AutoCAD Inventor :: Database Schema Is Newer Than This Version Of Software
Sep 23, 2011
Running inventor 2010, Installed 2012 to get myself acquainted with the program before totally making the switch, In an assembly everytime I constrain something, or move it it gives me this error. Also I cannot bring this assembly into a drawing because of unresolved issues, yet i have fixed all resolved issues. I would like to get the ribbon platform down before I uninstall inventor 2010...any possibilities
i have been provided a library for a plugin i have recently purchased. The library was kindly given to me but it isnt actually part of the addin so it comes with no support. It appears that it has been created in 2014 whereas i have 2013.
Can it be downgraded without downloading & installing 2014?
Can a library be downgraded to 2013 from 2014 without opening & saving each file separately? there are approx 1500 parts
parts are not interoperable within the software. There cant be that much difference between a 2013 & 2014 file surely.....
Whenever anyone at the company tries to open a model that has a decal part in it, the File Edit window comes up asking if the person wants to check out the part. As decals generally never change after they are created, they are never desired to be checked out. After saying no to check out, the window then reappears stating that the local is never than the vault, even though you just finished a Get operation. Is there anyway to keep these files from needed constant updating?
is there anyway of opening old files from previous edition of autocad on the newer version, have a file from a few years ago and it wont open now on the new one?
I have a program which had compiled for acad 2010 and windows XP x86. I want to rebuild for acad 2014 and win7-8 x64. I did import 2014's dll (AcMgd.dll, AcDbMgd.dll, AcCui.dll, AcCoreMgd.dll) and built. There is no errors. But when I wantted to run one of my commands it gives an error. I attached the error message.
What I have is a nice production drawing, that has NEVER even been opened in C3D2013. I JUST finished adding labels for some new pipes and structures that are in an Xref. I saved the drawing and closed it to work on a different project while plotting. In SSM, I select the sheets to Publish, the first 4 plot without issue, then I get a CER without a Fatal Error...I can still work on the nbow current appears that SSM crashed while loading the aforementioned sheet I had been working on.I close everything down, restart C3D2012, open the same drawing I had just labeled, says it needs to be recovered, so I let it finish loading (I've found that stopping the load will almost always cause C3D to hang indefinitely), close that drawing, then run recover, finds 2 errors, allow to fix, am greeted with the message box "This drawing has been saved by a newer version of C3D. All C3D commands are disabled in this drawing."
Wait a dang minute, SSM crashes and somehow (the save time is still the same as when i manually saved it in 2012) saves it as a C3D2013 file...even though it is still opening as a 2010dwg format file? Opening the file in Notepad even shows it was last saved in 2012.
We are on ACA 2011 and created a ceiling plan. Sent it to a consultant that is on ACA 2013.The file was saved down, but when we try to make a new ceiling or copy an existing grid, we get the following:
Command: _AecCeilingGridAdd.
Command not allowed because drawing contains objects from a newer version of this application.
My AutoCAD 2013 crashed and as a result the recovered file was saved in 2013 format, instead of my automatic save profile option version set to AutoCAD 2000.
As we have other users in the office without AutoCAD 2013, how do i change the default crash save to a newer version (ie. AutoCAD 2000)?
When upgrading to a newer version of PS (ps7 -> pscs), would i need to transfer all my saved files (projects, brushes, styles, actions, etc...) manually (drag and drop method), or would the installation/setup process do everything for me?
I'm afraid that if i do decide to upgrade to CS and need to transfer all my files, i might unknowingly miss an essential folder and lose it forever when uninstalling the older version.
(or does the setup/installation take care of getting rid of the older version, too?)
I have Creative Cloud Illustrator CS6 Version 16.2.0. I keep gettin a message saying The file can't be opened because it was generated in a newer Version of Illustrator. How can it be a newer version?
A client has sent me files created in a version newer than CS5. When I import them and the PDF objects are re-interpreted I get an error message that, during "An unknown imaging construct was encountered." The resulting images have gradients that are extremely bandedb - though I do not know if this is atributable to the error.
