 2013
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Aug 23, 2012
have one assy comprising of a valve, made in steel, an actuator made in aluminum, total weight combined is 36 kg.
I make this assy a derived ipt.. i have tried all the output options, single solid, multy solid and the weight is not the same.. since its a new ipt has its own material, ok makes sense.. .. So i use composite, i get the correct weight (yay), but now i cant turn the visibility off on the 2d drawing, in certain pipe spool view representations.
What is the correct procedure for turning multi material assys into an ipt.. to get the correct weights and get the drawings to work properly?
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Jul 9, 2012
Most of my part files contain at least one sketch which is derived from another part file. These derived sketches do not update like they did in our previous versions of Inventor.
If you change the geometry on a sketch in the base component, the updates will flow through to the derived parts. If you add geometry, it also works. However, if you delete any geometry from the sketch in the base part, it will not be deleted in the derived sketches in the second, third, etc. parts. The 'deleted' sketch geometry remains in those parts until you go into all the parts which derive from the base part and manually delete it. This is a significant problem for for our workflow.
Is there an option I have missed that changes this behavior so that deleted geometry in a sketch will also be deleted in any derived sketches in other parts?
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Jul 31, 2013
I am using Inventor 2012. I have a part that has 3 different inserts of a different material that I have to cut out. So I create 3 different assemblies with the part and the the 3 different inserts. Then I create 3 parts to derived the cutouts. Then 3 new assemblies to create the final assembly with the part and its insert.
Does Inventor 2014 have a way to do this with an i Assembly? I can't seem to derive a member of an i Assembly now. In my old CAD system I was able to create a table with one assembly that contained one part, three different inserts and 3 different cutouts. Right now this seems like a lot of work.
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Jan 24, 2012
I have a problem with the Bolted Conection function when using derived parts created from a multi-body part.
I created a multi-body part in which I pit some holes with the hole function (clearence hole, through, M16, normal). After that I generate all the compontents. In the generated asembly I tried to add a bolted connection (placement by hole). Normaly after selecting the start-plane and the hole it discovered patterns (if exist). Now, after selecting start plane no holes are found.
see attachment for simplified model. Autodesk Inventor Product Design Suite 2013 SP1.1
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Oct 28, 2013
Is there a way of using ilogic code to untick the highlighted component below. To run at assembly level to itterate down all levelsUntick (Use color overide from source component) update all parts
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Jul 14, 2013
It says i can exclude parts from the assembly, when i insert it as a derived part, but the exclude button is greyed in the insert derived part dialog box.
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Nov 18, 2011
Looks that in Inventor 2012 apperead few errors with coloring when we apply any feature on derived part. Situation:
1. Design Multi body Part with few bodies
2. Make components from it
3. Open derived component
4. Apply new material for this part (for example Copper)
5. Make Hole on any component surface
6. You will get Default color of Hole surface and surface which contact with Hole Color
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Dec 4, 2007
I am having some trouble with this quick VBA app, I want a utility that can traverse all the parts in a top level assembly and suppress the link to each derived part (multiple) in all the parts in the assembly.
I have played with the following
Public Sub SuppressLink()
Dim partdoc As PartDocument
Set partdoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
partdoc.ComponentDefinition.ReferenceComponents.DerivedPartComponents.Item(1).SuppressLinkToFile = True
End Sub
Which works, but only on one part file, and only on the first derived part. Is there any easy way to make this work on ALL the dervived links and every single part inside an assembly?
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May 17, 2011
Concerning Inventor 2012...
We do a good bit of deriving parts from assemblies. We have a workflow that works well for us, we create PARTS, put them in an ASSEMBLY, then create new PARTS DERIVED from ASSEMBLY. We use Boolean to add/subtract and disregard parts as needed to create these parts. These parts are now given color and reassembled in an yet another final ASSEMBLY as needed and put into a drawing.
Through Inventor 2011 this worked well.
In Inventor 2012 the color is disapering as soon as any change is made on a source part.
1 Changing the color does not work.
2 In the derived from Assembly, opening up (in the browser) the individual .ipt's and right clicking and clicking properties and changing the color only stays until the next change to the source prt.
