AutoCAD Inventor :: 2013 Slow To Exit?

Apr 25, 2012

I have noticed that Inventor 2013 is very slow to close out of a file.  I just opened an iam that had less than 50 parts. Rotated it to see the other side, then closed it.  Took 1min-21 seconds for the swirley circle to go away and I could open my next file.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Cannot Exit IV 2012 - Hangs On Exit

Dec 16, 2011

I am using Inventor Product Design Suite 2012.  When I try to exit Inventor 2012 it just hangs there indefinitely every time.  I have to use task manager to shut down Inventor.  It doesn't matter if I use Inventor during that session or not.  It was installed with all default settings and most current patches installed.  It was also installed with administrator privledges and UAC turned off.  This ia a clean install on a new hard disk drive.

The AutoCAD products in the bundle will hang sometimes on exit if plotting was the last command in that session.

My system is:

HP XW 8400
Dual Zeon 3.0 GHz CPU's
4 GB Ram
NVidia Quadro FX1800 Graphics Card
Windows 7 Professional with all current updates
All drivers are current

There are no anti virus software packages on this system.  The hard drive still has 120 GB free space. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2013 Slow With Edits In Assembly

Jun 13, 2013

inventor 2013- single user

working with an assembly of about 100 parts

file was working fine until about the last large componet i am working on.

when I edit a part and then hit return the ("excuting end edit componet " in lower left hand ) it seems to take some time to compute.  This part i have a lot of sketches that are tide to other componets  to create the postion of those. so i think this is the reason.  i supressed this compent and the file got about 75% better so I am thinking that this is my issue.

for example when i need to make a cut out in one compent that is overlaying another I create a construction projection of the componet and then use this to off set or create a feature from that so that if I change the other one it changes the cut out.    I am thinking the computer is having to figure out what is changing everytime.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2013 Slow With Saving And Updating?

Aug 8, 2012

I installed IV13 onto four of our workstations including the update 1. 

Due to the size and complexity of our project we are using Vault to manage all of our parts and drawings.

We had issues with 2012 but managed to get around them. I was hoping 2013 would solve some of them but we are experiencing extremely slow performance with 2013. It takes at least 15 to 20 minutes to open and update drawings. Swopping between an assembly and IDW to do updates takes another 20 minutes to refresh and update. 

This is happening on all four of the workstations.  

I have come across a few forums with this same issue and I have tried setting up the options as described in them but have had no difference in performance.

HP Elitebook 8760W
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600QM CPU @ 2HGZ
8GB Ram
Nvidia Quaadro 3000M 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2013 Extremely Slow In IDWs

May 14, 2012

When working in detail drawings inventor progessivly gets slower, the more information on the drawing, the worse it gets.I was watching the task manager, For ANY command, the 1st core runs at 100% for up to 30 seconds, while this is happening, Inventor is dead.

EG, add a revision row, delete a symbol, zoom in or out, pan, add a dimension, move a leader etc.for each command/move takes 10 to 30 seconds to get control, it took me 45 minutes, to add a revision row and print 15 drawings this morning.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: How To Save Window Settings On Exit

Apr 26, 2013

It used to be with previous releases of AutoCAD that when I opened the application it restored the window size and position to how it was when I last used it, but with 2013 and now 2014 I find this is not the case.

Basically, I most of the time am happier not having the application fill the full width of the screen, so I have the left side pulled in a certain amount, but not only do I have to pull it in each time, but there is also a small gap at the top, bottom an right side that I have to close up, which is irritating.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2013 Crash / Extremely Slow Performance With Patterns

May 28, 2013

I have a mech/mfg-necessary pattern set on several parts, to the tune of about 90 slots and 500 holes each. Inventor is absolutely sucking it up handling these parts, and the assembly of these parts together is just a complete nightmare.

I have half-hour load times, constant crashes, and to top it off, they're iparts (used in an iassembly), which means I am constantly having to regenerate the whole part family with every change, a process that can take literally hours. 

Are there substitute tricks, or display setting shenanigans I can pull?  All of the features are individually needed somewhere, but no mgf machine needs all of them present at once.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add Exit Panel Finishing Command Of Addin Button?

Dec 5, 2012

I am developing Addin for inventor in C#.

I have added single panel in my new ribbon tab. This panel contains a single button.

When user clicks this button then a dockable window is invoked.

Now I want to insert 'Exit' Panel(and "Finish" button in it) to kill the above dockable window.

e.g. If we switch on sketch mode then to exit from this mode the 'Finish' button is there in all tabs of ribbon

(As shown in below image)

I want to use this behaviour in my addin.

