AutoCAD Inventor :: Attach Sliding Object To Roller Chain
Feb 11, 2013
I've got a chain that runs between two sprockets. In between the sprockets is a slider that needs to be attached to the chain so that the rolling of the chain moves the slider back and forth.Right now the chain just runs straight through the slider, it isn't connected at all. I can't find any way to tell Inventor that this slider is connected to the chain.
I am trying to create a roller chain as part of a cad drawing of a bicyle.
I created a link of the chain (pic attached) and I am following this video to repeat it as a rectangular pattern : [URL]....
However the links are not following the path they're supposed to - I can't attach that file right now.
Anything that I should do different from the video? I have been using inventor for a little while but I've never used the adaptive stetches or the functions thing ot a rectangular pattern that is not in the shape of a rectangle.
Any good place to get 3d models of roller chain sprockets? I've been looking for a while now but i can't find anything that provides the variety or accuracy i need.
I'm designing a lift truck with a "chain over" lift - the lift cylinder has a sprocket mounted on the end of the rod, and the chain is grounded on one side. The other end of the chain is mounted to a lifting carriage so that as the cylinder extends and pushes the sprocket up, the chain rolls over it and the carriage moves up (at twice the speed of the cylinder). This is nothing new - it's pretty much how every single fork truck in the world operates.
My question is this: can I use the roller chain generator to model this chain, or should I model the links and array them along a path? My thinking is that if I can use the chain generator, I should be able to animate the chain using Dynamic Simulation. But the chain generator seems to require a minimum of 2 sprockets in order to work - there's no way that I can see to have a "non-looped" chain or any way to just ground the end of the chain.
I am attempting to make a roller chain animation. what would be the best method? I have found a fairly good method of creating the chain using array in Inventor then importing it into max as the assembly arrangement needed . Can I just have all of the links follow a path?
I have published the result of a dynamic simulation to the studio environment in Inventor 2012, and I would like to fix a camera to a point on the face of a simulated object. The camera target is at a point normal to this face, and its position and rotation need to update automatically with the object's current orientation at each time step to create a "point-of-view" video. The motion is too complex to be approximated by a camera path. The dialog box to define the camera allowed me enter a parameter for the rotation, but it was not stored as a variable; it needed to be manually redefined after each time step.
I think it may be possible to create a macro to redefine the camera's position, target, and rotation between each time step of the rendered animation, but I am not at all familiar with the objects and methods of Inventor's VBA. Would it be feasible to create something like this, or is there a simpler way, such as exporting the result of the simulation to another program like 3d Studio Max?
I am trying to assemble a roller to follow the path as shown in the attached file. I am able to make it follow one path, i.e. around the bend, but then how do I make it continue along the straight section and not continue around the circular path?
I eventually intend to use the dynamic simulator tool to animate my full model. Is there a way to use the connection parameters in this environment to enable the roller to follow the correct path.
Is it possible to affix a point light to an object so it moves with it when you move the object? I know you can simply select both and move 'em together. But I made a fixture with a lot of point lights on it and it's a pain in the ass to try to select everything in order to move it and position it.
I'm trying to apply the right constraint in stress analysis environment.
How would I apply the right constraint? And to which face of the wheel or axle should I apply the constraint to get right results.
If I'm applying the sliding connection to the face of the wheel in z direction, the model will stop stress analysis with an error of "not enough constraints"
if I apply the sliding constraint to the inside of the wheel on the surface of the circle, I get the result as attached. I get 0 reaction in the Z direction which is wrong and should be zero reaction in x direction. How do I get it right?
The correct way to me would be a constraint that would only take forces in the -Y direction, same direction as gravity.
The wheel should not have any other reaction than in the Y direction. Hoe do I define that constraint? In my model the wheel are free to rotate on the axle.
I'm attaching both the general arrangement and the reaction report.
I have an issue with a sliding joint in a simulation.Here we have a very simple box with a cylinder that slides around a closed loop curve. The curve as you will see is described by two circles and one elipse that all overlap to give a smooth closed loop. In the assemble this all works fine - you can freely drag the cylinder around the curve. However in dynamic simulation when I try to insert a 'sliding cyclinder on curve' joint I get the message that only lines, arcs and splines can be used for a curve. If I change the elipse to another circle then I don't have this problem. So is Inventor restricted to arcs of circles rather than arcs of elipses? Is there a way around this?, Do have I have to draw the whole curve as a spline?
