AutoCAD Inventor :: DWG Sections Disappear

Apr 24, 2013

We're using Inventor to model complex bridge structures. We take sections, plans, elevations etc. from the model to AutoCAD.dwg format. We then open the .dwg and insert the view blocks in model space, these files are then used as xrefs in AutoCAD, long winded but a supply chain requirement.

The models and xrefs are all saved on our network, no vault used, no windows syncing.

To create the sections we have a separate part file that contains sketches where we want the sections taken, this is placed in our assembly. The sketches are all straight lines (no cranks) and included in the .dwg and selected to create the sections.

We're experiencing a significant number of files that when we open to update the model views we randomly get an error "valid section line not found" and several of the sections disappear. The section lines part file is fine, the section lines are all still there and unchanged.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Cut Sections Not Shown Correctly

Oct 30, 2013

I am trying to cut sections using Inventor  I will begin by saying I am a fairly new user. On numerous occasions I am running into an issue where the section cuts are not shown correctly? I have attached an image showing an example of what I am talking about, you can clearly see that there are bolts and plates that should be displayed in the section cut which is shown above.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Put Sections Of A Drawing In Another Sheet

Jul 13, 2013

I have a complex part and make a drawing. i want to make sections and details and to put some of them in another sheet in the same file. Also, can i put the hole table in another sheet?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Lines For Sections In Drawings?

Sep 10, 2013

This is happening on both 2012 and 2014, the workflow was what I followed offline to try and replicate an issue on a live project: Start a new partDraw a rectangle 10m x 10m fully constrainedExtrude by 10mSaveStart a new .dwg format drawing (though same results if using out of the box .idw)Place a top base view of the partSection the part anyway or direction in such a way not to infer any constraintsSection properties set to include slice and slice the whole partPlace the sectionEdit the sketch of the section lineApply a "fix" constraint to the line itselfFinish the sketch I then get an error saying the sketch does not contain a valid section line and the section disappears
he section line sketchRemove the fix constraint from the lineFinish sketch My section then reappears
Edit the section line sketchUse a "fix" constraint on each end of the lineFinish the sketch

My section remains. We're experiencing a lot of problems of section lines and therefore sections disappearing even though we're not directly applying fix constraints, I was wandering if Inventor applies a fix constraint should geometry that a section line is constrained to disappears.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Add Solid Color To Sections

Oct 6, 2012

I have some shapes in which i want to add solid color to sections.I cannot find anywhere to accomplish this effect.Can this be done in Inventor will be a 2D view

View the attached 2013 file...can this be done

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Loft Between Blade Sections

Aug 30, 2013

this message appear with "loft" between blade sections the attempted loft operation resulted in self intersecting surfaces.Try with different inputs

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Cut Sections From Inventor Model

Oct 30, 2013

I am trying to cut sections from an inventor model in AutoCAD. On numerous occasions I am running into an issue where the section cuts are not shown correctly. I have figured out how to correct this issue when cutting sections in inventor, but the issue is accruing in AutoCAD as well. I have attached an image showing an example of what I am talking about, you can clearly see that there are bolts and plates that should be displayed in the section cut which is shown above.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Files Disappear When Saving

Sep 16, 2013

Settings: Inventor 14 - Student version / Window 7 64bit

When I save parts in the library on my harddrive the file does not show subsequently. But if I try to re-save it, I get the statement that the file already exist. 

I cannot find the file anywhere, not even with the windows search function. The file is missing, but somehow present below the surface. 

Besides this did Inventor create several versions of my previous parts (0001, 0002, 0003... etc.)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Splitting Sections Of A Tank Shell

Jun 1, 2012

Is there a way to use the Split Solid tool to partially split a circle and have multiple solids after.

Ex) I would like to cut the tank at the 180 and 270 deg marks. Using the split tool still cuts through 0 and 90. I tried drawing a line from a top view that started from center going through 180, but it still goes through 0 as well.

I've attached an example shell of where I would like to have 6 solids after.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Cross Sections Not Lofting Properly

Jan 10, 2014

I am working on creating a male mold for a canoe. I first designed the cross sections for the canoe and then began converting them to the mold cross sections. When I try to loft the cross sections I have converted so far, they all loft as I intended until I get to the rear of the canoe (sketch 8). The issue typically arises in gunwale section (the part that appears to be a notch in the sides). Everytime I loft, one of the gunwales splits/twists in an undesired fashion (in the image below the right gunwale is incorrectly twisted).

I do not understand why this is happening for a few reason:

1. The canoe cross sections lofted as planned, and I only added simple boxy shapes to those cross sections.

2. Each cross section is symmetrical (or at least from what I can tell they are).

3. The cross sections that are lofting improperly all have the same number of segments and are in very similar shapes.

I have attached the file of the cross sections and another file of an improper loft.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Splitting Parts Lists Into Two Sections

Jun 7, 2012

I have a really long parts list and would like to know if there is there a way to split the parts list into two distinct shorter lists.