Is there any API to add this 'Exit' panel to terminate from any button command or do we need to add it ourselves?

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AutoCAD LT :: 2013 Slow And Crashing

Oct 11, 2012

I using a 27inch iMAC and running boot camp (WIN 7 Pro 64bit). 16GB RAM. Using NAS network storage.Graphic card. but still slow and crash it is the win 7 aero theme will affect the autocad?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: File Is Big And Slow

Jul 31, 2012

My file has over 100 layers and 20,000 containers that are in 3D. It worked fine when I drew them. After I closed the file, it always takes 5 to 10 min to open. I can't delete a layer (layer2) or rotate angle of view or any normal command such as purge and audit.., it always crashes.

I was wondering that if I did anything wrong casued this, and that whether my approach of drawing these is correct, performace wise.. and what would be the better way of doing this..because my drawing is now uesless I can't even rotate it in vp ro do anything...

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AutoCAD 2013 :: File With XRefs Too Slow?

Oct 16, 2012

When I work with a drawing that have several XRefs, it is too slow to open, save, or to do everything. I configured:


Is there any other way to improve the performance?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Slow Drawings When Using Xrefs

Oct 21, 2013

I have recently installed Autocad 2014 and am experiencing very slow and jumpy files when using x-refs. The other machines in the office where I work are not experiencing the same problem and apparently my machine is more powerful.

Originally we thought this might be a network issue (as x-refs are being referenced through the network) but when I put the actual reference files on my computer, I experienced the same issue.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Slow Over Network All Versions

Aug 14, 2013

We're an IT company that installed a new NAS for all the data in a architectural office.They are using AutoCad 2011 / 2012 / 2013LT / Revit 2011

Since we installed the new NAS and copied all the data from the old one, opening and saving files takes too long. Sometimes the files hang while regenerating. Saving can take up to more then 4 minutes.

Other applications, for example photoshop, work fine. Copying files from the local disk to the network drive, even moren than 100MB works fine.All computers have windows 7 and the NAS is from Synologie.We tried reinstalling AutoCad but that doesn't solve the problem.We tried setting the savefidelity to 0 but that doesn't solve the problem.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Drawing Opens So Slow?

Jul 8, 2013

3 MB file with several Xrefs takes about 20 mintues to open. I've purged, recoverd, and audited the working drawing and all the overlayed Xrefs, with no success. When I open in AutoCad Version 2007, it opens quickly (one minute)

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Cursor Jumping And Slow

Jun 19, 2013

I am running a new full version of AutoCAD 2014 on Windows 7 64 bit. It is litterally taking 5-7 seconds to zoom, switch pages, regen, or mostly anything else.

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AutoCad :: 2013 - Goes Very Slow When Selecting Certain Tools

May 16, 2012

Using Autocad 2013 I'm having this massive slow down when I choose a tool such as trim. All I have to do is select the trim (or chamfer etc) button for example and it's as though I get a framerate of about 5. I've never had a problem in 2012.

Rough pc specs:
win7 x64
8gb ram
i3-2100 3.1ghz
amd radeon hd 6700 (latest drivers installed)

The pc specs are fine - perhaps an issue with the graphic card?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Slow After Exiting Block Editor?

Oct 10, 2012

I recently discovered that my AutoCAD would become slow, and selection very choppy, after exiting the block editor. Running a purge, audit or regenall does not solve the problem. I have to quit the program and restart. I've also noticed that this has been happening since 2007. It is not my computer, as I am running Windows 7 x64, with AutoCAD 64 bit.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Slow Saving Larger Files

Mar 29, 2012

I find autocad2013 very very slow saving, especialley with larger files. The same files save a lot faster in 2012.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Slow Mouse Move Xendesktop 5.6?

Feb 13, 2013

We have installed autocad 2013 on windows 7 64bits VM (xendesktop 5.6 on VMWare Hypervisor) and the mouse move is very slow or the cursor stop and move again.

I have tried these tips without success


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AutoCAD 2013 :: Slow File Open - 8 Seconds Delay

Sep 6, 2013

I am using Autocad2014.  I have had issues with two windows7 64bit machines where using the file open dialogue (network file) has an 8 second delay to open the file.  If I open using recent documents(in cad) or windows file explorer to open them, there is no delay.  Moving the file to the local machine stops the delay, but removing XREF's did not.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: DataLink Manager Editor Is Extremely Slow

Feb 21, 2013

I have yet another very unique issue that has not been mentioned anywhere else that I would like to bring to the discussion table. We have a very large project that involves several different areas of design.  Each building has it's own set of cables that need to be pulled to the location so we have quite the extensive lists of cable schedule.  All of this information is in a single Excel file which is datalinked into separate drawings.  Every building has its own datalink.

