I noticed on my parts list that I had an item that was listed as *Varies* in the description, and part # columns I have set. Seen it before, so I went to my BOM and saw that it's a part that I've published to the CC.
Thought, OK, go and replace the 12 parts that I needed to. Tried the "Replace All" and it still came up on my BOM as *Varies*.
Went through and replaced each part in the assembly one at a time. Still shows up in BOM as *Varies*.
I thought that when I publish parts to the CC, they become Read-Only, and I can't edit any of the iProperties or the part itself.
In the attached BMP, I've cut out the offending row in my BOM. All the columns are greyed out to where I can't edit anything, as designed...
Why would these published parts come up as *Varies* in 2 of my columns if the values I've set when I published them would never change??
IV 2010 Tube & Pipe SP4; ACAD Mechanical 2010; 2.5 ghz Xeon Processor 8 gb RAM Windows 7 Professional x64 EVGA GTX 560 2gb DDR5
How do you select parameters for export in parts that have already been published?
I have a part that I have published. There are some parameters that Ii would like to have available to the Parts List upon creation. I don't see a way to do this after the part has been published. I have been able to select the parameters for export before publishing and they will be marked for export when the part is placed form the content Center.2010 Suite-SP4 64bit
I can publish a part containing a user text parameter to the content centre for use in frame generator however when I go to insert that part an error as per the attached screen shot.
To re-create the error you have to follow the below steps.
Create a part with a text user parameterPublish for use in frame generator.Create frame with the part and an error will be created as per the attached screenshot.
Is there a way to work around this error being created and use parts with text user parameters in Frame Generator?
I had a ipart that i already published into the content center library, how do i go back and edit the model? not all the published data but the ipart model its self
How do I change the BOM structure of iParts from Normal to Purchased? The BOM editor in the assemblies that use the iParts have the iParts as read only. I can't find a way to change them to purchased from inside the iPart either.
I've made a component pattern in an assembly using an iPart. The iPart as several different lengths, but I cannot switch lengths in the assembly. In other assemblies, right clicking on the Table icon allows me to change lengths, but this assembly will not.
In C++ can I use this function, using the key index Member string to select which row in the factory I want to insert?
In the docs all I see is Use an iPartTableRow (but no examples in C++).
Use an index, this works but I need to know the index before using it.Use a set of parameters in a string (but "[Member=142314]" does not seem to work. Can I not simple use a string with the appropriate member?
Can I use diferrent types of threads (as variants), in one iPart/iFeature file, ex. M10x1.5 (ISO Metric profile) and G1/8" (ISO Pipe Threads)? Look at the file in attachment and correct it if possible.
I have created an ipart and want to create a right hand and left hand option of that part. I can mirror the features involved and suppress the mirror feature for the the RH part and so the RH version looks fine.
BUT if the mirror feature for the LH version is in the compute state I get both handing showing. How do I suppress one handing and leave the other for my RH version.
Is it possible to add a Appearance tab to a Ipart table? I am cataloging a set of parts and one part is made with steel but in Gloss - Black and Matte - Black and i'd like to differentiate the 2 without haveing to make 2 seperate Ipart files.
I have listbox that shows ipartname of one ipartfactory it would like and me that when selecting one of them it could send to the assembly ipart selected hear show code.
Dim InvApp As Inventor.ApplicationSet InvApp = GetObject(, "Inventor.Application") Dim IpartSeleccion As ipartMemberSet IpartSeleccion = listbox1.Value Dim oDoc As AssemblyDocumentSet oDoc = InvApp.ActiveDocument Dim oOccs As ComponentOccurrencesSet oOccs = oDoc.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences
I'm trying to take multiple parts of the same type and make them into one .ipt I began doing this and It seemed to be working fine. When I put those grouped .ipts into an .iam, Inventor creates a Subfolder of each .ipt and fills it with each part from that group and now those created ipts are unique unlinked parts (unlinked to the group ipt). I'm trying to reduce our file count and link our .ipts and .idws/.dwgs so this Inventor file creator results in the opposite of what I'm looking for. My question now is is there any way to modify this process to work the way I need it to or is there a completely different way that I should be doing this?
How can I get the iPart information in a partlist.
I have a tupe DN 25 iPart where I can control the length, and i'll like to have a text I description field in my partlist that says "DN 25, Length = <actual length>".
the newest model I have made I have run into some troubles. When I switch between one member and another most parameters update correctly but the part is still requiring an update before the finished part is created.
When the feature small sheds is enabled the pattern isn't working correctly.It seems as though the height that controls the sheds is not updating during the member change process and is causing the pattern to be the wrong length.
I have set up a form to add my parameters as there are a large number in the ipart table.I can't generate my member files as they show the member before it is updated and is wrong.
Is it possible to show surfaces in a drawing view of an ipart member - although the option of include all surfaces is there I can't get them to show. Similar issue with showing sketches - get model sketches is there but nothing can be shown.
I have used ipart to create multiple members in casting & machining.but, i have face problem how to link members in that file. For example i will open 4 member in machining it will automatically refer 4 member in casting. How to link these fille.
Having this issue with IE9? I have a table driven iPart that has an expression in the description field. The expression is =PL <THICK> x <WIDTH>, so that as the thickness and width change the description of this plate also changes. I have recently added rows to this part for the use of bar instead of plate on certain shapes. In order for the bar description to match standard steel shape nomenclature the expression on these parts needs to be =BAR <WIDTH> x <THICK>. How can I add the description to the iPart table so that I can simply edit the bar parts to be as needed?
Some things to note:
1.) These are custom iParts so when the item is inserted you select the thickness, file name, save location, etc.
2.) There are about 705 lines to this iPart right now and I would prefer not to go higher.
3.) I would like to keep these as the same iPart instead of having two different files.
4.) I need the description to be an expression because long after these parts are placed, they sometimes change and I need the dimensions to update after the fact like all our other parts (so don't forget that these one won't and then the drawings are incorrect).
Inventor Professional 2013 (SP-2.3), Product Design Suite Ultimate Desktop: Intel Core i7 3.4GHz, 16.0 GB RAM, Windows 7 Ultimate SP-1, 64-bit OS, (2) GeForce GTX 580 (331.81), Space Pilot Pro (3.16.1) Laptop: Intel Core i7 3.9GHz, 16.0 GB RAM, Windows 7 Pro SP-1, 64-bit OS, GeForce GTX 780 (331.81), SpaceNavigator (3.17.7)
I am experiencing a crash when I try and place an ipart (any of them) into a new drawing. The open file box works but when the base view is placed in the drawing it has an unexpected problem and crashes.
Is this a documented problem , and a hotfix is forthcoming or is this just me and something local to my installation. Normally my install is very stable.