This is how it is done in Solidworks.  Just wondering if splitting BOM's is possible in Inventor.


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Parts Disappear When Editing In Assembly

Oct 20, 2011

when i am trying to edit a part in a assembly all the other parts disappear and make it hard to project geometry that is not there.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IPart Features Disappear When Published

Oct 16, 2013

The attached IPart works wonderfully for all sizes, shows no errors or recovery alerts.

The problem is that once it is published, the ORB end changes for any size 1/2" (8) or under.

It just turns into a Hex head, I don't understand what the problem is.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Parts Of Drawing Disappear When Zooming In

Oct 12, 2012

When I zoom in on a drawing, certain parts of the drawing will just disappear. Dimensions, title block, doesn't matter, its different every time. It's not all the time but when it happens it's frustrating. Try dimensioning a part that isn't visible! When I zoom out to a full page view it always returns. When I zoom in again, parts will disappear. See attached screen captures and you will see the same file at different moments.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Edges And Hidden Lines Disappear On Zoom?

Oct 16, 2013

Having an issue where in a part model with the view set to "wireframe with hidden edges" the edges and hidden edges disappear when you try to zoom in on the part. Actually not working with "wireframe and visible edges only" at any zoom level either.

The edges are there and I know that there are features that should be showing up as hidden.

Running Quadro FX 3800 with the most current drivers, and I only noticed this when switching to IV 2014.

Also running IV Build 222 SP 1

This is making designing very hard as I can't tell anymore where there are instances of  features interfering with each other.
Inventor Pro 2014 SP1
Vault Pro 2014
Windows 7 x64
2.53 Xeon
Quadro FX 3800

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Annotations Disappear When Replace IPT With Similar IPT In IDW File?

Jan 30, 2013

My annotations disappear when i replace an ipt with similar ipt in an idw file.  The view and the browser update to the new part but the annotation disappear.

I am working with a front view in both ipts.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Make Parts Disappear From Assemblies - 2013

Nov 27, 2012

How is it possible to have a part in an assembly and then remove it when it is not required?

I have a Skeletal assembly of a cabinet with hinges on the left hand side when facing the front.  When a customer requires the hinges to be on the right hand side, I need to make the lock keep disappear from the Right hand side panel sub-assembly and make it appear in the Left hand panel sub-assembly.

At the moment, I have the lock keep, the BOM structure in the file is Normal, this is overidden in the assembly to being Reference for the first instance, the lock keep is fully constrained in both sub assemblies and both are in an array of only 1. I increase the value of the array from 1 to 2 and by a distance of zero(0), the newly added part would have  a BOM structure of Normal, consequently it would then appear on the BOM.  This method was something I last used when using IV2009, it was a method I used to control both visibility of parts in assembly drawings and on BOMs.

I'm now using 2013 and arraying a part with a overidden BOM structure of Reference makes the new part a reference part aswell even though the file itself is BOM structure of Normal.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Participate In Assembly Sections On Content Center Parts

Jan 22, 2013

A thing I bump in to everytime is that Content Center parts do not standard section in Assemblies and Drawings.

In the Drawings I can menage this by selecting the parts in browser or drawing views and get them sectioned or not.

In Assemblies there is the option to select "Participate in Assembly and Drawing sections" in the Document Settings.

Unfortunately this doesn't work on Content Center parts. Why not?

After searching the site, I noticed the "solution" to check the "Section All Parts" option in the Application options.

This solution is a work around. It only solves the issue when you want to section all parts.

But what if I want to section a few parts and not all?

For example, I do want to section my beams, pipes, tubes etc., but do not want to section my bolts, nuts, washers etc.

I thought that was wat the "Participate in Assembly and Drawing sections" option was for.

Currently working with Inventor 2012

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Import (IDW) To (Model Space) With Dimensions / Axis And Sections

Jul 2, 2012

How to import Inventor file 2D(.idw) to autocad 2D (model space) with dimensions, axes, sections, ... ?

Inventor 2013 & Autocad Mechanical 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Dimensions And Notes Disappear When Reverenced Geometry Is Deleted

Nov 20, 2012

This following happened frequently.  

1.  We spend a lot of time creating a drawing with dimensions and leader text.  

2.  The part or assembly changes (feature or components are deleted or replaced)

3.  Dimensions that reference deleted geometry disappear.

From what I can tell, the dimension will turn pink/purple and not disappear ONLY if one of it's attachment points is still valid.  However, if all the attachment points for the dimension or leader text are gone, then the dimension or leader text simply disappears.