The client insists that he is a highly-experienced Illustrator guru, his files are perfect and he will not change them in any way. He has also delcared that it is quite impossible (for him) to convert his artwork to TIFF files. I am able to do this with the files he has provided quite easily, and do not understand what his issue(s) might be.
Assuming that I am the weak link in the chain, what can I do to improve the quality of his images with the software - CS5 - I have?
Everytime I open up a file in Photoshop, it says, 'Linotype Fontexplorer version fc4 or newer cannot be found'. I recently deleted that program, how can I get Photoshop to stop looking for it?
Is there a way to retrieve the fileversion in the Database.BeginSave event when the user has choosen like version 2004 in the default SAVEAS command?
I only found the OriginalFileVersion and LastSaveAsVersion property, however I have to add something in the database for version 2004 before it is saved. Or is there another approach?
There is import button which is import column schema (xml file) from file on Bill of Material window... Is it possible to make this within API, VB Express 2010.
I am working on the AutoCAD customization and doing the same by VB.Net & C#.Net. But I just want to know the difference as mentioned below:
1. Insert Block In AutoCAD
Using VB.Net without using DataBase services..Only 1 statement is required to Insert the Block objAcadDocument.ModelSpace.InsertBlock(Required Arguments are here) Using C#.Net with DataBase services
There are many statments are there to insert only 1 block..Like Start Transaction, Lock the document, Get the Object Id Block etc...So my quetion is that when I have to use DataBase services and when not
what is the advantage of doing customization using DataBase services rather than go for wihout DataBase services.?
how to edit the schema/properties of an SDF in Map 3D? I need to edit existing properties. I have followed the instructions in 'Help', but even after clicking on 'Edit Schema' in the schema editor, I have no luck. I have been able to add/delete properties but have not been able to edit other things (such as existing property titles, display order, Type etc).
I have about 30 SDF files that were converted from SHP using FME. I know I can manipulate them in FME but each file has different properties and it will take me quilte a bit of time as I am not super familiar with it.
I sometimes get a error message stating 'invalid arguments specified when working with database...' (see attachment). What causes these and can I fix them? The file opens and seems to work ok.
I am looking for a material database with more steel types than the ones that are installed in inventor.
Is there a comprehensive database that I can download and install or do I need to add the material one by one.
Normaly I can just copy a existing steel and just use the existing properites and just change the name but I see a risk of this since in the future I may want to simulte a part and then the material data is not correct.
So... is there a good list that I can download and install??
I have a program that populates an access database with part parameters. Each Inventor part can look up its own parameter values from the database when supplied with a single parameter, the ID number of the database record. The ID number is derived from a blank part that the program also updates. So in a nut shell, the program populates the blank part's parameters with all database ID numbers that would make up entire assembly. Those parameter values are derived to all the parts in an assembly. This is by far the fastest most efficient way I've found to rapidly generate an entire assembly. In a matter of seconds I can have a new 1000+ part assembly.
The rumor that Inventor will eventually sever ties with VBA has put this whole process in jeopardy. So I have been looking into using iLogic to perform the same task of looking up the data from Access. I know that iLogic has Excel functions built into it, but because the original program is Access based (changes this is not an option) any way to use iLogic to retrieve data from Access.
I was working on a file earlier today when it failed while processing after I edited a particularly extensive mass. It asked if I wanted to save a recovery file, I said yes, but I am not sure it worked properly (it might have said 'could not be saved' but i clicked 'OK' quickly so i could re-open revit and get on with work)
Anyways, when I went back to start again it said I had to manually recover the file and that I should ask Autodesk support. I looked on forums and they said i should go to the 'open' dialogue box, check the 'audit' box and reopen the file, but after doing this I got a second error message that said something along the lines of "your file has an incorrect schema'.
This project is not part of any collaboration, it's standalone and on my home PC.I couldn't find any email to write to, or number to call, or FAQ, so here I am.
This is the third damned problem I've had with this file, might have something to do with a trojan on my computer chewing into my RAM but whatever the case it's time this crap stopped!