I'm trying to set up a sliding/no separation contact within and assembly for FEA purposes. I want to eliminate all moments (torque) between two pieces while still allowing one to impart force on another. When evaluating constraints, I'm seeing moments are infect being passed through. The guide mentions this contact for planer and cylindrical objects but makes no reference to spherical surfaces.
Is it possible to accomplish this type of a contact on spherical surfaces?
I’m trying to attach my deform text to my gear and make it permanent. what I was trying to do was get the text to curve and the only option I see that makes it curve the way I want it look is deform path is there another I can it I will post picture what I’m trying do and did see any video YouTube how to curve text
Has used the frame generator to model the posts and horizontal pipes that would go into a chain link fence?
We have generated several fence models as simple part files. They work in that they get the basic idea across and they're fairly quick to create. But I started thinking about a more detailed model and I wondered if it would be an appropriate use of the frame generator.
I have two set of chain drives connected to each other through a common axle. The motor (which is not visible in my assembly) drives the yellow sprocket.
The two sprockets mounted on the grey axle is attached with a key way so when the yellow sprocket turns, the two chain drives turns.
I want to attach the blue sled on the blue chain, the red sled on the red chain and then rotate the yellow sprocket so both of the sleds moves with their chains (at the same speed/ time).
The blue sled is going to move a rolled bar (the orange one) on the floor (glass square) a certain length and then the red sled is going to "take over" and continue to move the bar on the floor.
I want to make sure I´ve got the spacing between the sprockets in the short chain drive (red) correct so the red sled takes over when the blue sled disappears under the floor.
Edit: I use IV 2012, but I also downloaded IV 2013 professional (trial) so I can use the dynamic motion.
I am trying to attach an object to a motion path but when i do the object goes to the beginning of the path but when i move the time slider nothing happens and when i move the object it isn't attached to the path.
I've a character writing on something (it could be paper, wall, etc). Now I'm looking for a way that attaches brush to his hand for interactive writing on that object.
Don't say I have to sync it manually! it's a close up shot and motion captured movement. Indeed it's really complex movement! Imagine you are painting on a sphere with Maya's texture paint tool.
I have made thousands of sheet metal parts and their associated drawings without issue but this time, I made a part and attempted to make a drawing but dimension lines won't attach to certain geometry in the drawing. It acts like it will until I click the second line for the dimension then it errors, telling me the same error message that comes up when you delete a feature that previously had a dimension.
I also can't place an origin for doing a hole chart, for example. It just turns purple and says it isn't attached even though it clearly is.
I am using "Attach Text to Leader" to add information about ballooned items to the balloon leader. The same information is needed for each balloon leader as shown below.
I would like to just copy the fields from the first "Attach to Leader Text" and paste them in the subsequent "Attach to Leader Text" instances, instead of picking the "Type" and "Property" from the pull down lists for each of the three property I want to access, each time I place a "Attach to Leader Text" .
The problem is the fields in the subsequent Attach to Leader Text pasted instances do not automatically link to iProperties on the ballooned item? how to automate this procedure/
Is there a way to attach a reference file such as a pdf to an idw browser in R2013? There are many times we include torque specs, etc and it would be nice to include the catalog page or some reference to the original manufacturer specs.
Is there a way to Auto Attach a window when you create the detail view. I don't want to keep creating the view then have to turn around and attach it. That seams like way more steps than it should be.
I am looking for ways to draw the rolling of blades or slats around an axe for Aluminum Roller Shutters. The path of the rolling is an hellix, rolling around a 70 mm octogonal reel then continue downward in a downward movement.
I have attached some pics from Catalogues and Guides where such have been drawn.
Is it possible to attach a sketched symbol to a leader note? I tried the following code, but an error occurs in the line adding the sketchedsymbol. The geometry intent, which seems to be created correct, isn't a valid input for the sketched symbol.
Private Sub AttachSketchedSymbolToLeaderNote()Dim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocumentSet oDrawDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocumentDim oLeaderNote As LeaderNoteSet oLeaderNote = oDrawDoc.ActiveSheet.DrawingNotes.LeaderNotes.Item(1)Dim oSketchedSymbolDef As SketchedSymbolDefinitionSet [Code] ........