We spent a lot of time creatin these dimensions and/or leader text and would like to know if there is a problem.  We have had many instances where we though the drawing was done only to find vital info missing.  To make sure this doesn't bite us again we currently have to carefully compare archived revisions of the drawing with the current drawing to make sure everything is there.  

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Dimensions Disappear When Updating Model (Tube And Pipe Feature)

Jul 19, 2013

I am having trouble with dimensions disappearing in the drawing when I update my model.

I add the correct dimensions then when I update my model, all dimensions on the drawing disappear and I have to make them all again.

A little more info:

I am using the tube and pipe feature to drawing tubing inside of an assembly.


1) I draw the tubing routes and populate them (to show an actual swept tube)

2)Right click on the newly created route in the explorer and open the tube.


4)Add necessary dimensions to the tube drawing.

5)Save and close drawing

Up until this point everything is fine.

6)Edit the tube route in the assembly and save

7)Upon opening the drawing of that tube route ALL dimensions have disappeared.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Sections From 3D Plines

May 20, 2012

I  have a 3d topographic survey plan. I need to take sections at various locations and would like to know the best way of going about this.

I am used to working with solids and so would normally just take a section plane but this won't work as the 3d topographic survey plan I have is made up of polylines.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Arc Discretion In Sections

May 27, 2013

I'm using "horizontal section" to make plan drawings of 3D circular columns in an xref-ed drawing. In the x-ref the columns exist as 3D solids made from extruded circles.

Regardless of my VIEWRES setting, the resulting 2D circle discretion is way too coarse and is presented as a polygon on my drawings.

The same applies to solids made in the same drawing, by the way, so I don't think the xref-ing has anything to do with it. Is there a to adjust this for sections?

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AutoCAD LT :: Sections Has Hidden Lines

Jun 2, 2009

i xref a floor plan in which one of the sections has hidden lines. In the file with the XREF in it, the hidden lines are not showing.

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AutoCad :: How To Divide DWG File Into Sections

Feb 17, 2011

Best way to divide a DWG file into sections? I`m trying to building a data base for construction work to build houses on a city, and the database call for a map that came from a gps device, that is on DWG format. now this image is full of squares that represent the new house locations, the problem is that is one whole image representing the whole city, I was wondering if there is a way to divide this image into sectors to represent the houses location when i do a printout.

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AutoCad 3D :: Slice A Surface Into Sections

Nov 26, 2011

Im trying to slice a surface into sections. Im not much of a surface modeller, never really tried. For example the surface is a cylindrical shaped piece. Multiple faces, and pieces. When i slice through it, it slices some prices and others it fails to slice. Confusing. I would upload the piece but i cant due to contract restrictions. But is there any methods of slicing or tips that are a common practice when working with surfaces?

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AutoCad 3D :: Removing Sections Of 3D Object?

Mar 1, 2012

i have drawn a 3d pyramid 65 radius and 25 high, drawn a 30x30x15 block in the centre and where it breaks through the pyramid i wish to remove it... is there a subtraction/trim option to allow this?

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AutoCad 2D :: Finding Inertia Of Two Sections?

Sep 5, 2013

I have two sections both region-ed. What is the correct way to find the combined inertia. The sections kind of "fit" into each other. So far I have used two different methods and I don't know which is correct.

1. Centre each section individually, find the section properties of each sections and then add them together.

2. Combine the section, centre them together, and then find the inertia of the combined sections.

So which one is correct? The first one gives a much smaller I value then the second ones.

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AutoCad :: Cursor Disappear In Modelspace

Feb 20, 2012

Whenever I'm in model or paper space, damn thing disappears.

Reboot is always an option, but it's the last thing I want to do at this point.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: OLE Objects Disappear

Feb 9, 2012

I am using Land Desktop 2004 but I am posting here in hope that 2012 users will have experienced this issue in the past.

The problem is thus: I am using the SNAPSHOT tool in Adobe Reader to capture some standard drawings in a PDF to the clipboard. I then paste these captures into AUTOCAD as OLE objects. I have been doing this forever without problems. In this particular drawing when I close and re-open the OLE objects are blank rectangles. The reset button is gray in the OLE object properties so there is no way to reset them. Everytime I remove them and redo the process they are gone when I re-open the drawing. AUDIT runs clean.

Infrastructure Suite/C3D 2013, LDT 2004, Power Civil v8i SS1
WIN 7 64 PRO
HP Pavillion h8xt, i7 2600, 12 GB
RADEON 6450, 1 GB
[URL] ....

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Dim Style Dialog Box Pop Up And Disappear

Mar 6, 2011

I installed 2011 in our workstation together wtih the vba enabler. The designer use 2009 and 2007 and all buttons they need are working fine on those version. when they tried to use the 2011, almost everything is fine but they need to use the dim style and text style. when they try to press the button an error will appear and then updates send some fix which fixed the error but the problem is it just pop up and disappear within seconds.

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