For the sake of flexibility, we needed to centralize all the data into one excel file.  We then use a macro to split up all the data by building.  Each building is copied to its own worksheet (tab) in Excel.  AutoCAD then datalinks to that worksheet using the option of "Use whole Worksheet" in the Datalink definitionDid I mention there are over 80 buildings?  That means an Excel file with over 80 tabs.

So for every building package in AutoCAD, there is a separate drawing just for cable schedules which includes a table style that uses the datalink to this excel file.  We replicate quickly by coping/pasting a template file, open it and go to datalink manager, and modify the datalink by changing the tab name in the drop down menu.  Since we're linking the entire sheet, it's extremely convenient.

After adding in a lot of worksheets, AutoCAD takes about 10 minutes to open the Datalink Manager Editor to change the link from one tab name to another.  I've tried getting rid of all but two tabs in the excel file (the current target and the one I want to change it to), but to no success.  There is a direct correlation between the quantity of worksheets and the speed of getting the Datalink Editor open, but we're talking between 10-30 minutes.  The excel file is only 1.3 MB.  Any insight with the inner workings of the datalink manager?

I should also mention that just updating an existing datalink is not all that painful.  It's usually about 5 seconds to bring in a full table's worth of data from the same excel file with ALL the tabs.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Flashing / Glitchy / Slow Selection Tool

May 30, 2013

I am encountering some frustrating issues with AutoCad 2114 and Windows 8, some examples are as follows.

-Flashing, glitchy, slow selection tool.

-With all snaps on, it seems as though it is harder than usual to get it to respond.

-Rotation of 3D items very slow.

-Items disappear when zoom is used.

-Redefining blocks, the parent block either increases or decreases in size.

-When opening a dwg created on 2007 one dimension moved from original location.

- Drawing extents changes and now longer can be zoomed as before, I have tried the F1 help to define the drawing limits and this has not worked.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Works Slow And Crashes When Importing Drawings From Revit

Nov 26, 2013

I am facing problems with my autocad when i import Revit drawing to it. The file start working extremely slow, and crashes often.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Slow Lag Time Switching Between Paper And Model Space

Oct 25, 2013

I'm having an issue in 2014 with switching between model and paper space.  It takes 4-to-5 seconds for me to begin working in these spaces, after switching.  Going between tabs is not an issue, it's just switching between model and paper space that causes the lag.

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AutoCad :: 2013 On Mac Running Slow When Drawing And Copying Lines And Objects?

Sep 15, 2012

im currently using Autocad 2013 and it is running painfully slow when drawing lines and copying lines and objects... my experience on autocad is very minimal and how to speed things up a bit. also icons appear next to lines when i join 2 or more line, one for each join, but i suspect they may also be causing my drawing to lag.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: VBA Macros Very Slow?

Sep 21, 2011

I have made some macros and now with the 2012 version of Inventor it is very very slowly to open the dialog box to choose a macro. I have the windows cursor during 30 second in each time I want to select a macro.

When I have made a shortcut for one of my macros it goes good and quikly.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Exit A DLL Loaded

Nov 28, 2011

I have created a dll using and i am performing some validations in middle. If version is mismatching in program and database, i need to exit the application. How to exit the application and stop the command functionality?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: VERY Slow Performance On Patterns

Apr 12, 2012

We have multiple parts where we need a large amount of holes being patterned with the rectangular feature. why is this process and everything afterwards so ridiculously slow.? it is really driving me nuts! In solidworks this is no problem at all.

Win 7 64bit
Intel i5 560 4x3,2GHz
Nvidia quadro 4000

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Slow Reaction For Constraint

May 10, 2012

We have an interesting problem after reinstalling the software.  We found that there is a time lag between the mouse pointer and the line highlight to indicate we have click the correct entity.  The video attached in the link below may be able to explain our problem better.  In the video, we move the mouse to where we want it and it shows a time lag. 


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AutoCAD .NET :: Use END Exit A Sub At Any Point - Substitute?

Aug 8, 2013

In vba it was very convenient to use “END” the exit a sub at any point. I have a lot of code that I am trying to translate to .net  . I was hopeful if I could find a “END” substitute so that I do not have to rewrite a lot of code.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Bolted Connection Extremely Slow

Dec 7, 2011

Adding of a single bolted connection using design accelerator is painfully slow, each command is taking up to 3 minutes? It's in Inventor 2012 by the way

Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition
Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz
12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)

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