I am using Land Desktop 2004 but I am posting here in hope that 2012 users will have experienced this issue in the past.
The problem is thus: I am using the SNAPSHOT tool in Adobe Reader to capture some standard drawings in a PDF to the clipboard. I then paste these captures into AUTOCAD as OLE objects. I have been doing this forever without problems. In this particular drawing when I close and re-open the OLE objects are blank rectangles. The reset button is gray in the OLE object properties so there is no way to reset them. Everytime I remove them and redo the process they are gone when I re-open the drawing. AUDIT runs clean.
Infrastructure Suite/C3D 2013, LDT 2004, Power Civil v8i SS1
WIN 7 64 PRO
HP Pavillion h8xt, i7 2600, 12 GB
RADEON 6450, 1 GB
[URL] ....
Soms of the objects in my 3D view "disappear" when clicking on it. The edges are still visible while the rest of the objects get invisible. This is only the case for some objects in my 3D view. I have no problem with the visibility of the objects in the structural plans or elsewhere. How can I make all objects visible in 3D again when clicking on them?
We need to xref a drawing with a different unit. When I go into the drawing file I want to xref and use the "-DWGUNITS" command I change it from feet to inches and use Architectural. Answer yes to all questions and certain objects disappear. Most of the objects are pline or spline objects. Here is what I see in the AutoCAD Text Window:
I try to zoom into an object with my mouse and it disppears. I zoom out and it reappears but it's too far away, I zoom in again and it disappears. Why is it doing this? I click zoom object and that works but I don't want to do that every single time and even that isn't zoomed in enough.
While working in a drawing with civil 3D points and a surface created from those points, once in a while the contours will disappear. The contours disappear during any number of different commands, so it doesn't seem to be linked to a specific set of commands. If we save the drawing, close it, and then open it back up the contours are there with no problems. Is there a fix for it beyond closing and reopening the drawing. We are using Civil 3D 2010 in our office, and all of the current updates.
My problem is: after any command or repeating it, the mouse pointer disappear for few second, when I just have installed the software I won't have this problem.
I have a student version of AutoCAD 2011. When I render, I can see the materials in the materials browser. However, when I try to attach them by layer, the images of the materials disappear. I only see black boxes. I also get a completely black image when it renders. There is no image at all even though I have lights and cameras on and in place. I read online that I might need to reinstall the materials library. I followed the instructions exactly and reinstalled it, all three sections. Still, I'm getting the same results when I try to render.
I am using my PC not cloud and had created drop shadows on several objects using the fx feature on the layers palate. When I added drop shadow to last object adjusted the distance to 9 & saved as default. Blending is on multiply still, but shadows no longer appear on all the objects.
What could I have accidentally done to alter all shadows where they no longer appear?
I have a chain moving along a spline, and I want to know how to make the chain disappear when it reaches a certain point, then reappear when it moves out of that point. I don't want the whole chain disappearing, i just want the part of the chain that has moved off of the spline.
I suppose you could say i'm trying to hide it.
I'm trying to make the clawshot from twilight princess. The chain shoots out a hundred feet, but then disappears when it goes into the device.
ACAD Architecture installed as 32-bit on Win 7 64 bit machines w 12 gig ram. My users are using that g.d. CAP studio program, hence the 32 bit install. SP1 is installed as are hotfixes for Ribbon and Dimension issues.
Here's what's happening: most of the time we have no issues with raster images attached to the files. However, every once and a while one of the images decides to not show up. In XREF manager, everythings fine - the paths to raster images are correct (shared network path). The files are loaded, the insertion layers are on. You can close out of AutoCAD and come back in - sometimes the image pops back in.
Even though these are plot settings, I have RASTERPERCENT set to 80, and Raster Threshold set to 120 (although the size of most of these images is around 100k)
I have a problem with the zoom and fill patterns in two PCs with Autocad 2012 In both, very often, when I zoom in on the design the fill patterns disappear.
After an update of the image reappear and this is a very big problem for me. The two PCs are both intel I7, one use a nVidia Geforce and other an nVidia Quadro, and I tried different driver versions but without benefits.
I am having both objects disappear after a Boolean Union (I am going to try creating just two random objects - a cube and a sphere - and seeing if the operation works with them).
One thing that I have thought is that the resolution of the mesh might be srewing up the operation (The sizes of the polygons in the two objects is pretty different).
So that might be a factor (when I am in Mudbox, I could try not subdividing the smaller objects as much as the larger one, so that the polygons are the same size).
I have a drawing with some annotative blocks. ie Block name "BAR'.
If I insert another drawing (mostly old v2000 files) as a block which also contains blocks named "BAR" (which of course are non-annotative) the Blocks do not show up.
Is there any way to get arround this? Idealy I would like the old file inserted and have the annotion scale of the blocks in the inserted dbg set to the current scale.