3 Changing EACH individual face by right click, properties and setting the FACE PROPERTIES from "as feature" to "as part" does work, but is ridiculous to change hundreds of faces on each part. (especially considering we did NOT need this step in 2011)
Is there a switch in the registry (to turn off the standard “as feature” to the parts face).
Inventor 2012
Windows 7 64, 6gb RAM, Nvidia 4000
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Jun 11, 2012
I've created two similar but different base files.
I've derived each into parts that have a few different features.
In both cases, step exports of the base solid are fine but exports of the unique parts are empty.
Step exports of their assemblies are complete except for these parts.
Sat exports work fine for both parts and assemblies.
It happens in 2012 SP2 and 2013.
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Feb 8, 2013
I have a part that was derived from an assembly. However now I need to make this part have different center dimensions. Is there a way to make a derived part into an iPart without creating more parts? see attachment.
I am using Inventor 2012. BTW the part is more detailed than I am showing in the attachment.
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Jun 24, 2013
I´m trying to access ComponentDefinition.ReferenceComponents.DerivedPartComponents using Apprentice Server but it tells me "Not implemented". Is there any other way to figure out whether a component is derived or not?
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Nov 6, 2013
So i have a box with a left side, right side, top, bottom and a door in an assembly.I've linked all the parameters to the 'right side component' so that when i change it, it updates all the other parts in the assembly.
What I want to accomplish is to be able to use my BASE SIZED BOX ( say 500 x 500 ) to create many different sized boxes.The problem I have is when I save the assembly as a new one and save and replace all the components for the bigger box, all the components still reference the old part ( 500 x 500 right side component) instead of the bigger ( 600 x 600 right side component.
how to link parameters, don't know ilogic, and just know the basics of assemblies and part modeling.
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Dec 13, 2011
I have linked my inventor drawing to excel to adjust some parameters. Is it also possible to have a enable/disable function in excel so a part in an assembly can be disabled at will?
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Aug 15, 2013
How can I drive parts from an assembly level without using Excel spreadsheets. I know it is possible using iLogic to do it, but I can't figure out how to do it "automatically".
For example, we would like to drive a conveyor roller without the use of a spreadsheet. I figured out I could simply insert user-driven parameters in the top-level assembly and drive the parts with the parameters in the assembly, but it is telling me it would cause a cyclic redundancy, so I cannot do it this way, then I thought about iLogic.
It is currently working OK, but I have to enter in the iLogic rule to manually change the filenames in the rule for it to work.
Why? Mainly because we use a prefix to our parts and we sometimes use Autodesk Vault, sometimes not (depending on the project).
Here is my example;
I have a part named "Tube.ipt", "Bearing.ipt", "Spring.ipt" and "Tige Hexagonale.ipt" along with this code in the assembly level (Rouleau.iam):
Parameter("Spring:1", "GAGE") = WIRE_SPRING
Parameter("Spring:1", "DE") = OD_SPRING
Parameter("Spring:1", "LONGUEUR") = LENGHT_SPRING
Parameter("Tube:1", "LONGUEUR_TUBE") = RL-Parameter("Bearing:1", "EPAULEMENT")-Parameter("Bearing:1", "EPAULEMENT")
Parameter("Tige hexagonale:1", "LONGUEUR_HEXA") = RL+B+B
Parameter("Tige hexagonale:1", "BOSSE_SPRING") = B+0.010 in+Parameter("Bearing:1", "EPAULEMENT_SPRING")+LENGHT_SPRING+WIRE_SPRING
Parameter("Tige hexagonale:1", "BOSSE_BEARING") = B+0.010 in+Parameter("Bearing:1", "EPAULEMENT_SPRING")
As you may see, I would have to change "Tige hexagonale:1" every time we use this assembly on different project for it to update properly. I would like to automate it a little bit more.
How to make it work in iLogic:Search for something that has "Tube" in it's filename in this assembly, then store it into a variable called "Tube" Repeat this step for "Spring" and "Tige" Then replace "tige hexagonale:1" by the variable or something like this...
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Mar 4, 2013
I am attempting to reverse engineer a Slap Chop for a school project. Being only an amatuer at Inventor, I have made several parts that need to fit together but don't due to erronious measurements. Attached are three of the parts I have so far, and I will make a few replies with the remaining parts. I am trying to make an excel sheet or some table where I can manage all my parameters and have them update in the parts. The table is simply to make it easier for me to quickly check my dimensions.