We have Win 7 clients connecting to a SBS 2003 server. When using files marked as "make available offline" the computer status shows as being offline when the file listed as needing to be synced. This is when the laptops are connected to the network. This makes the file unavailable to other users. They do not even appear in a directory listing. If they do a Save As, that file appears immediately. This is only happening with the Autocad files. MS Office files work just fine. How can I make the laptops realize that they are online and connected to the server? I read about transparent caching but that seems to be available only on server 2008.
I'd like to know how to align an object in model space with the edge of my viewport in paperspace.
When I draw, I like to lay out multiple complete drawings in model space, make an appropriately scaled bounding box around them, and then snap a view port to the bounding box in my layout. I usually have multiple drawings lined up in a row in modelspace, so when I want a new layout I do a Save As and then pan around in my viewport to find the next bounding box, at which point I have to resize the viewport to get it to snap to the edges nicely. I really want to be able to to it the otehr way around- while panning I'd like to be able to grab a corner of my modelspace bouding box and snap it to the the corresponding corner of my viewport window. That way making new layouts would be a snap. Is there a way to do this in AutoCAD 2012 LT?
Is it just me or do the actions associated with parameters disappear on occasion from the block editor? Sometimes a regen will make them reappear, other times not. Closing/opening the block editor is one way to make them visible again (worked a few times at least).
Something changed in my settings & I don't know how to chance it back. I can't click on to select objects inside or behind objects. What do I have to change to be able to select any item I click on regardless of where it is?
Trouble with embedded OLE DWG objects in word 2010 not opening with AutoCAD 2012
We have a user that can't open some OLE DWG files from within a word document. He had 2010 AutoCAD LT on his machine for a while then was upgraded to 2012 AutoCAD (non LT) once that was there LT 2010 was unistalled. since then he has not been able to open certain embedded OLE files within Word. Other users that have other ever had AutoCAD 2012 have no issue opening this embedded DWG files.
i found this thread (URL....) which sounds exactly what is going on with my enduser. But the fix provided is for AutoCad 2000-2012 not the LT versions.
I am using autocad 2013 primarily and other employees are using 2010. I am saving my drawings as 2010 and for me there are no issues. On the other hand people using 2010 are having objects missing in the drawing. All layers are turned on and all thawed. The primary objects missing are AEC objects. Is there a switch to show or hide these object?
I am currently using AutoCAD Architecture at work which allows me to use AEC "smart" objects (walls, windows, doors). This is a staple in my AutoCAD experience. I am planning on branching off and starting my own business and was hoping to only purchase AutoCAD LT, vs the mega expensive ACA, seeing as I don't use any of the other 3D tools. Is there any way to use these AEC objects with AutoCAD 2012? or even AutoCAD LT? Or are these tools exclusive to ACA?
My aperture / crosshairs seems to have a magnetic attraction to all objects in drawings. Over an empty area, motion is smooth. When crossing over any object(s), be they in Model Space or a Layout, the cursor is attracted to objects. Is this an AutoCAD setting that I'm not aware of, or is this a graphics card / hardware acceleration issue?
I am exporting a design for 3D printing, and it includes multiple objects. If I save each part as a separate STL file, and assemble them in my 3D printer software (Object), the alignment of different parts is lost.
If I save it as a single STL file all the objects are grouped, and I cannot select them individually to assign them different properties.
I am using Autocad 2012 student version, and it does not allow me to select any option at the moment of exporting the files.
I have a drawing with objects on multiple layers, however when I select an object, they all show as whtever layer is showing. If I open the drawing on antoher machine, everything works properly with multiple layers.
I have a personal block library, that somehow has gotten "infected" with AEC. I'm not using any AEC objects on purpose - but loading my library file now loads the various AEC object enablers. How can I find the mysterious entity that is using these?
I am working on a design project for a class i am in, i need to make a model of the design solution i come up with. since my design has curved walls, how to take my AutoCad model and convert the faces to something where i could print them out on paper and make the model. I need to basically unroll them as if i was flattening them on a sheet of paper. i have tried flatshot and flatten, my difficulty with these is that it does not take the entire object length along the curve, it will only take the distance that can be seen on the screen. I know this is possible with 3ds max as a friend of mine did it that way, but i don't know how to use 3ds max so that doesnt work for me.
I've recently started having a problem where some objects that I edit or insert, such as blocks, only show in white. The photo I show is an example. I recently used viewport clip in order to add in the detail shown on the top right, and when I did so, the viewport went white, and it has since not changed. It is supposed to show in yellow, as shown with the other viewports. When I change to "bylayer" it is white, and when I manually change it, it stays white. As shown, I've changed it manually to cyan, and it remains white.
I think this may be an obsucre system variable problem, but I'm not sure where to start.