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Oct 13, 2012
If I have parts in an assembly that would like to use the same parameter, what is the best way to do this? I am using AI 2013. Currently I know how to create a base part and using it to derive other parts from it, but this seems there should be a easier way, is there?
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Feb 25, 2013
I have a large collection of parts that are controlled from an exteranl rule. I need to make slight changes to the external rule, but for the changes to be successful I need two extra user parameters to be added to each of the parts. There are hundreds of parts, so going in and adding the two parameters to each would take days.
Is there a simple way of getting the external rule to add the two parameters?
P.s. My VB skills are pretty limited, but my understanding of iLogic is pretty good.
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Sep 14, 2006
How do you select parameters for export in parts that have already been published?
I have a part that I have published. There are some parameters that Ii would like to have available to the Parts List upon creation. I don't see a way to do this after the part has been published. I have been able to select the parameters for export before publishing and they will be marked for export when the part is placed form the content Center.2010 Suite-SP4 64bit
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Feb 12, 2013
I have drawn a cylinder, with inside diameter 1028mm, wall thickness 5mm. We usually have calculated unfolded part length like this: outside dim. 1038mm - 5mm (wall thickness) = 1032 x 3,14 = 3240mm. Now when i unfold in inventor I get for the length 3215,35mm. It is quite far from the result we usually would have received.
Unfolded part will be rolled to cylinder. What parameters should be overlooked when making unfolded parts for plate rolling?
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Oct 12, 2011
When I add parameters to Excel, the new parameters do not show up in the linked parts. Even when starting
a new part and linking to the same excel file, the original parameters are all that are shown; not the new ones.
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Apr 29, 2012
I am finally getting time to do some organizational cleanup and management with our templates and vault settings. Many of the things are items that I am altering for each drawing/model I make and I would like to make them "stick" for the company standards. Things like altering font size in the styles library, adding part dimensions to the parameters for the parts list, and creating a new content central library where our part numbers are already populated for the parts list and the structural shapes have datum planes in the middle rather than just at beginning and end.
Inventor Premium 2013 SP1.1
Vault 2013- plain vanilla version
HP G71 notebook
celeron cpu w 4gb RAM and 64 bit system
Win 7 home premium
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Jan 28, 2013
I can publish a part containing a user text parameter to the content centre for use in frame generator however when I go to insert that part an error as per the attached screen shot.
To re-create the error you have to follow the below steps.
Create a part with a text user parameterPublish for use in frame generator.Create frame with the part and an error will be created as per the attached screenshot.
Is there a way to work around this error being created and use parts with text user parameters in Frame Generator?
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Oct 30, 2012
it is possible to make a constraint that utilized a parameter of a part within the assembly.
For example, if I wanted to use the thickness of a plate, which I defined in the part, could I call that parameter in a constraint?
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May 7, 2013
I am trying to grade up to the base of a retaining wall that is at a variable distance from my known breakline at a certain slope (i.e. 3:1). I know I can set a feature at the base of the wall and "manually" use a reference point and set the slope to 3:1, but I was looking for a more efficient way of doing this?
I am in C3D '09 right now, but we are in the process of upgrading to '14. Maybe (fingers crossed) this is in the updated version.
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Mar 30, 2012
I've got a Mesh which consists of several Helixes with regular Tubes in between. They are all welded together, so it is one long Mix of Helix and tubes. In Animation, the amount of Turns in each Helix needs to be changed (from 0 Turns, up to 50 e.g.).
First I attached bones to each helix, but strechting the bones only leads to stretch the Helix - not reducing the Turns.
In another attempt, I took a regular Tube with a Path-Deform-Modifier and a helix-spline, so I had good control of the Mesh, by changing the splines-parameters. But since my Mesh consists of several individual helixes, I cant use it cuz i can only select 1 spline in the deformation-modifier.
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Aug 13, 2013
I was wondering if there is a way to bend a derived componet. I have an odd extruded part and would like to cut and bend it. I want to do it this way so I can also include the cut length before bend. I know of frame generator, but am not able to use it since if falls out of the structure of how our files are saved.
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